百鬼 史訓 斉藤 和男 高橋 彬 黒川 隆志
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.9, no.3, pp.29-37, 1977-03-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the morphological features and characteristics of the standing posture of the Kendomen in comparison with the Judomen and non-athletes.We studied on the changes of the relief of the back during various standing posture with the aid of moire contourography. And also, we studied on the vertebral column by the conformateur and the perpendicular line of the body gravity center by the gravianalyzer.The subjects for this study were thirty four Kendomen, twenty six Judomen and twelve non-athletes, students of Tsukuba University, aged 18-20 years.The results were as follows:1) In the girth of the upper limb and the forearm of the Kendomen, a striking contrast between right and left was observed.2) The right shoulder of the back of the Kendomen had a tendency to be in the front and downward.3) The moire contourography of the back of the Kendomen, Uudomen and non-athletes were taken and the characteristics of the relief of their back were examined.4) Of the vertebral angles of the Kendomen,. the angle A (inclination of cervical lumbar line) in the relaxed posture took a negative value, and this tendency was more conspicuous in good and military posture.5) In the position of the body gravity center,. little difference was found between the Kendomen and the non-athletes.6) A few students both in the Kendomen and non-anthletes had the perpendicular line of the body gravity center laid upon the aulicular line. In the good or military posture, the incidence of the overlie of two lines became more frequent.
黒川 隆志 崔 泰羲
広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 (ISSN:04408713)
vol.39, pp.149-158, 1990

さまざまな水泳の授業形態の中で自由遊び, 水泳練習, テスト及び休憩が含まれている小学生の水泳授業を対象にして, 物理的運動強度としての泳速及び生理的運動強度としての心拍数を分析した結果, 次の結論を得た。①水泳練習(0.50m/秒)とテスト(0.49m/秒)の泳速は自由遊び(0.17m/秒)の約3倍に相当した。②休憩を含む泳速では, 自由遊び(0.17m/秒)と水泳練習(0.16m/秒)とでほぼ等しかった。しかし, テストでは, 休憩時間が長かったため遅い泳速度(0.04m/秒)が示された。③水泳練習と自由遊びではAerTからAnT間にそれぞれ全心拍数の28%と27%, AnT以上に2%と1%の心拍数が含まれ, 主として有酸素能力の改善が期待できた。④テストではAerTからAnT間に全心拍数の18%, AnT以上に9%の心拍数が含まれ, 有酸素能力の改善も期待できた。The purpose of this study was to compare the exercise intensity during play activities, practice and time trial in swimming pool for boys and girls aged 9 to 10 years. After analyzing the heart rate and swimming velocity during those activities, we obtained the following results.(1) Swimming velocities during practice (0.50m/sec) and time trial (0.49m/sec) were approximately three times as much as that during play activities (0.17m/sec).(2) Swimming velocities including rest during play activities (0.17m/sec) and practice (0.16m/sec) were approximately four times as much as that during time trial (0.04m/sec).(3) The distribution of the heart rate during practice and play activities included 28% and 27% between AerT and AnT, and 2% and 1% over AnT, respectively. This indicates that aerobic power may be prominently improved by practice and play activities.(4) The distribution of the heart rate during time trial included 18% between AerT and AnT, and 9% over AnT. This indicates that aerobic and anaerobic power may be improved by time trial.
黒川 隆志 上田 毅 黒坂 志穂

高橋 和文 黒川 隆志 磨井 祥夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.50, no.2, pp.189-200, 2005-03-10

本研究では, 100m疾走中の速度変化を表す2つの指標を提案し, その有用性を明らかにすることを目的とした.1つの指標は, Furusawa et al.の理論式からの偏倚の程度を距離で示す累積速度偏差である.もう1つの指標である累積速度偏差率は, 最高速度発現後からゴールまでの速度低下の総量を同区間の理論値に対する割合として定義した.1)累積速度偏差の有用性を判断するために, 5m区間ごとの値を算出し, 速度変化の時系列に沿った分析を行った.その結果, スタートから5m地点までの累積速度偏差は, 反応時間を含めたスタート技術に関与すると考えられる高値を示した.次の5-10m区間では, 累積速度偏差は全区間中で最も低値を示し, 30m地点に至るまで増加傾向を示した.しかし, その後の30-35m区間では, 累積速度偏差は前区間と同値を示し, 次の35-40m区間では, 前区間より低値を示した.また, 最高速度発現後(40m以降)の累積速度偏差は, 80m地点に至るまでの上に凸な曲線的増加と80-100m区間の直線的増加を示した.これらのことから, 累積速度偏差は, 100m走中の速度変化の過程を客観的に区分することのできる指標であることが示された.2)累積速度偏差率の有用性を判断するために, 目的変数として100m走タイム, 説明変数として最高速度, 最高速度の到達時間, 速度逓減率, 累積速度偏差率を用いた重回帰分析を行った.その結果, 多重共線性が無く, 有意な予測値を示した説明変数は, 「最高速度と累積速度偏差率」の組み合わせだけであった.この結果から, 累積速度偏差率は速度逓減率に比べて, 速度低下を説明できるより有効な指標であることが示唆された.
崔 勝旭 黒川 隆志 仰木 孝治 胡 泰志
教科教育学研究 (ISSN:13402900)
no.10, pp.53-62, 1995-03-31

軽装時の児童の水辺事故防止の観点から, Tシャツだけ及びTシャツ+長ズボンを着用した着衣泳と水着泳の間で, 泳速, ストローク頻度とストローク長, 及び心拍数を比較検討した。10名の児童を対象に, クロール, 平泳及び背泳の3泳法で25mを全力で泳がせた。その結果, 次の結論を得た。①クロールは水着の場合3泳法中最も速い0.69m/秒の泳速を示した。水着泳に対する着衣泳の泳速はTシャツ泳で12.2%(P<0.05), Tシャツ+長ズボン泳で26.7%(P<0.01)低下した。②背泳は水着の場合3泳法中最も遅い0.49m/秒の泳速を示した。水着泳に対する着衣泳の泳速はTシャツ泳で2.3%, Tシャツ+長ズボン泳で24.5%(P<0.001)低下した。③平泳は水着の場合3泳法中第2位の0.58m/秒の泳速を示した。水着泳に対する着衣泳の泳速はTシャツ泳で5.9%, Tシャツ+長ズボン泳で12.7%(P<0.01)低下した。④Tシャツ泳の泳速はクロール, 平泳, 背泳の順に高かった。Tシャツ+長ズボン泳の泳速はクロールと平泳の間に差はなかったが, 背泳はこれらより遅かった。⑤着衣泳の泳速の低下はクロールではストローク頻度の影響が大きく, 平泳ではストローク長の影響が大きく, 背泳では両者が影響した。⑥生理的運動強度としての心拍数はどの泳法においても150拍/分前後であり, 着衣泳と水着泳の間に差はなかった。The comparison of the effect of swimming in swimming wear and swimming in T-shirts or in T-shirts and pants to the swimming speed, frequency and length of strokes, and heart rate was made with a view to preventing children from drowning accidents. Ten children were allowed to devote all their energy to swim a span of 25m with the front crawl stroke, the breast stroke and the back crawl stroke. The results were as follows:(1) The front crawl stroke in swimming wear showed the fastest swimming speed of 0.69 m/s among the three swimming strokes. The swimming speed in T-shirts and in T-shirts and pants were 12.2% (p<0.05) and 26.7% (p<0.01) lower than that in swimming wear, respectively.(2) The back crawl stroke in swimming wear showed the slowest swimming speed of 0.49 m/s among the three swimming strokes. The swimming speed in T-shirts and in T-shirts and pants were 2.3% and 24.5% (p<0.001) lower than that in swimming wear, respectively.(3) The breast stroke in swimming wear showed the second swimming speed of 0.58 m/s among the three swimming strokes. The swimming speed in T-shirts and in T-shirts and pants were 5.9% and 12.7% (p<0.01) lower than that in the swimming wear, respectively.(4) In T-shirts, the descending order of the swimming speed were from the front crawl stroke to the breast stroke and the back crawl stroke. In swimming speed in T-shirts and pants, there was no difference between the front crawl stroke and the breast stroke, but the back crawl stroke was lower than those two strokes.(5) The declining tendency of swimming speed in clothes was remarkably affected by the frequency of stroke in the front crawl stroke, by the length of stroke in the breast stroke, and by both factors in the back crawl stroke.(6) The heart rate registered around 150 beats/min in any stroke. No major difference was noticed between swimming in clothes and swimming in swimming wear.