高田 洋子 Yoko TAKADA
環境情報研究 = Journal of Environmental Studies
no.11, pp.57-72, 2003-04-30

The purpose of this paper, (the second part of an aricle first published in 2000), is to make clear the social characteristics of the area in and around Narita and Sakura (Shimousa), comparing "the opening process" with that of the Mekong delta. The writer discusses how the epoch-making development of the Shimousa plateau during the Meiji period came about due to its natural environment despite difficulties with land use and government settlement policies. The writer focuses principally on Tomisato, an area southeast of Inba lake near Narita and Sakura. In contrast with the Mekong delta, a large amount of archaeological and historical evidences tracing the process of deforestation has been discovered in this low land and plateau region. Based on historical documentation, the social structure of medieval (12th century) Tomisato is examined including that of Shimousakoku Intousyo Goujison Kyoumyo. The writer notes that Kenchi was undertaken in this area at the end of the 16th century and contrasts the Kenchi-cho with Dia ba of the 19th century Vietnam. The writer further evaluates the advanced policies of the Japanese authorities in their more direct control of land and people. In 1722 Edo Bakuhu advanced the so-called Kyoho-Kaikaku project to clear land and increase taxation. The writer notes that once local residents had finished completely opening low lands to rice cultivation in their village, they found that they could not clear the adjoining diluvial plateau due to serious troubles with its soil. This was despite the fact that the Edo government allowed cultivation of its public land, Makiba. At the beginning of Meiji period, the villages of Nanae and Tokura were established on the Tomisato plateau. This was part of a relocation project by the new government to help reduce social tentions in Tokyo where unemployment was becoming a problem. The writer details methods used to recruit laborers for the project, listing demographic information sucn as age, former occupation and influence on the area's development. (continued)
高田 洋子 Yoko Takada 敬愛大学環境情報研究所 Institute of Environmental Studies Keiai University
環境情報研究 = Journal of Environmental Studies
no.8, pp.5-13, 2000-04-30

This study is one part of a cooperative study entitled "Empirical Research on the Social and Cultural Charactaristics of the surrounding areas of Sanrizuka, Narita-city, Chiba-prefecture." The writer focuses on the historical changes in the Boso peninsula of Chiba Prefecture brought by the reclamation policy of the Meiji Government that was carried on in Shimousa. This was a designed for unemployed samurais and the destitute of Tokyo to clear woodlands on the Simousa Plateau. The names of the hamlets that were founded by settlers still remain in north western Shimousa. The purpose of this study is to examine more closely the long-term historical development of the origins of settlement in the Sanrizuka area located in Shimousa after World War II. The writer will compare the process of the opening up of the Shimousa Plateau with the clearing of the Mekong Delta in the next issue.
高田 洋子
福井大学教育地域科学部紀要 (ISSN:2185369X)
no.4, pp.249-268, 2014-01-10

福井大学教育地域科学部紀要(応用科学 家政編) , 4, 2013
高田 洋子
環境情報研究 (ISSN:0919729X)
vol.11, pp.57-72, 2003-04

The purpose of this paper, (the second part of an aricle first published in 2000), is to make clear the social characteristics of the area in and around Narita and Sakura (Shimousa), comparing "the opening process" with that of the Mekong delta. The writer discusses how the epoch-making development of the Shimousa plateau during the Meiji period came about due to its natural environment despite difficulties with land use and government settlement policies. The writer focuses principally on Tomisato, an area southeast of Inba lake near Narita and Sakura. In contrast with the Mekong delta, a large amount of archaeological and historical evidences tracing the process of deforestation has been discovered in this low land and plateau region. Based on historical documentation, the social structure of medieval (12th century) Tomisato is examined including that of Shimousakoku Intousyo Goujison Kyoumyo. The writer notes that Kenchi was undertaken in this area at the end of the 16th century and contrasts the Kenchi-cho with Dia ba of the 19th century Vietnam. The writer further evaluates the advanced policies of the Japanese authorities in their more direct control of land and people. In 1722 Edo Bakuhu advanced the so-called Kyoho-Kaikaku project to clear land and increase taxation. The writer notes that once local residents had finished completely opening low lands to rice cultivation in their village, they found that they could not clear the adjoining diluvial plateau due to serious troubles with its soil. This was despite the fact that the Edo government allowed cultivation of its public land, Makiba. At the beginning of Meiji period, the villages of Nanae and Tokura were established on the Tomisato plateau. This was part of a relocation project by the new government to help reduce social tentions in Tokyo where unemployment was becoming a problem. The writer details methods used to recruit laborers for the project, listing demographic information sucn as age, former occupation and influence on the area's development. (continued)
高田 洋子 高田 滋 高田 滋

南塚 信吾 下斗米 伸夫 加納 格 伊集院 立 今泉 裕美子 佐々木 直美 木畑 洋一 橋川 健竜 小澤 弘明 趙 景達 山田 賢 栗田 禎子 永原 陽子 高田 洋子 星野 智子

本研究は、1980年代の世界史を、いわば輪切りにして同時代史的に分析し、それを一つの有機的に繋がる世界史として認識する視座と方法を探り出すことを目的とした。そして、まず、現代に繋がるグローバルな諸問題を確認した。それは、(1) グローバリゼーションの過程の始まり、(2) ネオリベラリズムの登場とIMFモデルの神格化、(3) 市民社会論の台頭、(4) IT革命、(5) 大量の人の移動などである。次いで、このグローバルな問題に対応して、世界の諸地域での根本的な変化を確認した。そして、アフリカやラテンアメリカでの構造改革から始まり、中越戦争、アフガン戦争、イラン革命の三つの変動を経て、ソ連や東欧での社会主義体制の崩壊、イスラーム主義の登場と湾岸戦争などにいたる世界の諸地域の有機的相互関係を析出した。