上野 貴史
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.78, pp.75-106, 2018-12

This paper aims to define the typical syntactic structure of Old Japanese at Man'yôshû. In Old Japanese, two types of alignment exist: the accusative alignment and the active alignment. While the accusative alignment appears in independent clauses which end in the conclusive form (syusi-kei), the active one accompanies subordinate clauses which close in the adnominal form (rentai-kei). I point out that these alignments have a different Case-marking. Furthermore, by focusing on the cartography of syntactic structures in kakari particles, I analyze kakari musubi as a cleft sentence.
Li Junyang 張 錦
The Hiroshima University studies, Graduate School of Letters (ISSN:13477013)
vol.78, pp.123-141, 2018-12-25

上野 貴史
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.76, pp.17-40, 2016-12

The Roman Empire, which had ruled a broad region of Western Europe and part of Africa, divided into East and West in 395 C.E., and was invaded by Germanic races, with the West Roman Empire collapsing in 476 C.E. Linguistically, Vulgar Latin, which was used across various regions of the Empire, differentiated into each Romance language, making contact with Germanic languages such as Gothic, Old Frankish, Lombardic, and Old Norse. Through an analysis of cognate sets, this paper demonstrates how Romance vocabulary originating in pre-10th century Proto-Germanic remains in each of the modern Romance languages. Moreover, a large amount of Romance vocabulary entered into Old English from the Norman Conquest of England onwards, and the Romance vocabulary originating in Proto-Germanic naturally blended in with it. This paper examines to what degree Old English vocabulary that derives from Proto-Germanic replaced Romance vocabulary that originated from Proto-Germanic. It aims to display the diachronic influence on Romance languages that derived from the same ancestor as Germanic languages.本稿は2016年8月7日、神戸市立六甲道勤労市民センターで開催された「欧州学フォーラム2016(創立10周年記念専門研究者会議):ヨーロッパの言語と文化と社会」において、「ロマンス語語彙におけるゲルマン語の通時的影響」と題して口頭発表を行ったものに加筆・修正を施したものである。
Li Junyang
The Hiroshima University studies, Graduate School of Letters (ISSN:13477013)
vol.77, pp.97-110, 2017-12-25

林羅山の詩論についての従来の研究は、詩論において羅山が目的としたものや、羅山詩論がその史論と深く結びついていることへの理解に欠けているところがある。本稿では、羅山の詩論が「撥乱反正」を目的とするものであることを示すとともに、その史論との関係について整理を加えることによって、羅山の詩論が哲学的な深みを持ち、かつ歴史を通じて現在を直視するものであること、すなわちその詩論が朱子学における『易』学を基礎とするものであり、「源平の乱」以来のなまなましい歴史と現実を直視しつつ、奈良時代から江戸時代初期に至る日本の詩壇の盛衰を回顧したものであり、鋭い批判精神に貫かれたものであることを明らかにした。儒学の「民本」思想に基づく「性情の正を得て、声義の和を保つ」の主張は、羅山詩論の主旋律であり、江戸社会の太平のために詩壇のあるべき姿を示したことは、羅山詩論の交響曲であると言える。本文為:2016年度教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地重大項目《日本漢詩彙編與研究》( 批准號:16JJD750021)階段性成果之一
山代 宏道
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.62, pp.61-78, 2002-12-27

Regarding the Chuch Reform Movement of 11th and 12th Centuries as a 'Globalization' this paper discussed the inter-actions between 'Globalization' and 'Regionalism' in Anglo-Norman England. As the Roman Papacy tried to establish the ecclesiastical hierarchy within Christian world, it fostered to spread the universal value system and common ecclesiastical standards. The common process for canonization of saints was introduced into England. Three main standards for Chuch Reform were maintained to be observed throughout the world. They were to prohibit the simony, the clerical marriage, and lay investiture. The paper mainly dealt with the problem of lay investirure to clarify how the kings and archbishops reacted to the problem when the wave of 'Globalization' reached England after the Norman Conquest.The reactions of three kings, William I, William II, and Henry I, were discussed in terms of lay investirure and the regional integration under the royal power. The author stressed the point that Henry I 's reign is the turning point, especially the period of 1120s. Henry encountered the Investirure Contest and lost a part of his traditional sanctity which had bestowed him the power to invest bishops with pastoral staff and episcopal ring. Thus, he and his advisors were forced to think of another method to impress people with royal thaumaturgic power, that is, 'Royal Touch', the miracle power to heal leprosy or scrofula. Henry's political situation around 1120 was very crucial in terms of his policy to control Normandy. The author concluded that William of Malmesbury's witness of the advocates of royal miraculous power was a reflection of Henry's crucial situation in his dynastic competion with French kings.
吉中 孝志
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.74, pp.33-44, 2014-12

We all know that literary tradition has often associated the imagery of fruits in general with sexuality, but scholars and annotators so far have not noted that Marvell's reference to melons in 'The Garden' might be deeply bound up with the properties of cucurbitaceae. One of the typical properties, especially the medicinal ones, of cucurbitaceae is to bring down a fever. And it seems to have been believed that this kind of cooling effect was gained not only physically but also mentally. Under the section of 'The Physicke commodities of the Pompons and Mellons' in The Gardener's Labyrinth, Thomas Hill explains this medicinal virtue: 'The greater number of Physitians writes, that those eaten, doth mitigate the venereall act, and do abate the genitall seed'. It is highly probable that this kind of knowledge was available through Gerard's immensely popular herbal to the readers of Marvell's 'The Garden', or that his 'habit of incorporating influences in his poems from recently published printed volumes' urged him to allude to Hill's explanation of melons in the 1651 edition of The Gardener's Labyrinth. In 'The Garden', this healing property of melons fits in very nicely with the speaker's claim that 'When we have run our passions' heat, / Love hither makes his best retreat' (lines 25-26). Marvell's intended meaning might be ─ or at least the reader who knew this particular property of melons could detect ─ the irony embedded in the description of the speaker 'stumbling on melons'. He has just ridiculed 'Fond lovers, cruel as their flame' (line 19), but he himself, unaware of his own different kind of infatuation, falls in love with 'this lovely green' (line 18). By showing that this dendrophile has lost his footing and got carried away by the passion's heat, which melons were supposed to cool down, and perhaps by partly laughing at himself, Marvell cannot but suggest the ridiculous aspect of the garden-mania which another of his poems, 'The Mower against Gardens', thematises. The last section of this paper, by drawing attention to the fact that the speaker in 'The Garden' does not perform gardening labours, argues that Marvell's gardens, after all, are created in the mind and reaffirms the limits on the part of literary scholars of positivism in analyzing a work of art.
有元 伸子 中元 さおり 大西 永昭
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.68, pp.33-51, 2008-12

Yukio Mishima's own manuscript of his best known work Kinkakuji is now in the possession of the Mishima Yukio Literature Museum in Yamanakako village of Yamanashi prefecture. The purpose of our study is to develop a new reading of Kinkakuji by examining traces which were added and deleted in the manuscript and investigating them in detail.At the beginning of our study of the manuscript of Kinkakuji, in this paper, we examined three motifs: the hero Mizoguchi's friend Kashiwagi, the head priest of Kinkakuji Roushi, and Kinkaku which Mizoguchi is to set fire to at the end of the story. In each case, we analyzed the ways in which Mishima modified the manuscript, and clarified the feature that Mizoguchi consciously and deliberately sets fire to Kinkaku in the story.
赤井 清晃
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.62, pp.19-25, 2002-12-27

Beatus Wehrle ponuit duas interpretationes; scilicet, de intentione Aristotelis in Categoriis et de distinctione duarum dialecticarum. In hac retractatione, consideratur proprietas harum interpretationum, praecipue, distinctionis duarum dialecticarum; scilicet, dialecticae aporeticae et dialecticae ad periculum.
有元 伸子
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.66, pp.35-51, 2006-12

Shiosai(The Sound of Waves) is well known as one of Yukio Mishima's masterpieces, and generally loved by myriads of readers. On the other hand, it is also regarded as an idiosyncratic opus differing in its main themes from his other literary works, and Mishima himself admitted this fact as well.In this paper, while attention is paid to Mishima's remarks, the peculiarity and significance of "Shiosai" is analyzed in terms of gender/sexuality and narration. Mishima used to depict alienation and a sense of the resistance of the society towards homosexuality in his previous other works; but in "Shiosai" he not only delineates heterosexuality, but also expresses it as a kind of love that is surrounded by the society and should be blessed as well. By searching for the logic of community that acts as the background of the story and the issue of sex/gender between male and female protagonists, the method adopted by the narrator to construct and present the story of heterosexuality which is encircled by society is examined, and the position of "Shiosai" in Mishima's oeuvre is then clarified.
小林 英起子
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.70, pp.39-51, 2010-12

Äsops Fabeln gelten als Teil der Weltliteratur. Den „Fabeln" Lessings (1759) liegen die Äsopschen Kurzgeschichten zugrunde. Die Tierwelt der Natur und seine Weltweisheit sind im Kontext der Aufklärung dargestellt. Im Vergleich zu der Übersetzung von Richardsons „Aesop's fables" wählte Lessing bestimmte Erzählungen aus, milderte den beißenden satirischen Ton und verstärkte das Moment der Lebensklugheit. Die Fabeln sollten zum Vortrag in der Schule geeignet sein.Die Tierfabeln in der Zeitschrift „Der Kinderfreund" von Christian Felix Weiße richten sich ausschließlich an die Kinder. Dadurch bezeichnet man ihn als „Vater der deutschen Kinderliteratur" in der Neuzeit. „Der Kinderfreund" war die erste pädagogische Zeitschrift in Deutschland. Bei Weiße werden Tierarten wie Lerche, Henne, Hahn, Gans, Lerche, Kuckuck, Fliege usw. im Bauernhof kleinbürgerlich personifi ziert. In seinen Fabeln werden manchmal übertriebene Habgier, Unwissenheit oder sündhafte Lüge mit einem bösen Ende angemahnt: Mit dem Tod der Tiere wirkt der Autor belehrend auf das Empfi nden der Kinder ein.Bei Lessing beherrschen die Menschen nicht einseitig die Tierwelt. Eine Grille bezeichnet die Menschenwelt als die „menschliche Republik". Tiere und Insekten, wie man sie auf dem Lande in Deutschland fi ndet, bevorzugte der Autor. Er gebrauchte nicht nur reale Lebewesen, sondern auch Tiere aus Legenden oder griechische Mythen wie Phönix, Feen, Bäume wie Eichen, Blumenstrauß u.a. Anders als bei Weiße wird in Lessings Personifi kation die scharfe Literaturkritik an den zeitgenössischen Autoren, seine Lebensweisheit oder der Weltlauf deutlicher abgelesen. Die Tiere und die Menschen koexistieren bei den beiden Autoren oft in einer harmonischen Fabelwelt.
赤迫 照子
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.72, pp.111-128, 2012-12

This study examines the history of Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatari in the Nakanishi Collection of the Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library.The Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatari in the Nakanishi Collection (hereinafter referred to as "Nakanishi Book") has a title: Hamamatsu Chunagondono Monogatari. It was known that Motoori Norinaga (1730-1801) transcribed Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatari (hereafter referred to as "Monogatari") under the title Hamamatsu Chunagondono Monogatari, and thereafter, a number of his disciples actively transcribed Motoori Norinaga's transcription. The text in the Nakanishi Book has the same characteristics as Motoori Norinaga's original transcription; therefore, I deduce that the Nakanishi Book was one of the transcriptions from the Motoori Norinaga's original transcription.A small note written by Ajiro Hirona (1787-1817) was found in the Nakanishi Book. The same note was also found in the Monogatari's other transcriptions: one in the Koubai Collection at the Archives and Mausolea Department of the Imperial Household Agency and the other in the Kannari Collection at the Mukyu-kai Library. By investigating these texts I conclude that these three transcriptions were related very closely.
井内 太郎
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.61, pp.73-90, 2001-12-28

In March of 1996, the symposium was held in the Institute of Historical Research of London University. The theme of this symposium was 'Eltonian legacy'. G.R.Elton was the authority of the study of Tudor dynasty who died in 1994. His famous book was Tudor Revolution in Government (Cambridge, 1953) in which he emphasized on the radical change of the administration in 1530's and tbe important role of T.Cromwell in this change. Since then, there had been the controversy of his theory. One of the purposes in the symposium was to locate his study in the history of British historical study. What was the Eltonian legacy? In this article, I'll examine the Eltonian legacy on the basis of the argument of this symposium and the recent study of Tudor dynasty in the view of the history of administration, parliament, politics. The conclusion is as follows ; We can't accept his theory as it is, which is the objection to be critisized. But the attractive point of his argument is the sharp critical mind and new point of view. His capacity to examine materials is the point in which he should be appraised, too. One of the subjects for further study of Tudor dynasty is to relate his study of the central government with the new study of local government to define the state formation in early modern England.
瀬崎 圭二
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.70, pp.49-75, 2010-12

The Japanese seaside in the Taisho era becomes leisure and the place of sports. By the Saneatsu Mushanokōji Yūjō (Friendship) that made such situation a background, the representation that the youth who idealized a Western body are conscious of each other's bodies is seen. It is the time when a concept called "the physical beauty" of the woman spread out, and, for Taisho era, the seaside comes to have the image as the place to expose the "physical beauty" to. The fi lms of Taisho era has a meaning as the medium which does representation of the body, and the representation that made the body of the woman of the seaside a problem is seen in the films Amateur Club where Jun'ichirō Tanizaki participated in. The novel Chijin no Ai (Naomi) that absorbed cinematographic representation abundantly is similar. In the seaside done representation of by the films Amateur Club, there is in particular points to absorb an American beach image "signifi cance" of the cultural history in various meanings.
曽田 三郎
広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 (ISSN:13477013)
vol.67, pp.33-54, 2007-12

中华民国是各省脱离清朝统治而成立的, 因此推进新的行政制度也是最初各省独自进行的。但是, 制定中华民国临时约法之后, 根据该法, 大总统·国务员, 参议院等中央行政·议会机构一旦建立, 再加上正式召开国会, 制宪筹备等工作安排到政治日程上, 就有必要制定统一的地方制度方案。中华民国诞生的1912年, 法制局在制定地方制度方案方面, 起了重要作用。当初在大总统直属下的法制院, 随着袁世凯就任临时大总统, 作为法制局就设在国務总理直管之下。1912年这一年, 法制局也发挥局員在日本·德国留学的经验, 制定了三种地方制度方案, 但是, 都没通过参议院。其原因不在于参议院本身, 而在于都督, 省议会等地方势力方面。袁世凯面临着这些势力的反对, 在参议院正式开始审议之前, 撤销了有关地方制度的法案。另一方面, 袁世凯为了汇集地方的意见, 要求各省派遣代表, 设立了行政谘询处。这种措施一方面損害了国务院与法制局的权威, 另一方面强化了总统府秘书与政治顾问对制定地方制度方案所起的作用。