李 相済 廣橋 容子 リ サンジェ ヒロハシ ヨウコ Lee Sang-jae Yoko Hirohashi
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.23, no.2, pp.107-118, 2010-01-31

This article considers the definition of discriminatory language and related problems. Aspects considered are the history of discrimination which is reflected in discriminatory language, the intentional use of discriminatory language to oppose discrimination and, how the language points to the existence of discrimination. The limitations of discriminatory language being viewed as a legal problem are clarified, as is the necessity for dialog between the majority and minorities to resolve these issues. It is necessary to radically change the current social structures and social relations that cause discrimination in order to achieve a solution to this problem.
柴嵜 雅子 シバサキ マサオコ Masako Shibasaki
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.24, no.1, pp.51-64, 2010-10-31

In Switzerland right-to-die organizations have legally helped the members to end their intolerable lives thanks to the country’s criminal code that does not outlaw assistance in suicide unless it is motivated by self-interest. The voluntary termination of one’s own life after due consideration is accepted by the general public as a personal and responsible choice. This paper, focusing on the two major institutions, Exit Deutsche Schweiz and Dignitas, first outlines the unique practice and the controversies triggered; especially by Dignitas which extends the service to foreigners. Secondly, two characteristics of the groups’ procedures are explored; those who seek help in dying are strongly advised to have their family or friends involved in the process in order to avoid a lonely death; trained volunteers, not doctors, assist in the final moment. The system can be construed as a way to reclaim “one’s own death” in a highly medicalized society.
柴嵜 雅子 シバサキ マサコ Masako Shibasaki
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.23, no.1, pp.11-24, 2009-10-31

At the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Eva Kor, a former subject of Mengele’s experiments, declared that she would forgive all Nazis. This statement has stirred outrage among many Holocaust survivors. In order to review her intent, this paper first clarifies the meanings of forgiveness in general, referring to the latest philosophical and psychological studies. The second chapter examines some comments on Simon Wiesenthal’s “The Sunflower” which poses a conundrum about whether we should forgive a dying remorseful Nazi. The opinions of those like the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, based on the Buddhist weltanschauung and the African concept of “ubuntu” respectively, introduce us to a new dimension for forgiving criminals of heinous atrocities. The third chapter analyzes Kor’s proposal to heal both victims and perpetrators of the genocide, which proves to be in line with restorative justice.
清水 泰生 シミズ ヤスオ Shimizu Yasuo
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.30, no.2, pp.91-103, 2017-01-31

Haruki Murakami is a novelist who also competes in triathlons and marathons. How has his running affected him and his literary work? Furthermore, has he read any books about running that offer interesting viewpoints? In addition, how does he train? For this report, I considered works that feature in printed media, such as interviews, essays and other texts. Since many novelists do not participate in sports, Murakami was regarded as a heretic and received continuous criticism. He fought for people who were criticized all the time. It may be said that he is an atypical runner, and is therefore isolated. Also, it can be seen from the Murakami works that literary language and rhythm are important attributes. As well as music, running must affect the form of writing immensely. Additionally, there is the theoretical question about his training, but it may be said that his original training has helped him form a writing style.
陳 子恒 植松 康祐 チン シコウ ウエマツ コウユウ Ziheng Chen Koyu Uematsu
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.30, no.1, pp.75-86, 2016-10-31

When Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in 2008, as in previous global financial crises, we could see that all banks expanding internationally tended to have closer linkage with global markets to perform balance-sheets adjustments. In recent years, the Nikkei stock average has been influenced by international linkage a lot. We analyzed the movement of shareholders by using the data of the Japanese distribution of dividends to shareholders. From factor analysis for the transition of investment ratio of each department, we could explain the actions of investments. Also, we performed multiple regression analysis to analyze the linkagebetween the Nikkei stock average and foreign stock market indices using the Dow Jones average, the S&P500, and the SSE composite indices as explained variables. From these results, we succeeded in showing the international linkage of Nikkei stock average by using statistical data.
古賀 敬太
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU Journal of International Studies (ISSN:09153586)
vol.33, no.3, pp.139-157, 2020-03-31

This article intends to analyze how Yoshio Onishi (1909-1975), interpreted Carl Schmitt's constitutional theory (Verfassungslehre) and adapted it to the analysis of both the Meiji Constitution and the postwar constitution. Especially we pay attention to Onishi's theory of constituent power and constitutional emergency power. He regarded constituent power as not unlimited, but limited by concrete order, especially it's idea and practical norm. And Onishi attempted to limit the enormous and unlimited legal power of Emperor by consulting Schmitt's views on constitutional emergency power in the Weimar Republic. But in the process of wartime system and total mobilization, which was seen in the National Mobilization Act (1938) and the movement of Great Politics Party(1940),he regarded Japan's critical condition as the normalization of exception and departed from his former position. After the world war Ⅱ, he returned to his original position and appealed to the importance of constitutional emergency power, which is not stipulated in the postwar Japanese Constitution. He also tried to legitimatize the radical transformation from imperial sovereignty to the sovereignty of people by appealing to the theory of Schmitt's constituent power. Especially he emphasized the legitimacy of constituent power and insisted that constituent power of people itself is not actual will, but is constrained by the legitimacy of the concrete order.
廣橋 容子 李 相済 ヒロハシ ヨウコ リ サンジェ Yoko Hirohashi Sang-jae Lee
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.23, no.1, pp.35-47, 2009-10-31

In this article, we make it clear that elderly people are placed in poorquality facilities with an unsuitable environment and are not treated with proper respect as human beings. And we point out that a delay in the improvement of welfare facilities for elderly people depended on policies. Visits to Savonlinna city in Finland were made in August 2008, with research being conducted at welfare facilities for the Elderly. The characteristics of the welfare facilities for elderly people in Finland are : 1. The care respected elderly people. 2. The switch from “a care offer type institution” to “an independence support model house”. From comparison with welfare facilities for elderly people in Finland, we explain the new role of welfare facilities for elderly people, and we also offer suggestions for the improvement of living conditions and environment of welfare facilities for the elderly.
姫野 学郎 ヒメノ ガクロウ Gakuro Himeno
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.16, no.2, pp.195, 2003-03-31

Two theories have appeared in the last decade in Japanese contract scholarship that are labeled as postmodernist: one is Professor Takashi Uchida’s “relational contract theory” that has been profoundly influenced by Professor Ian Macneil; the other is Professor Kenji Yamamoto’s theory that has been inspired by Professor Norbert Horn’s “Duty to Re-negotiate (Neuverhandlungspflicht).” In this short article I seek to analyze the two theories because both are focused on the performance stage of contracts – contract renegotiation. The most significant difference between the two theories is that Yamamoto highlights the tension inherent to the “Duty to Re-negotiate,”an obligation to freely agree (eine Pflicht, sich freiwillig zu einigen), while Uchida deliberately alleviates it by regarding the duty as an “immanent norm.” The reference group in the Yamamoto theory is indeed all the potential discussants (following Jurgen Habermas) whilst that in Uchida’s theory is the interpretative community of the business (following especially Hans-Gearg Gadamer). The two are related, it will be discussed, to the traditional argument about the appropriate relationship between “ratio” and “voluntas,” furthermore between Vertragsgerechtigkeit and Vertragsfreiheit.
清水 泰生 シミズ ヤスオ Yasuo Shimizu
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.28, no.2, pp.131-141, 2015-01-31 (Released:2015-02-04)

The Tokyo marathon has become the first full-scale urban marathon in Japan. People who previously took no interest in running have begun to show interest in the Tokyo marathon. Thus a second running boom is now taking place. This is different from that of the late 1970s because the media covers marathons on a large scale. I would like to consider how Japanese running culture has been built up by the media and how the culture has penetrated Japanese society. The results are as follows. Newspapers covered ordinary participants and citizen runners in the Tokyo marathon and spotlighted them. Family ties was seen in the newspaper articles, and such words as Thanks, thank you and supporting appeared frequently. These words may be closely connected with the fact that marathons are extreme and that no one can run without the support of other people. They may also be connected with Japanese gregariousness and bonding.
有田 亘 アリタ ワタル Arita Wataru
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.29, no.3, pp.85-95, 2016-03-31

Is Edward Said’s concept of “contrapuntal reading” good enough in practice, but not in theory? In order to solve this problem, we consider the discussion of T.W. Adorno “Beethoven’s Late Style” in Said’s On Late Style. At the same time, we compare it with “On Fidelio” of “Cosi fan tutte at the Limits,” also by Said. Because of this comparison, we consult the playing style of the pianists V. Afanassiev and I. Pogorelich. However, this paper is intended to use the idea of classical music for social epistemology. In order to lead us to understand this, we refer to Slavoj Žižek “Against the Populist Temptation : Ode to Joy and the Turkish March.”
柴嵜 雅子 シバサキ マサコ Masako Shibasaki
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.21, no.1, pp.75-88, 2007-10-31

Studies on the Holocaust have revealed that those involved in the despicablehorrors were not abnormal sadists but ordinary people. This paper examinesethical problems raised by this unpalatable reality. The first part, drawing on sociopsychological experiments as well as historical research on Nazi Germany,demonstrates that legitimizing authority or peer pressure can easily prod us intoharming others, and that we are not such autonomous moral agents that we areusually assumed to be. Secondly, I explore sanctioned killings. Analogous tosoldiers slaughtering enemy combatants, people have no pangs of guilt inexterminating targeted individuals, once they are branded as dangerous beings andexpelled from the moral community. The last section suggests what we can do inethical education to forestall another Auschwitz.
小牧 一裕 コマキ カズヒロ Kazuhiro Komaki
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.22, no.3, pp.79-91, 2009-03-31

In order to establish the current state of delinquent behavior and investigate factorsrelevant to it, 388 hight school students comprising 191 females and 197 males weresurveyed. The major findings were that aggression and norm-consciousness influencedProblem behavior overall, with aggression and norm-consciousness factors in females;and aggression, norm-consciousness, and teacher support significant in males Solutions to the problem of delinquency are also discussed.
古賀 敬太 コガ ケイタ Keita Koga
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.28, no.2, pp.77-96, 2015-01-31

Tadao Yanaihara(1893-1961) was a pious Christian, a follower of Kannzo Uchimura. On the basis of his Christian faith, he fought against the imperialistic war and the exclusive hyper-nationalism which oppressed freedom of thought and conscience from 1932 to the end of the war. This article attempts to make clear the character of his conception of pacifism, nationalism, and the Emperor system. He regarded himself as a prophet for Japan and felt a responsibility and mission to warn against the militaristic government and nationalistic people, as Isaiah and Jeremaiah did in the Old Testament.
長澤 彰彦 ナガサワ アキヒコ Akihiko Nagasawa
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.25, no.3, pp.1-21, 2012-03-31

The true nature of branding is to set up and maintain a structure for supporting and strengthening trust [信] in the brand. Ultimately, the word trust itself can be conceived of as arising from a duality of principle [信念] and reliance [信頼]. However, the Strategic Japanese Brand that the cabinet formulated in 2009 did not include any idea of a structure for creating trust, but merely expressed a plan for revitalizing Japanese industry. Today, Japan is grappling with a number of problems, such as the nuclear accident caused by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Disaster, the poor economy due to the strong yen, and the draining off of Japanese economic power by China and Korea. These are the result of the heretofore focus ondeveloping industry and the economy. Since the economic decline, merely calling for more support for industry will not solve the problems. The structure of trust through state branding has a function of crisis management when economic power declines or other crises occur. However, as far as can been seen, up to now none of the plans or proposals related to Japanese state branding that have been issued by any governmental bureau or agency have gone so far as to include consideration of the aspect of crisis management. This paper seeks to clarify the basic nature of national branding by exploring the background and problems with the attempts at national branding in Japan.
桶谷 猪久夫 前川 武 オケタニ イクオ マエカワ タケシ Ikuo Oketani Takeshi Maekawa
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.20, no.2, pp.49-62, 2007-01-31

The Engishiki is a 50-volume code of regulations comprising 3,300 criminal laws ( ritsu )and administrative and others laws ( ryo )compiled by order of EmperorDaigo by Fujiwara no Tokihira from 905( Engi 5 )and mostly completed by 927 ( Encho 5 ). The ninth and tenth volumes are called Engishiki Jimmyocho and theshrines registered in these are called Shikinaisha , of which there are 2,861 nationwide, enshrining a total of 3,132 deities. A database was constructed linking the names of the shrines registered in theEngishiki , their current names, the names of the regions, provinces and counties, and other location information. The Shikinaisha are significant for understanding the origins of Japanese culture,the fromation of the state, and in the study of the Heian period.
奥 正嗣 オク マサツグ Masatsugu Oku
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.27, no.2, pp.33-51, 2014-01-31

This paper examines the Austrian Federal Constitution of 1934. The Austrian Federal Republic Constitution of 1929 did not bring satisfactory results for all Austrian people, but produced conflicts between some political parties. In such unstable political conditions, the federal government made an attempt to abolish Austrian democracy, and suspend parliament (Nationalrat) and the constitutional court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). A new constitution (Verfassungs 1934) was proclaimed on 1st May, 1934. This constitution was passed by a rump parliament (Rumpfparlament) composed of only the Government party. This constitution aimed at “a Christian, Germanic, federal state based on corporatism.” The president and the federal government exercised state power instead of parliament, which was an advisory body. On 13th March 1938, the Austrian Federal State (Bundesstaat Österreich) became one state (Land) in the Third German Empire because of the unification of the two nations, and Austria fell under the control of the legislative, administrative and judicial power of Germany.