鶴崎 展巨 川上 大地 太田 嵩士 藤崎 謙人 坂本 千紘
山陰自然史研究 (ISSN:13492535)
vol.11, pp.33-44, 2015-03-31

2013年から2014年にかけて鳥取砂丘の全域でハンミョウ類の生息調査をおこない,カワラハンミョウの幼虫の巣穴が砂丘のほぼ全域にみられるのに対し,エリザハンミョウのそれはオアシス周辺の湿り気のある砂泥地表に限定されていることを確認した。1990年代までオアシス周辺で生息が確認されていたハラビロハンミョウは確認できず,鳥取砂丘からは絶滅したと判断される。当地は環境省国立公園の特別保護地区であり,採集は厳密に規制されているのでこの絶滅は1994年からはじまった除草に影響された可能性が強く疑われる。本種の鳥取砂丘内での最終確認は1997年である。カワラハンミョウとエリザハンミョウについてはコドラート調査により,カワラハンミョウは基本的に年1化で1 ~ 2齢の幼虫で越冬,エリザハンミョウも年1化だがすべての齢で越冬していると推定された。巣穴は1年をとおして集中分布でとくに若齢幼虫の多い秋季にはその傾向がめだった。We surveyed distributions and life histories of cicindelid beetles in Tottori Sand Dunes, Tottori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Larval nests of Chaetodera laetescripta were widely found in the bare arenaceous ground around vegetation of sandy shore plants in the dunes, while those of Cilindela elisae were limited to the bare silt-mingling arenaceous ground along the stream flowing into the pool called "Oasis". No adults and nests of Calomera angulata (Fabricius, 1798) that had been found up to 1990s around "Oasis"were found. Absence of the records of Calomera angulata from Tottori Sand Dunes after the last observation in 1997 strongly suggests extinction of the species in the area. It is highly suggested that weeding activities that started in 1994 in Tottori Sand Dunes influenced negatively for the occurrence of the species, because Tottori Sand Dunes has been designated as a special protection area of the national parks by the Japan Ministry of Environment and collecting animals and plants and other activities that may influence conservation of the environment are strictly regulated. Chaetodera laetescripta and Cilindela elisae were univoltine and adults appeared from July. Analyses of dispersion pattern of larval nests for the two species showed contagious distribution.
鶴崎 展巨 岡田 叡 沓野 高也 深澤 豊武 湯本 祥平
山陰自然史研究 (ISSN:13492535)
vol.13, pp.1-10, 2016-03-31

鳥取砂丘ではオアシス周辺でしか営巣がみられず個体群の消失が懸念されるエリザハンミョウの成虫に2015年に個体マークをほどこし,標識再捕法により出現個体数を推定した。成虫は6 月下旬から9月下旬までみられた。断続的につづいた長雨の影響などにより8月中旬から1カ月以上のデータが採れなかったが,最盛期と考えられる7月下旬にはJolly-Seber法による個体数推定値は2,300を超えた。この個体数は巣穴調査から予想した生息数よりもかなり多いが,個体数変動の大きい昆虫などで個体群を健全に維持するのに一般に必要とされる約10,000個体には届いていない。交尾は調査開始直後の7月上旬から8月上旬まで継続的にみられた。エリザハンミョウの発見地点と再捕地点はすべてオアシス周辺の湿りをおびた裸地に集中していた。カワラハンミョウが周辺の砂地にまで広く生息するのと対照的である。調査中,コニワハンミョウが2個体,鳥取砂丘オアシス周辺では初めて記録された。Population size of a tiger beetle species, Cylindera elisae (Motschulsky, 1859) whose single colony in the so-called “Oasis” area in Tottori Sand Dunes, Tottori City, Honshu, Japan may be endangered, was estimated in the area in 2015 by using mark-recapture experiments. A total of 304 adults of Cy. elisae and 77 adults of Chaetodera laetescripta (Motschulsky, 1860) were individually marked during the summer, though data from 5 August to 28 September were missing due to a long spells of bad weather and other reasons. The highest number of adults estimated by the Jolly-Seber method was ca. 2,300 recorded on 18 July. Mating pairs were persistently observed from early July to early August. The sites where adults of Cy. elisae were caught first and those where they were recaptured were concentrated on the moistened bare ground near the “Oasis” pool, whereas those of Chaetodera laetescripta (Motschulsky, 1860) were spread out to dry sandy areas neighboring “Oasis”. A few adults of Cicindela transbaicalica japanensis Chaudoir, 1863 were first recorded from “Oasis” area along a stream in the dunes.
鶴崎 展巨
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.49, pp.3-22, 2020-08-31 (Released:2020-09-03)

This paper reviews major results of taxonomical studies on Japanese species of harvestmen made by me over the past 40 years. The first attempt as a postgraduate student was to provide precise species identification of all-female populations of the curvipalpe-group of Leiobunum (Eupnoi: Sclerosomatidae) in Hokkaido. It was confirmed that they were Leiobunum manubriatum and L. globosum and they were facultative thelytokes showing typical patterns of geographic parthenogenesis. Leibunum manubriatum consisted of diploid populations with 2n=24 and tetraploid populations with 2n=ca. 48, while L. globosum was a tetraploid species with 2n=ca. 48. Population genomics analyses recently made revealed that L. globosum originated from tetraploid populations of L. manubriatum, thus L. manubriatum is paraphyletic. Most of the Japanese species of Opiliones having wide distributional ranges are polytypic and consist of many geographic races that intergrade one another by making hybrid zones where they meet. Some topics for those species revealed by cytogenetical analyses are briefly reviewed. They include chromosomal hybrid zones in several species, two cases of circular overlap in Gagrellula ferruginea, and B–chromosomes in Psathyropus tenuipes.
鶴崎 展巨
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.22, pp.3-14, 2007-02-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Recent taxonomic and phylogeographic studies of various terrestrial organisms in the Chugoku Mountains, western Honshu, Japan, have revealed a number of remarkable geographic differentiations among populations in the mountainous regions. Interestingly, geographical boundaries of those differentiations tend to occur intensively in three areas: 1) Sendai River (eastern part of Tottori Prefecture), 2) Asahi River (Okayama Pref.) and Hino River (western part of Tottori Pref.), 3) Ota River (western part of Hiroshima Pref.) and Takatsu River (western part of Shimane Pref.). Each of these river systems has worked as a geographical barrier that facilitates genetic differentiation among the populations or as a barrier to block dispersal of populations that had already differentiated elsewhere. The current paper reviews various examples of geographic differentiations of terrestrial animals, especially harvestmen and other arthropods, in the Chugoku Mountains and discusses possible factors inducing these population differentiations.
鶴崎 展巨

アカサビザトウムシGagrellula ferruginea(クモガタ綱ザトウムシ目)では,これまでに2カ所(長野県北アルプス周辺と香川県讃岐山地)で環状重複とみられる現象が生じている。これら両地域で染色体や色斑の調査を進め,両地域でのその様相の詳細を追跡した。北アルプスの同所的集団では相互に数も核型も大きく異なる。両者の交配前生殖隔離機構が不完全で,繁殖干渉により同所的になれない可能性が高い。讃岐山地では同所的集団は竜王山山頂付近のごく狭い範囲に限定されており,周辺はすべて2n=12の集団で固められていることがわかった。
鶴崎 展巨 小玉 芳敬
山陰自然史研究 (ISSN:13492535)
vol.5, pp.35-38, 2010-04

鳥取県岩美町の7つの砂浜と鳥取砂丘東端の海岸砂丘でウスバカゲロウ幼虫(アリジゴク)の分布を調査した。鳥取砂丘でみられる 種(ハマベウスガカゲロウ,クロコウスバカゲロウ,オオウスバカゲロウ,コカスリウスバカゲロウ)のうち,岩美町ではハマベウスガカゲロウをのぞく3種が出現した。小礫~中礫の礫浜または極粗砂の砂浜である鴨ヶ磯と城原海岸ではいずれの種も確認できなかった。鳥取砂丘と岩美町内の海浜の間に砂浜の粒径には大きな差はなく,岩美町内の砂浜でハマベウスバカゲロウがみられない理由は粒径では説明できない。ハマベウスバカゲロウの既知生息地との比較から,海浜の規模が小さいことと,砂丘の形成が弱いことがハマベウスバカゲロウを欠く理由と推測された。 We surveyed distribution of antlions (larvae of Myrmeleontidae) in 14 sites from 7 sandy beaches in Iwami-cho, easternmost town of Tottori Prefecture and Tottori Sand Dunes. Of the four species (Myrmeleon solers, M. bore, Heoclisis japonica, Distoleon contubernalis) known from Tottori Sand Dunes, three species excluding a pit-building species M. solers were found to occur in the Iwami-cho. No species were found in Kamogaiso Beach and Shirawara Beach that are pebble to cobble or very coarse sandy beaches. Absence of M. solers in beaches in Iwami-cho cannot be explained by sand grain size because there were no significant differences between Tottori Sand Dunes and beaches in Iwami-cho. Comparison with beaches where occurrence of M. solers has been reported and beaches in Iwami-cho suggested shorter coast lines and lower development of sand dunes behind beaches in Iwami-cho may explain the absence of the species in Iwami-cho.
島野 智之 蛭田 眞平 富川 光 布村 昇 寺山 守 平野 幸彦 馬場 友希 西川 勝 鶴崎 展巨 佐藤 英文
小笠原研究年報 (ISSN:03879844)
no.41, pp.137-144, 2018-07-31

小笠原諸島のうち、弟島3地点、父島8地点、母島6地点、合計17地点から、192個体あまりの土壌節足動物が得られた。同定の結果37種と判別され、このうち、学名が確定したりあるいは未記載種でも種レベルで同定が行われたりしたものは、26種であった。特筆すべきは、グンバイウデカニムシCheilidium aokii Sato, 1984の2例目の記録、アシジロヒラフシアリTechnomyrmex brunneus Forel, 1895の弟島からの初記録、また、アサヒヒメグモEuryopis perpusilla Ono, 2011も母島初記録であった。外来種であるホソワラジムシPorcellionides pruinosus(Brandt, 1833)は、父島と母島から見いだされた。
鶴崎 展巨
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.52, pp.4-16, 2022-02-28 (Released:2022-03-01)

Reproductive interference may be liable to occur in harvestmen, because of their non-elaborated mating behavior and presence of nuptial gifts that may elicit females’ less discrimination to mates. Thus, it is probable that a substantial difference in body size is crucial for building sympatry for two closely related species of harvestmen lacking an effective pre-mating barrier for reproductive isolation. I will review some possible cases of character displacement found in Japanese harvestmen: 1) Leiobunum montanum and L. hiraiwai: These two species occurring widely in beech forests in western Japan show a checkerboard pattern of distribution, i.e., they do not coexist in a single local area. A single exception to the rule is found on the northern slope of Mt. Hyonosen, Tottori, where L. montanum getting extremely elongated body coexists with L. hiraiwai. 2) Gagrellula ferruginea and G. testacea: Distributional ranges of the two species meet at the western part of Hiroshima Prefecture, making a narrow zone of sympatry, though a few introgressions of genes are also indicated. Gagrellula testacea becomes smaller in Kyushu where larger G. grandis occurs and attains the smallest body in Shikoku where it becomes sympatric with G. ferruginea. Other examples include 3) Nelima genufusca, N. nigricoxa, and related species; 4) Pseudobiantes japonicus and Epedanellus tuberculatus (Laniatores: Epedanidae).
谷本 純子 有馬 千弘 亀田 篤史 花房 佑樹 鶴崎 展巨
山陰自然史研究 (ISSN:13492535)
no.5, pp.39-42, 2010-04-05

鳥取県に最近侵入したと考えられる外来性の半翅目昆虫2 種,アワダチソウグンバイとセイタカアワダチソウヒゲナガアブラムシの鳥取県内における分布を調べた。アワダチソウグンバイはセイタカアワダチソウの調査地点ではほとんどの場所で確認された.よって本種はすでに全県的に分布を拡大していると思われる。また,本県の東部から西部までの広範囲で,セイタカアワダチソウヒゲナガアブラムシの生息を鳥取県から初めて確認した。 / The lace bug, Corythucha marmorata iptera: Tingidae) is an exotic species of Tingidae which was recently introduced to Tottori Prefecture. Although the species utilizes an exotic plant, goldenrod Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae) as a main host, it also attacks crops such as the sweet potato Ipomoea batatas (Convolvulaceae). Thus special attention is needed for the expansion of the species range. We surveyed present range of distribution of C. marmorata in Tottori Prefecture, by checking S. altissima growing roadside along main national roads. The species was widely found from various sites of Tottori Prefecture. During the survey, we also found colonies of an exotic aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum (Hemiptera: Homoptera: Aphididae) which is also parasitic on S. altissima from various sites in the prefecture.
鶴崎 展巨 岡田 珠美 有田 立身 井原 庸
山陰自然史研究 (ISSN:13492539)
vol.4, pp.23-48, 2008-12-31

文献記録と新たに採集された標本にもとづき, 鳥取県産として44科438種の真正クモ類(クモガタ綱クモ目)の記録をまとめた。次の26種は鳥取県内初記録となる:イトグモ, テナガマシラグモ, ナルトミダニグモ, コガネヒメグモ, マダラヒメグモ, クロササヒメグモ, クロテナガグモ, シバサラグモ, タイリクコサラグモ, ズブトヌカグモ, チュウガタシロカネグモ, チクニドヨウグモ, キタドヨウグモ, キヌアシナガグモ, オオクマヤミイロオニグモ, シロゴミグモ, クマダギンナガゴミグモ,Lathysdihamata Paik 1979,ムナキワシグモ, ヤマヨリメケムリグモ, モリメキリグモ, アシダカグモ, トライコアシダカグモ, チクニエビスグモ, ヤガタハエトリ, ナカヒラハエトリ。|On the basis of literature records and specimens newly obtained, a total of 438 species belonging to 44 familes of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from Tottori Prefecture, western Honshu, Japan are catalogued. Following 26 species are recorded as new to spider fauna of Tottori Prefecture: Loxosceles rufescens (Duf'our, 1820), Masirana longimana Yaginuma, 1970, Ischnothyreus narutomii (Nakatsudi, 1942), Chrysso scintillans (Thorell,1895), Steatoda triangulosa (Walckenaer, 1802) , Thymoites okumae (Yoshida, 1988), Bathyphantes robustus Oi, 1960, Neriene herbosa (Oi, 1960), Parasisis amurensis Eskov, 1984, Saitonia orientalis (Oi, 1960), Leucauge blanda (L. Koch, 1878) , Metleucauge chikunii Tanikawa, 1992, Metleucauge yaginumai Tanikawa, 1992; Tetragnatha lauta Yaginuma, 1959; Araneus acusisetus Zhu & Song, 1994, Cyclosa alba Tanikawa, 1992, Cyclosa kumadai Tanikawa,1992, Lathys dihamata Paik, 1979, Cladothela unciinsignita (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906), Drassyllus sasakawai Kamura, 1987, Gnaphosa potanini Simon, 1895,Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus, 1763), Sinopoda koreana (Paik, 1968), Synaema chikunii Ono, 1983, Pseudeuophrys erratica (Walckenaer, 1825), Sibianor kochiensis (Bohdanowicz & Proszynski, 1987).