飯野 守
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.40, pp.29-44, 2009-01-01

This article discusses the prominent cases of the federal courts of the United States in which the main issue is how parody is treated under U.S. copyright law. In the U.S., the defense of fair use is thought necessary to fulfill the purpose of protecting copyright "[t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts," and a new work that uses the elements of the original work may weigh in favor of fair use if it is sufficiently "transformative." The United States Supreme Court defines parody as a derivative work which uses "some elements of a prior author's composition to create a new one that, at least in part, comments on that author's works," and the Supreme Court treats the parody work which is transformative as fair. The point is, parody that is sufficiently "transformative" is ategorized as a kind of comment, or a creative work, and its use of prior work is fair in case law of the United States. This article points out that the above point of view is very useful when we consider Japanese copyright law, especially when copyright infringement by parody is at issue.
井徳 正吾 渋谷 詩織
情報研究 = Information and communication studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.58, pp.1-19, 2018-01-31

Green Tea beverages sold in plastic bottle could represent as one of the best samples ofcommodity product in Japan. We have 4 major brands and the first one sold was the “Oi Ocha(pronounced Oh Yee Ocha)” by Ito En, LTD., which still maintains strong market share as thepioneer brand. This report focuses on “Namacha” by Kirin Co., Ltd., and studies how itstrategically challenged the pioneer, Oi Ocha, and what were their strategy to compete againstthe late starters such as Iyemon by Suntory and Ayataka by Coca Cola Japan. Brand valueshall specifically be focused to understand the brand strategy of the product represents thecommodity in the category.
堀田 敬介
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.44, pp.59-73, 2011-01-01

When assignment is determined only at a student’s hope for class assignment problem, it will be an accidental result if a solution has flexibility. Then, by adjusting the cost with the academic result, those who are excellent in results are assigned to the class which they wish more easily than those who are not. However, since a not suitable result is obtained by the bad adjustment of the cost, I make the comparative analysis of what kind of adjustment is good, and propose the way in which the preferential treatment goes well.
鈴木 昇一
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.24, pp.185-257, 2000-01-01

パターン認識の数学的理論(SS理論)では、入力パターンφに対応するパターンモデルTφを求め、Tφから不動点バターンモデルを連想する形で、φの帰属するカテゴリを決定する多段階パターン変換連想形不動点認識法(SS連想形不動点認識法)が考えられている。本論文では、選ばれた個人の感性を反映するように、"axiom 1を満たすモデル構成作用素"T ,"axiom 2を満たす類似度関数SM", "axiom 3を満たすBSC"の3構造を決める手法が研究されており、SS連想形不動点認識法が感性的パターン情報処理にも適用できることが明らかにされている。\n A muti-stage transformation of patterns has been presented in a mathematical theory(SS theory) of recognizing patterns suggested by S.Suzuki, which gets a corresponding pattern-model Tφ of an input pattern φ in question to be recognized, solves a fixed-point equation of associative reconition about Tφ, and determines a category to which φ belongs so that a fixed-point pattern of a structural fertilization transformation may be recalled by a recognition system RECOGNITRON. A model-construction operator T, a similarity-measure function SM and a rough classifier BSC which must respectively satisfy axiom 1, axiom 2 and axiom 3 are here constructed such that a kansei of a selected person can be reflected in their structures. It became certain that an associative recognition of fixed-point q e suggested by S.Suzuki can be put to a so-called kansei information processing of patterns.
広内 哲夫 林 文子
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.50, pp.57-84, 2014-01-01

Taking up the 3D as an objective of interest for the secondary and high school students as a learning theme, the authors of this paper made an attempt to develop the 3D teaching material enabling us to deliver a message to the students in purport that during the process of their learning the theory of the stereoscopic vision the subjects “why? And how?” can be solved when the learning subjects are studied in a correlated manner. The material of the learning is as follows: Allowing the secondary school students and general high school students to learning the fundamental theory of the 3D through the experiments of stereoscopic vision and thereafter enabling them to learn two methods of drawing some simple anaglyphs as the application of the learning of the fundamental principle. Furthermore the high school students who wish to take scientific courses throughout their life are induced to be aware of the fact that mathematics is an efficient weapon to solve the problematic points when the stereoscopic vision is reduced into a specific model as developed learning..
福島 一人
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.33, pp.381-401, 2005-07-01

The Color Purple by Alice Walker, which was published in 1982, made her name as an American black woman writer known to the world. The characteristic feature of this novel is that it is written in the form of letters. But they are different from typical letters as we know them. This is Alice Walker's excellent, skillful literary technique for composing the novel, which was intended to cover a wide range of themes and make the whole novel realistic.This paper summarizes this literary technique, and hypothesizes about some of the reasons The Color Purple won AliceWalker's reputation as one of the most influential, modern black writers.
江連 敏和
情報研究 = Information and communication studies (ISSN:03893367)
no.54, pp.19-32, 2016-01

Three methods were used to compare and contrast the frequencies of English and Japanese vocabularies on the Internet. First, I analyzed 50 titles of three themes posted by general users on Youtube. One concerned shooting in Virginia, U.S.A, the second, an Apple's keynote event on September 9 in 2015, and the third, so-called 'a China risk' referring to the impact of the declining Chinese economy on other countries. The results indicated that some Japanese words were used sensationally to express shock in the shooting videos, while contributors use English words to express their opinions. English words such as 'hands-on' were used to convey the direct experience of trying iPhone6S. Japanese words were used for focusing on colors and various functions of iPhone6S. China risk was regarded as an economic crisis in English while Japanese words focused on the political aspects. Second, I investigated Twitter messages of ordinary people about launching iPhone 6S. The contents of the messages did not differ substantially between the two languages. Third, I examined a short videos about iPhone 6S in English and a brief introduction to iPhone 6S by a well-known commentator in Japanese. Some sensational words appeared in English comments. They did not in Japanese comments. Instead Japanese comments included '7' for next series of iPhone, suggesting that Japanese users were anticipating the next series. Finally, three pedagogical suggestions are offered. The first is to access directly information in English. The second is to give students more opportunities to speak and write. The third is to recognize the difference between English and Japanese. We should introduce statistical analyses to the result for further research.
井徳 正吾
情報研究 = Information and communication studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.64, pp.1-18, 2021-01-31

Toyota introduced Lexus in 1989 in the United States. On the other hand, the same car same car was released in japan as Celsior. Let's consider what values were shared and not shared among these two different brands. 16 years later, Toyota decided to align these brands globally and changed the car from Celsior to Lexus. I will discuss which principals were carried over from Celsior to Lexus from the perspective of branding strategy.
田中淳 吉井 博明
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
no.21, pp.79-94, 1999-01-01

In this paper, the effects of a probabilistic estimation of earthquake occurrence on the awareness of disaster prevention are discussed. In May 1998, the Research Committee on Earthquake Disaster, founded by the Japanese government, estimated the probabilities with which several earthquakes would occur and announced them. According to the committee, the probability of an occurrence of the next Tokai Earthquake within 30 years was 36 percent. This probabilistic and long-term estimation is an revolutionary trial in earthquake prediction efforts, but there remain many problems. One of these problems is whether residents can evaluate such estimations properly and put them to practical use. Findings in psychology show consistently that people can't make full use of probabilistic information. In order to shed light on how residents accept such information and evaluate it, a mail survey was conducted in Shizuoka city in September 1998. The main results are as follows. On average, the citizens of Shizuoka estimated the occurrence probability of the next Tokai Earthquake at 60 percent by intuition. They felt that an earthquake was impending if they were told the disaster would occur with more probability than 30-50 percent. Consequently they took the estimation by the Research Committee as lower than their own. However, they thought that they had had better promote disaster measures as well as or more than their present level. And they didn't think that 30 years was too long to judge whether they should take disaster measures or that such probabilistic expression was too difficult to understand, making the announcement of this estimation insignificant. They also claimed that any information should be announced to residents but national and/or local governments should also tell citizens how to take the proper actions, adding to those information. Being based of these findings, some implications were discussed.\n 1995年1月17日に発生した阪神・淡路大震災は、人的にも物的にも甚大な被害をもたらしたが、それ故に我々に様々な教訓を残した。そのひとつに、災害環境に対する適切な知識の普及は極めて重要だというものがある。阪神・淡路大震災の被害が激甚であったことは、直接には地震が神戸市直下で発生し、揺れが強かったことによる。しかし、家屋の構造の弱さやその後の厳しい被災生活の幾ばくかは、地震に対する事前対策の低さに起因する。そして、その背景には神戸には地震が来ないという神話も指摘しうる。 阪神・淡路大震災以降、様々な災害情報が公表され、マスコミ等を通じて広く伝えられるようになった。その中に政府の地震調査研究推進本部が試算、発表している長期確率評価がある。この情報は、発生が予想される地震について、一定の期間内に発生する可能性を確率表現で示すものである。それまでの「大地震が発生する可能性がある」という表現から、定量的な表現に踏み込んだ点で画期的と言いうるが、新しい試みであるだけに問題も残されている。そのひとつに「30年以内」という期間の長さや「36%」あるいは「3.5%」という確率表現を、受け手である地方公共団体や住民がどう理解するのか、という問題である。30年というのは対策を実施するにはあまりに長期に過ぎる、「3.5%」では発生の可能性が小さく安心情報と受け止められる、といった恐れもあるからである。また、心理学の知見によれば、人間は事前確率の無視など確率的な情報処理は不得手であるとされている。 そこで、本研究では、長期確率評価の公表を住民がどのように受け止め、どのように評価しているのか、を明らかにすることを目的としている。「今後30年以内に発生する可能性は36%」と推定された東海地震を取り上げ、もし地震が発生した場合には大きな被害を受けると予想される静岡市民を対象としたアンケート調査に基づき、長期確率評価が防災意識に及ぼす効果を分析する。
池田 信夫
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.15, pp.153-163, 1994-01-01

The concept of rationality is often quoted in the literature of social sciences, but its implication is not fully unederstood until recently. Traditionally, Hume, Smith, and many economists after the "Marginalist Revolution" has built their theories upon the instrumental rationality, i.e. utility maximization independent of other social contexts. It was an attempt at imitating classical mechanics that is based on the deterministic differential equations describing the motion of independent matters. But human behaviour cannot be exactly described by the mechanical model of neoclassical economics. Hayek rejected the concept of Walrasian equilibrium as erroneous "scientism" and Keynes refered to fallacy of composition due to the psycological interaction, which was confirmed logically by the game theory. In contrast to the neoclassical premise that adding up the individual best lead to the sosical best, game-theoretic solution concept, Nash equilibrium, does not necessarily coincide with the Pareto optimum (social efficiency). The most famous example is the Prisoner's Dilemma in which cooperation is better than defection for each player but cannot be attained spontaneously. Ironically, the players cooperate if and only if they are not rational. This paradox is rooted in the logical structure of deductive decision-making, because player A's startegy depends on B's that depends on A's ・・・ and so on. As a corollary of G?del’s famous theorem, this kind of self-referential reasoning cannot constitute self-contained system of "right" decision. In 1980's many scientific enterprise such as artificial intelligence, generative grammar, and Bayesian decision theory tried to formulate human intellect as a logically consistent system, but failed at last. Now many social scientists are re-examining Simon's concept of bounded rationality that take into account the complexity of the interaction among people. It corresponds to the new findings in the natural sciences such as deterministic chaos, self-organization and complex adaptive systems.
佐久間 拓也
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.20, pp.15-21, 1998-01-01

Nonstandard analysis is introduced by Robinson that apply model theory to it. But nonstandard analysis that use General nonstandard model approach a little domain. So it use enlargement or saturated model. Let *U be k+-enlargement or k+-saturated model and *M be set of unary formula, cardinal not greater than k . If *M is finitely satisfiable then *M is satisfiable. So it exist element that is satisfiable all formula in *M. Specially, saturation model is composed extentensin from external map to internal map. The main purpose is to give an nonstandard definition of a topology and to show the theory of topological space. It is defined the monad and standard part of a point in U. And it prove that existense of infinitesimal set and several theory of about open or close set. It give that the shadow of a subset of the standard topological space is closed.\n 1960年ごろ、A.ロビンソンは、モデル理論の考えを使うことによってライプニッツ流の無限小解析をそのままの形で合理化することができるのではないか、という着想を得た。これが超準解析のはじまりである。その後、超準解析は急速に発展し、数学の各分野できわめて魅力的な手段となった。 特にことわらない限り、Lは形式言語、UはそのL系で、その宇宙UとLの定項との間には双射が存在するとする。Lの文でUで真なるものの全体をXとし、Xの任意の文φがL系*Uで真であるとき*UをXのモデルという。以後X以外のもののモデルは考えないので、単にモデルという。Uはモデルである。 以後区別のため*UでLの論理式を解釈することを*解釈、真であることを*真とする。
富田 輝博
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.14, pp.129-141, 1993-01-01

This paper analyses productivity and competitive starategy of the telecommunication industry in Japan and U. S. In section 1, I analyse and compare the productivity of NTT, TEPCO, SONY, and NINTENDO. I adopt labor, capital and total factor productivity analysis for that purpose using NIKKEI financial data. Further, I show the outline of divisional income statement of NTT in 1992, as NTT has showed it separately between long term distance and local phone division for the first time. In section 2, I consider the competitive strategy of the telecommunication industry of U. S. , because it has passed almost 10 years after the breakup of ATT and the evaluation on success or failure of the breakup is discussed actively both on theoretical and empirical basis in U. S. I think this analysis is usefull to consider the breakup problems of NTT in 1995.
高島 秀之
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.33, pp.1-107, 2005-07-01

Magazine “FORTUNE” had the three special issues on “Japan and the Japanese”, “September, 1936”, “April, 1944” and “December, 1944”, before and during World War Ⅱ. The “April, 1944” issue was based on “September, 1936” article. The “December 1944” issue was based on the “April, 1944” article, but the texts had delicately different nuances. For example, “Japanese” in the 1936 issue was changed to “Jap” in the 1944 issue. Unfortunately, Japan became the enemy of the U.S. and had to be defeated during World War Ⅱ. Irrespective of the fact that it was war-time, “FORTUNE” Magazine wrote reasonably unbiased opinion about Japan and the Japanese against public opinion. These three “FORTUNE” issues influenced Japan’s surrender to the Allied Forces.
吉井 博明 川上 善郎
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.7, pp.39-55, 1986-01-01

The purpose of this paper is to analize status quo of various commercial services by videotex and telecommunication through personal computer and to make clear conditions for these media to be accepted socially. It is found out that the gap between technolical possibility and social possibility of these media is very large and that commercial services should be focused in the special profesional fields.
佐久間 拓也
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
no.20, pp.15-21, 1998-01-01

Nonstandard analysis is introduced by Robinson that apply model theory to it. But nonstandard analysis that use General nonstandard model approach a little domain. So it use enlargement or saturated model. Let *U be k+-enlargement or k+-saturated model and *M be set of unary formula, cardinal not greater than k . If *M is finitely satisfiable then *M is satisfiable. So it exist element that is satisfiable all formula in *M. Specially, saturation model is composed extentensin from external map to internal map. The main purpose is to give an nonstandard definition of a topology and to show the theory of topological space. It is defined the monad and standard part of a point in U. And it prove that existense of infinitesimal set and several theory of about open or close set. It give that the shadow of a subset of the standard topological space is closed.\n 1960年ごろ、A.ロビンソンは、モデル理論の考えを使うことによってライプニッツ流の無限小解析をそのままの形で合理化することができるのではないか、という着想を得た。これが超準解析のはじまりである。その後、超準解析は急速に発展し、数学の各分野できわめて魅力的な手段となった。 特にことわらない限り、Lは形式言語、UはそのL系で、その宇宙UとLの定項との間には双射が存在するとする。Lの文でUで真なるものの全体をXとし、Xの任意の文φがL系*Uで真であるとき*UをXのモデルという。以後X以外のもののモデルは考えないので、単にモデルという。Uはモデルである。 以後区別のため*UでLの論理式を解釈することを*解釈、真であることを*真とする。
井徳 正吾
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.54, pp.1-17, 2016-01-01

There are a lot of theses about brand strategies but hardly any about brand development for consumer products. This thesis describes the brand development steps with data driven approach. Iemon, a brand of Japanese green tea drink released by Suntory, is used to examine each of these procedures and associated advertisement volume and duration for them.
広内 哲夫 坂本 和義
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.18, pp.159-177, 1997-01-01

Young-Helmholzの3色説とHeringの反対色説を融合した段階説の数理モデルを構築することを試みた。色光の混合におけるGrassmanの第3法則を3色説と反対色説に適用して、3色説の3原色と反対色説の6基本色を相互に変換する混色式/脱混色式の導出した。この式を利用することによって、NCSと類似の表色系をコンピュータ画面上に容易に作成することが可能となった。また、反対色応答の機構を数学的に説明することも出来た。\nAn attempt has been made with construction of a mathematical model of the stage theory obtained by merging Young-Helm-holz's trichromatic theory and Hering's opponent colors theory. By applying Grassman's 3rd Law in the mixture of color lights to the trichromatic theory and opponent colors theory, introduction has been made with mixed color equation / de-mixed color equation with which 3 primary colors of the trichromatic theory and 6 fundamental colors of the opponent colors theory are interchangeable. Utilization of this equation has made it possible to form very easily the color order system similar to NCS on a computer screen. On the other hand, a mathematical explanation has been possible with the structure of the chromatic response.
鈴木 昇一
情報研究 = Information and Communication Studies (ISSN:03893367)
vol.19, pp.29-82, 1998-01-01

高次認知機能における推論は、記号列によってなされていると想定すると都合がよい。マルチメディア時代に突入し、マルチメディアの進化形としての知能情報メディアが取り沙汰される現在、記号列とパターンとの2大情報表現を統合する手法の確立が望まれるようになってきた。本研究の目的は、記号列情報処理と同様に精密な推論技術に役立つ1つの論理表現の要素を確保するため、1つの概念はプール関数で符号化されることを勘案し、月本に啓発され、非単調命題論理における論理関数(命題;真理関数)をパターンとみなし、2つの命題の間に或る種の内積を導入し、命題間の距離、命題の持つ情報量を提案している。月本論文では、剰余類の作る線形空間、並びに、線形空間の完備化としてのヒルベルト空間(剰余類の作る空間の完備化)などに言及していないが、本論文では、この不備を補っている。 得られた完全正規直交系を使って、SS理論における3種類のパターンモデルを構成している。このパターンモデルTφは原パターンφの持つ論理構造を簡略化表現しており、モデル構成作用素と呼ばれる作用素Tを使用し、ニューラルネットも構成できる。 本研究によって、命題記号論理をパターン認識分野でのパターンで取り扱うことが可能となった。\n An idea of that an inference in higher-level cognition has been performed using strings has good reason to explain faculties of intelligent information-processing. Two major information-representations by both strings and patterns should be integrated at the present period of intelligent information media. Tsukimoto's paper started me writing this paper. This paper aims at securing a primitive component for logical representation in a higher-level cognitive function in order to serve to make an inference as precisely as symbolic inference. Notice that a concept can be coded with a truth function. In this paper, We regard as a pattern a truth function in non-monotonic propositional logic. A kind of inner product between two propositions is thought out. A distance between two propositions and an amount of information owned by the proposition can be defined Tsukimoto does not make mention of a linear space which consists of residue classes and a Hilbert space as a completion of the linear space. We shall supplement defective descriptions in Tsukimoto's paper. Three kinds of pattern-model proposed by S.Suzuki is constructed using a complete orthonormal system in the obtained Hilbert space. A pattern-model Tφ can represent a corresponding logical structure of the original pattern φ in a simplified form. Moreover It is referred that neural networks are obtained by operator T called model-construction operator. This investigation enables us to treat with a symbolic logic among propositions by means of patterns in the field of pattern-recognition.