長野 壮一
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.12, pp.1-37, 2017 (Released:2018-12-20)

フランス革命後における中間団体をめぐる政治文化を考える際の基本概念に「団結」と「結社」がある。団結と結社は従来の研究において関連付けて論じられることが多かったが、両概念の連関は必ずしも自明ではない。なぜなら、そもそも刑法典において団結と結社はそれぞれ別の項目で記載されており、また団結と結社のいずれか片方にしか言及していない研究も散見されるためである。先行研究の多くが団結と結社を関連付けて論じた要因として、刑法典における団結禁止規定(第414~416条)の改正について論じる際に従来の研究が主として依拠した史料(立法院委員会による法案趣旨説明)において、結社権への言及が多く見られたという点が指摘できる。そこで本論文は、法案によって示された中間団体認識が同時代における言説体系の中でどのような位置付けにあったのかを解明するため、委員会による趣旨説明にとどまらず、法改正に関連する史料を網羅的に分析した。 その結果として明らかとなったのは次の事実である。法案審議の過程においては、公序の観点から家族的結社を推奨し団結権を否認する立場と、労働の自由の延長として結社権と団結権を肯定する立場が併存していた。しかしながら、最終的に成立した法案はいずれの立場とも完全には相容れず、結社は個々人の利害の集合である団結とは異なり団体としての利害を持つとする認識、並びに団結権は結社権に至る通過点であるとする認識からなる折衷的な立場を取った。法案は時代の趨勢に反し、立法者独自の中間団体認識に立脚していたのである。こうした立法者の戦略は団結権法認を成功へと導くには有効であったが、その一方で結社の法的立場は曖昧なまま残された。団結法改正の過程で示された中間団体認識はその後、第三共和政初期の社会政策において常に問い直される帰結となるだろう。
木下 龍馬
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.128, no.1, pp.1-35, 2019 (Released:2020-01-20)

鎌倉幕府裁判研究では、訴状を取り次ぐ挙状と、有利な判決を求める口入はまったく別物として扱われてきた。しかし、近年の院政期裁判研究において、裁判像そのものの見直しが進み、挙状や口入などが同じく働きかけ(権限に基づく命令とは異なる要請)として捉えられるようになった。本稿はこの動向を踏まえ、口入的要素(挙状、口入、申入など)から幕府裁判を再考する。 第1章の主要な検討対象である本所挙状は、本所被管の訴を幕府に取り次ぐ文書である。初期の鎌倉幕府は、これらの訴に応じ、さしたる審理をせず武家被管を処分していた。つまり、本所挙状の要請の程度は強く、命令に近いものだった。しかし、承久の乱や御成敗式目制定を経た中期になると、本所側と武家被管側を問答対決させ、理非を判断するようになり、武家被管が勝訴する確率は上がった。本所挙状の効力は低下し、訴を幕府に伝達する役割に近くなっていく。 第2章の主要な検討対象である関東御口入は、鎌倉幕府が管轄していない事項(本所進止領や西国堺相論)について本所の審理・裁許を要請する行為である。関東御口入を行う文書は、関東挙状と呼ばれた。鎌倉中期までは、武家被管の訴状を幕府が本所に挙達し、本所が審理を行って裁許を下していた。関東挙状と本所挙状は鏡写しの関係にあった。しかし鎌倉後期になり、鎌倉幕府の実態的勢力が増大するにつれ、幕府からの要請の程度が強まり、本所の審理・裁許の自律性は失われた。すると幕府は、本所被管側と武家被管側を召出して、口入を行うべきかどうかの事前審理を行うようになった。 かくして、“武家への挙状”と“武家の挙状”は対照的な軌跡を描いたことを明らかにした。そして、直接命令せず口入を行う固有の領域を幕府が持ったことの意義を論じた。
古川 隆久
史学会 ; 1889-
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.128, no.6, pp.971-1005, 2019-06

1 0 0 0 北魏の鎮人

直江 直子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.92, no.2, pp.137-171,278-27, 1983

The Northern Chen 北鎮 during the Northern Wei period has been by now studied from the view point of its military system. Accordingly the Chen-jen who were listed in the Chen's registration were regarded as the soldiers of the Northern Wei army. We suppose, however, that the Chen-jen means the people under the Chen's civil administration, and that there was no crucial difference between the soldiers and the people in the Northern Chen, unlike the obvious difference between the "Ch'eng-jen" 城人 and the "Chou-min" 州民 in the interior regions. If we compare the "Ch'eng-jen" and the "Chen-jen" in the Northern Chen, it can be understood that the fixed "Ch'eng-jen" were only the ones who were exiled to the Chen, and that the "Chen-jen" were originally the producers who settled in the "Hsiang-li" 郷里 or the "Pu-lo" 部落, and when necessary, were conscripted as soldiers. Their main occupations were agriculture and stock-farming. Concerning the revenue and the land-holding system, they seemed not soldier-farmers (屯田) but the land-hold farmers who were registered in the "Chun-t'ien" 均田 system. They were also independent stock farmers, though they must have differed from the agricultural Chen-jen as the social system. Therefore the "Hsiang-li" and the "Pu-lo" were the societies which the independent producers, that is, the Chen-jen formed spontaneously. In the end of the Northern Wei, there became created the differentiation between the powerful "Hao-ch'iang" 豪強 and the poor "Hsi-min" 細民 in the Northern Chen society. When the Chen-jen served as the soldiers, they were used to destroy their own society, for they were under the control of the Chen officials who tended to appreciate the Hao-ch'iang to dominate the Hsi-min. This was the circumstance of the Liu-Chen 六鎮 Rebellion. In this situation, the "Hao-chieh" 豪傑 and the "Hao-hsia" 豪侠, who became the political leaders of the Later Northern Dynasty, formed the core to unify the people in the Hsiang-li society.
本位田 菊士
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.90, no.12, pp.1747-1784,1866-, 1981

<p>What kind of title a ruler (monarch) took is an important matter to show the characrer of a given state. The fact that the Ritsuryo-state of Japan in eighth century was based on the Chinese constitutional system and that the monarch at that time took a special title 'Tenno' (天皇, lit. ten=heaven, no=empror) should be remarked. By means of the inscription on the iron sword which was discovered recently in Sakitama-Inariyama, an old mound, we see that a monarch of Japan in fifth and sixth century was called 'Daio' 大王. The change from 'Daio' to 'Tenno' was made after seventh century according to the international negotiation with China. Therefore it seems to be sure that the name of 'Tenno' came from Chinese term. If it is true, from which Tenno of China Japanese governor took its name? And for what did he adopt the title 'Tenno'? To answer these questions, I tried to consider the thought background of the motive in this paper. Among the past studies on Tenno, Sokichi Tsuda's paper 'Tenno-ko' is a representative one. In this paper, he told that 'Tenno' had two meanings : one is the Divine Being from a point of astrological view, the other a fictitious character's name as an emperor from a view point of superhuman being with divine power. Each meaning is mainly based on the religious concept implying a metaphorical meaning of a monarch. There is a recent opinion, by Shigeru Watanabe and Haruyuki Tono, that Japanese usage is bound to that of 'T'ien-huang' 天皇 and 'T'ien-hou' 天后 used in the reign of Kao-tuung 高宗 in T'ang. There is also Yukihisa Yamao's opinion that a title of 'Tenno' which unified separated functions of T'ien-tzu 天子 and Huang-ti, 皇帝 was newly created in the reign of Tenji, but I cannot follow him. I make much of the siginificance of the establishment of 'Tenno' as a title of a monarch, but I cannot follow the view that a title of 'T'ien-huang' in the reign of Kao-tsung brought forth its adoption in Japan directly. Because T'ien-huang in the reign of Kao-tsung did not mean to strengthen the right of the monarch at all, but, on the contrary, to rationalize the direct imperial rule of Tse-t'ien-wu-hou 則天武后. And it may be said that a title of a monarch which was based on Huang 皇 as well as Tenno did not exist at all in China befofe T'ang. For example, T'ai-shang-huang 太上皇 was a dignified title for the monarch after his abdication or demise. In An-p'ing-hsien-wang Fu ch'uan 安平獻王誤孚伝 (Chin shu 晋書) 'T'ien-huang, T'ien-huang-chih-hou' 天皇・天皇之后 was used with a meaning of a dignified title for the past monarch. So I suppose that 'Tenno' at first had no clear meaning of a title of a monarch when the name came into Japan. Therefore I do not think the oldest date when the name was imported to Japan is bound to the first year of the Shang-yuan 上元 (674 A.D.) in the reign of Kao-tsung. In Suiko period when the first direct connection with Chinese title of a monach was made, the monarch called himself 'Tenshi (T'ien-tzu)' 天子 contrasting with a title 'Huang-ti' 皇帝 of China. This shows that Japanese side at that time accurately understood the title of a monarch of China. Taking these facts into consideration, I infer as follows : Till the end of seventh century a present ruler was called 'Tenshi 天子 '(Kotei 皇帝) as well as 'Daio' which was still used among the nation, and the past monarchs were called 'Tenno'. The name of 'Tenshi' means a very name of Chinese monarch, and at the same time, among the nations of Northeast Asia including the Japanese, the name means Ame-tarashi-hiko 阿毎多利思比弧 (Sui-shu 隋書), a noble man from the Heaven. While 'Tenno' in contrast with 'Tenshi', must be</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>
本郷 和人
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.112, no.12, pp.1899-1935, 2003

The present article offers a new view of the important political disturbance within the Kamakura Bakufu that occurred during the eleventh month (shimotsuki霜月) of 1285 in an attempt to clarify the political situation within the Bakufu during its later years.The conventional political history of the incident is based on the assumption that the warrior class was unconditionally one composed of natural administrators.However,the author is not convinced that they were all that knowledgeable about the art of governance at the time the Bakufu was founded.At that time,the local land proprietors of the Kanto region formed a political mechanism known as a "bakufu" to protect their rights,which led to start their carrers as administrators.They learned how to govern only through experience over time.An analysis of the amendments and revisions made to the Seibaishikimoku成敗式目 code shows that the Bakufu only became serious about politics and governance after the civil war of 1221.An excellent example of this is the "welfare" measures to nurture the people (bumin撫民) adopted during the Kencho建長 era (early 1250s).On the other hand,the order issued during the Einin永仁 era concerning debt remission was aimed solely at Bakufu vassals (gokenin御家人) and can hardly be looked upon as an act of governing the country.In this sence,the Bakufu should be looked upon as having two different aspects : people forming the mechanism for the Bakufu to govern the country,and those forming an organization to protect the interests of gokenin.Focussing on the remission of debt issue,we can observe political conflict arising within the Bakufu at the time of the Mongol invasion,which can be interpreted in terms of opposition between the above "administrator" and "gokenin interest" groups,the former being represented by Adachi Yasumori安達泰盛,the latter by Taira Yoritsuna平頼綱.The clash that occurred between them known as the Shimotuski incident resulted in the defeat and decline in influence of the "administrator" group who felt the Bakufu should be involved in governing the whole country.The resulting Bakufu organization,which became over-concerned with protecting the interests of its gokenin constituency,would sooner or later lose the support if the other elements of society,resulting in its eventual fall.
立石 博高
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.88, no.7, pp.1134-1154,1208-, 1979

La revuelta de las ciudades castellanas, que comenzo en Toledo en abril de 1520, y termino en la batalla de Villalar en abril de 1521, es conocida con el nombre de las "Cmunidades". Suponemos que la tarea aclaratoria de esta revuelta constituye la premisa fundamental para la comprension de las caracteristicas estructurales de la sociedad moderna castellana. Porque despues del fracaso de esta, Castilla se subordino a la politica exterior de la monarquia absoluta de los Austrias que sacrificaba el pais considerandolo como mero arsenal de hombres y materiales, y no acontecio ningun alzamiento grave durante el Antiguo Regimen. En el capitulo primero estudiamos, para conocer las aportaciones historiograficas anteriores sobre el tema, las interpretaciones de las Comunidades segun las diferentes etapas hasta nuestfos dias. En la primera mitad del siglo XIX, predomino la interpretacion liberal, la cual valoraba la revuelta como un movimiento precursor de la libertad y al mismo tiempo, nacional contra el absolutismo "foraneo". Sin embargo, desde mediados de ese siglo, aparecen criticas contra esta interpretacion, cuyas corrientes se cristalizaron en la tesis de G.Maranon caracterizada como el "culto al Imperio". El considero la revuelta como medieval y feudal contra el poder absoluto moderno y unificador del pais. La revaloracion de la revuelta de las Comunidades comenzo a finales de la decada de 1950 por J.Vicens Vives, E.Tierno Galvan, etc. Y en la del '60, J.A.Maravall presento una valoracion completamente opuesta a la de Maranon. Segun el, las Comunidades fue la primera "revolucion moderna". Los aspectos economicos de la revuelta fueron analizados por J.Perez, historiador frances, que vio en el fondo de la revuelta, los conflictos economicos existentes entre los productores de panos y los exportadores de lanas. J.I.Gutierrez Nieto presto atencion al movimiento antisenorial acaecido en el mismo periodo y lo considero como el factor determinante, tanto en el desarrollo de la revuelta como en la formacion del bando realista. Ademas, el insistio en que el enfrentamiento basico se dio entre la nobleza territorial y las ciudades en torno al regimen senorial. En el capitulo segundo, examinamos las interpretaciones recientes y presentamos varias dudas sobre estas. Estamos de acuerdo con J.Perez en considerar la revuelta como la crisis economica y social de la epoca, pero no podemos aceptar los intereses opuestos en el conflicto de las lanas como la causa fundamental del movimiento. Tampoco aceptamos la interpretacion de Gutierrez Nieto, porque no suponemos que las ciudades eran tan marcadamente antisenoriales, aunque reconocemos que hay que profundizar bien el aspecto antisenorial en los senorios y su influencia en el movimiento. Pensamos que las causas sociales de la revuelta habria que encontrarlas, ante todo, en la transformacion sufrida por las ciudades castellanas situadas entre el Duero y el Tajo, despues de la Baja Edad Media, y por eso, se presento como un movimiento de "le caractere communautaire" (P.Chaunu). En cuanto al caracter ideologico de la revuelta, aceptamos que fue un movimiento progresivo, constitucional y democratico, pero no admitimos que fuera esa "revolucion moderna" de que hablan algunos historiadores, puesto que la idea politica de los sublevados no sobrepaso las restricciones de la sociedad estamental. Creo que se impone, ante todo, una aclaracion detallada y concreta de lo acontecido en las ciudades, desde antes de la revuelta.
渡辺 千尋
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.122, no.3, pp.366-389, 2013

The present article is an attempt to clarify the actual situation involving Japan's legal authority within Japanese settlements in China and characteristic features of the Japanese government's policies regarding them through a description of the actual processes involved in the construction of Japanese settlements in China and the formation of institutions regarding them. The establishment of Japanese settlements and related institutions in China following the 1st Sino-Japanese War marked the start of involvement by the Japanese government in their administration. Although the research to date on the subject has regarded Japanese settlements in China and Korea as basically similar, in terms of their international environments, the process of transforming Korea into a Japanese protectorate following the conclusion of the 1904 Japan-Korea Protocol lies in stark contrast to China, which was under unequal treaties signed with several world powers. Here the author focuses on the Settlement Corporations Law (居留民団法) of 1905, which laid the legal basis for the administration system in Japanese settlements in China and Korea, in an attempt to compare how the Law was implemented in each country. The analysis shows that in the case of China, the belated establishment of Japanese settlements had to be implemented by adjusting to the existing interrelationships involving other foreign governments, foreign concessions and local residents.
寺尾 美保
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.124, no.12, pp.37-61, 2015

堀川 康史
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.125, no.12, pp.1-24, 2016

高杉 洋平
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.122, no.1, pp.36-60, 2013

Following the Armistice which concluded the First World War, there occurred a strong international trend toward anti-militarism, and in Japan, as well, public opinion toward military downsizing gained traction. On the other hand, since Japan had not participated significantly in the actual fighting during the War, the Army's equipment was now utterly outdated in comparison with the armies of Europe and the United States, and a call arose for the modernization of the Armed Forces. Given these conditions, in 1925 Minister of War Ugaki Kazushige reduced the Army's strength by four infantry divisions and used the budget funding so released to modernize its equipment, thus accomplishing disarmament and modernization in one stroke. His political position was strengthened through this so-called "Ugaki Drawdown", and he was touted to be a promising candidate for Prime Minister. In 1925, returning to the post of minister of war in Hamaguchi Osachi's cabinet, Ugaki embarked on a second round of military reforms, which like his first arms reduction plan, aimed at disarmament combined with modernization. However, the plan ran aground after meeting fierce opposition from the General Staff, causing Ugaki to resign his position in the Cabinet. As to the question of why Ugaki's reform concept succeeded in the first arms reduction plan, but failed in the second, while the two plans have received considerable time and attention from researchers to date, they have focused mainly on each reform plan separately, and thus have had little success in clarifying the various factors which led to the success of one and the failure of the other. From this perspective, the author of the present paper compares the two reform plans on the basis of a sequential interrelationship, and attempts to clarify the various factors within and without the Army that destined each plan to success or failure, while examining the extent to which Ugaki and the General Staff were aware of those factors.