孟 瑜
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.65, pp.89-98, 2016

Sokutai (束帯) was a compulsory dress code for the attendance of any ceremony or meeting conducted by the government. It was developed after the 10th century, along with several other national customs. Although sokutai was a normal dress code for nobles during the Heian Period (794‒1185) in Japan, nobles dressed differently according to their rank and the place of the event. Therefore, there were many different types of clothing designated for nobles to wear in various situations. The main types of the clothes they wear consist of sokutai, noushi (直衣), houko (布袴) and ikan (衣冠). This article discusses the ways that nobles dressed accordingly to their rank the attire designated in the place of event or workplace, and the ways they changed their clothes when they realized they were wearing unsuitable clothing compared with others at the Imperial Palace. An examination of ancient history in Japan verified that nobles wore different types of attire based on the function of their work.
中野 登志美
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.62, pp.191-200, 2013

The purpose of this paper is to clarify as the critical concept in the reading instruction theory of Literature' works. This paper is compared "A national language education of educational science", Especially, I examine it that ten years since issue the first number and ten years date from present. As a result, it was clear that critical concept in the present. In addition to this, it is saw the prob lems have been arguing "critical reading" not only Before the war, Wartime but also After the war. I discuss the subject from reading instruction on literary works point of view, a lot of theory by researcher and practices by teachers. It shows significance that a training that pupils' and students' ability of critical reading and thinking. It has been not changed a critical concept and the idea and attitude that makes much of guide critical concept, however, it has been changed that the instruction method and concept of the phrase on "critical".
長野 真澄
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.66, pp.165-173, 2017

The Vietnamese language includes vocabulary derived from Chinese called Han-Viet words (từ Hán Việt), and each Chinese character (kanji) has a Vietnamese reading, which is referred to as Han-Viet sounds (âm Hán Việt). The purpose of this study was to investigate the phonological processing of Japanese kanji words by Vietnamese learners of Japanese. In the experiment, intermediate Vietnamese learners of Japanese were asked to perform a naming task. The target Japanese kanji words were selected by manipulating the kanji consistency and the phonological similarities between Vietnamese and Japanese. The results showed that participants had longer reaction times for words having both different kanji and low phonological similarity. This indicates that L2 orthographic representation has strong links to L2 phonological representation regardless of kanji consistency and that the activation of L1 phonological representation does not affect the processing of Japanese kanji words in a naming task. This differs from Chinese and Korean learners of Japanese, in which the activation of L1 phonological representation facilitates the processing of kanji words in naming.
今川 真治
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.66, pp.213-222, 2017

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of communication between university students and their parents concerning relationships and marriage on their future view of marriage. The subjects were 189 university students (82 males and 107 females), and 12 were from single-parent households.Male students showed stronger traditional marriage views than female students. Both male and female students emphasized that the "personality" of their future mate was important, as was "value alignment" between themselves and that person. Only male students valued the "appearance" of their future partner, while female students valued other features such as their partner's "jobs", "educational background", "economic power", "having experienced living alone", "compatibility with her parents", and "her compatibility with her partner's family". There is a qualitative difference between male and female students in communication with the opposite-sex parent and a quantitative difference in communication with the same-sex parent. Male students equate themselves with their fathers, and the marriage view of the fathers had an effect on students' views of marriage. Regarding the relationship between the university students and their parents on their view of marriage, male students' marriage perspectives are directly influenced by communication with both their fathers and mothers, while female students' views of marriage are not only affected by the communication itself but by the relationship between the parents.本論文は,平成28年度広島大学教育学部卒業生湯池華子の卒業研究の収集データをもとに作成したものである。
黄 金堂
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.52, pp.229-236, 2004-03-28

The aim of this paper is to ascertain the likeness between Hujiwaranokintou and Bai Ju-Yi. Wakan-rouei-syu, an anthology of Japanese and Chinese poetry, is edited by Hujiwaranokintou in the middle periods of the Heian era. His anthology in the Heian era conveys a great influence not only upon the esthetics at that time but also upon the future generations of Japan's literature. Hujiwaranokintou selected most of all the poems of Bai Ju-Yi in his Waka-rousei-syu, because he had sympathy for the sense of uncertainty of life in the poems of Bai Ju-Yi.
黄 金堂
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.53, pp.273-280, 2005-03-28

What is literature? This question has always been controversial. Some say that literature plays an important role in the country management. Others say that literature is just a useless game of word. The former theory of literature had a great influence on Japan. The preface of Ryounshu and Keikokushu are two good examples. Despite the fact that Japanese literature absorbed the characters of Chinese's, however, it developed its own features. The aim of this paper is to ascertain the literary theory between Fujiwarano-Kintou in the middle periods of the Heian era and Pai Ju-Yi in Middle-Tang dynasty. Furthermore, I want to clarify the meaning of literature from the aesthetic and artistic point of view.
柳本 大地
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.65, pp.221-226, 2016

The purpose of this study is to investigate visual recognition of Japanese kanji-word processing on advanced-level Korean students learning Japanese. The orthographic and phonological similarities between Korean and Japanese language were treated as independent variables, while the reaction times from the visual lexical decision task were assigned as the dependent variables. From analysis, facilitation effect of phonological similarities and orthographical similarities was observed. Partly different from the result of a study by Cai, Fei, & Matsumi (2011) whose participants were advanced-level Chinese students, advanced-level Korean students in Korea have immediate processing access to concept by activating Korean phonological representation.
松尾 千秋
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.53, pp.319-325, 2005-03-28

The purpose of this study is to explore the conduct of Japanese folk dance in physical education, on the image through audio-visual aids, videotapes. One of them is "Soran-bushi", the other is "Hanagasa-ondo" by several productions. The subjects of this study are 118 university students. The results of this study are as follows: 1. They are tend to have heavy, dark, irregular, tender, strong and difficult image from the words "Japanese Folk Dance". 2. Though "Soran-bushi" and "Hanagasa-ondo" belong to the same Japanese folk dance, the images from each of them are diffrerent becouse of the specific characeristics of a region and a way of life. 3. Though the same number "Soran-bushi", the different arrange of music give birth to the different coreograghy and the different image. 4. The newer the videotape, the more beautiful, light, strong, difficult and large the image. Because of the change of the image of Japanese folk dance through audio-visual aids, videotapes, we can organize the new knowledge for Japanese folk dance in physical education. And to the folklore and the recreat of Japanese folk dance we must explore into teaching material agreeable to the learners' rhythm of the age.
高瀬 裕人
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.61, pp.133-142, 2012

In this report,Michael Pressley and Peter Afflerbach(1995) Verbal Protocols of Reading was considered as a fundamental work of the assessment of reading. Pressley and Afflerbach constructed a summary of conscious processes during skilled reading. And they used it to suggest that skilled reading is constructively responsive. They emphasized the importance of much experience which students actually attempt to comprehend and learn from text, selecting and carrying up text processing before the repertoire of responses that skilled reads use becomes habitual. Hence, we must assess the student's ability of selecting and carry up text processing. I pointed out that if we attempted to assess the ability, the summary of conscious processes and a thumbnail sketch of constructively responsive reading constructed by Pressley and Afflerbach would be useful because it will clear up which the student selected and carried up text processing and whether he or she can do so well. And, I concluded that it was important to conduct the valid assessment of reading with use of the summary of conscious pro-cessing and the thumbnail sketch of constructively responsive reading.
三村 真弓
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.62, pp.347-356, 2013

'Fushizukuri Education' is known as a great music education in Japan after the war. It was practiced in Furukawa Elementary School in Gifu Prefecture from the late 1960's to the early 1970's. This education was continued more than 10 years and was highly appreciated nationwide. Behind these brilliant successes, there were mainly two reasons. The one is the introduction of the educational philosophy by the principal, Ichiro Nakaya and the other is a great deal of effort of all teachers at the school including the chief music teacher Toshihiro Yamasaki.This study examined book and study reports which were written by Yamasaki. The concept of 'Fushizukuri Education' in Furukawa Elementary School was that all teachers are responsible to raise all children. The aim of this education was not only to teach music, but also to form the personal character through voluntary music activities. The characteristics of its teaching method are as follows: Basic musical abilities can be naturally developed by using double teaching methods ('Fushizukuri Education' curriculum and course materials study); Motivation for learning can be increased through the creative activity of 'Fushizukuri'; Aim to enhance personal character formation through 'Fushizukuri' activity as a group activity; Various musical signals are used in the music lessons; Information about music can be acquired by listening to music and imitating to sing songs and play instruments as teacher and/or children do; and creative activities can be seen as a result of all these effects.
金仙 煕
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.50, pp.281-289, 2002-02-28

Korean envoys were sent on 12 occasions to the Tokugawa administration during the Edo period. Today, They are considered as a model of "good neighborly friendship". However, the written transcripts between these people do not give this image. Hayashi Razan had relations with the first Korean Envoy until the 6th Korean envoy. In this paper, through the transcripts betweem Hayashi Razan and the Korean envoys, I hope to establish what images they had of eadh other before and after their meetings.
小畠 裕将
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.65, pp.119-128, 2016-12-22

The current study examines the dialect of Okayama city, particularly the sentence-final particle de, which is analogous to the Japanese common language sentence-final particle yo. A comparison of de and yo revealed two main findings. First, similar to the Japanese common language, the basic meaning of de in the Okayama city dialect is to display mental manipulation and represent a gap in recognition. The particle de conveys different meanings based on its intonation: pronouncing de with a rising intonation indicates the compulsion of mental operation, while a falling tone indicates the delegation of mental operation. Second, in the Okayama city dialect, de can be used in different ways. It can be used to express something that is not apparent to the speaker or to refer to the display of a limited gap in recognition, and it does not require a reaction from the audience.
尹 帥
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.63, pp.209-217, 2014

Previous studies have shown that prosodic information plays an important role in spoken word recognition by L2 learners (Cooper et al., 2002). However, it still remains unclear exactly how and when learners use prosodic cues in the word recognition process. This study aims at answering the question whether Korean (Seoul dialect) learners of Japanese utilize prosodic information incrementally by investigating exactly how and when L2 learners use accentual information in the course of word recognition process. We conducted eye-tracking experiments with a visual world paradigm, using artificial Japanese words. The results indicated that the learners couldn't use prosodic cues incrementally in word recognition because of the interference by perceptual experience with L1 phrase-level prosody.本研究は,学術振興会科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(A)「言語の多様性と認知神経システムの可変性 : 東アジア言語の比較を通した探求」(課題番号23242020 研究代表者:酒井弘)及び文部科学省「卓越した大学院拠点形成支援補助金」による支援を受けて実施された。
弘胤 佑
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.64, pp.53-62, 2015

This article identifies the actual state of the earthquake measures in the eighth century. Before the Taika Reform, as the feature of the earthquake measures before enforcing so-called Ritsuryo nationwide, it could be listed up the religious ceremony of "God of earthquake" based on an ancient nature of God faith. It was recognized that God faith and disasters brought closer together among those who at the time. In the Tenmu period, along with forming the political system of a state, the circumstances of damage had been described in detail through reporting from each local government to the central government. The earthquake damage information system centered by the government was established through developing the local government system. The establishment of Ritsuryo state that the government aimed was completed with Ritsuryo enactment in Taiho 1 (701). The government management was conducted by adapting regulation in various situations of administrative affairs and policy planning as well as the earthquake measures. Under the Ritsuryo state, the earthquakes were significant matters to send Chieki(馳駅) and there was also a comprehensive regulation to adequate earthquake damage. In addition, through Tenpyo 6 earthquakes in not only "Shokunihongi (続日本紀)" but also "Izumonokunikeikaicho (出雲国計会帳)", the central government and each local government brought closer together by the system of"Kenshi(遣使)" and" I(移)" and it had been identified that they dealt with earthquakes.
岡野 説子
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.51, pp.483-490, 2003-03-28

The piano works of Claude Achille Debussy (1862-1918) as well as the works of Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, Liszt constitute an important repertoire for the pianists. What is common among their works would be that they were composed in consideration for almost all the functions of pianos that had been improved by leaps and bounds since the latter half of the eighteenth century. Debussy is generally called an "impressionist" composer. As everyone knows, this word as well as "baroque" is a historical word of music borrowed from the history of art. Therefore, it is needless to say that having knowledge about impressionist painters is necessary in playing the piano works of Debussy. Then I wonder what kind of relationship there is between them. I wonder what it is like if there is a relationship. It is the purpose of this article to give a concrete consideration on the way of playing the piano, taking up his piano works in order to approach these tasks. Piano techniques were used to create a certain definite "form" to perfection with melody and vigor in the piano works of Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, Liszt whereas in those of Debussy, it can be said that they were used to show, so to speak, "impressionistic" expressive spirit, representing a world of sound whose "form" is vague. One of the great features is seen in the use of soft pedal.
保坂 芳男
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.53, pp.181-186, 2005-03-28

The objective of this research is to clarify, in an empirical manner, what outstanding high school English teachers are like. Firstly, 167 data samples were collected from students of an average academic level high school, by using the questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. An exploratory factor analysis yielded six important factors. They are as follows: teachers who give good lessons to make sure students will pass entrance exams, who are knowledgeable and cultured, who give student-centered lessons, who treat students with counseling mind, who are strict on students in class, but can improve their achievement of English and who speak English fluently. Secondly, covariance structure analysis was conducted to clarify what kinds of latent variables existed and how much they influenced these six factors. The categorization of these six factors was also conducted in order to ascertain whether PM theory would fit in this research or not. The result of path analysis showed that generally these six factors should be divided into two categories: one is very similar to performance function (P Function) and the other is similar to maintenance function (M Function) as stated by Misumi (1978). Next, the comparison of path analysis was conducted between upper level and lower level students. After analyzing the data of lower level students, apparently they demand that outstanding English teachers should improve their students' proficiency in English with counseling mind, and give explicit instructions to their students. On the other hand, upper level students prefer English teachers with characteristics in performance function category.
吉田 裕久
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.59, pp.113-122, 2010-12-24

I researched at The Prange Collection (Maryland University) 13 times for clearing of the Japanese sub-reader publishing after the World War II. I have made a booklist; author, title, date, publisher, for every materials. Sub-reader is, a reference book, a workbook, a guidebook, juvenile literature, self-study book (note). The Prange Collection has too many books, what are not owned by Japanese library. These books are handed in for censord by G2 of GHQ.
蔡 永姙
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.52, pp.193-201, 2004-03-28

"Haru" depicts the urban life in modern Tokyo. The youths of the twenties of the Meiji era look forward to the coming of a new era with hopes and anticipation. Though caught in domestic entanglements peculiar to the old downtown of Tokyo, they somehow manage to proceed to the promising quarters of learning and enlightenment, so-called "Hongo" district which belongs to "Yamanote". Among them a character who dares to leave Tokyo is featured and that suggests the author's critical attitude toward modern Tokyo.
浅田 健太朗
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.50, pp.207-214, 2002-02-28

This article intends to consider the origin of the notes, "半音"(Han-on; it means half sound) in the scores of Shōmyō. Also, it clarifies via what course it led for " 半音" to be used for the scores of Shōmyō. "半音 ", which was devised as the note to the closed syllable in Sanskrit language in the Ancient Chinese time was inherited to the research of Sanskrit in Japan and it was diverted to the scores of Shōmyō after that. It is estimated in the late Heian era.
徐 洪
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.51, pp.311-316, 2003-03-28

It has been pointed out that in Abe Kobo very efficiently used expressions by visual images or acoustic images in his books. Previous studies on ""Moetsukitachizu"" mainly focused on the expression by visual images related to metaphors of color. However, I found that in ""Moetsukitachizu"", the expressions by acoustic images is the main effects of sense through the entire book. Two characteristics of acoustic images are non-discrimination-of-direction (It can be heard regardless of listener's directions.) and non-discrimination-of-intention (It can be heard regardless of listener's intention.). These characteristics of acoustic images effectively demonstrated the main theme, disappear that only result exists without cause.