山崎 雅彦
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.31, no.4, pp.263-268, 1994-07-31 (Released:2010-09-27)

Colorimetric measurements are carried out on the various color samples in order to investigate the influence of the screen rulings. It is noted that in the case of off-press proofs there is not much difference in the colorimetric characteristics between 175 lines/inch and 600 lines/inch, whereas in the case of prints there is bigger difference. It is also noted that the differences caused mainly by the mechanical dotgain of printing inks and optical dotgain has little effects.
内藤 明
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.33, no.6, pp.346-351, 1996-11-30 (Released:2010-09-27)

In the last few years, electronic still cameras have been popular in a photography. The present cameras of this class are called “digital cameras”. Among these digital cameras, compact cameras have stood out recently. More than 10 manufacturers now market digital cameras. We briefly look at the electronic still cameras from a photography.
坪井 當昌
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.33, no.3, pp.155-160, 1996-05-31 (Released:2010-09-27)

The pigment dispersed photoresist (PDPR) is most widely used in the manufacture of color filter for TFT-LCD. The PDPR and its patterning processes are briefly reviewed from the material's point of view. The dispersion of a pigment into a polymer matrix, the function of binder, the troubles occured in the coating process and the newly developed black matrices are discussed.
千葉 寿子 室伏 敬治
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.53, no.2, pp.121-130, 2016

Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd. stores historically significant Japanese specialty papers at Pam (Paper and Material) . First, we introduce the "Punch Card" paper, developed as the nation's first product and certified as an "Essential Historical Material for Science and Technology" by the National Museum of Nature and Science in 2013. Second, we will present the historical backgrounds and papermaking technology of the following products: base papers for counterfeit notes used in secret military operations during World War II, base papers used for official posters, entrance tickets and shooting targets of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
内川 惠二
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.28, no.3, pp.184-191, 1991-05-31 (Released:2010-09-27)

Principles of the present color systems are briefly described and their limitations are discussed. Since one of the most significant limitation is that color appearance cannot be represented by these color systems, factors influencing color appearance are mentioned and variations of color apearance by these factors are described in order to show how and in what degree colors change. Modes of color appearance has been recently considered as an important factor caused by a higher level of the visual system. Therefore, its effects on color appearance is shown using the results obtained in an categorical color-naming experiment.
石田 泰一郎
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.34, no.6, pp.370-374, 1997-11-30 (Released:2010-09-27)

This article reviews some recent studies that give the scientific basis for appropriate use of colors in our living environment. Since color is the most effective dimension for visual searching or labeling, we can easily find and recognize items that are specified by colors. The effectiveness of color information, however, is affected by its surrounding environment. First, the illuminance level significantly changes color appearances. Second, surrounding colors strongly affect the efficiency of color searching. Moreover recent studies of quantitative analysis of human sensibilities for color environment are described. A tentative method of estimating visual busyness using color statistics of actual scenes is discussed.
大宮 正寿
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.29, no.2, pp.199-203, 1992

1986-1990年の5年間の製本の設備・技術等の動向を考察すると, 量の生産から質の生産体制へと変りつつあることが窺われる. 製版・印刷工程に比べるとやや遅れ気味ではあるが, (1) 設備へのコンピュータの導入 (2) 省力化・省人化のための設備導入 (3) 工場内物流改善や省力化を兼ねたFA化工場への試み (4) 落乱丁防止等品質保証機器の普及等があげられる.<br>また, 生産効率アップのための諸製本機械の高速化も進められた. 雑誌の製本機では最高回転数10,000<sub>RPH</sub>前後から15,000<sub>RPH</sub>が次のステップの目安になると思われる.<br>一方, この分野での社会的背景による最大の関心事は1989年末に顕在化した人出不足による納品遅延問題や外国人の単純作業への雇用が大きな社会問題として話題となった. そして, 人出不足は「3K (きつい, きけん, きたない)」の言葉を生み作業環境と労働条件の改善を促すきっかけとなった. 日印産連の特別テーマとして「無線綴りの騒音低減研究」 (1988年), 「製本におけるマテリアルハンドリングの研究」 (1991年) が行われたが, 製本分野の昨今のニーズをよく象徴しているように思える.<br>出版製本分野を中心に設備・技術動向について昨今の変り方と将来への展望等について述べてみたい.<br><b>1.1 上製本ラインマシンのプリセットシステム</b><br>1960年代前半に米国スマイス製上製本ラインマシン, 後半に西独コルブス社の同設備が日本へ導入された. これは, 上製本生産の省人化と大量生産への革命であった. そして高度経済成長期には各種の百科事典と美術本ブームの製本の役割を十分に発揮した. しかし, 安定期に入ると上製本は並製本特に雑誌からみると本来的には小ロット, 多品種生産タイプの典型であることから作業切替の時間短縮が生産効率向上の面でまず必要となってきた.<br>1982年6月DRUPAにて西独VBF社のプリセットシステムを搭載した上製本ラインマシンがはじめて展示された. 日本へ1台目が導入されたのは1985年であった.<br>その後, 西独ゴルブス社も同種の機械を開発, 1991年現在既に約38台が日本で稼働中である. これは, 全国で現在稼働中の上製本機約120台中の32%に相当することになる. もちろんコンピュータによるプリセットの考え方は製本分野では断裁機や糸かがりの折丁フィーディングシステムに取り入れられ定着化し, 最近では高度レベルに達しているが「造本仕上げ機」としてははじめてであり, 製本機のセッティングコンピュータ化のはじまりといえよう. これらのコンピュータには生産管理機能をもたせることも進められ, 正確な記録にもとづく生産管理を行うことを可能にした.<br>1960年代のラインマシンとコンピュータ搭載の最近のラインマシンの生産性を示すデータの一例を示すとおよそ下記のような変貌をみることが出来る.<br><b>表5-1-1</b><br>したがって, 能力として139%, 切替時問1/3への短縮が'80年代後半から可能となったといえる.<br><b>1.2 その他の製本機のコンピュータ化</b><br>上製本ラインマシンのコンピュータによるプリセット化は, 並製ラインマシンや他の機械へのプリセットにも影響を及ぼした. 本製本ラインマシンが寸法決めが可能となった背景は, 本の表紙と中身が固形に近い均一な大きさであった為といえる.<br>一方, 並製本は, 表紙も中身を構成する折丁も紙質により大きく異なり, また寸法や印刷の版種により異なり, 扱いづらい. これらの点がセットの自動化をむずかしくしている. しかしながらも全工程ではないが, 可能な部分についてコンピュータセットを取り入れた設備が発表され実用化に入っている.<br>三方断裁機は, 並製ラインにおいては最終の工程であるが, 寸法設定に時間がかかっている. IGAS'87に発表されたコンピュータ寸法決め付三方断裁機は, 天地小口寸法及び罫下落としをプリセット可能とした. これによりセッティング時間40分が20分に短縮された. また, 無線綴機の丁合機折丁ホッパーの寸法決め, 表紙フィーダー及び搬送部背の断ちシロの自動セッティング, 接着剤塗布装置のローラー高さ決め等, 従来目視による手動操作を自動化及びデジタル化する試みがIGAS'87でメーカー各社より提示され, 現在実用と改善が進められている.
柴田 博仁 大村 賢悟
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.54, no.1, pp.049-057, 2017 (Released:2017-03-18)

This paper explains how the evaluation of letter contents and the personality of the senders vary according to presentation media and document styles of letters. We conducted a two-way factorial design experiment. The first factor was presentation media: paper and electronic media. The second factor was document styles: mails with a Gothic font, postcards written in a Mincho font, postcards written in a handwriting-like font, and handwritten postcards. It was observed that presentation media strongly affect the evaluation of the personality of the senders. Sending paper letters improves the feeling of familiarity between recipients and senders. Next, the document styles strongly affect evaluation of the contents of letters. Handwritten letters improves the evaluation of letter contents. Finally, the feeling of appreciation is highly evaluated in handwritten letters on paper. Based on the result, we discuss how to select presentation media and document styles depending on situations.
宝木 和夫 林 義昭
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.29, no.3, pp.288-295, 1992-05-31 (Released:2010-09-27)

The Bank Card with the magnetic stripe which was started to use in a full scale since 1970 has remarkably been increased in number because the card was recognized as the best suited media for the computer systems in terms of its reliability in transactions, security and high operation speed. As the network systems enlarged and the number of applications increased, however, the number of misused cards and of insolvents has also been increased. Since the IC Card has emerged as the next generation media with the excellent security, the technological perspective for the future use should be seeked both on the multi-purpose application and the security sides.
鷲巣 敏行
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.46, no.3, pp.131-136, 2009-06-30

Recently in Japan, aging of population structure has been going on, and then people with impaired vision, such as presbyopia or cataract are rapidly increasing due to physical depression, accompanied by aging, as well as low vision or impaired color vision which are typical visual impairments. These social situations have resulted in the requirement for the development of "Universal Design Font".The Universal Design Font differs from any other conventional fonts in its design concept, which focused on its usage as display font and designed it with a due consideration to the concept of universal design.
小野寺 尚希
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.50, no.1, pp.16-23, 2013

Japanese newspaper publishers have been tackling the digital media business since the 1980s. However, these were based on news feeds that were not run in the newspaper. They were mainly treated as breaking news because they were easy to handle, and it was able to avoid a cannibalization of newspaper circulation. But the e-newspaper concept introduced by Roger Fidler in 1994 strongly impacted publishers. Although e-newspapers could not be realized due to less advanced technology at that time, publishers were inspired by future business prospects and a standardized structure for exchanging articles. After that, the web was thought of as an e-newspaper. It failed as an e-newspaper business, however, because charging via the PC was not standard practice. When smartphone and tablet devices finally emerged, the e-newspaper business might be realized. Although there are still some issues, if newspaper publishers could solve them, e-newspaper business would move forward to next step.
藤原 雅弘
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.52, no.1, pp.42-45, 2015

Modern times have been called a sudden increase period of media. Services like Facebook and Twitter led to the spread of social networking services (SNS) , dramatically reducing the cost and difficulty of sending information: people now send information for free and share that information widely. Since the establishment of SNS on the country, enterprise, and group levels, individuals are able to offer information which, until now, was the realm of the newspaper "oligopoly," putting information on a home page immediately without letting major media through. Whenever there is a society that can be connected to the Internet, the individual now collects and spreads the first information on a subject or event. The individual becomes a target of interest and even maintains the sending power over the information, a condition previously only enjoyed by the conventional press industry. This has left the traditional media in a situation that cannot be ignored and must be changed to meet the times.
清水 陽 冨田 俊一 杉山 博幸 吉川 武志 川俣 正一
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.33, no.2, pp.108-113, 1996-03-31 (Released:2010-09-27)

The motion of the sheet of paper which falls down freely, is analyzed by the method of dynamics. In the previous work, we discussed the motion of the sheet of paper which goes inside the delivery unit of printing machine and rotates around a cylinder. In those cases, no outer force was considered except the force pulling the edge of a sheet of paper. In this work, we considered the outer forces, gravity force and fluid force. Generally, the analysis of the flow around the object is very complicated, and the fluid force affecting the object is difficult to solve. So, we analyzed the fluid force by considering the flow momentum. In this work, we analyzed the case of a sheet of free falling paper. In the future work, we are going to adopt the method discussed in this work to the sheet of paper which goes inside the printing machine.
木内 正人
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.49, no.3, pp.156-161, 2012 (Released:2012-07-15)

In addition to bank notes, National Printing Bureau has produced a wide range of security printed products since its establishment in 1871. We have built the original design style based on a combination of Japanese traditional customs and many western techniques. The current design of bank notes reflects the modernization after the Meiji Restoration. The design of bank notes must be reliable and secure. Further, the dignity and respect of the country must be upheld. In addition, the most important property of security printed products is their ability to gain social trust. In order to gain social trust, security printing employs various anti-counterfeiting measures. Design identities describing the history and technical sophistication are also necessary to further enhance credibility. Design identities are the key to achieving security printed products with higher credibility.
矢口 博之
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.49, no.4, pp.252-257, 2012

This paper discusses the potential substitution of paper media with digital media from the perspective of usability and legibility through a comparison of the characteristics of digital media and paper media. Various media have been digitized throughout the progress of information technology. Therefore, it is important that digitized media be improved in terms of their usability and costs. Current paper media are not digitized and hence they have low usability, high costs, and poor display qualities. Recent digital media such as tablet PCs, e-books, and smartphones have been developed using advanced information technologies, and thus they may substitute for paper media. This study investigated digital media from three perspectives, i.e., their physical characteristics, screen display size, and screen resolution. Our investigation and analysis showed that paper media cannot be substituted with recent digital media in the near future. However, some digital media have noteworthy features that are comparable with paper media. These digital media features are their high-resolution screens, large screen size, and writable screens. In the near future, new products or services that focus on user experience will be developed by integrating digital media and paper media.
大内田 貞郎
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.45, no.4, pp.210-219, 2008 (Released:2010-12-15)

"Kirishitan's (Christian's) books" were printed by the printing machine that Jesuit Order of Priest brought in Japan. Some of the books were also published in Japanese. There were skillful Japanese artisans who joined the printing "Gozan (five mountains) books" for Zen's precept published by the temples of Buddhism in Kyoto area. They had a good works and important role to press the "Kirishitan's (Christian's) books". However, they pulled out of the work in 1594 because they had to print "Kobunkeikyo" books summarized old Chinese ethics and moral. The publication of "Kobunkeikyo" was ordered by the Emperor. It is supposed that students in Seminaryo that was a school established by Jesuit Order of Priest in Japan took over the printing of the "Kirishitan's (Christian's) books" from the artisans, and started the work in 1594