赤堀 三郎
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.20, pp.28-35, 2001-11-01 (Released:2017-07-28)

Dutch sociologist Felix Geyer, who has been interested in the applicability of Systems Theory since the 1970s to the present, created the alienation model as a result of an information-processing disturbance between individuals and their environment. However, Geyer's alienation theory is impractical because its conclusions are trivial. Namely, there are two types of people, those who can cope with environmental complexity and who are rarely alienated, and those who are easily alienated. In this article, we will demonstrate how such shortcomings are derived from the following two facts: The first is that Geyer attributed the causes of alienation to the information processing ability of the individuals. The second is that despite using the second-order cybernetics concept, Geyer did not take into consideration the fact that the difference between system (self) and environment (other) is constructed by the system itself. To overcome these difficulties, the closure type model and the second-order approach should be used to study alienation rather than the input-output model and the first-order approach. We will then be able to understand the causes of alienation while at least not using the determinist's point of view.
岡安 英俊
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.32, pp.157-165, 2011-10-25 (Released:2017-07-28)

In this paper, I discuss a way of variety management achieved by flexible assembly of service components. The contribution of service industry on GDP basis is increasing rapidly, and service innovation and productivity improvement become more important issues in many countries. In response to the issues, a new discipline called "service science" has been established. In the context of service systems science, service is defined as value co-creation emerged by interactions among providers and customers. This value co-creation process can be regarded as an input and output system and defined as "service component". According to the definition, we can analyze corporate activity and industry structure as a combination of service components. Information system is one of platforms which enable to assemble service component flexibly. If a company offers a service which is tailored to customer needs based on the platforms, then it becomes competitive advantage for the company. Finally, we discuss the doujinshi publishing business as an example of a platform which enables hyper-variety market. From an interview with a publishing company, we insist that suggesting appropriate service for customers is important as well as providing various services based on service component flexibility.
隅田 孝
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.27, pp.107-115, 2006-10-14 (Released:2017-07-28)

This study suggests a new direction for how a consumer behavior is described on a brand community as the Internet community. The brand community is a specialized, nongeographically bound community, based on a structured set of social relations among admires of a brand. The concept of brand community consists of three aspects : shared consciousness, rituals and traditions, and a sense of moral responsibility. In this paper, the brand community is classified into two types. One is the enterprise based brand community and the other is the consumer based brand community. The former is building for the profit by enterprises ; on the other hand the later is building for the nonprofit by consumers. Each type is characterized in order to clarify the orientation of consumers. Then the other applicable measurement which is shown by the degree of consumer involvement is applied for establishing a matrix of two dimensions. One coordinate axis is named a type of brand community, the other one is a degree of consumer involvement. Finally, the types of consumers on the brand community are extracted four categories as type A, type B, type C, and, type D. Type A is on the enterprise based brand community and on the high consumer involvement. Type B is on the consumer based brand community and on the high consumer involvement. Type C is on the enterprise based brand community and on the low consumer involvement. Type D is on the consumer based brand community and on the low consumer involvement. The finding is that type B has a remarkable process to build the consumers attitude on the brand community.
山田 保
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.2, pp.67-70, 1984-11-01 (Released:2017-07-28)

This paper reexamines the change of the institution of the beneficial assessments for sewerage systems in Japan considers, and the inter-relations between this institution, the method of the allocation of the construction cost of sewerage systems between public sector and private one, and the equalization of the share among users on the base of the reexamination above-mentioned. As the results of the considerations, this paper emphasizes it is better to introduce the new method of the evaluation of the benefits obtained by sewerage systems, based on the volume of waste-water discharged instead of the land area owned by users in the case of the sanitary sewerage system.
村上 達哉
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.14, pp.21-26, 1995-10-21 (Released:2017-07-28)

The ZAIKAI is the business world(Economic Organizations)in Japn.In recent years the business world has begun taking an active interest in the higher education in Japan.This is reflected by a drestic increase in the number of propositions of the business world to the university reformation.They contain a sharp criticism of the present educational system in Japan. Japanese educational system at universities has been criticized these days for several reasons:The system of the higher education in Japan is too hard(as iron)to develop creative or individualistic thinking.One of the problems in the Japanese educational system is that it tends to shape a whole population into a homogeneous national standard.This system tend to discourage individuality or creativity in students. The report of the Japanese business world outlines the "evils of uniformity".The key words of these report are importance of individuality or creativity.But this individuality or creativity have ever been considered rather negatively in Japanese companies. It's questionable whether the Japanese business world, which is talking about educational reformation, is prepared to do that.
伊谷 純一郎
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.3, pp.1-15, 1985-11-01

Besides sexual interactions and mother-offspring interactions, the social coexistence of individuals is based on two principles. The inequality principle urges an individual to behave in accordance with its dominant/subordinate relationship with others, while the equality principle works as if there were no dominant/subordinate inequality between individuals. Prevalence of either principle not only depends on the situational structure of the given event, but also on the phylogeny of the given species. By reviewing the dominance systems based on the inequality principle among Japanese macaques, I will probe into possible bases of social interactions based on the equality principle, and then trace the breakdown of the inequality principle and rise of the equality principle in the societies of the genus Pan, i.e., chimpanzees and pygmy chimpanzees.
渡辺 聡
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.17, pp.87-92, 1998-10-24

Risk judgement involved with the development and the management of today's technology is usually made by plural persons. It is because a group of persons is assumed to be able to make wiser judgements or decisions than a single person. But many researches of social psy-chology have shown that groups often make some deficient decisions. Cohesiveness of a group has been thought to be the key factor that brings about such deficiency. In the meantime Gibbons et al. argue that a new mode of knowledge production is emerging. This new mode is characterized by the participation of various persons loosely related to one another in a temporal network. A group formed under this mode seems to be free from the deficiency that is assumed to accompany group decision making. Because it is difficult to presume that there is strong cohesiveness among a group of dissimilar persons related to one another only in a temporal network. But in this article the author argues that it is social identity based on social categorization that makes a group decision making biased and distorted. Social categorization won't dis-appear even in a network-type new society. For this reason, group decision making will show the same deficiency as ever even under the new mode of knowledge production.
塩沢 由典
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.7, pp.41-46, 1989-10-25

Market economy is an object which can only be well understood when viewed as a complex system.The agents are subjected to three limits:(1)bounded sight, (2)bounded rationality, and (3)bounded activity.They have no ability for a full adjustment which is assumed in the walrassian groping processes.The complexity of the system remains far beyond the human capacity to see, think, and act.An agent behaves by a rule of thumb, a routine which has been selected through a number of trials of success and failure.In order that this selection be meaningful, the economy itself must have certain characteristics.First, the economic processes must be stationary even though they inevitably involve fluctuations.Second, the system is to be divided into a large number of small parts and each part must be loosely connected with others.This looseness is only possible when the system functions with play.An agent can then isolate a subsystem which he may partially control.Adjustments and controls are always imperfect.Agents may make errors.If the system is to subsist, however, the agents cannot die out all in once and so, thirdly, they must have a sufficient marge of viability above the death-life break-even point.
間遠 伸一郎
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.28, pp.25-32, 2007

There are some essential differences between the evolution of life and the evolution of society. So the Genetic Algorithms (GA) are not sufficient for the recognition of the generation and the evolution of the market, like other economic systems. There is a modeling method, called the intelligent social evolution mechanisms (ISEM), which is more suitable for describing the evolution of the society than GA. The ISEM is a mechanism of social evolution. The ISEM evolves a type of program called Non Neumann Type Program (NNTP) using human intelligence. In the case of GA, the NNTP is called the chromosome or genome. Self programming of the NNTP leads to the evolution of society. The evolution game is a sort of the multi-agent simulation. In the case of the evolution game, the players are the agents and the set of strategies is a sort of NNTP. An aspect of game in the evolution game is composed of the set of strategies of the players and the payoff matrix. The set of strategies of the players is obviously a sort of NNTP, but the aspect of the payoff matrix should be also a sort of NNTP. We can define another subset of NNTP which represents the payoff matrix. The payoff matrix is a sort of social environment. Therefore we can represent the social environment by a set of NNTP of the agents. There can be a subset which is contained in the NNTP of all agents, and we can call such NNTP-"culture". We can recognize the market as a sort of NNTP. We can also recognize the generation and evolution of the market as an evolution of the economic system. The processes of the evolution of the institution are self programming processes of the cultural NNTP. And the processes should contain (1) the problem recognition and the solution of the problem, (2) the generation of a new subset of NNTP of the agenda for the new institution as the solution of the problem, and (3) the social selection of the new NNTP. These processes are then repeated. The change of the market can be understood as an evolution of the institution of the market. And it could also be understood as an evolution of the NNTP of the market by the processes of the ISEM.
赤堀 三郎
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.24, pp.97-102, 2003-10-25

In the early 1980s, Niklas Luhmann introduced autopoiesis theory to sociology and redefined social systems concept as systems of communication. In this paper, by referring to Gordon Pask's "Conversation Theory", which Luhmann also referred to, we examine why Luhmann attached importance to the communication concept. The reason lies in that we can understand stability of social systems not as an equilibrium or regulation but as a continuous process of communication by using autopoietic model of social systems.
土肥 将敦
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.31, pp.37-44, 2010-10-30

The main purpose of this paper is to illustrate the basis for discussing issues associated with the structure of social businesses such as The Big Issue (5 branches in UK, 7 Big Issue models in the world), Swan Bakery (3 branches, 24 chains in Japan) and to provide method for the replication processes of these social innovations. There are at least three ways expand social business-through wholly-owned replication (branch structure), affiliation-based replication (JV, franchising and partnership agreements) and dissemination(Dees, Anderson and Wei-skillern 2004; UnLtd Ventures 2008). The Big Issue and Swan Bakery have adopted branch structures and partnership agreements for the purpose of expansion. Partnership agreements are usually the least resource-intensive and have little control over implementation in new locations. Therefore, it is significantly important for social businesses to maintain their social mission at the new locations. We can also identify a diversity of organizational forms such as business corporations, social welfare corporations, nonprofit organizations and shadanhoujin (incorporated associations) in the Swan Bakery shops. Partnership agreements can allow for flexibility against regional diversities but also have difficulty in controlling their brand images and social mission.
大屋 幸恵
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.15, pp.33-38, 1996-10-19

Workers Collective is a form of the productive cooperative. It is generally defined by several features;every member is the financier, the manager, and the worker. And the important goals of management of organization are self-management, democratic meeting, and member's participation in decision-making. In this paper, I investigate three types of Workers Collective founded on the Seikatu-Club Kanagawa Consumers Cooperative. They have distinctions that almost every member is housewife, the kind of their business are based on experience and skill of household or cooperative work and activity, and they give attention to the process of production, taking environment into consideration. Since 1982, Women's Workers Collective movement have much influenced on women's life style, especially gender work. Now, Women's Workers Collective movement entered upon the second stage in 1996. For better communication among members and for better self-management, Workers Collective 'Ninjin' renewed their group rule, organizing system and divided into downsized groups according to the kind of work and local area. They are always striving against the existing concepts, framework of capitalistic labor and they aim to reconstruct the way of life in their community in the Aging Society.
中野 邦彦 田中 秀幸
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.31, pp.89-94, 2010-10-30

This paper aims to investigate what kinds of elements affect local government's information policy based on their web sites' analysis. We performed the logistic regression analysis focusing on two view points such as transparency and participation with the following four factors to investigate this issue; a ratio of population, a saturation level of broadband, a ratio of NPO per population, and a ratio of elderly people per population. The first result suggests that only environmental factors (a ratio of population and a saturation level of broadband) might affect a level of transparency in government's websites. The second result suggests that not only an environmental factor (a ratio of population), but also a citizen activity factor (a ratio of NPO per population) might affect a level of civic participation in websites.
江川 直子
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.27, pp.99-105, 2006-10-14

This paper examines Amartya Sen's "human functionings" and "capability". I also discuss the function of Talcott Parsons' "living systems" and his concept of "capability", my purpose is to show that capability in both Sen and Parsons is similar. Asserting that it is impossible to judge "well-being" through an analysis of wealth and its properties alone, Sen advocates considering human functionings. Sen writes : "A functioning is the achievement of a person : what he or she manages to do or to be." Furthermore, what Sen calls "capability" is the total complex of the various combinations of things that a person achieves. Capabilities Sen calls are concretely GNP per person, average life expectancy and literacy adopted as HDI (Human Development Index) by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). Parsons makes a study of action theory in human throughout. And, he proposes the idea of "generalized symbolic media in interaction". I think that this is an analysis what Pareto calls "residue". Parsons describes the expression of meaningful symbol that constitutes residue as "capability". Then he writes that this capability is the best single criterion of a value element as distinguished from the factors of heredity and environment (Parsons 1937, The Structure of Social Action : 271). Both Sen and Parsons study to start from the theorem of Pareto. I think that Sen deals with capability in concrete, practical manner, while Parsons' capability is an analytical and abstract. Nevertheless, to both of them capability is a criterion for human happiness.
赤岡 功
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.5, pp.15-20, 1987-11-01

The open Socio-Technical System idea that was developed by Tavistock Institute in U.K. was trasmitted to and practiced in the Scandinavian countries since 1960's.In these countries, theoreticians and practicians have developed many variations of Tavistock's Socio-Technical System Theory.But, among them, influential and important approaches to humanization of working life are followings;(a)Norwegian Industrial Democracy Approach, (b)URAF(Development Council for Collaboration Question in Sweden)Approach, (c)SAF(Swedish Employers'Confederation)Approach, (d)Trade Union Oriented Approach by LO(Swedish Trade Union Confrederation)and ALC(Swedish Center for Working Life), and AI's(Work Research Institutes in Norwey)new Approach.In this paper, I will compare these approaches, and explain why experiments of humanization of working life by approach(a), (b)and (d)are few and in contrast with these, expriments based on approach (c) and (e) are many.Afeter these consideration, I will show under what conditions further developed humanization will be attained in many shops.