高橋 靖以
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.8, pp.107-114, 2018-03-10

This paper analyzes evidential nominalizer in the Horobetsu dialect of Ainu. In the dialect, evidential nominalizer may function as a marker of complement clause and adverbial clause. This versatile nommahzat10n may be interpreted as the grammaticalization of evidential nominalizer.
阪口 諒 阪口 諒
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.9, pp.131-144, 2019-03-15

知里真志保(1909-1961)の遺稿ノートを翻刻した北海道教育庁生涯学習部文化課編(2002)(以下、【フィールド1】)には樺太アイヌの物語が複数掲載されている。そのうちいくつかはすでに和訳が公刊されているが、どの和訳と対応するのか分からないものもあり、遺稿ノートの忠実な翻刻のままでは利用しにくい。今回、【フィールド1】45-47頁に掲載の「Esaman Carahau」が既に「カワウソのばけもの」(一つ目の大入道)として公刊されていることが確認できた。また、いくつかの資料から語り手に関しても特定できるように思われる。この物語は「樺太西海岸タラントマリの伝承」であるが、樺太(サハリン)西海岸の散文物語で原文が公開されているものは極めて少ないことを考慮して、原文に新たな訳註を付すことにした。なお、この物語の原文はローマ字で筆記されている。
落合 いずみ
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.11, pp.99-121, 2021-03-20

This paper reconstructs the vigesimal system and the numerals based on that system in Post-Proto-Ainu by comparing three dialects of Ainu: the Hokkaido dialect, the Sakhalin dialect, and the Kuril dialect. In the Ainu vigesimal system, multiples of 20 are indicated by hot, the word for “20,” whose proto form is reconstructed as *gOt. This paper analyzes the structures of the numerals between adjacent multiples of 20, such as the numerals from 21 to 39, from 41 to 59, and from 61 to 79. In the vigesimal system, each interval comprises 19 units. This paper proposes that the former nine units and the latter ten units show different structures. The units in the interval (e.g., 21 to 39) can either be expressed by the lower multiple of 20 (i.e., 20) or the higher multiple of 20 (i.e., 40). Expressing the units by using the lower multiple of 20 is called undercounting (or additive counting); expressing the units by using the higher multiple of 20 is called overcounting. This paper claims that the former 9 units (e.g., 21 to 29) use undercounting, whereas the latter 10 units (e.g., 30 to 39) use overcounting. The undercounted numeral 21 is expressed as “1 more than 20.” The overcounted numeral 30 is expressed as “10 goes toward 40,” and 31 as “11 goes toward 40.” In previous studies, the latter ten units have been explained by different counting methods. The odd multiples of ten (e.g., 30, 50, and 70) have been explained by subtraction (i.e., 40−10, 60−10, and 80−10, respectively). The following numerals (e.g., 31, 51, and 71) have been explained by a further addition of digits (i.e., 40−10+1, 60−10+1, and 80−10+1, respectively). This paper treats these ten units in a uniform manner by proposing an overcounting numeral system for them.
風間 伸次郎
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.特別号, pp.163-171, 2022-03-20
山田 祥子
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.1, pp.217-228, 2011-03-25

This paper aims to present two texts of the Northern Dialect of Uilta (one of the Tungusic languages, distributed on Sakhalin Island in Russia). The common theme of the texts is how to cook one of their traditional preserved foods named sulukta, which is made from boiled and crushed meat of fish. The first text (Chapter 1.3 in this paper) was told by Ms. Irina Jakovlevna Fedjaeva who was born in the village Val in 1940. The present author wrote the explanation in Uilta from her dictation in October 28th 2010 in Val, Sakhalin oblast. The second text (Chapter 2.3 in this paper) was told by Ms. Elena Alekseevna Bibikova who was born in a camping place Dagi in 1940. The present author recorded her oral explanation based on her own manuscript in Uilta in October 18th 2010 in Nogliki, Sakhalin oblast.
山田 祥子
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.1, pp.1-106, 2023-03-20

The present publication aims to make available as a primary source the sound recordings of the Ewenki language (one of the Tungusic languages) taken from Ms. Ekaterina A. BORISOVA in Sakhalin Oblast, Russian Federation, during May-July 2010. Ms. BORISOVA was born in 1949 in Ayan-Maya (or Ayan-Mai) district that is located in the northern part of the Khabarovsk region. The Ewenki language she speaks is believed to be a dialect acquired in her homeland. Based on the geographical condition, it can be assumed to be the Ayan-Maya (or Ayan-Mai) dialect of the Eastern group of dialects, but linguistic features need to be closely observed for more accurate identification of the dialect. The present sound materials contain the followings: 1. Basic vocaburary 2. Numbers 3. Basic conversational expressions 4. Sample sentences based on a questionnaire 5. Text: my background 6. Text: dad, me, and our dog 7. Text: a story about wolves trying to attack reindeer 8. Text: a day in early summer 9. Text: a place, where wild animals gather 10. Text: the new horizon 11. Text: most important is the health of reindeer 12. Text: solonetz 13. Text: my reindeer 14. Text: Manchurian wapiti 15. Text: a bear and a chipmunk (from a Nanai tale) The phonetic transcription, Russian translation, Japanese translation, and (for chapters 4-14 only) the speaker’s own Russian transcription are provided as indexes to the sound materials.
風間 伸次郎
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.6, pp.81-110, 2016-01-20

It has already been crosslinguistically shown how animate subjects are preferred in marked voice sentences (e.g. passive or causative). However, few studies have crosslinguistically investigated the extent to which an animate agent should be a subject in unmarked voice sentences. In this paper I examine this problem through a questionnaire (19 pairs of sentences) in 13 languages of different areas and different language families. Then I consider the following questions. [1] Are the languages classified into the two extreme types, i.e., the animate subject-oriented languages and the languages almost without restriction? [2] Does the inclination/disinclination to animate subjects of the language have an internal relationship with other typological features of the language? [3] Is the latitude to the inanimate subject different among verbs? [4] Are there any geographical biases concerning this tendency? This paper is a first attempt on my consideration of the above questions. In conclusion, I point out the following points: ・Crosslinguistically, inanimate subjects are unacceptable under the condition that the inanimate subject is the direct actor and the object is affected. On the other hand, inanimate subjects are acceptable under the condition that the action is indirect and the inanimate subject is a trigger of human emotion or something similar. This factor can be considered as that of transitivity. ・Paying attention to the nominal character of the inanimate subject, it can be noticed that the instrumental nouns tend not to be inanimate subjects, although the nouns which have the intentional human participation on the background tend to be inanimate subjects. ・The Japanese language has a strong tendency to avoid inanimate subjects, and the Korean and Indonesian languages follow it. While the Arabic and Persian languages allow inanimate subjects to a considerable extent. SAE also allows them to certain degree. I pointed out the factors of such distinction as follows: 1. Whether the personal inflection on verb exists or not; 2. Grammatical gender exists or not; 3. Voice strategy. The direction of voice change of the languages in question seems to especially be the important typological feature which has systematic relation with other features.
Alonso de la Fuente José Andrés
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.特別号, pp.35-46, 2022-03-20
Sato Tomomi Bugaeva Anna
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857127)
vol.9, pp.67-93, 2019-03-15

Focusing on cross-dialectal comparison is particlarly important in the case of language isolates like Ainu, which lack outside comparisons. Unfortunately, Kuril Ainu, which is absolutely indispensable for the reconstruction, disappeared in the late 19th century with just few old documents left. This study presents several newly discovered unpublished Kuril Ainu documents, i.e. Opisanie na pervom ostrovu zhivuscikh kurilov... [A description of the Kuriles living on the first island...] by O. Argunov (1742) and Kuril'skie slova [Kuril Words ; I.G. Voznesensky's archive] (1844?) from the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences and attempts to revise Murayama's (1971) overview of Kuril Ainu and pursue historical research on a number of isues. Though Murayama (1971) notes that Kuril Ainu is extremely important for Ainu dialectology and history of Ainu, he does not give any concrete examples of how it can actually be used for this purpose. This paper suggests that Kuril Ainu old documents can reveal a lot only when compared with old documents of other dialects, i.e. Hokkaido and Sakhalin Ainu. Despite many difficulties in accessing and deciphering, the study of old Kuril Ainu documents and their comparison with Hokkaido and Sakhalin Ainu documents is very promising because it is quite possible to find previously undocumented vocabulary items (e.g. obscenities including the word unatara which appeared in both unpublished Kuril Ainu materials in Cyrillic and kana materials), identify new meanings of words (e.g. in Kuril Ainu, kotan means not only ‘village’ but also ‘island’), and even attempt to recover Proto-Ainu through the reconstruction in phonology (e.g. *CVHC syllable structure in PA based on words for ‘good’ and ‘dark’ in Hokkaido, Sakhalin and Kuril Ainu old records) and grammar (person marking and negation).
呉人 惠
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.6, pp.1-23, 2016-01-20

The purpose of the present paper is to examine two types of verb marking in adverbial clauses, that is, the nominalizing type and the non-nominalizing type, in the Chukchi-Kamchatkan language, Koryak. Besides the exclusive use of so-called converb forms, Siberian languages are well known for making rich use of case morphology to mark a range of functional types of subordinate clauses. With regard to case-marked subordination, there are two basic formal subtypes. In one type, the nominalizing type, the case affix attaches to a nominalized form of the verb. Meanwhile, in the other—the non-nominalizing type—the case affix attaches to either a bare verb stem, a semi-inflected form of the verb, or a finite verb form. Koryak shows both the nominalizing type and the non-nominalizing type of verb marking. In the latter type, the case affix attaches to a bare verb stem. Through examination, the present paper clarifies the following points: 1) In the nominalizing type, either the allative, dative, or locative case attaches to the nominalized stem and marks either temporal clause or purposive clause. Meanwhile, in the non-nominalizing type, either the locative, instrumental, dative, comitative, or associative case attaches to a bare verb stem and marks a range of functional types such as temporal, causal, conditional, concessive, and manner. 2) Among the neighboring languages, only Yupik and Naukan of the Eskimo-Aleut language family share the non-nominalizing type with Koryak. As the non-nominalizing type is not observed in other languages of that family distributed in North America, it is possible that Yupik and Naukan adopted the non-nominalizing type from the Chukchi-Kamchatkan. 3) The non-nominalizing type is observed not only in adverbial clauses but also in an infinitive (in the locative case) and an imperative form (in the comitative case), which shows that this type penetrates into the Koryak grammar.
高橋 靖以
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
no.7, pp.99-106, 2017-02

This paper analyzes causative suffix in the Horobetsu dialect of Ainu. In the dialect, causative construction correlates with switch-reference. In the coordinate clause, causative construction may function as a different-subject marker. In the subordinate clause, causative construction may function as a same-subject marker.
山越 康裕
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.5, pp.281-317, 2015-03-20

The Khorchin Mongolian text described here is a collection of basic sentences that were provided by Mr. Chog(Chi. Chaoke), a native Khorchin speaker born in Mankhan village, Khüree banner, Tongliao city, Inner Mongolia. Khorchin Mongolian, which is one of the main dialects of Mongolian, is spoken primarily in Tongliao city and Xin'an league in Inner Mongolia. It is well known that the Khorchin dialect has been heavily influenced by Chinese. In order to collect the sentences, I used the questionnaire "Translation of daily conversation" that the research group for the ongolic Languages of Inner Mongolia University prepared in the 1980s. This collection of Khorchin Mongolian sentences is expected to contribute not only to the descriptive study of this dialect, but also to the comparative study of Mongolic languages.
呉人 惠
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.8, pp.1-21, 2018-03-10

Koryak copula sentences are formed by either personal copulas, which are derived from independent personal pronouns, or the copula verbs it'be'or tva'exist'with the predicate nominal marked in the essive case. The present paper examines the conditionality of the switch between the two types of copulas. According to Stassen (2003), this is a type of nominal and locational switching and can be interpreted as a case of'Permanency Parameter', which induces an opposition between'essence'and contingence. However, in Koryak, even the personal copula, which is not expected to co-occur with temporal adverbs such as'now','temporarily','yet','for three years', and'in this year', can co-occur with such adverbs. Furthermore, predicate nominals that refer to the subject of inherent and unchangeable character can coexist with the copula verb, in some contrastive context such as'not A but B'. The present examination reveals that, judging from these facts, the switch is conditioned by how the subject is perceived by the speaker rather than by the physical duration of the subject. Through this examination, this paper also demonstrates that Koryak shows idiosyncrasy in that it exhibits switching in all semantic classes, including'Event', 'Property','Class', and'Locational'. Clarification of the factors behind this idiosyncrasy remains to be sought through future research.
江畑 冬生
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.12, pp.69-81, 2022-03-20
日髙 晋介
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.13, pp.17-37, 2023-03-20