野尻 亘 Wataru Nojiri
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.2, pp.63-94[含 英語文要旨], 2011-03

Strucuturation theory deals with relation between individual action (agency) and social structure. Giddens objects to the lack of temporality in traditional strucuturalism. From the aggregate perspective of how social forms and institutions are produced and reproduced, the lack of a time-space framework has been detrimental to deeper analysis of central problems in social theory and human practice. Structure consists of rules and resources enabling reproduction of activities of next generation. Giddens looks upon structure which is perpetuated and modified as a result of human agency. In time-geography, human agency must be seen contextually as a continuous flow of conduct situated in time and space, yet with the places of activity resulting from institutions (home, work and school etc.) which reflect structure. Time-geography outlines some components of historically specific, non-fragmented contextual theory of human action stressing practical reason and concrete interaction in time and space. This is part of an argument for a reconstructed new regional geography, building on the traditional, but having theoretical and emancipatory aims. The interest of time-geography to theory of structuration is surely evident. Time-geography is concerned with the infrastrucutual constraints that shape the routines of everyday life and shares with structurtation theory, an emphasis upon the significance of practical character of daily activities, in circumstances where individuals are co-present with one another, for constitution of social conduct.
井上 敏 義永 忠一 野尻 亘 Satoshi Inoue Tadakazu Yoshinaga Wataru Nojiri
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-42, 2004-07-01

Sensyu District is in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture. In this region, since the 18th century, many farmers had cultivated cotton and spun cotton into thread. However, because of the importation of cotton to Japan in the latter half of the 19th century, farmers had abandoned cultivation of cotton. On the other hand, the tradition of spinning cotton as a side job for farmers led the development of the thriving textile industries in this region. Up to World War II cotton textiles had been the most important export for Japan since the 19th century. Osaka City was the center of exporting cotton textiles. The location adjacent to Osaka City was advantageous for textile industries. Miscellaneous textile products, for example, cotton textiles, blankets, towels, knitwear, carpets etc. are manufactured by medium and small sized factories in Sensyu District. The networks of these companies and related industries have formed the agglomeration of textile industries in this region. The indigenous labor market is composed of specialized workers for textile industries. The trade unions and public institutions are engaged in quality control and development of new products for textile industries. Today, the incursion of cheap imports of textiles from Asia, the lack of successors in the workforce and the stagnation of productivity have gradually brought about the decline of textile industries in Sensyu District.
野尻 亘 Wataru Nojiri
no.39, pp.19-55, 2009-03-10

As a result of observing data from approximately 70 papers written by Japanese geographers from 2002 to 2007 concerning transportation and physical distribution, various themes in geography studies and research trends became apparent: 1. transport between metropolitan areas; 2. inter-regional transport; 3. social transportation geography research; 4. historical geography research relating to modern transportation; 5. geographical research on warehouses; 6. informatization of distribution systems; 7. physical distribution systems by management type; 8. freight flows and international physical distribution; 9. the system of "Just-in-Time"; 10. physical distribution and geographic information systems; 11. geographical studies related to logistics. However, global trends in transportation and physical distribution have brought moves toward deregulation and privatization. Soon, it may be necessary for Japanese transport geography research to critically inspect policies instead of affirming the current situation concerning the spatial effect of deregulation or privatization on the transportation network or on regional society. Concerning the serious accessibility or mobility gap between metropolitan areas and surrounding less densely populated areas, research should be done from the standpoints of social fairness and equality, the merits and demerits of transportation changes promoted by scrap and build or creative destruction, and the abuse of motorization. Physical distribution research has also seen great change. Influenced by the information age and the marketing revolution, research on the logistics systems of businesses centered on chain-stores has become more popular. As for transportation system research, the trend is away from the specialized large volume transportation of the period of high economic growth to Just-in-Time delivery, as well as the transformation of the industrial structure due to the oilshock. The latest trend is represented by a series of research studies by Aoyama, an advocate of a new economic geography based on logistics, a broader concept than the unified system of production, distribution and consumption. Another new theme of economic geography research in the logistics industry is an interest in information systems, electronic commerce and cyber space of physical distribution or marketing trade and consumption. Our conclusion is that there is a growing methodological gap between transport geography (passenger transport research) and physical distribution research (freight transport research and logistic systems research).
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.12, pp.804-820, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)

Various statistical analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between economic indicators for Chinese provinces and railway freight volume. The results indicated that southeastern coastal areas such as Shanghai and Guangzhou received foreign capital and experienced rapid economic growth in secondary and tertiary industries. On the one hand, railway freight transport is centered on coal production regions like Dongbei and Huabei. In addition, a cluster analysis was performed on the distribution ratio classified by destination province for the railway freight volume from each province. The results indicate that China as a whole can be divided into seven railway freight transport zones such that the freight distribution ratios for destination provinces are similar for neighboring provinces.
野尻 亘 Wataru Nojiri 桃山学院大学経済学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.37, pp.63-99, 2009-10-20

Alfred Russel Wallace observed the distribution and boundaries of animals inhabiting the Malay Archipelago. The distribution of marsupials in the Australian region is a prominent feature of the area. In Borneo, however, the mammals do not include marsupials. The many parrots of the Australian region are rare in the Oriental region. The birds of the Oriental region do not migrate to Lombok Island, and these are not seen on Celebes or islands further to the east. The Lombok Strait were regarded as the dividing line between these two zoogeographic regions. The boundary between the zoogeographical regions, crossing the Lombok Strait indicated by Wallace was later to be called "Wallace's line" by Thomas Henry Huxley. Later, Mayr conducted further studies on Wallace's line, asserting that differences in the faunas of Bali and Lombok were not due to crustal movements in the Tertiary period, as Wallace had asserted, but rather to sea levels changes in the Pleistocene glacial epoch. During that time, sea levels were 70-100m lower, but because the Lombok Strait is a deepwater strait, the land on either side was not connected. In addition to this, Simpson points out that the eastern end of the Sunda shelf, which is the Asian continental shelf, is Wallace's line, while the West end of the Sahul shelf, which is the Australian continental shelf, is Lydekker's line. The area between these is known as the "Wallacea" transitional zone. Currently, "Wallacea" is believed to have been formed when the Australian continental crust broke off from the Antarctic at the end of the Cretaceous and collided with the southeastern border of the Eurasian continental crust during the mid Miocene. After the collision of these continental plates, there were violent movements in the crust and fault activity. Subsequently, the animals of the both continents migrated to islands, repeating cycles of either evolution or extinction, eventually creating today's diverse distribution of organisms. In other words, modern interpretation of Wallace's line differs greatly from past interpretation. Wallace and other traditional biogeographers believed that Wallace's line is the boundary created by isolation by geographical barriers. At the present time, Wallace's line is explained by collisions along the borders of the earth's plates. In other words, Wallace's line was the "frontier" where different types of species living on different plates were exposed to each other and interacted when the plates collided.
井上 敏 義永 忠一 野尻 亘 Satoshi Inoue Tadakazu Yoshinaga Wataru Nojiri
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 = St. Andrew's University bulletin of the Research Institute (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-42, 2004-07

Sensyu District is in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture. In this region, since the 18th century, many farmers had cultivated cotton and spun cotton into thread. However, because of the importation of cotton to Japan in the latter half of the 19th century, farmers had abandoned cultivation of cotton. On the other hand, the tradition of spinning cotton as a side job for farmers led the development of the thriving textile industries in this region. Up to World War II cotton textiles had been the most important export for Japan since the 19th century. Osaka City was the center of exporting cotton textiles. The location adjacent to Osaka City was advantageous for textile industries. Miscellaneous textile products, for example, cotton textiles, blankets, towels, knitwear, carpets etc. are manufactured by medium and small sized factories in Sensyu District. The networks of these companies and related industries have formed the agglomeration of textile industries in this region. The indigenous labor market is composed of specialized workers for textile industries. The trade unions and public institutions are engaged in quality control and development of new products for textile industries. Today, the incursion of cheap imports of textiles from Asia, the lack of successors in the workforce and the stagnation of productivity have gradually brought about the decline of textile industries in Sensyu District.