清水 貞夫 玉村 公二彦
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. 奈良教育大学 編 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.64, no.1, pp.41-54, 2015-11

In this article we analyzed the sociological labeling theory, especially focusing on Jane R. Mercer and also including the social climate of 1960s. According to Mercer, there are two perspectives in which mental retardation can be considered: (1) the clinical perspective and (2) the social system perspective. The clinical perspective is characterized by the simultaneous use of a medical model and a statistical model though these two models are frequently confused. She contends it is not appropriate to apply a medical model to mild mental retardation, but it is more appropriate to adopt a social system model for analyzing problems that people with mild retardation would meet in a community. She argues that from a social system perspective, mental retardation is a sociocultural phenomenon, That means that mental retardation is an achieved status in a social system and persons holding that status plays the social role designated by the social system. From Mercer's researches at Riversides, she found that there were a disproportionately large number of black persons and Mexican American persons labeled by community agencies. She also discovered that the schools were the chief labelers. From these and other findings Mercer came to three major conclusions. The first one is that clinicians and psychologists in the community were not measuring adaptive behavior only because there were no adaptive scales available for them to use. This meant that they judged persons as persons with mental retardation almost entirely on the basis of an IQ test score. The second one is that the cut-off point of an IQ score should be lowered to 2SD below, though public schools were using the cut-off point of IQ 79 or below. Third one is that tremendous cultural biases exists in the IQ test and the test is not appropriate when used with lower class persons who do not share the same cultural traditions as the dominant Anglo American society. These conclusions lead her to develop an improved assessment test called the System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA). SOMPA includes an extensive battery of measures. SOMPA has extensively reviewed and debated, so it has not recognized as a valid assessment tool for children yet. Mercer's social system approach, however, provides us with the new perspective about intellectual disability. According to Mercer intellectual disability is not mental defect or deficiency, but a kind of devalued deviancy which is determined to be deviant by other people in the social system.
板橋 孝幸 岩本 廣美 河本 大地
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. 奈良教育大学 編 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.68, no.1, pp.1-19, 2019-11

This paper shows the significance and problems of small schools laying both elementary and junior high schools in remote rural areas by arranging the cases of Ishigaki City and Taketomi Town in Okinawa Prefecture. In these schools, efforts have been made in school management and local area learning so that children can recognize their growth while considering the connection between elementary and junior high schools, by looking at the entire nine years of learning.
豊田 弘司 山田 陽平
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. 奈良教育大学 編 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.68, no.1, pp.51-55, 2019-11

偶発記憶に及ぼす欲求階層構造に基づく符号化の効果 【日本語要旨】本研究は, Maslow(1962)による欲求階層構造に対応して偶発記憶成績が規定されるか否かを検討した。30名の参加者は,小冊子によって記銘リストが提示され,各ページに印刷された語(漢字1字)が示す対象に対して,生存欲求処理条件では「生きるために必要ですか?」,親和欲求処理条件では「人と親しくなるために必要ですか?」,快-不快処理条件では「どんな印象ですか?」に対して6段階評定(生存及び親和条件では,とても必要~全く必要でない;快-不快条件では良い感じ~嫌な感じ)で該当する数字を選択していった。このような方向づけ課題を行った後,挿入課題を行い,その後に偶発自由再生テストを実施した。その結果,全体の再生率においては生存欲求処理条件と親和欲求処理条件が快-不快処理条件よりも再生率が高かったが,生存欲求処理と親和欲求処理条件間に差はなかった。また,評定値が5及び6であった語(有効な精緻化がなされた語)の再生率においては,生存欲求処理条件が親和欲求処理条件よりも再生率が高かったが,他の条件間に差はなかった。これらの結果は,Nairneら(2007)が提唱するサバイバル処理(本研究における生存欲求処理)による符号化の有効性を示唆するとともに,Maslow(1962)の欲求階層構造に対応して記憶成績が規定される可能性を示唆した。
北村 直也 松川 利広
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. 奈良教育大学 編 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.62, no.1, pp.159-166, 2013-11

Schools have been working on operetta performances as an interdisciplinary and comprehensive educational activity to develop the general personalities of children, who take part in the activity enthusiastically to express themselves through performances. We have studied where this energy comes from, and interactions among children as well as between teachers and children from the perspective of caring, taking account of characteristics of expression in operetta performances. The study has shed light on a change in the "caring relationships" among children as well as between children and teachers built up through the expression of operetta that involved self-orientation and other-orientation in the activity, "self-expression" , and the roles and functions of these aspects.