鶴田 幸恵
社会学年報 (ISSN:02873133)
vol.46, pp.17-31, 2017-12-26 (Released:2019-01-28)

この論文の目的は「トランスジェンダー」概念と「性同一性障害(GID)」概念の関係について,トランスジェンダーとして生きる三橋さんと,性同一性障害として生きるAさんへのインタビューの分析から見通しを与えることである. 三橋さんは,「トランスジェンダー」が性別役割の押しつけからの解放を求める運動と結びついたカテゴリーであるのに対し,「GID」は医学の身体本質主義と結びついた医療カテゴリーであると語る.それに対してAさんは,「GID」をある種の「障害」カテゴリーとして,「トランスジェンダー」と対立的には捉えていない.Aさんは,「障害」というものを社会の側にあると位置づける理解の仕方によって,また三橋さんや私が前提としているようにトランスジェンダーと性同一性障害を対立した存在だとは捉えないことによって,性同一性障害というものをアイデンティティとすることができている. 両者の概念の用法は対立するように見えるかもしれないが,いずれも彼女らが直面してきた問題をサバイブするための手段だと考えることもできる.それゆえ,彼女らのアイデンティティ・カテゴリーは,彼女らの生きている社会関係と,その関係の中でカテゴリーが埋め込まれた概念連関の中で理解されなくてはならない.
鶴田 幸恵
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.59, no.1, pp.133-150, 2008-06-30 (Released:2010-04-01)
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鶴田 幸恵
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.49, no.2, pp.21-36,157, 2004-10-31 (Released:2016-05-25)

The past studies on passing practice have accounted for the interaction about one's appearance and recognition of it. But these studies started their argument from the point that one already has a "normal appearance," and did not account for how it is accomplished that one has a "normal appearance" in the viewer's recognition. The aim of this article is to argue that such a way of accounting of past studies can not adequately account for passing practices of transgenders who intend to accomplish being a "normal natural female," using the transcript data from interviews of Male-to-Female transgenders, because accomplishing that appearance is the most important problem for them. For this, I focus on "viewing" as an action. First, I discuss the logic used in Goffman's Stigma and Garfinkel's famous paper on "Agnes," who is transgender. Through this work, it is found that the person who is passing is categorized in two ways. One is "categorization at a glance" which is an immediate and spontaneous practice. The other is "categorization from inductive judgment," which is conscious judgment by clues in one's appearance. Second, it is found from data that the person who is passing refer to "categorization from inductive judgment" to accomplish being categorized as "normal" with "categorization at a glance." Third, it is only when the question for instance, "Is that person is male or female?" is relevant that "categorization from inductive judgment" usually arises. So, for transgenders, to be categorized with the way of "categorization from inductive judgment" is to fail passing. This means that accounting for achievement or failure in passing must distinguish two ways of categorization. Through that consideration, I conclude that being categorized as a "normal natural female" with the way of "categorization at a glance" is necessary for transgenders to pass as normal. That is, on the one hand, the first step to passing, and on the other hand, the endless practice for transgender people.
鶴田 幸恵 小宮 友根
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.1, pp.21-36,159, 2007

Recently, it has become a new methodological agenda to discuss the methodologies of interviews which could be collected under the rubric of "interview as interaction." But it seems that such discussions do not make clearer the sociological status of the description which is produced by that method.The task of this paper is to point out some confusion in such discussions, and make the viewpoint of "interview as interaction" into a methodological discussion which can thoroughly describe "peoples lives." Methodologies that emphasize the view of "interview as interaction" often differentiate themselves from the standpoint which emphasizes "the facticity of data" or "the pattern of narrative." But apart from facticity or pattern, it is unclear what becomes the value of the data.There are two confusions concerning the view of "interaction." First concerns the usage of the two terms, "construction" and "interpretation." By virtue of the confused usage of these terms in such methodology, our understanding of others conduct is reduced to the activity of "interpretation." The second confusion concerns the claim that they describe not "fact" or "pattern of narrative" but "the mode (or form) of narrative." But in such a claim, "the mode (or form) of narrative" becomes a "model" prepared on the researchers side.Both miss the difference of the various actions and activities in actual interaction and do not make clear the implication of the term "interaction" within the methodology of interviews. But, for the interviewee, the interview is one scene of his/her life in a literal sense.If this is so, the behavior and the activity which appear there must be the part of his/her life and describing them must be directly describing his/her life.Here, using particular data, we present that proposition and argue the importance of the viewpoint of "interview as interaction."
鶴田 幸恵
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.59, no.1, pp.133-150, 2008

鶴田 幸恵 小宮 友根
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.1, pp.21-36,159, 2007-05-31 (Released:2016-03-23)

Recently, it has become a new methodological agenda to discuss the methodologies of interviews which could be collected under the rubric of "interview as interaction." But it seems that such discussions do not make clearer the sociological status of the description which is produced by that method.The task of this paper is to point out some confusion in such discussions, and make the viewpoint of "interview as interaction" into a methodological discussion which can thoroughly describe "people's lives." Methodologies that emphasize the view of "interview as interaction" often differentiate themselves from the standpoint which emphasizes "the facticity of data" or "the pattern of narrative." But apart from facticity or pattern, it is unclear what becomes the value of the data.There are two confusions concerning the view of "interaction." First concerns the usage of the two terms, "construction" and "interpretation." By virtue of the confused usage of these terms in such methodology, our understanding of other's conduct is reduced to the activity of "interpretation." The second confusion concerns the claim that they describe not "fact" or "pattern of narrative" but "the mode (or form) of narrative." But in such a claim, "the mode (or form) of narrative" becomes a "model" prepared on the researcher's side.Both miss the difference of the various actions and activities in actual interaction and do not make clear the implication of the term "interaction" within the methodology of interviews. But, for the interviewee, the interview is one scene of his/her life in a literal sense.If this is so, the behavior and the activity which appear there must be the part of his/her life and describing them must be directly describing his/her life.Here, using particular data, we present that proposition and argue the importance of the viewpoint of "interview as interaction."
鶴田 幸恵
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.49, no.2, pp.21-36,157, 2004

The past studies on passing practice have accounted for the interaction about ones appearance and recognition of it. But these studies started their argument from the point that one already has a "normal appearance," and did not account for how it is accomplished that one has a "normal appearance" in the viewers recognition. The aim of this article is to argue that such a way of accounting of past studies can not adequately account for passing practices of transgenders who intend to accomplish being a "normal natural female," using the transcript data from interviews of Male-to-Female transgenders, because accomplishing that appearance is the most important problem for them. For this, I focus on "viewing" as an action. First, I discuss the logic used in Goffmans Stigma and Garfinkels famous paper on "Agnes," who is transgender. Through this work, it is found that the person who is passing is categorized in two ways. One is "categorization at a glance" which is an immediate and spontaneous practice. The other is "categorization from inductive judgment," which is conscious judgment by clues in ones appearance. Second, it is found from data that the person who is passing refer to "categorization from inductive judgment" to accomplish being categorized as "normal" with "categorization at a glance." Third, it is only when the question for instance, "Is that person is male or female?" is relevant that "categorization from inductive judgment" usually arises. So, for transgenders, to be categorized with the way of "categorization from inductive judgment" is to fail passing. This means that accounting for achievement or failure in passing must distinguish two ways of categorization. Through that consideration, I conclude that being categorized as a "normal natural female" with the way of "categorization at a glance" is necessary for transgenders to pass as normal. That is, on the one hand, the first step to passing, and on the other hand, the endless practice for transgender people.
鶴田 幸恵
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.49, no.2, pp.21-36,157, 2004

The past studies on passing practice have accounted for the interaction about ones appearance and recognition of it. But these studies started their argument from the point that one already has a "normal appearance," and did not account for how it is accomplished that one has a "normal appearance" in the viewers recognition. The aim of this article is to argue that such a way of accounting of past studies can not adequately account for passing practices of transgenders who intend to accomplish being a "normal natural female," using the transcript data from interviews of Male-to-Female transgenders, because accomplishing that appearance is the most important problem for them. For this, I focus on "viewing" as an action. First, I discuss the logic used in Goffmans Stigma and Garfinkels famous paper on "Agnes," who is transgender. Through this work, it is found that the person who is passing is categorized in two ways. One is "categorization at a glance" which is an immediate and spontaneous practice. The other is "categorization from inductive judgment," which is conscious judgment by clues in ones appearance. Second, it is found from data that the person who is passing refer to "categorization from inductive judgment" to accomplish being categorized as "normal" with "categorization at a glance." Third, it is only when the question for instance, "Is that person is male or female?" is relevant that "categorization from inductive judgment" usually arises. So, for transgenders, to be categorized with the way of "categorization from inductive judgment" is to fail passing. This means that accounting for achievement or failure in passing must distinguish two ways of categorization. Through that consideration, I conclude that being categorized as a "normal natural female" with the way of "categorization at a glance" is necessary for transgenders to pass as normal. That is, on the one hand, the first step to passing, and on the other hand, the endless practice for transgender people.
鶴田 幸恵
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2006, no.19, pp.37-48, 2006-07-31 (Released:2010-04-21)

We, as Sociologists or as Laymen, often explain human conducts using categories, as in “A does X, because A is woman”. But as Harvey Sacks showed, we have at least two (collections of) categories that can correctly be applied to any member of society. “Sex” and “Age”. So, here is one problem. How can we, especially as sociologists, justify explanations such as the example? Sacks's answer is: By analyzing the orientations that members themselves regard as relevant to their conduct. But, again, we do not usually explicitly enunciate the categories that are applied to us such as in saying “I am woman, so I do X”. Here, another problem occurs. How can we access to the orientation of members? This paper will try to answer this latter problem by analyzing data in which sex-categorization is done by members themselves without actually explicitly stating any sex/gender category.
鶴田 幸恵 小宮 友根
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.1, pp.21-36,159, 2007

Recently, it has become a new methodological agenda to discuss the methodologies of interviews which could be collected under the rubric of "interview as interaction." But it seems that such discussions do not make clearer the sociological status of the description which is produced by that method.The task of this paper is to point out some confusion in such discussions, and make the viewpoint of "interview as interaction" into a methodological discussion which can thoroughly describe "people's lives."<br> Methodologies that emphasize the view of "interview as interaction" often differentiate themselves from the standpoint which emphasizes "the facticity of data" or "the pattern of narrative." But apart from facticity or pattern, it is unclear what becomes the value of the data.There are two confusions concerning the view of "interaction."<br> First concerns the usage of the two terms, "construction" and "interpretation." By virtue of the confused usage of these terms in such methodology, our understanding of other's conduct is reduced to the activity of "interpretation." The second confusion concerns the claim that they describe not "fact" or "pattern of narrative" but "the mode (or form) of narrative." But in such a claim, "the mode (or form) of narrative" becomes a "model" prepared on the researcher's side.Both miss the difference of the various actions and activities in actual interaction and do not make clear the implication of the term "interaction" within the methodology of interviews.<br> But, for the interviewee, the interview is one scene of his/her life in a literal sense.If this is so, the behavior and the activity which appear there must be the part of his/her life and describing them must be directly describing his/her life.Here, using particular data, we present that proposition and argue the importance of the viewpoint of "interview as interaction."
鶴田 幸恵

鶴田 幸恵
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2003, no.16, pp.114-125, 2003-06-13 (Released:2010-04-21)

In psychotherapy of “gender identity disorder” in Japan, psychiatrists assess the “sex of mind” of their clienteles. In this process, medicine first treats the invisible “sex of mind” as more essential than the visible sexed body, then as visible in the clientele's looking, behaviors, talks etc. The aim of this article is to examine how medicine treats the sex category according to this paradoxical logic, using the review of medical discourses and scripts based on interviews of “gender identity disorder” clientele. Through this process of description of the medical practice, it is showing how, by seeing the clientele's display as trans-situational clues of the “sex of mind”, this practice may be actually seeing very “sex of mind”.
鶴田 幸恵
