平尾 昌宏 ヒラオ マサヒロ Masahiro HIRAO
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編
vol.23, pp.1-23, 2015-02

河崎 祐次 カワサキ ユウジ Yuji KAWASAKI
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編
vol.12, pp.55-75, 2011-06

自動車販売会社における整備士は,技術力の高さのみならず,ユーザーとの接客対応力,部下やチームを統率する力,経営的なセンスも必要である。すなわち販社において,整備士はスペシャリストではなくゼネラリストとしての役割が期待されている。このようなゼネラリストは企業にとって「人財」であり,その育成手法については,多くの研究が行われているが,販社の整備士に焦点を絞ったものは,まだ行われていないようである。そこで,筆者が販社で「人財教育」に携わった経験に基づき,自動車短大での教職者の視線で,「ゼネラリストとして活躍する自動車整備士」を養成するために必要な教育について研究した。本論では,販社の概要について述べ,会社における自動車整備士の位置づけを明示し,整備士として超えるべき1 年目の試練と,営業への配置転換を取り上げて論じた。そして,販社への就職を成功に導くための大学教育は,コミュニケーション能力の育成と主体性の涵養を中心とすべきであることを明らかにした。
佐藤 潤一 サトウ ジュンイチ Jun'ichi SATOH
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編
vol.12, pp.129-172, 2011-06

From 1990's, theories of Japanese Constitutional Law had been radically changed. The constitutional law is discussed by many books and articles of the political theory, history of law, and the philosophical theory. Constitutional theory is influenced by these theories. In this lecture note, I try to reconsider the theories of constitution interpretation, especially the historical aspects and comparative study about the constitutional theory of common law countries, e.g., U.K., Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
田村 誠 吉村 昌之 タムラ マコト ヨシムラ マサユキ Makoto TAMURA Masayuki YOSHIMURA
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編
vol.12, pp.1-18, 2011-06

The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the eleventh article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 19 to 22 of Chapter 4, Shaoguang(少広).
田村 誠 吉村 昌之
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.13, pp.1-19, 2011-10

"The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twelfth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 23 and 24 of Chapter 4, Shaoguang(少広).
角谷 常子 大川 俊隆 小寺 裕 武田 時昌 田村 誠 馬場 理惠子 張替 俊夫 吉村 昌之
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.24, pp.85-105, 2015-06

"The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the nineteenth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 15 to 21 of Chapter 6, Junshu(均輸)."The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the nineteenth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 15 to 21 of Chapter 6, Junshu(均輸).
吉村 昌之 大川 俊隆 小寺 裕 角谷 常子 田村 誠 馬場 理惠子 張替 俊夫
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.28, pp.29-53, 2016-10

"The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twenty-fourth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 16 to 20 of Chapter 7, Yingbuzu(盈不足)."The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twenty-fourth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 16 to 20 of Chapter 7, Yingbuzu(盈不足).
佐藤 潤一
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.9, pp.81-106, 2010-06

In almost all modern states, anti-terror legislation was concerned with domestic public order except for police action by the armed forces. However, after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the United States and United Kingdom created a permanent anti-terrorist legislation. The UK has had a long history of temporary anti-terror legislation, e.g., the Prevention of Violence (Temporary Provisions) Act 1939, and the Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act 1922 (Northern Ireland). However the UK recently created permanent legislation. Especially from 2000 to 2008, the UK has created considerable amount of legislation, e.g., the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (c.2), the Terrorism Act 2006 (c.11), and the Counter Terrorism Act 2008. International security experts have pointed out repeatedly in anti-terror legislation that military power is not appropriate. In light of this problem, we must consider that UK has used the derogation clause, Article 15 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, usually called the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). I discuss Article 15 case laws of the ECHR, and of the UK domestic courts. From this point of view, Legislation for emergency situation (yuji-hosei) in Japan has the same problem. Many commentators argue that contingency legislation in Japan violates Article 9 of the constitution. In recent years, Japan has transformed the legislation regarding the Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF). In this context, counter-terrorism measures are gradually shifting from police control to that of the JSDF. The Japanese government seems to be justified with the interference with all the human rights, and to which corresponded the constitution by the "public welfare" stipulated in Article 13 of the constitution. Moreover, could have the "public welfare" provided therein justified the JSDF? On this point, we must consider the derogation clause, Article 4 of the International Covenant of the Civil and Political Rights. The government may create contingency legislation for the purpose of national security, but almost all such legislation would interfere with human rights.
定金 浩一
大阪産業大学論集. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18825966)
vol.27, pp.17-33, 2016-06

Here a practical method to reduce the workload of school instructors is proposed, and an outline of a "seven minute interview" model is provided. This model is the result of actual trial and error casework. The interview model has been developed on the basis of the solution-oriented approach. This model is divided into 4 steps, which facilitate actions leading to a solution. I examine the usefulness of the "seven minute interview" for high school education counseling by considering 2 sample interviews that were conducted using this model.Here a practical method to reduce the workload of school instructors is proposed, and an outline of a "seven minute interview" model is provided. This model is the result of actual trial and error casework. The interview model has been developed on the basis of the solution-oriented approach. This model is divided into 4 steps, which facilitate actions leading to a solution. I examine the usefulness of the "seven minute interview" for high school education counseling by considering 2 sample interviews that were conducted using this model.