川山 竜二
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.37-48, 2012

This paper considers differentiated scientific disciplines using the concept of functional differentiation. According to social systems theory, society has evolved to a state in which it consists of a variety of large communication systems that can be identified by the functions they perform. The goal of this paper is to show that science is structured in the same way. Modern science is characterized by functional differentiation.
中村 由佳
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2006, no.19, pp.189-200, 2006-07-31 (Released:2010-04-21)

From the mid 1990s, a new form of fashion has occupied part of the urban space of Japan: “street fashion”. What are the patterns of organization and communication in the urban space formed by “street fashion”? This paper attempts to examine “Ura-Harajuku”, the center of post 1980s' fashion in Tokyo, applying a dramaturgical approach. After that, the range of the approach itself and its limits are considered.
竹ノ下 弘久
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2004, no.17, pp.202-213, 2004-08-10 (Released:2010-04-21)

This paper aims to clarify the causal relationship between Chinese migrants' education and their income in Japan. I focus on the comparison between educational attainment in China and that in Japan. The result of my research shows that educational credentials obtained in Japan have a significant effect on the income of Chinese migrants and that there is a significant mutual relation between their Chinese and Japanese educational credentials in terms of income determination.
明戸 隆浩
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2009, no.22, pp.68-79, 2009

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the so-called "Liberal" position arose concerning the issue of ethnic minorities in 1960s America. Some earlier research has seen "Liberal" as only the opposition to "Conservative", and explained that the "Liberal" position in America was established in the presidential election of 1964 in which the main issue was civil rights policy. According to such research, as the civil rights movement became radical in the late 1960s, the "Liberal" began to collapse. But in this paper, to grasp the "Liberal" more appropriately, I focus on the relation and difference between "majority" and "minority" inside the "Liberal", and examine how "Liberals in the majority" responded to claims of minority. From this perspective, I will make it clear the radicalization of civil rights movement was not the beginning of the collapse of the "Liberal" but rather the critical momentum for the establishment of "Liberals in the majority", as it were a "Liberal Majority".
渡辺 克典
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2004, no.17, pp.25-35, 2004-08-10 (Released:2010-04-21)

This paper explores the development of common sense knowledge about stuttering correction. IZAWA Shuji (1851-1917) established the Rakuseki-Sha, one of the original organizations for stuttering correction in Japan. He was an advocator of “Japanese” education in the colonial government. His work on speech correction in Japan was a continuation of his research on “Japanese” education for language integration. His stuttering correction was not, however, a continuation of his “Japanese” education but was instead practice based on the scientific method (“Shiwa-Hou”). This paper shows that his speech correction was the application of practical ‘Knowledge’ about normal speech.
森田 聡之
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.1996, no.9, pp.71-82, 1996-06-05 (Released:2010-04-21)

This paper treats requests for ambulance from a corpus of emergency calls (119 calls), which were audio-recorded at a 119 dispatch center during the summer of 1994. In these calls, it is observable that when callers identify themselves, almost all of them use relational terms along with their names, e. g., “ (My name is) Yamada Hanako. wife. ” The question is not why they use such relational terms, but what they do as they use such terms. In order to treat this question, a device-what Harvey Sacks named Membership Catergorization Device-and its use will be considered.
樫田 美雄
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.1995, no.8, pp.227-238, 1995-06-05 (Released:2010-04-21)

In this paper, some properties of calls for emergency help is considered. The data sets are derived from the audio-taped telephone calls placed to a 119 dispatch center during the summer of 1994. For any hearer of the tapes or reader of the transcribed calls, it is ‘obvious’ that these are calls of emergency, yet, the question remains: How are they accomplished? This paper elucidates three main features of this talk. Firstly, in the topical opening of talk, the dispatch personnel ask the caller for the emergency category relevant to his or her needs, namely “Fire or Ambulance?”. Secondly, in the middle of the talk, both co-conversants confirm paticular relevancies of the emergency call, e.g., “Are there any injured persons?”. Thirdly, in the closing of talk, almost all the dispatchers announce that an emergency vehicle is on the way. Through such practices, members produce 119 talk into a call for help.
小野 奈々
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2003, no.16, pp.102-113, 2003-06-13 (Released:2010-04-21)

This paper clarifies the relation between what I call “Simplified Ideology” and the formalization of NPO/NGO activities. This “Simplified Ideology” is a simplified form of an existing organizational ideology that NPO/NGO members employ whenever they encounter difficulties on the ground. As a matter of fact, the strict formalization of their activities, however, tends to result in a diminished capacity to answer quickly to the situation at hand. Then, in this paper, I will argue that an accurate use of the “Simplified Ideology” may help prevent such problems. The use of the “Simplified Ideology” may also contribute to the development of NPO/NGO's “creativity”, required to solve problems encountered in the field. In this regard, I analyze the activities of (1) Médecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and (2) the Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC).
林原 玲洋
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2010, no.23, pp.141-152, 2010

In 1993, the Japan Epilepsy Association criticized Tsutsui Yasutaka's novel "Robot Police" as discriminatory to epileptics, and sought to have it from a textbook published by Kadokawa Publishing. In response to the criticism, he declared a "Writing Strike" and appealed for freedom of expression. This declaration drew public attention, and raised a storm of controversy. The aim of this paper is to explicate the divergence of problem setting in the controversy. First, I will show that the declaration was situated in the context of victim contest. Then, I will demonstrate that the context was prepared through the shift of roles in the early stages of the controversy. Finally, I will present a rhetorical analysis of how the shift of roles occurred in the responsive context of the controversy.
渡辺 伸一
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.1993, no.6, pp.13-24, 1993-06-05 (Released:2010-04-21)

In his well-known thesis of post-materialism, Ronald Inglehart offers a theory to explain opinion cleavage and political action in modern industrialized democracies. Inglehart has applied the thesis to value change as it affect voting choice and new social movements in Western democracies. While others have considered it in Japan. Since 1971, Inglehart has offered substantial, if sometimes conditional empirical evidence from Western countries in support of a post-materialist phenomenon. But some scholars have challenged the theory on empilical and theoretical grounds. The object of this paper is to summarize the critical arguments and then to condisider whether the theory of Inglehart still works well for or not.
元森 絵里子
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.168-179, 2012

"Karo-Jisatsu" (suicide induced by overwork) has often been connected to criticisms of Japanese society for its self-sacrificing labor culture and merciless economics. This argument merely repeats the legal and critical discourse of "Karo-Jisatsu" and voids the legal fiction of individuals with a responsibility to be critical of society. Moreover, at the level of practice, neither the cancelling of the fiction nor the issue of social criticism has been pursued. Contrary to the previous seemingly "sociological" explanations, our society neither operates strictly nor abandons easily the modern fiction of "intention". The sociology of suicide should illuminate the various aspects of the fiction in our society.
畠山 洋輔
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2011, no.24, pp.180-191, 2011

This paper clarifies how "trust" has been described in Japanese magazine articles of three domains—medicine education, and politics. By using the National Diet Library Online Public Access Catalog, I collected the magazine articles that included "trust" in the article title. I classified these articles on the basis of the object of trust: person, system, or thing. Analysis of these articles revealed the following: (1) the earlier the subject of trust started appearing in a domain, the lower was the trust shown in that domain currently, and (2) before and after the turn of the century, the proportion change of the number of the classified articles was different in each the domain. In conclusion, to investigate the usage of trust is to examin the imagination of the sources of social order in the domain.
畠山 洋輔
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2011, no.24, pp.180-191, 2011

This paper clarifies how “trust” has been described in Japanese magazine articles of three domains—medicine education, and politics. By using the National Diet Library Online Public Access Catalog, I collected the magazine articles that included “trust” in the article title. I classified these articles on the basis of the object of trust: person, system, or thing. Analysis of these articles revealed the following: (1) the earlier the subject of trust started appearing in a domain, the lower was the trust shown in that domain currently, and (2) before and after the turn of the century, the proportion change of the number of the classified articles was different in each the domain. In conclusion, to investigate the usage of trust is to examin the imagination of the sources of social order in the domain.
田中 大介
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2008, no.21, pp.13-24, 2008

This paper's purpose is to examine the potential of the network concept advanced by Manuel Castells. Various commentators have already criticized the network concept of Castells for its ambiguity. But the ambiguity of his concept, especially its abstract and formal character, has important implications. Network as a social form can be distinguished from other forms (hierarchy, market, and community), but, on the other this form's logic can also connote those forms as well. In other words network as logic can be located in a metaperspective as it operates on other social forms and as it generates alternative forms. A network can be expected to have a great potential to produce "timeless time" and "space of flow". And this high reflexivity of the network reveals the network society as an open system.