鈴木 昌治 小川 明宏 高橋 力也 米山 平 小泉 武夫
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本釀造協會雜誌 (ISSN:0369416X)
vol.79, no.8, pp.575-580, 1984-08-15 (Released:2011-11-04)

紹興酒もろみ及び麦麹より分離した発酵性酵母12株の同定試験を行ない, 形態学的性質および生理学的性質の結果よりSacch. cerevisiaeと同定した。また, これら酵母はメレジトーズの資化性 (-), ビオチン欠培地での増殖 (+), イーストサイジンの抵抗性 (-), カリ欠培地での増殖 (+), 高泡形成能 (-), L.caseiによる凝集性 (+Weak), 対5番抗原活性 (-) であり, 本邦の焼酎酵母に類似していた。本研究の遂行にあたり, 試料の提供とともに有意義な御助言を賜わった鈴木明治博士ならびに懇切なる御指導をいただいた竹田正久博士, 中田久保氏に深謝する.
高橋 力也
アジア太平洋討究 (ISSN:1347149X)
vol.42, pp.193-215, 2021-10-30 (Released:2022-03-08)

This article aims at investigating the significance of the draft provisions on piracy, commonly known as “Matsuda Draft,” submitted by Michikazu Matsuda, a Japanese lawyer-diplomat, to the League of Nations Committee of Experts in 1927, by examining the historic and legal background of the draft and Matsuda’s views on international law.The Committee of Experts was established by the League in 1924 and consisted of international lawyers from various countries to select topics of international law to be codified. Matsuda Draft, together with the so-called Harvard Draft, is widely known among current scholars as an important precedent of the formulation of the concept of piracy in international law. However, it is still unclear how the draft was drawn up and what kind of historical significance it has for the relationship between Japan and international law in the interwar period. This study compares the original text, which was initially submitted by Matsuda to the Committee, with the final draft, and then clarifies the background to the drafting of this document and its historical significance.Matsuda Draft was the first official attempt to formulate a definition of piracy. What is more important from the perspective of the history of Japan’s relationship with international law is that a Japanese international lawyer prepared a report on piracy, consolidated the various opinions expressed on it by the experts in the Committee, and reflected them into a draft treaty. This fact provides a basis to reconsider the conventional view that prewar Japan was reluctant or negative about the development of international law.
高橋 力也
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2017, no.188, pp.188_15-188_29, 2017-03-30 (Released:2018-12-19)

This article examines the Japanese government’s attitude toward the issue of “nationality of married women” in the Hague Conference for the Codification of International Law in 1930, the first diplomatic conference hosted by the League of Nations for the purpose of codification of international law. Through investigating the decision-making process on the Conference within the government, it aims at revealing the Japan’s constructive engagement in the codification project conducted by the League of Nations, which set in motion the advancement of international law during the inter-war period.It is well known that the Hague Conference marked a watershed in the history of international law. Though the achievements in the Conference were meager, it surely paved the way of setting up the current codification system in the United Nations, particularly the establishment of the International Law Commission. Seldom discussed and little known is how Japan responded to this major development in the field of international law. While some preceding literatures have elucidated the passive, or sometimes hostile, stance of Japan toward enhancement of laws of war, they have yet to show a complete picture of the Japanese view on international law at that time since they do not sufficiently address the issues of laws of peace with which the Hague Conference was mainly concerned.Probably, no issues discussed in The Hague attracted attention and received publicity more than nationality of married women. One of the reasons was that it touched the heart of the tension between the concept of family unity and gender equality. At the time of 1930, while most countries still adhered to the old principle that wife follows the nationality of husband in case of international marriage, some national legislations had discarded it and allowed an alien woman who married their national to retain her original nationality if she wished so. It was against this background that the Hague Conference attempted to reconcile the difference between legislations in nationality of married women by means of multilateral convention.While Japan still maintained the old principle in its nationality law based on the traditional family values, it took a somewhat flexible stance in The Hague. Interestingly enough, Tokyo instructed its delegation to the Conference that if a consensus emerged among states, they could go along with the proposed article, which granted a married woman the right to choose not to acquire husband’s nationality. These findings suggest that at that time Japan sought to project its image as an important contributor to the development of international law through its active participation to the codification project by the League.
高橋 力也
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2021, no.204, pp.204_66-204_82, 2021-03-31 (Released:2022-03-31)

This article aims to examine the process by which the project of codifying international law was initiated in the League of Nations in the 1920s, particularly focusing on the contribution made by an American international lawyer, Manley O. Hudson.The codification efforts for international law under the aegis of the League of Nations, including the Hague Codification Conference in 1930, are considered to be crucial in the history of international law. During this period, not only did the number of multilateral treaties increase dramatically, but also non-Western states began to participate in treaty negotiations through the forum of the League, and the international law-making process, which had previously been dominated by the Western powers, was transformed into a more universal one.Nevertheless, the development of international law was not necessarily promised by the establishment of the League Covenant. In the first place, the drafters of the Covenant had little interest in the enhancement of international law in general. This is evidenced by the fact that the Covenant contained only one sentence in the preamble that referred to international law. What is more, at the first Assembly of the League in 1920, a resolution proposing to embark on the project of codification was rejected.How did the League then change its course and decided to undertake the project for assembling the Hague Conference? The League’s efforts for codification were in fact not solely made for the purpose of development of international law. With the United States showing a keen interest in hosting a codification conference at that time, some League officials were concerned that the role as the bearer of the global legal order would shift from Geneva to Washington. Hudson, who was a temporary member of the Secretariat of the League, strongly shared this concern; he submitted a memorandum to the Secretary-General, Sir Eric Drummond, suggesting the League demonstrate its initiative in codification in order to preserve the League’s presence in the making of global law. With the approval of Drummond, Hudson co-drafted a resolution on the project of codification of international law which was adopted at the Fifth Session of the League’s Assembly in 1924.Hudson’s proposal became the catalyst for the League to quickly take up the initiative on the codification of international law; it paved the way for the holding of the first codification conference in The Hague. For the League, the codification was one of the means for maintaining its leadership of world order building in relation to the United States.
高橋 力也 小林 希実 比嘉 克 酒井 麻衣
Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
日本野生動物医学会誌 (ISSN:13426133)
vol.26, no.4, pp.143-146, 2021-12-24 (Released:2022-02-28)

本研究は,ミナミハンドウイルカ(Tursiops aduncus) における生理学的知見の蓄積を目的として,餌の消化管通過速度を測定する実験を行った。実験は飼育下のミナミハンドウイルカのオス1頭を対象とし,3日間1日1回行われた。赤色色素を粉のままゼラチン製の薬用カプセルに梱包し,餌のカラフトシシャモの体内に挿入し給餌した。着色餌の給餌後,水中観察窓から連続観察を行った。着色餌の給餌から,初めて糞に赤色が確認されるまでの期間をIPT (Initial Passage Time) と定義した。着色糞は3日間全ての実験で確認された。着色糞が最初に観察されるまでの経過時間(IPT) は平均254 ± 20.4 分(n=3)であった。先行研究における同属のハンドウイルカの平均IPTと比べ近い値となった。本研究により,ミナミハンドウイルカは摂餌から最短で4時間から6時間程度で排泄し,加えて餌が消化管内に20時間以上留まる可能性があることが通常色の糞の観察から示唆された。
高橋 力也

本研究は、国際連盟における国際法の法典化事業に深く関与した米国の国際法学者ハドソン(Manley O. Hudson)の残した個人文書や、米国政府の外交記録等を海外の公文書館・図書館で渉猟し、これらの分析をすることで、連盟を中心に行われた国際法の発展に対する米国の関わりを史的に明らかにするものである。