清水 貞夫 玉村 公二彦
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. 奈良教育大学 編 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.64, no.1, pp.41-54, 2015-11

In this article we analyzed the sociological labeling theory, especially focusing on Jane R. Mercer and also including the social climate of 1960s. According to Mercer, there are two perspectives in which mental retardation can be considered: (1) the clinical perspective and (2) the social system perspective. The clinical perspective is characterized by the simultaneous use of a medical model and a statistical model though these two models are frequently confused. She contends it is not appropriate to apply a medical model to mild mental retardation, but it is more appropriate to adopt a social system model for analyzing problems that people with mild retardation would meet in a community. She argues that from a social system perspective, mental retardation is a sociocultural phenomenon, That means that mental retardation is an achieved status in a social system and persons holding that status plays the social role designated by the social system. From Mercer's researches at Riversides, she found that there were a disproportionately large number of black persons and Mexican American persons labeled by community agencies. She also discovered that the schools were the chief labelers. From these and other findings Mercer came to three major conclusions. The first one is that clinicians and psychologists in the community were not measuring adaptive behavior only because there were no adaptive scales available for them to use. This meant that they judged persons as persons with mental retardation almost entirely on the basis of an IQ test score. The second one is that the cut-off point of an IQ score should be lowered to 2SD below, though public schools were using the cut-off point of IQ 79 or below. Third one is that tremendous cultural biases exists in the IQ test and the test is not appropriate when used with lower class persons who do not share the same cultural traditions as the dominant Anglo American society. These conclusions lead her to develop an improved assessment test called the System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA). SOMPA includes an extensive battery of measures. SOMPA has extensively reviewed and debated, so it has not recognized as a valid assessment tool for children yet. Mercer's social system approach, however, provides us with the new perspective about intellectual disability. According to Mercer intellectual disability is not mental defect or deficiency, but a kind of devalued deviancy which is determined to be deviant by other people in the social system.
藤本 文朗 太田 富雄 加瀬 進 小川 克正 河相 善雄 玉村 公二彦 後藤 容子

玉村 公二彦 佐藤 和美
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.55, no.1, pp.87-99, 2006-10

This paper aims to show and examine the Korean Disability Discrimination Bill which has been discussed both in disability groups and in Korean Government. The purpose of the bill is to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities and to protect their Rights. Although Korean approach for tackling the disability discrimination has been based on the Social Welfare Act for People with Disabilities, disability groups have recognized the weakness of the approach in comparison with the international trend of disability discrimination law. The Disability Discrimination Acts Solidarity in Korea(DDASK), which is pan-association of Korean PWD groups, was formed on April 2003. PWD groups in Korea have continuously acted and had a draft of disability discrimination legislation. In response to activities by DDASK, the government planed to propose the disability discrimination bill of version which has been prepared in the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The draft by the Ministry of Health and Welfare consisted of 50 articles. As the result of the government decision, the Health and Welfare vice minister announced the Korean government officially decided that Disability Discrimination legislation would be included in the processing discrimination law of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea.
清水 貞夫 玉村 公二彦
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.64, no.1, pp.41-54, 2015-11-30

In this article we analyzed the sociological labeling theory, especially focusing on Jane R. Mercer and also including the social climate of 1960s. According to Mercer, there are two perspectives in which mental retardation can be considered: (1) the clinical perspective and (2) the social system perspective. The clinical perspective is characterized by the simultaneous use of a medical model and a statistical model though these two models are frequently confused. She contends it is not appropriate to apply a medical model to mild mental retardation, but it is more appropriate to adopt a social system model for analyzing problems that people with mild retardation would meet in a community. She argues that from a social system perspective, mental retardation is a sociocultural phenomenon, That means that mental retardation is an achieved status in a social system and persons holding that status plays the social role designated by the social system. From Mercer’s researches at Riversides, she found that there were a disproportionately large number of black persons and Mexican American persons labeled by community agencies. She also discovered that the schools were the chief labelers. From these and other findings Mercer came to three major conclusions. The first one is that clinicians and psychologists in the community were not measuring adaptive behavior only because there were no adaptive scales available for them to use. This meant that they judged persons as persons with mental retardation almost entirely on the basis of an IQ test score. The second one is that the cut-off point of an IQ score should be lowered to 2SD below, though public schools were using the cut-off point of IQ 79 or below. Third one is that tremendous cultural biases exists in the IQ test and the test is not appropriate when used with lower class persons who do not share the same cultural traditions as the dominant Anglo American society. These conclusions lead her to develop an improved assessment test called the System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA). SOMPA includes an extensive battery of measures. SOMPA has extensively reviewed and debated, so it has not recognized as a valid assessment tool for children yet. Mercer's social system approach, however, provides us with the new perspective about intellectual disability. According to Mercer intellectual disability is not mental defect or deficiency, but a kind of devalued deviancy which is determined to be deviant by other people in the social system.
玉村 公二彦 片岡 美華 小山 ありさ 宮地 里味
教育実践総合センター研究紀要 (ISSN:13476971)
vol.18, pp.81-90, 2009-03-31

漢字書字に特異的障害をもつ学習障害児について、教育相談と支援を提供しつつ、そのプロセスの中でおこなってきたアセスメントと教育的支援の内容を報告した。本事例は、小学校4年生2学期から相談に入り、 5年生になって各過程度の支援をおこない、その認知や対人関係の特徴を把握したものである。漢字の書字障害は、特に字形の想起障害を特徴とする記憶に関連する問題と考えられたが、あわせて、本児は、不注意傾向、興味や対人関係の偏りなども指摘され、 LD、 ADHD、広汎性発達障害などのそれぞれの特徴をあわせもつと考えられた。発達障害の原因や特性から検討することを課題としつつも、教育相談・教育支援のプロセスの中で支援のあり方と手がかりを見いだすことの重要性を指摘した。
片岡 美華 玉村 公二彦 森下 勇 FADDEN Steve BRANDON Alicia

玉村 公二彦

該の研究期間内に障害者権利条約を批准した国はおおよそ100ヵ国となった。障害者権利条約の第24条は、教育の条項であり、障害のある子どもを含めたすべての子どものためのインクルーシブ教育を発展させることを求めている。本研究では、権利条約の批准を念頭において、アメリカ、イギリスやオーストラリアにおける教育システム検討した。当アメリカは、障害者権利条約を批准してはいないが、障害のあるアメリカ人法の下で、インクルージョンの多様な形態を教育条件の整備をともなって実施しており、また、高等教育等においては「合理的配慮」と同時に、「自己権利擁護」への支援が特徴として捉えられた。イギリスは、障害者差別禁止法のもとで特別ニーズ教育を進展させてきたが、2009年に障害者権利条約を批准したが、一般教育システムに特別教育を含むと解釈し、特別学校の位置づけをおこなっている点が特徴であった。オーストラリアも、イギリス同様障害者差別禁止法を制定していたが、障害者権利条約の批准にあたって、障害者差別禁止法を改定するとともに、2005年に「教育に関する障害基準」を制定し、「合理的調整(reasonable adjustment)」をインクルーシブ教育の中で具体化していた。日本での権利条約批准の視点として、差別の禁止の観点から学校教育における「合理的配慮」の具体化、特別ニーズ教育の実践などが重要視されよう。また、障害者権利条約の「非差別」の理解との関係で、特別学校や特別教育のシステムをどのように位置づけるのかという課題が残された。