野尻 亘 Wataru Nojiri
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.2, pp.63-94[含 英語文要旨], 2011-03

Strucuturation theory deals with relation between individual action (agency) and social structure. Giddens objects to the lack of temporality in traditional strucuturalism. From the aggregate perspective of how social forms and institutions are produced and reproduced, the lack of a time-space framework has been detrimental to deeper analysis of central problems in social theory and human practice. Structure consists of rules and resources enabling reproduction of activities of next generation. Giddens looks upon structure which is perpetuated and modified as a result of human agency. In time-geography, human agency must be seen contextually as a continuous flow of conduct situated in time and space, yet with the places of activity resulting from institutions (home, work and school etc.) which reflect structure. Time-geography outlines some components of historically specific, non-fragmented contextual theory of human action stressing practical reason and concrete interaction in time and space. This is part of an argument for a reconstructed new regional geography, building on the traditional, but having theoretical and emancipatory aims. The interest of time-geography to theory of structuration is surely evident. Time-geography is concerned with the infrastrucutual constraints that shape the routines of everyday life and shares with structurtation theory, an emphasis upon the significance of practical character of daily activities, in circumstances where individuals are co-present with one another, for constitution of social conduct.
野尻 亘
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.47, pp.75-92, 2013-03-28

American geography of the 19th century suffered a major backlash due to the influence of environmental determinism. However, with the dawn of the 20th century, area studies became a major field. Yet even when much regional elements were broken down into detail and presented in terms of distribution, the difficulty remained of categorizing areas into objective, uniform regions. To address this difficulty, a variety of methodologies were developed regarding the concept of region. Sauer's "Morphology of Landscape" (1925) marked the beginning of this movement, followed by the concept of sequent occupance, defined by Whittlesey (1929). This concept addressed the succession and transition of the cultural landscape over the course of developments such as the hunter-gatherer society of indigenous peoples ; the immigration of farmers ; the formation of villages ; industrialization; and urbanization. In contrast, Hartshorne (1939) was influenced by Hettner (1927) in Germany, proposing the concept of areal differentiation, which in turn had a dramatic impact on the field of geography in the United States in the 1940s and 50s. This topographical methodology cited differences in distribution of various aspects of the earth's surface including weather patterns, geomorphology, soil, resources, etc., and also explained the spatial relationship between them. The issue here was that interpretations were made based on differences in specified phenomena between places. In other words, regions were conveniently interpreted in a way that suited the specific index that was chosen. This meant rejection of the kind of geography that emphasizes the morphological aspect of the cultural landscape. Further, it was concluded that it was not necessary to limit research topics to visible landscapes ; the new way of thinking emphasized the importance of choosing an event that would facilitate significant change arising from differences in location, or an event that had the potential to facilitate a change in other phenomena. However, while this type of methodology tends to emphasize the diversity of different regions, it also tends to close the door to generalization. James (1952, 1954) asserted the need to pay attention to areal likeness, an approach that enables comparison between regions. In addition, Whittlesey (1954) categorized regions into uniform regions and nodal regions for purposes of study. The uniform region is characterized by specified indices, standards and definitions such as the Corn Belt and the Cotton Belt. In contrast, nodal regions are those that have a specific focal point; that is, a certain structure is expected of this central area, including the flow and circulation of people and information emanating from a specific focal point. Depending on different standards, such as commutable zone and consumer catchment area, one can identify a diverse array of nodal regions. As noted above, studies in the field of geography in the United States, particularly in the post-World War II period, showed a deepening interest in clarifying the hierarchy and behavior of nodal and functional regions and regional interaction, paving the way toward system theory research on regional function systems. As part of this series of movements, Berry (1964) attempted to develop a fusion of the topographical or factorial ecology methodology and quantitative geography, applying multivariable analysis to regional data.
野尻 亘
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.65, no.2, pp.129-144, 1992-12-31 (Released:2008-12-25)

わが国の地理学においては通勤の研究は主として都市圏の分析に応用されてきたが,海外の地理学においては,交通手段の選択の問題に大きな関心が示されている。それは特に非集計モデルの発達,社会交通地理学研究の進展によって,自動車を利用できない状況にある人々,移動制約者の空間行動に関心が向けられてきたからである。しかし,わが国では既存の統計の不備もあって,自動車通勤や自家用車普及率の地域的な違いは地理学研究では看過されてきた。現在でも1960年代より急速に進展したモータリゼーションの勢いはなお衰えていない。それと同時に,東京をはじめとする大都市圏に人口が集中し,衛星都市が外延的に拡大していく一方で,農山漁村や衰退産業地域の斜陽化は著しい。そこで, 1980年の国勢調査ならびに運輸省等の統計によって,全国各都道府県・都市の通勤利用交通手段の選択比率・世帯あたりの自家用車普及率を調べたところ次のような地域的なパターンがあきらかとなった。公共交通利用通勤者が自家用車利用通勤者を上回っているのは,東京・大阪の2大都市圏と札幌・仙台・名古屋・広島・北九州・福岡の広域拠点都市とその周辺の限定された地域に認められること。公共交通利用通勤者の比率が高く,世帯あたりの乗用車普及率が低いのは東京・大阪2大都市圏内の衛星都市に著しいこと。東京・大阪2大都市圏を除いた国土の大部分で通勤に最もよく利用されているのは自家用車であること。しかし,特に関東北部から中部地方にかけての日本の中央部において,自家用車の利用率と普及率が著しく高いのが目だつことがわかった。以上の結果は,過密する大都市圏においては,道路渋滞や駐車用地の不足が自家用車の保有や通勤利用の抑制要因となっていることを反映していよう。さらにわが国では,公共交通を利用して通勤することが一般的である大都市圏と,自家用車を利用して通勤することが一般的である地方中小都市・農山漁村との生活様式の違いが著しいことが確認できた。モータリゼーションは,利便性だけではなく,公共交通の衰退をはじめ,移動制約者などの交通弱者のモビリティ剥奪などのさまざまな問題を生じさせつつある。本研究は,基本的な事実を統計上から再確認したものにすぎないが,今後の交通行動研究の基礎資料とすべく,さらに1990年国勢調査のデータとの変化を分析することを予定している。
野尻 亘
vol.57, no.2, pp.1-43, 2015-09-30

Since the latter half of 1980's, actor-network theory (ANT) introduced the methodology of global production network in economic geography. ANT comes from the science technology history and post-structuralism. ANT's key concepts in economic geography are heterogeneous relations, and `acting at a distance', and `actants' consisted of humans and nonhumans. ANT shows power of networks and relations in global production system. Translation in ANT exchanges old `actants' and new `actants' and are negotiations or `modes of ordering' which is balancing mutual profits of each actant. The concept of hybrid network, mode of ordering, and `action at a distance' is examined power relations between globalization space and long distance network. The long distance of extended network needs to `actants' to maintain the relation within network. Actants are crucial process in network construction. The strength, durability and stability of network are constituted by mode of ordering. Moreover, the durability of long distance network requires the strong organization in the network in order to construct the pattern of social and environmental practice in particular times and spaces.
野尻 亘
国際文化論集 = Intercultural studies (ISSN:09170219)
no.47, pp.75-92, 2013-03-28

American geography of the 19th century suffered a major backlash due to the influence of environmental determinism. However, with the dawn of the 20th century, area studies became a major field. Yet even when much regional elements were broken down into detail and presented in terms of distribution, the difficulty remained of categorizing areas into objective, uniform regions. To address this difficulty, a variety of methodologies were developed regarding the concept of region. Sauer's "Morphology of Landscape" (1925) marked the beginning of this movement, followed by the concept of sequent occupance, defined by Whittlesey (1929). This concept addressed the succession and transition of the cultural landscape over the course of developments such as the hunter-gatherer society of indigenous peoples ; the immigration of farmers ; the formation of villages ; industrialization; and urbanization. In contrast, Hartshorne (1939) was influenced by Hettner (1927) in Germany, proposing the concept of areal differentiation, which in turn had a dramatic impact on the field of geography in the United States in the 1940s and 50s. This topographical methodology cited differences in distribution of various aspects of the earth's surface including weather patterns, geomorphology, soil, resources, etc., and also explained the spatial relationship between them. The issue here was that interpretations were made based on differences in specified phenomena between places. In other words, regions were conveniently interpreted in a way that suited the specific index that was chosen. This meant rejection of the kind of geography that emphasizes the morphological aspect of the cultural landscape. Further, it was concluded that it was not necessary to limit research topics to visible landscapes ; the new way of thinking emphasized the importance of choosing an event that would facilitate significant change arising from differences in location, or an event that had the potential to facilitate a change in other phenomena. However, while this type of methodology tends to emphasize the diversity of different regions, it also tends to close the door to generalization. James (1952, 1954) asserted the need to pay attention to areal likeness, an approach that enables comparison between regions. In addition, Whittlesey (1954) categorized regions into uniform regions and nodal regions for purposes of study. The uniform region is characterized by specified indices, standards and definitions such as the Corn Belt and the Cotton Belt. In contrast, nodal regions are those that have a specific focal point; that is, a certain structure is expected of this central area, including the flow and circulation of people and information emanating from a specific focal point. Depending on different standards, such as commutable zone and consumer catchment area, one can identify a diverse array of nodal regions. As noted above, studies in the field of geography in the United States, particularly in the post-World War II period, showed a deepening interest in clarifying the hierarchy and behavior of nodal and functional regions and regional interaction, paving the way toward system theory research on regional function systems. As part of this series of movements, Berry (1964) attempted to develop a fusion of the topographical or factorial ecology methodology and quantitative geography, applying multivariable analysis to regional data.
野尻 亘
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.2, pp.1-43, 2015-09

Since the latter half of 1980's, actor-network theory (ANT) introduced the methodology of global production network in economic geography. ANT comes from the science technology history and post-structuralism. ANT's key concepts in economic geography are heterogeneous relations, and `acting at a distance', and `actants' consisted of humans and nonhumans. ANT shows power of networks and relations in global production system. Translation in ANT exchanges old `actants' and new `actants' and are negotiations or `modes of ordering' which is balancing mutual profits of each actant. The concept of hybrid network, mode of ordering, and `action at a distance' is examined power relations between globalization space and long distance network. The long distance of extended network needs to `actants' to maintain the relation within network. Actants are crucial process in network construction. The strength, durability and stability of network are constituted by mode of ordering. Moreover, the durability of long distance network requires the strong organization in the network in order to construct the pattern of social and environmental practice in particular times and spaces.
野尻 亘
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.38, no.6, pp.507-530, 1986-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
2 1

Traditionally, many geographers have been interested in the relations between methodologies of human geography and ecology, but their standpoints have been divergent. The purpose of this review is to clarify the context and directions of the ecological approach with reference to the methodology of sociology, anthropology and ecosystem theory in the U.S.A. and the U.K.In the Chicago School of sociology, human ecology is defined as the study of community. Human ecologists make a distinction between community and society. Society is based upon the cultural consensus of the inhabitants, while community is based upon their biotic competition and symbiosis. But the biotic community concept has been severely criticized. In response to this criticism, human ecology has divided into two schools. The Neo-orthodox school mainly studies spatial structures of communities. And Socio-cultural school emphasizes the individuals' perception and image of the space.Anthropologists, traditionally, have been interested in the geographical area and historical change of cultures. Steward has proposed a theory of cultural ecology which concerns adaptation of culture to environment. In contrast to him, other anthropologists propose a more biological, ecological anthropology that is based upon ecosystem theory or Darwinism.In addition, some geographers have introduced community theory (Morgan, Moss) and ecosystem theory (Stoddart) from biology, especially ecology. These are theoretical frameworks that attempt to dissolve the distinctions between physical and human geography and between idiographic and nomothetic approaches, in order to defend the unity of geography. The Chicago School of sociology inspired the theory which investigates the morphology and function of urban areas, which has in turn influenced urban geography. Anthropology has inspired ecological methodology which investigates man's adaptation to environment from the viewpoint of activities for subsistence. Such movements have affected current cultural geography.In sociology, anthropology and human geography, the ecological approach commonly concerns the process in which social behaviors adapt to and interact with space and environment, as well as the values and perceptions of man, and energy flows in that process.In conclusion, the author would like to understand the ecological approach in the following currents:1. Both geography and ecology are studies based upon region and place.2. Both geography and ecology endeavor to comprehend nature and society integratively.3. The ecological approach is wholistic.4. The ecological approach studies historical changes.5. The ecological approach treats circulation and economic phenomena.6. The ecological approach investigates the relations between internals and externals of population, community and ecosystem.7. The ecological approach is functional.8. The ecological approach is systematic.Many geographers, however, have criticized ecological approach for the following reasons: (1) Ecological approach is not deductive and analytical. (2) Ecological approach is based upon biological analogy, and is destitute of socioeconomic scope about human society. Therefore, in attempts to solve problems of environmental pollution geographically, it may be necessary to add wider social framework to ecological approach.
井上 敏 義永 忠一 野尻 亘 Satoshi Inoue Tadakazu Yoshinaga Wataru Nojiri
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-42, 2004-07-01

Sensyu District is in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture. In this region, since the 18th century, many farmers had cultivated cotton and spun cotton into thread. However, because of the importation of cotton to Japan in the latter half of the 19th century, farmers had abandoned cultivation of cotton. On the other hand, the tradition of spinning cotton as a side job for farmers led the development of the thriving textile industries in this region. Up to World War II cotton textiles had been the most important export for Japan since the 19th century. Osaka City was the center of exporting cotton textiles. The location adjacent to Osaka City was advantageous for textile industries. Miscellaneous textile products, for example, cotton textiles, blankets, towels, knitwear, carpets etc. are manufactured by medium and small sized factories in Sensyu District. The networks of these companies and related industries have formed the agglomeration of textile industries in this region. The indigenous labor market is composed of specialized workers for textile industries. The trade unions and public institutions are engaged in quality control and development of new products for textile industries. Today, the incursion of cheap imports of textiles from Asia, the lack of successors in the workforce and the stagnation of productivity have gradually brought about the decline of textile industries in Sensyu District.
野尻 亘 Wataru Nojiri
no.39, pp.19-55, 2009-03-10

As a result of observing data from approximately 70 papers written by Japanese geographers from 2002 to 2007 concerning transportation and physical distribution, various themes in geography studies and research trends became apparent: 1. transport between metropolitan areas; 2. inter-regional transport; 3. social transportation geography research; 4. historical geography research relating to modern transportation; 5. geographical research on warehouses; 6. informatization of distribution systems; 7. physical distribution systems by management type; 8. freight flows and international physical distribution; 9. the system of "Just-in-Time"; 10. physical distribution and geographic information systems; 11. geographical studies related to logistics. However, global trends in transportation and physical distribution have brought moves toward deregulation and privatization. Soon, it may be necessary for Japanese transport geography research to critically inspect policies instead of affirming the current situation concerning the spatial effect of deregulation or privatization on the transportation network or on regional society. Concerning the serious accessibility or mobility gap between metropolitan areas and surrounding less densely populated areas, research should be done from the standpoints of social fairness and equality, the merits and demerits of transportation changes promoted by scrap and build or creative destruction, and the abuse of motorization. Physical distribution research has also seen great change. Influenced by the information age and the marketing revolution, research on the logistics systems of businesses centered on chain-stores has become more popular. As for transportation system research, the trend is away from the specialized large volume transportation of the period of high economic growth to Just-in-Time delivery, as well as the transformation of the industrial structure due to the oilshock. The latest trend is represented by a series of research studies by Aoyama, an advocate of a new economic geography based on logistics, a broader concept than the unified system of production, distribution and consumption. Another new theme of economic geography research in the logistics industry is an interest in information systems, electronic commerce and cyber space of physical distribution or marketing trade and consumption. Our conclusion is that there is a growing methodological gap between transport geography (passenger transport research) and physical distribution research (freight transport research and logistic systems research).
野尻 亘 兼子 純 藤原 武晴
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.85, no.1, pp.1-21, 2012-01-01 (Released:2016-12-01)

野尻 亘
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.54, no.5, pp.471-492, 2002-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
1 1

Since the mid 1980's, many Western economic geographers, especially in new industrial geography, have shown great interest in the Just-in-Time system (JIT). The core of their interests is not in the problem of logistics, but rather in the definition of the JIT in the Regulation Approach and its spatial implications from the viewpoints of labour control and subcontracting.Regulationists, Lipietz and Leborgne have considered the JIT is a part of the process leading to Post-Fordism, because the JIT is different from Fordism and Taylorism, workers on shop- floors can participate in quality control, partially improve their working conditions, and engage in multiple working process. Accordingly, they say the JIT raises functional flexibility in the firm and effectively orders subcontractors to enhance numerical flexibility. So, they have boldly set forth the hypothesis that the introduction of the JIT will make the region surrounding the assembler an ideal democratic society of Post-Fordism. In that place, regional society consists of consensus and collaboration of workers, managers, various scale corporations, labour unions, and other social institutions for the purpose of administration, education, investigation, and welfare.However, many new industrial geographers have criticized this hypothesis from theoretical perspectives and results based on examplary studies, especially about the case of Japanese automobile factories transplanted in the West. In conclusion, they say the JIT is not Post-Fordism, but has rather strengthened the regime of Fordism and the mass production system. In other words, it can be defined as Neo-Fordism, Neo-Taylorism, ‘structured flexibility’, or quasi-vertical integration which aims to effectively utilize both the merits of in-house production and contracting out to subcontractors.Therefore, many new industrial geographers have debated about the spatial implications of the JIT, namely whether the JIT causes agglomeration of suppliers around the assembler or not.First, the overarching spatial tendency is towards some form of agglomeration through the introduction of the JIT, because of the need for suppliers to be proximate to assemblers to deliver frequently, smoothly exchange information about quality control and development of new products, and reduce their transaction costs.Second, the JIT is not necessarily accompanied by agglomeration because of rapid development of transportation and communication between assemblers and suppliers. The restriction according to the laws of local contents makes the assembler order existing suppliers. In the case of standard parts, the supplier can concentrate production in one factory to pursue scale economics and deliver to each assembler. The suppliers also prefer to locate in rural areas, a little away from large assemblers to avoid the rise of labour costs and reinforcement of the labour movement.In the latter half of the 90's, Boyer, a Regulationist, has insisted that the accumulation regime has not unilinearly evolved from Fordism to Toyotism (JIT) or Volvoism in Sweden. He has allegedly criticized the doctrine of the convergence of a single social system of production. These models are not exclusive alternatives but rather coexisting multiple hybrid models. Therefore, it will be necessary to elucidate how the path-dependency or historical contingency of individual firms, especially Japanese transplants and major first-layer suppliers in the West, and conventions, institutions, and cultural backgrounds in Japan or the West affects the embeddedness of the JIT in the region and the spatial structure of industrial organization.In the results, some economic geographers, for example, Lung or Sadler, have insisted that there are no necessary conditions on spatial form of production owing to the introduction of JIT. It causes the decline of geograpohical studies about the JIT since the latter half of 90's.
野尻 亘 Wataru Nojiri 桃山学院大学経済学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.37, pp.63-99, 2009-10-20

Alfred Russel Wallace observed the distribution and boundaries of animals inhabiting the Malay Archipelago. The distribution of marsupials in the Australian region is a prominent feature of the area. In Borneo, however, the mammals do not include marsupials. The many parrots of the Australian region are rare in the Oriental region. The birds of the Oriental region do not migrate to Lombok Island, and these are not seen on Celebes or islands further to the east. The Lombok Strait were regarded as the dividing line between these two zoogeographic regions. The boundary between the zoogeographical regions, crossing the Lombok Strait indicated by Wallace was later to be called "Wallace's line" by Thomas Henry Huxley. Later, Mayr conducted further studies on Wallace's line, asserting that differences in the faunas of Bali and Lombok were not due to crustal movements in the Tertiary period, as Wallace had asserted, but rather to sea levels changes in the Pleistocene glacial epoch. During that time, sea levels were 70-100m lower, but because the Lombok Strait is a deepwater strait, the land on either side was not connected. In addition to this, Simpson points out that the eastern end of the Sunda shelf, which is the Asian continental shelf, is Wallace's line, while the West end of the Sahul shelf, which is the Australian continental shelf, is Lydekker's line. The area between these is known as the "Wallacea" transitional zone. Currently, "Wallacea" is believed to have been formed when the Australian continental crust broke off from the Antarctic at the end of the Cretaceous and collided with the southeastern border of the Eurasian continental crust during the mid Miocene. After the collision of these continental plates, there were violent movements in the crust and fault activity. Subsequently, the animals of the both continents migrated to islands, repeating cycles of either evolution or extinction, eventually creating today's diverse distribution of organisms. In other words, modern interpretation of Wallace's line differs greatly from past interpretation. Wallace and other traditional biogeographers believed that Wallace's line is the boundary created by isolation by geographical barriers. At the present time, Wallace's line is explained by collisions along the borders of the earth's plates. In other words, Wallace's line was the "frontier" where different types of species living on different plates were exposed to each other and interacted when the plates collided.
野尻 亘
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.65, no.2, pp.129-144, 1992

わが国の地理学においては通勤の研究は主として都市圏の分析に応用されてきたが,海外の地理学においては,交通手段の選択の問題に大きな関心が示されている。それは特に非集計モデルの発達,社会交通地理学研究の進展によって,自動車を利用できない状況にある人々,移動制約者の空間行動に関心が向けられてきたからである。しかし,わが国では既存の統計の不備もあって,自動車通勤や自家用車普及率の地域的な違いは地理学研究では看過されてきた。現在でも1960年代より急速に進展したモータリゼーションの勢いはなお衰えていない。それと同時に,東京をはじめとする大都市圏に人口が集中し,衛星都市が外延的に拡大していく一方で,農山漁村や衰退産業地域の斜陽化は著しい。そこで, 1980年の国勢調査ならびに運輸省等の統計によって,全国各都道府県・都市の通勤利用交通手段の選択比率・世帯あたりの自家用車普及率を調べたところ次のような地域的なパターンがあきらかとなった。公共交通利用通勤者が自家用車利用通勤者を上回っているのは,東京・大阪の2大都市圏と札幌・仙台・名古屋・広島・北九州・福岡の広域拠点都市とその周辺の限定された地域に認められること。公共交通利用通勤者の比率が高く,世帯あたりの乗用車普及率が低いのは東京・大阪2大都市圏内の衛星都市に著しいこと。東京・大阪2大都市圏を除いた国土の大部分で通勤に最もよく利用されているのは自家用車であること。しかし,特に関東北部から中部地方にかけての日本の中央部において,自家用車の利用率と普及率が著しく高いのが目だつことがわかった。以上の結果は,過密する大都市圏においては,道路渋滞や駐車用地の不足が自家用車の保有や通勤利用の抑制要因となっていることを反映していよう。さらにわが国では,公共交通を利用して通勤することが一般的である大都市圏と,自家用車を利用して通勤することが一般的である地方中小都市・農山漁村との生活様式の違いが著しいことが確認できた。モータリゼーションは,利便性だけではなく,公共交通の衰退をはじめ,移動制約者などの交通弱者のモビリティ剥奪などのさまざまな問題を生じさせつつある。本研究は,基本的な事実を統計上から再確認したものにすぎないが,今後の交通行動研究の基礎資料とすべく,さらに1990年国勢調査のデータとの変化を分析することを予定している。
野尻 亘
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.35, pp.55-76, 2008-07-07

Since the 1980s, the Asian economies have witnessed rapid economic growth, starting with the NIES and followed by the ASEAN nations, China, and India. The three defining characteristics of this economic development are 1) urbanization (concentration of populations in urban areas and the expansion of metropolises) 2) industrialization (the transition from import substitution to export promotion development strategies, and from labor-intensive industries to high-tech electronic industries), and 3) trade development (expanded exports).These high-growth Asian cities are characterized by factors such as the following 1) the rise and fall of historical dynasties (formation of cities on historical city sites), 2) the propagation of religion (formation of cities serving as religious centers), 3) the rise of colonialism (establishment of colonial cities), 4) the influx of immigrants from China (formation of ethnic neighborhood and trading cites).According to urban geographer, Dr. McGee, Asian cities were either sacred cities (religious centers or centers of deified authority), or market cities (trading centers for surrounding villages, bazaar centers, etc. ) prior to industrialization and modernization. This led to their being made into colonial cities once they initiated contact with the west. The colonial cities took on a variety of functions as port cities and centers of trade and political control. In the contemporary period following independence, the original status of sacred city was restored for some of these areas. That is, to ensure the success of national governments utilizing the historical concentration of power in the colonial cities, they became religious centers in a new form of nationalism.The populations of the Asian cities rose dramatically from the 1950s through the 1970s, yet this was not a case of the urban demand for labor absorbing excess rural labor. On the country, due to the spread of the commercial economy to the villages, subsistence farming declined and poverty became rampant in the rural setting. This pressure on the villages was a major reason for accelerated population influxes from rural to urban areas.The influx of labor, which far exceeds the employment capacity of these cities, is known as "excess urbanization" or "urbanization-without-industrialization." The migrants were absorbed in informal sectors related to the cities' various industries, including peddling, outdoor-stands, and so on, and they moved into slums and squatter areas.From the 1980s onward, due to factors such as economic and financial globalization as well as the end of the Cold War, the Asian cities were incorporated into the world system, which lead to even more dramatic leaps in development. Greater influx of foreign capital, industrialization, and capital accumulation led to the further expansion of urban areas and to great changes in the the cityscapes. In the 1990s, "mega-metropolises"began to form, where large cities and surrounding areas comprise huge urban areas of more than ten million people. This period marked the rise of new towns along highways and railways and the development of residential areas for the middle class, which represent more sophisticated use of urban land and the "verticalization" of the city landscape. At the same time, these cities began to see urban sprawl, characterized by a disorderly distribution and coexistence of urban elements such as massive shopping centers, golf courses, foreign-owned plant facilities, etc., alongside densely populated rural suburbs that still maintain the traditional rural environment.Dr. McGee refers to the massive cities that have developed in this way as "mega urban regions" or "extended metropolitan areas. "
野尻 亘
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.65, no.5, pp.397-417, 2013 (Released:2018-01-26)
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Recently, evolutionary economic geography has gained popularity in the field of economic geography in the West. Evolutionary economic geography deals with changes in the economic landscape through time via the concept of ‘routine,’ which is equivalent to a ‘genome’ in corporations.Evolutionary economic geography has been inspired by the process of regional growth and innovation in the context of evolutionary economics. The evolutionary component of economic geography is based on concepts such as contingency, lock-in by increasing returns, and network externality from path-dependency theory; variation, selection, and retention stemming from Generalized Darwinism; and emergence, panarchy, resilience, and the adaptive cycle model from complexity theory.The evolutionary theory of modern biology was not adopted without qualification in evolutionary economic geography. Instead, Generalized Darwinism was adopted as its ontology. For instance, the Lamarckian approach of acquired characteristics, in which genetic features are acquired as an adaptation of the individual’s post-birth environment and passed down to future generations, has been completely rejected in modern biology since the time of Darwin. However, in evolutionary economics, there is a view that a company constitutes ‘routines’ as part of the process of adaptation to its environment subsequent to its formation; this concept is closely akin to the Lamarckian methodology rejected in biology. The wide gap between biology and this methodology is highly significant. Genes are likened to routines, while companies are likened to populations, leading to the application of concepts such as panarchy and resilience, which in turn grew out of the concepts of ecosystem and succession, respectively.The development of biological methodology in economic geography grew out of criticism of the equilibrium concept of physical and mechanistic viewpoints in neoclassical economics. Alternatively, the concepts of restricted rationality, multiple equilibrium, irreversibility, increasing return, and self-organization are employed. Accordingly, corporate behaviors such as entry, development, and withdrawal in the market are viewed as selection and variation required for the adaptation of “routines” to market environment conditions. As a result of spinoffs and knowledge spillover, characterized by path dependence or contingency, cluster accumulation and network building take place.These basic routines play an important part in organizations at the corporate level, and also impact cities and regions. There is a need to consider emergence at the macro-structure level in relation to the impact of low-level processes, and also the relationship of broad-based social structure and embeddedness. In adjusting the structures of complicated processes of production, distribution, and consumption in the global landscape, global production networks, the spatial division of labor, and institutional arguments at the national and regional level facilitate individual company strategies and industrial dynamism. In addition, evolutionary economic geography must avoid fixed concepts of path dependence or lock-in.To achieve this, we need to prioritize location and region from a broader view of the spatial division of labor. We need to pay serious attention to the role of authority and policies in structuring economic organizations. In addition, understanding of the global socioeconomic structure in the national and socioeconomic context is required. Theories on the diversification of national and global institutions seem likely to be an important theme in evolutionary economic geography in the future.
平野 昌繁 島津 俊之 野尻 亘 奥田 節夫
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.43, no.5, pp.493-503, 1991-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

A large number of gigantic landslides were triggered by typhoon rain in 1889 over the Totsukawa area, Nara prefecture, resulting a serious hazard. Their localities are identified exactly based on the Koaza name in the historical record, the Yoshinogun-Suisaishi. The identification of landslide localities over South- and East-Totsukawa areas was tried this time, and the results were summarized.Landslide larger than 4×104m2 in area have been shown by cliff marks on the topographic map in 1911 (Meiji-44) as same as in the case of West-Totsukawa area reported before. Topograhic features of gigantic landslides are still recongnized clearly on the aerial photos in 1953 taken even 65 years after the hazard.Description of the localities by Koaza name is frequent at the portions near the settlements or along the trafic routes at that day. In addition, some exaggeration in total number of large landslides is detected, if compared with the number of criff marks in the topographic maps in, 1911, even taking into account of the difference in threshold magnitude for description. Despite these biassed nature, it is clearly true that the Yoshinogun-Suisaishi surves the extraordinarily detailed record of the landslide localities, and this has come from the timing that the hazard occurred just after the detailed survey and registration of land-owner relationship there.
井上 敏 義永 忠一 野尻 亘 Satoshi Inoue Tadakazu Yoshinaga Wataru Nojiri
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 = St. Andrew's University bulletin of the Research Institute (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-42, 2004-07

Sensyu District is in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture. In this region, since the 18th century, many farmers had cultivated cotton and spun cotton into thread. However, because of the importation of cotton to Japan in the latter half of the 19th century, farmers had abandoned cultivation of cotton. On the other hand, the tradition of spinning cotton as a side job for farmers led the development of the thriving textile industries in this region. Up to World War II cotton textiles had been the most important export for Japan since the 19th century. Osaka City was the center of exporting cotton textiles. The location adjacent to Osaka City was advantageous for textile industries. Miscellaneous textile products, for example, cotton textiles, blankets, towels, knitwear, carpets etc. are manufactured by medium and small sized factories in Sensyu District. The networks of these companies and related industries have formed the agglomeration of textile industries in this region. The indigenous labor market is composed of specialized workers for textile industries. The trade unions and public institutions are engaged in quality control and development of new products for textile industries. Today, the incursion of cheap imports of textiles from Asia, the lack of successors in the workforce and the stagnation of productivity have gradually brought about the decline of textile industries in Sensyu District.
野尻 亘
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.34, no.6, pp.551-565, 1982-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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野尻 亘
人間文化研究 = Journal of humanities research, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.87-140, 2015-03

In this paper, the author reviews the methodological relations between convention theory and economic geography. Storper and Salais (1997) elucidated an international / inter-regional comparison of industrial agglomeration, and qualitatively explained it using "worlds of production" theory following the economics of convention. That is, rather than explaining diverse industrial concentrations in each country and region on the basis of a neoclassical uniform assumption of rational behavior of selfish individuals, they explain industrial regions and development paths from the point of view of non-economic factors such as conventions of participation and identity. In this respect, they differ from Scott (1988), which explains agglomeration from the new institutionalism viewpoint focusing on the reduction of transaction costs. Also, instead of emphasizing the cultural differences between countries and regions, Storper and Salais (1997) present a general framework, thereby enabling further international comparisons. A second point is their focus on variation among product technology, markets, and production methods (labor system). In economic geography, active debates in recent years have led to the introduction of regulation theory, the new industrial division of labor, flexible specialization, and so on, while emphasizing specific types of industries. Convention theory builds on the results of those debates, and considers solutions to issues of product quality and labor uncertainty, thus avoiding uniform, one-sided debates.