伊藤 正純
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.11, pp.94-99, 1992-10-25

This paper discusses the relation of the vocational education for workers and social systems, and the author argues that this education may reform a social system. Fordism, which has promoted the mechanization of the way of production in the fixedly-divided work organization among workers, supervisors, and technicians, has taken no notice of the vocational education for workers. Yet the crisis of Fordish work organization has emerged as a result of the changing market structures and the resistance of workers during 1970s. Work-force versatility of workers by vocational education is foud in both Toyotism in Japan and Volvosism in Sweden. Yet there is a crucial difference in the level of compromise in the industrial relation. In Toyotism the trainers are large enterprises. Because most compromises which rested on company agreements are found in large enterprises. Therefore, these trainings for workers are inadeqate to the reform of a social system. In Volvoism as social democratic corporatism the trainers are the state and the enterprise.And trade unions influence them. Because negotiated involvement and compromise are accomplished on a social basis.In Kalmarism, one of the two kinds of Volvoism, the state educates workers for the progress of their vocational competence. In Uddevallism, the other kind of Volvoism, the enterprise does them.There is a possibility that these educations may bring about the reform of a social system.
吉岡 斉
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.5, pp.23-28, 1987-11-01

The concept of the 'open-system'is very useful in the sociology of science.This article has two main purposes.First, to propose an open-system model of modern scientific enterprise.And second, based on this model, to give a theoretical insight into the 'uncontrollableness'of modern science.According to this 'open-system'model, the most fundamental goal of scientific enterprise is to keep itself stationary.Robert Merton pointed out that the institutional goal of science is the extension of certified knowledge.However, the extension of knowledge is not the real goal of science, but the natural outcome of the operation of scientific knowledge production system.This system have to produce ever new and powerful knowledge constantly.As a result, scientific production system should be inherently expansive, or expansionist.Max Weber pointed out that our ability to control the conditions of our external world constantly increases with the advancement of scientific knowledge.In reality, the situation is quite the contrary;the scientific production system produces more uncontrollable power than power for control.To make matters worse, 'privatized science'has been growing rapidly.The greater part of scientific system is monopolized by powerful interest groups.Therefore, it is increasingly difficult to apply control over scientific production system.There are two main obstacles to control the scientific system;the inherent expansiveness and 'privatization'of this system.Therefore, it is very difficult to control the anarchistic power of science, unless we radically change the structure of the present scientific production system.
徳安 彰
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.17, pp.27-33, 1998-10-24

In this paper I try to formulate pluralization of meaning construction in the process of globalization in terms of social systems theory, especially with reference to Luhmann's concept of the world society. With several paired concepts, such as nation society/world society, stratified differentiation/functional differentiation, diffuse/specific, universalistic/particularistic, inclusion/exclusion, I illustrate the transformation of social structure and its effects on the principle of meaning construction and the difinition of individual identity. The capacity of the nation society for vertical integration has been diminished in the process of globalization and functional differentiation. Every functional subsystem has become more autonomous, and the socio-cultural sources of individual identity has become more diversified:particular ascriptive traits such as ethnicity of religious tradition on the one hand, temporal combinations of universal but specific memberships in various groups and networks on the other hand. In this consequence the public sphere of political discourse has also become pluralistic, participated by various agents such as nation states and NGOs. Only this pluralism seems to produce more capacity to cope with future risks.
徳安 彰
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.16, pp.115-120, 1997-10-30

In this paper I try to demonstrate the significance of constructivistic semantics in systems theory, especially in the theory of social systems. First, I briefly trace the developmental process of constructivism in systems theory (or cybernetics). Second, I make a sketch of the conceptual framework of constructivism. The important concepts are operational closure, distinction/indication and second order observation (or second order cybernetics). Several levels (or kinds) of meaning-constructing systems are distinguished. Third, I consider the epistemological implications of constructivism. Constructivistic semantics can be characterized as epistemology naturalized (according to Quine) and epistemology socialized. I also compare some characteristics of the syn-referential system model and the self-referential system model. And fourth, I briefly consider the theoretical implications of the constructivistic theory of social systems. In the context of difficulty or impossibility of intervention and steering between autopoietic systems, we must verify the theoretical properties of structural coupling.
小松 丈晃
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.26, pp.119-126, 2005-11-12

I will analyze in this paper the problem of so-called "Altlasten" in the new federal states (the Land of Saxony, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-West Pomeranian, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia)through the concept of risk-transformation, which has been used in the Niklas Luhmann's social system theory. According to Luhmann, various types of "technological-ecological risks" are transformed into the specific political risks by the political system as one of the function systems of modem society. The political system has to assume the "technological-ecological risks" with regard to the results produced by political-administrative decisions. Luhmann applied this concept only to the (political) function system, but I think that this concept can be used also for the organizational types of social systems. That is, "technological - ecological risks" will be transformed into the risks for each organization, therefore each organization makes a different response to that risks. This concept "risk transformation" implies the similar meanings to the Ulrich Beck's concept of "social rationality", but I think that the former can formulate the "system reference (Systemreferenz)" more accurately than the latter. In 1992, the negotiation system was built by the Treuhandanstalt (THA) , the Land of Saxony, the Federal Government, and the firms in question in order to solve the problem of Altlasten (old improperly disposed of harmful waste). In this negotiation system, THA, which was founded primarily in order to facilitate the privatization of new federal states, though, acted against this purpose. Because it was important for THA to manage the limitary funds as savingly as possible. That is to say, the "technological-ecological risks" of Altlasten was transformed by the THA into the risks of ruing its motto "saving". THA had responded to this new transformed risks rather than to the "technological-ecological risks" of Altlasten directly. The social system theory will make a large contribution toward fertilizing the risk research by refining this concept"risk-transformation".
五十嵐 輝 小山 友介
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.37, pp.67-76, 2016-10-25 (Released:2020-10-09)

Study of Otaku has a lot of speculative researches but few quantitative ones. We conducted the questionnaire research for 681 students in five universities to estimate the degree involvement in Otaku activities. The results are as follows: 1)Four factors are detected which are self-affirmative enthusiasm to hobby, collector, sympathy toward other Otakus by sharing hobby interests, and paying no attention to fashion. these factors are classified into two groups: maniac activities and lack of communication skills. 2)There is no relationship one’s self-acknowledgement of Otaku and his social skills. 3)Two oppo- sites of Otaku exists. The one is Ria-ju repletion of real life, which is a Japanese internet slang for people who are sociable to everyone. The other is the man has low social skills and no motivation for anything.
大貫 裕二
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.40, pp.83-94, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-04-01)

平成20年度(以下2008年とする。)国民健康・栄養調査の脂肪エネルギー比率は、前後年に比べて一時的な特異な低下が観察される。調査実施期間に流行していた「朝バナナダイエット」が影響を与えたことを示した。調査環境の予期せぬ事由に影響を受けたにも関わらず、検討が行われてこなかった事例の一つである。  朝バナナダイエット提唱者1)の薦める方法をモデルとし実施率を推計した。推計結果は脂質摂取量を減らす一方でバナナを食べない者がいたことを示唆する。朝食欠食率にも影響が示唆される。  テレビ報道によるダイエットブームが定量的な栄養調査で把握された事例として、調査機関による個票を用いた再分析が期待される。統計家の行動基準にのっとり、調査実施者の説明責任について論じた。
李 文 陳 全
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.39, pp.53-60, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-08-04)

出口 弘
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.33, pp.125-134, 2012-11-15 (Released:2020-10-05)

In this paper, we focus on “Information Transparency” under late liquid modernity. For the purpose, we introduce a new word called Transparent Society. Information transparent society is the society where an individual has a strong autonomy being superior to a family, community, religion, culture, organization, and society. An individual has enough information and communication literacy for create, express, interpret, accept, and desert fragments of meaning in the information transparent society. Variety and plurality of the society should be maintained under the tolerance for other lifestyles, culture and meaning. Information transparency dose not mean social function directly. However, if people have a literacy of participation, the transparency connects to the utilization of human, goods, monetary, and information resources. The 21st century will be a painful era where the information transparent society is emerging. However, it will be an inevitable process in the history of human being. Therefore, we have to develop the social systems theory for information transparent society.
田中 久美子
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.41, pp.73-80, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-03-30)

2020年、新型コロナウィルス感染症(以下、新型コロナ)の拡大を受け、人々の日常が大きく変化した。他者との密集、密接、密閉の「3密」を避け、県境を跨いだ移動は自粛を求められた。このことは、大学生の就職活動にも大きな影響を与えた。例年大学生の就職活動が解禁される3月1日は、合同会社説明会が各地で大規模に開催されるが、2020年はその殆どが中止された。世の中が急激に変化する中で自身の進路を決める必要があった学生たちには、どのような影響があったのだろうか。特に移動が制限され、人との関わりが希薄化することが、学生たちの就職意識にどう影響しただろうか。  本研究では、地方大学に所属する学生たちが、就職活動初期の重要なプロセスで新型コロナの影響を受けたことで、彼らの就職意識にどのような影響があったのか、学生へのアンケート調査から明らかにした。その結果、会社規模や人間関係を重視する気持ちの強まりが確認された。
奥田 栄
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.35, pp.43-50, 2014-10-26 (Released:2020-10-07)

We propose here to define technology system as a set of communications characterized by able/ unable binary code. Technology theory that emphasizes communications is very different from the conventional ones attaching importance to engineers. We survey here for what kind of change the conventional technology theory is pressed. According to the theory of technology system proposed here, the theme of this technology theory could be classified as the following. 1. Reproductive process of technological communications 2. Boundary problem of ability 3. Fluctuation of ability 4. Uncertainty of technological communications 5. Morality of technological communications Such a theme cannot be treated only within technology system. It is necessary to treat problems in relation with other functional systems and environment. In our discussion, we regard mechanical device as a kind of technological communication. Mechani- cal device is also objects of exchange in economical system. This duality of mechanical device produces indirect interaction between technology system and economic system. This kind of duality will cause also the interaction between technology system and other functional systems.
飯尾 要
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.9, pp.1-11, 1990-10-25 (Released:2017-07-28)

In this paper, the autor discusses the essential relation between the social change and the socio-technological conditions, relating to the East-european revolution in 1989-90. The suther analyses the authoritarian characteristics of Marx's thought and Lenin's thought in comparison with the libertarian socialism. The libertarian socialism orginated in Owen and Fourie and developed into syndicalism, guild socialism and social democracy. The author presents the fundamental points to be considered, as the following. 1.It is only a myth that the essence of socialism is planning and the market economy inevitably results in capitalism. 2.Marxism is one of various currents in the socialist thought. We should be released from the myth that Marxism is the orthodox current in socialism, and be free from the prejudice on the libertarian socialism. 3.Both Marxism and Leninism are the products of the top-down control system which has its base in the 19-20th century type mechanization. In the age of modern technological revolution, the authoritarian socialism loses its base. 4.The impact of the modern technological revolution threatenes the base of capitalistic top-down control system, too.
七邊 信重
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.37, pp.77-84, 2016-10-25 (Released:2020-10-09)

Level-5 which was a small game development company in Fukuoka at first has developed big hits one after another and expanded its market share in the mature console game industry. In this paper, by analyzing its management strategies and resources as functions of its success in the oligopolistic mature industry, I examine the effective means for small and medium-sized companies to survive and grow in mature industry.
七邊 信重
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.37, pp.77-84, 2016

<p>&emsp;Level-5 which was a small game development company in Fukuoka at first has developed big hits one after another and expanded its market share in the mature console game industry. In this paper, by analyzing its management strategies and resources as functions of its success in the oligopolistic mature industry, I examine the effective means for small and medium-sized companies to survive and grow in mature industry.</p>
劉 兆媛 田中 秀幸
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
vol.39, pp.61-68, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-08-04)

鈴木 光男 岡田 章
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.3, pp.32-36, 1985-11-01

Information plays an important role in social and economic situations where decision makers with different interests are interdependent. From a game theoretic point of view, we investigate the problems of information such as how information affects the behavior of each decision maker, whether information is profiable for decision makers or not, and what the value of information is. The paper consists of the following sections : (1) Introduction, (2) The form of a game and its solution concept, (3) The information structures and the equilibrium points, (4) The value of information, (5) Concluding remarks. In Section 2, we present the extensive form of a game and define the concept of a (Nash) equilibrium point. In Section 3, developing the well-known Kuhn's theorem, we show that in the class of games with perfect recall a game is determinate, i.e., has at least one equilibrium point in pure strategies if and only if it has perfect information. In Section 4, the basic result on the value of information is stated, which says that private information is always profitable for a player in zero-sum two-person games. We also provide an example of a non-zero-sum two-person game in which the value of private information is negative.