木庭 康樹 田井 健太郎 上田 丈晴 沖原 謙
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-26, 2009 (Released:2012-12-17)

This study aims to clarify the structure of sports games in order to analyze soccer games. In this paper, we paid our attention to “gymnos agon (bodily movement competitions)” of ancient Greece that are the origin of sports, and particularly considered “agon (competition)” which is the basis of the meaning of this word.We focused on the structure of “competition” as “play” to clarify the concept of “competition” that is the basis for the meaning of “bodily movement competition”. By doing so we were able to formulate the function of this structure by the following comparative function.On a condition of r, AG = cf(a,b) = a›b, a=b, a‹b(where, r : rule, AG : agon, cf : comparative function, a : contestant, b : opponent, › : win, = : draw, ‹ : loss)In this paper, we put various functions that convert all bodily movement of contestants into the numerical formula in the above function of competition, using the concept of “nested functions (to put a function in another function)”, for the consideration of “bodily movement related to competition” that is our future topic of this study. We were able to connect the function of competition with “bodily elements” of sport structure that Tomihiko Sato had presented.Since the bodily movement of sport is prescribed by the above function of competition, it is not very effective to consider the bodily movement regardless of the “competition” by taking out the bodily movement from the sport. Our future topic is to consider the concept of “bodily movement” that is an attribute of “bodily movement competitions”, and the last aim of this study is to clarify the entirety of “bodily movement competitions (sports)” on the basis of the results considered in this paper.
沖原 謙 塩川 満久 柳原 英兒 松本 光弘 出口 達也 菅 輝 磨井 祥夫

これまで本研究グループでは、DLT法による三次元解析を利用し、サッカー競技の選手のポジショニングとチームの戦術について客観化を行なってきた。そして、本年度はサッカー競技(日本代表 vs. UAE、サンフレッチェ広島 vs. 横浜マリノス、韓国Kリーグの公式戦)を研究対象とし、「モダンサッカーにおける攻守の切り替えとコンパクトの関係」について考察した。この研究については、The Vth World Congress on Science and Footballにて発表予定である。モダンサッカーでは、一試合<90分>を通じてチームの状態がコンパクトに保たれ、その結果、攻守の切り替えの数は約400回にも及んでいる。つまり、技術や体力の向上が繰り返されてきたにもかかわらず、攻撃のチームがボールを短い時間内で失っている。この現象は、モダンサッカーのキーワードとも言えるコンパクトが戦術的にどのように関係しているか、客観的なデータを元に考察を加えた。以上の結果は以下のように示された。1.分析対象とした試合について、チームの縦幅と横幅を測定した結果、攻撃のほうが守備よりも広く、守備のほうが攻撃よりも狭い傾向が認められ、現代サッカーにおける「コンパクト」は、守備における合理性を意味し、攻撃時の合理性ではない。2.コンパクトなもとでの戦いの意味は、「攻撃側が狭い形、守備側が広い形」での両チームにとって不完全な状態での戦いを意味していることが示唆された。このことより現代サッカーでは、攻守の切り替え時から、ほぼ同時に守備から攻撃に移行し、また対戦相手は攻撃から守備に移行するので前で述べた不完全な形での戦いであり、結果として短い時間内でボールを失ってしまう傾向が生じると結論付けた。
沖原 謙 塩川 満久 柳原 英兒 松本 光弘 菅 輝 出口 達也

木庭 康樹 沖原 謙 塩川 満久 菅 輝 田井 健太郎 上田 丈晴
Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.34, no.1, pp.1-21, 2012

This study aims to identify the structure of sports games in order to analyze soccer games. In the last paper, we focused on the structure of "competition" as "play" to clarify the concept of "competition" which is the basis for the meaning of "bodily movement competitions (sports)". In doing this, we were able to formulate the function for this structure through the following comparative function.<br>On a condition of r, A = cf (a, b) = a>b, a = b, a<b<br>(where, r : rule, A : agon, cf : comparative function,<br>a : contestant, b : opponent,> : win, = : draw,< : loss)<br>Our next topic is to consider the concept of "bodily movement" that is an attribute of "bodily movement competitions (sports)". In this paper, we clarified that "bodily movement related to competition" has four characteristics: usability, expression, acquisition, and reciprocity.<br>Specifically, expression, which has a deep connection with the composition of human movement in sport. The human movement in sport is the imitation images created by <i>mimesis</i> (mimicry) as the geometrical phase shift. This geometrical phase shift allows for a variety of movement forms and for expression of individual physical ability.<br>Our future topic is the last aim of this study, to clarify the entirety of "bodily movement competitions (sports)" based on the results considered in our earlier papers.
木庭 康樹 田井 健太郎 上田 丈晴 沖原 謙
Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-26, 2009

This study aims to clarify the structure of sports games in order to analyze soccer games. In this paper, we paid our attention to "gymnos agon (bodily movement competitions)" of ancient Greece that are the origin of sports, and particularly considered "agon (competition)" which is the basis of the meaning of this word.<br>We focused on the structure of "competition" as "play" to clarify the concept of "competition" that is the basis for the meaning of "bodily movement competition". By doing so we were able to formulate the function of this structure by the following comparative function.<br>On a condition of r, AG = cf(a,b) = a›b, a=b, a‹b<br>(where, r : rule, AG : agon, cf : comparative function, a : contestant, b : opponent, › : win, = : draw, ‹ : loss)<br>In this paper, we put various functions that convert all bodily movement of contestants into the numerical formula in the above function of competition, using the concept of "nested functions (to put a function in another function)", for the consideration of "bodily movement related to competition" that is our future topic of this study. We were able to connect the function of competition with "bodily elements" of sport structure that Tomihiko Sato had presented.<br>Since the bodily movement of sport is prescribed by the above function of competition, it is not very effective to consider the bodily movement regardless of the "competition" by taking out the bodily movement from the sport. Our future topic is to consider the concept of "bodily movement" that is an attribute of "bodily movement competitions", and the last aim of this study is to clarify the entirety of "bodily movement competitions (sports)" on the basis of the results considered in this paper.
木庭 康樹 上田 丈晴 沖原 謙 田井 健太郎 高根 信吾
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.35, no.2, pp.101-120, 2013 (Released:2014-07-05)

This study aims to identify the structure of sports games in order to analyze soccer games. In the paper before last, we focused on the structure of "competition" as "play" to clarify the concept of "competition" which is the basis for the meaning of "bodily movement competitions (sports)". In doing this, we were able to formulate the function for this structure through the following comparative function.On a condition of r, A = cf (a, b) = a > b, a = b, a < b(where, r : rule, A : agōn, cf : comparative function, a : contestant, b : opponent, > : win, = : draw, < : loss)In the last paper, we clarified that "bodily movement related to competition" is provided for by four characteristics: usability, expression, acquisition, and reciprocity.Our next topic is to consider the development and the optimization of human movement in sport. The human movement in sport has a certain relation with other elements such as rule, tactics, sense of values and others, while keeping the independence as the movement form. It has an original role and function under the relationship with other elements. When an element in the structure of sports builds the new relations with other elements, the sports accomplish a change and development in a true meaning. The creation of a new movement form to enable such the translation of the structure of sports is the development of human movement in sport.In the using process and the learning process of the movement form, sports players come to cannot but acquire and use the form of the technique developed and made an object by an individual. However, they are promoted development of a new form of the technique by the decline of the value of the form of the technique occurring as a result of competition in the game and the decline of the value of players using it. But a form of the technique developed newly also cannot avoid the "alienation" in the using process and the learning process of such the movement form.The concept of "Pareto optimum" clarifies that any movement form has the limit of the geometrical ambiguity (relation between both merits and demerits), as long as they have a definite form, a certain decided figure. However, this means a new movement form and other movement forms connect a new relation between both merits and demerits, and they have the possibility of further optimizing for more purposes.Our future topic is the last aim of this study, to clarify the entirety of "bodily movement competitions (sports)" based on the results considered in our earlier papers.
大場 渉 奥田 知靖 菅 輝 塩川 満久 沖原 謙
沖縄大学人文学部紀要 (ISSN:13458523)
vol.13, pp.17-27, 2011-03-31

沖原 謙 松本 光弘 柳原 英兒 塩川 満久 菅 輝 磨井 祥夫

木庭 康樹 上田 丈晴 沖原 謙 田井 健太郎 高根 信吾
vol.35, no.2, pp.101-120, 2013

This study aims to identify the structure of sports games in order to analyze soccer games. In the paper before last, we focused on the structure of "competition" as "play" to clarify the concept of "competition" which is the basis for the meaning of "bodily movement competitions (sports)". In doing this, we were able to formulate the function for this structure through the following comparative function.<br>On a condition of r, A = cf (a, b) = a > b, a = b, a < b<br>(where, r : rule, A : agōn, cf : comparative function, <br>a : contestant, b : opponent, > : win, = : draw, < : loss)<br>In the last paper, we clarified that "bodily movement related to competition" is provided for by four characteristics: usability, expression, acquisition, and reciprocity.<br>Our next topic is to consider the development and the optimization of human movement in sport. The human movement in sport has a certain relation with other elements such as rule, tactics, sense of values and others, while keeping the independence as the movement form. It has an original role and function under the relationship with other elements. When an element in the structure of sports builds the new relations with other elements, the sports accomplish a change and development in a true meaning. The creation of a new movement form to enable such the translation of the structure of sports is the development of human movement in sport.<br>In the using process and the learning process of the movement form, sports players come to cannot but acquire and use the form of the technique developed and made an object by an individual. However, they are promoted development of a new form of the technique by the decline of the value of the form of the technique occurring as a result of competition in the game and the decline of the value of players using it. But a form of the technique developed newly also cannot avoid the "alienation" in the using process and the learning process of such the movement form.<br>The concept of "Pareto optimum" clarifies that any movement form has the limit of the geometrical ambiguity (relation between both merits and demerits), as long as they have a definite form, a certain decided figure. However, this means a new movement form and other movement forms connect a new relation between both merits and demerits, and they have the possibility of further optimizing for more purposes.<br>Our future topic is the last aim of this study, to clarify the entirety of "bodily movement competitions (sports)" based on the results considered in our earlier papers.
松岡 重信 山下 理子 沖原 謙
日本教科教育学会誌 (ISSN:02880334)
vol.16, no.4, pp.155-163, 1994-03-31
