木村 弘之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.82, no.837, pp.15-00535-15-00535, 2016 (Released:2016-05-25)
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When an elevator rope for a high-rise building is forcibly excited by the displacements of the building induced by wind forces and/or by long-period ground motion, rope displacement becomes large even if the ground acceleration and the buildings acceleration are small. In previous paper, when elevator cage is stationary, a new practical method for reducing the rope vibration by using vibration suppressors is proposed for relaxing the restricted elevator operation. The advantage of using the vibration suppressors for reducing the rope lateral vibration is demonstrated through numerical calculation. Further, when arbitrary position of the rope is pulled, exact solution to the free vibration of the rope with vibration suppressor, which located at the center of the rope and the gap between rope and vibration suppressor is 0, has been presented. However, in the case where the position of vibration suppressor is center of the rope and the gap between rope and vibration suppressor is not 0, no exact solution to the free vibration has yet been obtained. In this paper, an exact solution to the free vibration of this case is presented. In the analysis, the rope is modeled with string. Finite difference analyses of the rope vibration with vibration suppressor are also performed to verify the validity of this exact solution. The calculated results of the finite difference analyses are in fairly good agreement with those of the exact solution.
阿部倉 貴憲 森下 進悟 山本 毅 杉浦 昇 稲垣 瑞穂
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.82, no.837, pp.15-00615-15-00615, 2016 (Released:2016-05-25)

As vehicle engines become lighter, smaller, and more powerful, stress prediction of the main bearings has become an important aspect of strength design measures for the cylinder block. To predict the stress of the engine main bearings under actual working conditions, a flexible multibody dynamics (FMBD) solver was developed with a built-in elastohydrodynamic lubrication solver for the main bearings. The dynamic behavior of the engine system under actual working conditions was then calculated and the results were used to calculate the stress. To reduce the stress calculation cost, rather than inputting the actual working load into a finite element model (FEM) of the whole engine as a boundary condition, the stress was calculated by inputting the dynamic behavior into a small FEM consisting only of the main bearing as a displacement boundary condition. Verification of the test results confirmed that this model is capable of highly precisely predicting the actual working strain of main bearing portions susceptible to fatigue-related fractures. It was confirmed that the developed model could predict the actual working strain if the highest natural frequency of the eigenmode utilized by the FMBD analysis was set to 50kHz or higher.
岩崎 晃久 猫本 善続 森田 英之 谷口 勝彦 奥野 大作 松岡 寿浩 千種 直樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.831, pp.15-00212-15-00212, 2015 (Released:2015-11-25)

Under earthquake condition, the response of the free standing rack is nonlinear and involves complex combination of motion, such as sliding, rocking, twisting, and impacts between the fuel assemblies and the rack cells and between the pool floor and the rack pedestals. To obtain an accurate simulation of the free standing rack, the seismic analysis requires careful considerations of these complex phenomena, and fluid coupling effects. This seismic evaluation method was validated by comparison to full-scale test results. However, the conservative evaluation method is required, since analysis results are not entirely consistent with the test results. In this study, authors obtained the margin of safety for free standing rack, and developed the seismic design method.
江口 譲 杉本 聡一郎 服部 康男 平口 博丸
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.823, pp.14-00478-14-00478, 2015 (Released:2015-03-25)

Explanation is given about a rational method to evaluate tornado-borne missile speed, flight distance and flight height to be used for safety design of a nuclear power plant. In the method, the authors employed Fujita's DBT-77 model as a tornado wind model to take the near-ground tornado wind profile into account. A liftoff model of an object on the ground was developed by conservatively modeling the lift force due to ground effect. The wind field model and the liftoff model have been compiled together with a conventional flight model into a computer code, named TONBOS. In this study, especially, the code is verified for one- and two-dimensional free-fall problems as well as a case of 1957 Dallas tornado wind field model, whose solutions are theoretically or numerically known. Finally, the code is validated by typical car behaviors characterized by tornado wind speeds of the enhanced Fujita scale, as well as by an actual event where a truck was blown away by a tornado which struck a part of the town of Saroma, Hokkaido in November, 2006.
感本 広文 中司 雅文
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.824, pp.14-00676-14-00676, 2015 (Released:2015-04-25)

Spent nuclear fuel assemblies are stored in the cask with the necessary protective function during the spent fuel transportation or storage. The structural integrity of the fuel rods for the impact load caused by cask mishandling drop accident has to be evaluated to realize more economical and safe operation. However, the experiments for the spent fuel rods accompany many of difficulties and the available experimental data is limited. Hence, the numerical simulation is useful method to predict and evaluate the dynamic response of the fuel rods. This paper deals with the dynamic response of the spent fuel rods under side drop condition. One spacer span of the fuel rod of the undermost layer during side drop is analyzed by finite element method (LS-DYNA). The fuel rod was held between the upper and lower spacers. In the numerical model, the fixed rigid base and the drop weight were connected to the lower and upper spacers, respectively. The numerical analyses were carried out by varying the impact speed of the drop weight and the spacer plate size. Further, the cases of entire drop, in which both the drop weight and fuel rod have the same impact speed, and weight drop, in which only the weight collides with the spent fuel rod placed on the rigid wall were also analyzed. It is found that the fuel pellet and cladding tube reached their yield stresses near the impact point even for the lowest impact speed (2.4m/s) regardless of the spacer size and drop conditions. The plastic region of the pellets is limited within one pellet and the corner part of the neighboring pellet even for the highest impact speed (13.3m/s). The deflection of the fuel rod increased from impact point to the end of the fuel rod in the entire drop condition, but it was limited near the impact point in the weight drop condition. Therefore, the weight drop condition may underestimate the deformation or damage of the spent fuel rod compared to the entire drop condition.
設樂 真理子 宮 瑾 芹澤 凌 牧野 真人 西岡 昭博 古川 英光
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.829, pp.15-00008-15-00008, 2015 (Released:2015-09-25)

The market of care food is growing for aging society and the personal version of care food will be needed for improving a fun of meal. On this occasion, 3D printing technologies have been developed and are being applied for food creation. In the present study, we prepare food ink for the world-first 3D gel printer designed by our group. The hardness of food is one of the most important factors that influence the texture of food. So that the jelly foods made by the 3D gel printer is designed being soft and easy to chew. Here four kinds of jelly food samples are prepared by using agar and gelatin as gelation agents. The mechanical strength of the jelly foods is evaluated by a compression test for foods. We measured the hardness (maxmum stress) of the jelly foods and succeeded in the preparation of various jelly foods of 8 ~ 45kPa in hardness. The gelation of agar is possibly controlled by temperature change. Thus by using the temperature change, the jelly foods are easily printed by the 3D gel printer. We hope these printed jelly foods will make it possible for elder persons to enjoy their fun of everyday meal and improve the quality of life for the elder persons.
小堺 孝和 加藤 裕之 中北 和之 金崎 雅博
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.15-00188, (Released:2015-08-20)
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The “buffet” which is the shock wave vibration on the wing at transonic speed has influence to the aerodynamic performance of the civil transport. It is significant because the wing cannot maintain its aerodynamic performance and it is also led to the stall. Therefore, several researches on the suppression of the buffet are carried out. A Vortex Generator (VG) is one of the way which can improve to the transonic buffet. It is simple device and widely applied to the commercial airplane. Conventionally, VGs are installed along the wing span. However, they increase the friction and the instruction drag. Thus, the number of VGs should not be beyond the minimum necessary. Another problem is that it is still expensive for the computational fluid dynamics to simulate the small size vortex accurately. Therefore, the optimization procedure of the VGs installation is developed with directly combining the wind tunnel evaluation result. To reduce the number of experimentations, the surrogate model based GA exploration is employed. The design objective is to maintain the linearity of the variation lift with changing angle of attack (lift curve), because the stall is appeared if the curvature of the lift curves become smaller. Eight initial designs are evaluated and five design samples are acquired. As this result, optimum samples can be explored with reducing the number of the experiment. Several samples successfully prevent the stall without increasing the drag. In addition, the design knowledge can be obtained regarding the optimum VG’s layout by visualization.
伊達 直輝 坂東 麻衣 外本 伸治
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.826, pp.14-00657-14-00657, 2015 (Released:2015-06-25)

As low-thrust propulsion technology becomes increasingly popular, orbital estimation for low-thrust spacecraft may become an area of increasing interest. More frequent use of low-thrust propulsion to place satellites in orbit gives more opportunities for collisions and radio frequency interference as these spacecraft travel slowly through altitude ranges. The purpose of this paper is to develop a method for estimation of the osculating orbital elements for low-thrust spacecraft. To overcome the instability of the estimation problem with low-thrust acceleration, we estimate the mean elements instead of osculating elements. By use of the averaging technique, Hudson and Scheeres proposed an analytical model of secular variations of orbital elements under thrust acceleration. The resulting averaged equation has a nice property in which only a finite number of Fourier coefficients of the thrust acceleration appear because of the orthogonality of the trigonometric function. Based on the nonlinear state equation representation for the extended state variables which include not only orbital elements but also unknown Fourier coefficients, mean orbital elements and thrust history are estimated from perturbed observation data of mean orbital elements. Then, the mapping from mean to osculating elements which is derived from the perturbation theory is used to estimate the osculating elements. The proposed method is demonstrated through numerical simulations.
伊達 直輝 坂東 麻衣 外本 伸治
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.81, no.826, pp.14-00487-14-00487, 2015 (Released:2015-06-25)
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Space Situational Awareness (SSA) has been recognized to be important for safe space activities. As low-thrust propulsion technology becomes increasingly popular, SSA for low-thrust spacecraft may become an area of increasing interest. In this paper, we propose an orbital estimation method to predict the long-term evolution of spacecraft trajectory under unknown low-thrust acceleration. In particular, by the use of the perturbation theory and a nonlinear Kalman filter, long-term variations of orbital elements and thrust accelerations can be estimated from observation data of mean orbital elements. Performance of our method are evaluated for both controlled and uncontrolled orbits.
江口 譲 杉本 聡一郎 服部 康男 平口 博丸
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.14-00478, (Released:2015-02-04)

Explanation is given about a rational method to evaluate tornado-borne missile speed, flight distance and flight height to be used for safety design of a nuclear power plant. In the method, the authors employed Fujita's DBT-77 model as a tornado wind model to take the near-ground tornado wind profile into account. A liftoff model of an object on the ground was developed by conservatively modeling the lift force due to ground effect. The wind field model and the liftoff model have been compiled together with a conventional flight model into a computer code, named TONBOS. In this study, especially, the code is verified for one- and two-dimensional free-fall problems as well as a case of 1957 Dallas tornado wind field model, whose solutions are theoretically or numerically known. Finally, the code is validated by typical car behaviors characterized by tornado wind speeds of the enhanced Fujita scale, as well as by an actual event where a truck was blown away by a tornado which struck a part of the town of Saroma, Hokkaido in November, 2006.
西本 哲也 望月 康廣
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.13-00729, (Released:2015-01-14)

The aim of this study was to examine micro injuries of brain tissue to gain a better understanding of head injury tolerance. Compression stress relaxation experiments were conducted in vitro, using porcine brain tissue and subsequently analysed using two stain methods; immunofluorescent stain and immunoenzymatic stain. In these in vitro stress relaxation experiments, brain specimens were compressed quasi-statically at 1 mm/s, for compression strains ranging from 10% to 50%, in ten percent increments. Using the immunofluorescent stain method, it was observed that axon tear occurred at a compression strain of 30% or greater. The distribution of the damage ratio of the transverse length to the longitudinal length of brain nerve cells (referred to as an aspect ratio) using immunoenzymatic stain method in the brain tissue under loading was also examined. This indicated that at a compression strain of 30% or greater the aspect ratio exceeded 2.0. The results of this study show that a compression strain of 30% corresponds to the threshold for the extreme aspect ratio of 2.0; where the transverse length of deformed nerve cell is two times greater than longitudinal length.
能見 公博
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.80, no.817, pp.SE0282-SE0282, 2014 (Released:2014-09-25)
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This paper describes evaluation analysis for the space verification experiment of a tethered space robot on the sounding rocket "S-520-25." The S-520-25 rocket was launched on August 31, 2010. The tether was extended and kept its tension, and attitude control of the tethered space robot was performed. However, experimental results included non-linear dynamic motion, though the attitude control is designed under assumption of linear motion. Then, the space experimental results have been examined by mechanical dynamics software ADAMS. Non-linear motion can be evaluated qualitatively by simulation, and effectiveness of the attitude control has been confirmed.
柳原 聖
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.89, no.928, pp.23-00166, 2023 (Released:2023-12-25)

Grinding is mostly utilized as finishing process in production. Thus, it is required to maintain performance of grinding wheel for preventing grinding failures such as grinding burn, loading, chatter marks, and so on. Although regular dress-interval for grinding wheel is adopted in practice, if degradation of grinding performance can be detected in process, not only the best dress interval can be determined, but also no-failure grinding can be realized.Therefore, in this study, super abrasive wheel with new disk design is made smart by means of attaching sensors on disk of wheel to monitor load of grinding wheel. Also, in order to realize in-process grinding control, tool-work-velocity-control-system which is consist of microcomputer and original electro board has been developed. This system can control grain depth of cut by means of controlling relative velocity between grinding tool and workpiece. Utilizing the smart super abrasive wheel and the tool-work-velocity-control-system, cylindrical grinding experiment is executed.As the result, the combination of those developed items shows availability that they can provide continue of grinding process without any failure even if sharpness of grinding tool is degraded.
朝香 勝義 横川 和弘 小橋 好充 加藤 聰 鈴木 康允 Alberto MACAMO
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.14-00527, (Released:2015-03-18)

Oil derived from Jatropha is a potential alternative to fossil fuels for Diesel engines in Mozambique because it can be cheaper and more easily available than fatty acid methyl ester, though the physical properties, e.g. high viscosity, might be a problem. As an attempt to use Jatropha oil (JO) in Diesel engines, the present study mixed JO into kerosene. Engine tests as well as un-evaporating spray visualization were carried out. The results demonstrated that a single cylinder engine can be successfully operated with JO blended kerosene despite the fact that the ignition delay is slightly longer than diesel fuel. There were no significant changes of exhaust gas emissions. It is also clear that mixing JO into kerosene can contribute to the reductions of insoluble fraction and soluble organic fraction contained in particulate matter than mixing into diesel fuel.
森 悠貴 橋本 和宗 井上 博夏
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.23-00011, (Released:2023-11-20)

This paper proposes a novel path planning algorithm designed for efficient lunar water exploration. The proposed algorithm leverages a Bayesian network-based sensor model in combination with the RRT* algorithm. It is well-known that water is highly likely to be present in permanently shadowed regions (PSRs). However, during exploration within these regions, the rover must escape to illuminated areas within a limited time to recharge its battery. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a path planning algorithm that ensures both timely battery recharging and efficient water exploration. To address this challenge, we first introduce a sensor model based on a Bayesian network for the neutron spectrometer. Subsequently, we propose an algorithm that utilizes this sensor model and the RRT* algorithm to effectively explore water on the lunar surface. The paper provides a numerical simulation, using real data about time-variant illumination areas and time-invariant PSRs on the lunar surface, to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results reveal that the algorithm accurately and efficiently detects water under realistic illumination conditions.
小夜 結利花 山田 崇恭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.23-00082, (Released:2023-10-23)

This paper presents a conceptual design approach for planar link mechanisms by utilizing continuum topology optimization based on micropolar continuum theory. To effectively simulate the behavior of link mechanisms as continuum elasticity, we introduce a mathematical model utilizing micropolar elasticity. Although topology optimization is commonly used for single mechanical components, extending it to mechanisms with multiple interconnected parts presents inherent challenges. To address these challenges, we model the link mechanism using micropolar elasticity, leveraging its bendiness-related material property, which can apply to topology optimization. Subsequently, we formulate a topology optimization problem to generate link mechanisms using our proposed model. The optimized structure achieves the desired motion and deformation characteristics like traditional linkages with proper degrees of freedom while minimizing the objective function that considers both output motion error and link compliance. The design variables of the topology optimization problem are defined using the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method, which is further updated using a gradient-based optimizer. The governing equations of linear micropolar elasticity are solved using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The effectiveness and validity of our proposed method are evaluated through numerical examples, which conclusively demonstrate its ability to synthesize the number, dimensions, and structure of link mechanisms.
大畑 充 庄司 博人 清水 万真 谷川 博康 加藤 太一朗 野澤 貴史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.89, no.926, pp.23-00168, 2023 (Released:2023-10-25)

This study aims to develop a numerical simulation-based method for predicting ductile crack growth resistance curve (R-curve) for pre-strained components for rational assessment of ductile crack growth controlling fracture for pre-strained structural component with any plastic constraint. Experiments on R-curve of 3-point bend specimen with a shallow crack for steel pre-strained by 6% over uniform elongation provides that the pre-strain does not significantly reduce ductile crack initiation and growth resistance, even though the pre-strain induces disappearance of uniform elongation and work hardening together with drastic reduction in elongation. Observations of damage evolution in terms of micro-void formation indicate that ductile crack growth behaviors in both virgin and pre-strained steels are based on a micro-void nucleation-controlled ductile fracture mechanism. These experimental results demonstrate that the ductile damage model that we have already proposed for predicting R-curve for virgin steel that exhibits micro-void nucleation-controlled ductile fracture behaviors can be applicable for these virgin and pre-strained steels used. Thus, based on the previously proposed ductile damage model, a simulation-based method to predict the R-curve of pre-strained specimens only from the properties of virgin steel is proposed taking material degradation (change in strength and damage properties) due to pre-strain into account. The applicability of the proposed method is verified by showing the predicted R-curve for pre-strained steel are in good agreement with experimental results.
綿貫 啓一 河本 政人 岡野 洸祐 勝村 和也 加納 拓実 小林 叶昌 間島 優 小石 智也 和食 麻衣 田浦 智裕 土屋 瞳
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.23-00006, (Released:2023-09-27)

There are few studies that have conducted comprehensive verification of the physiological and psychological effects of different textures of chilled confectioneries by means of biometric measurements and subjective evaluation. The effects of confectionery texture are still unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the effects of different textures on the activity of autonomic nervous system, the brain, and muscles, and emotion by simultaneously measuring changes over time in various biological information and assessing subjective evaluation given by the tasters during consumption of different types of ice cream with monaka shell with varying water content. Participants answered a subjective evaluation questionnaire and rested for 60 s, and then performed the task. The monaka ice cream consisted of 9 blocks, each of which was eaten in 20 s. Afterwards, the participants rested for 60 s and completed a subjective evaluation questionnaire. Near-infrared spectroscopy was used to measure brain activity during eating, electromyography to measure muscle activity, and electrocardiography equipment to analyze heart rate variability. Eating monaka shell with low water content significantly activated cerebral blood flow in the right hemisphere when the first and sixth blocks were eaten. A significant trend was observed in LF/HF, which is considered an index of sympathetic nerve activity. In the mastication force test, the participants chewed significantly more strongly on ice cream with a high water content monaka shell than those with a low water content. During mastication, the participants who consumed ice cream with the low water content shell tended to use slow muscles more than those who consumed ice creams with high water content shell. The questionnaire showed that both the increase in degree of emotions such as surprise and excitement and the decrease in the degree of emotions such as sadness and depression were larger when the participants consumed ice cream with a high water content shell than those with a low water content shell. The results suggest that monaka shells with a low water content induce a more relaxed state and pleasant emotions than those with a high water content.
竹田 憲生 亀山 達也
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.88, no.910, pp.22-00095, 2022 (Released:2022-06-25)

A practical structural health monitoring has been proposed for evaluating the structural health of a whole mechanical asset by using digital twin with data collected during the operation of the asset. Digital twin can be utilized to predict the remaining useful life by estimating the variation of the physical quantity that dominates the life, even though any records of failure do no exist. However, a mechanical asset includes huge number of local hot spots where structural health should be evaluated, and accordingly, huge man-hours are required to integrate a monitoring system that evaluates the health at all the hot spots by using digital twin. A hierarchical structural health monitoring has been therefore developed to overcome this drawback. In the first stage of the health monitoring, the overview of the mechanical damage of the components included in a asset is evaluated according to a metric, D factor, that defines the cumulative damage of the components, and the assets having relatively large damage are extracted. The extracted assets are then evaluated in detail in the second stage; that is, structural health is checked at the local hot spots. The monitoring system that employs digital twin and the hierarchical health monitoring was applied to the health management of wind turbines. As the result of evaluating the structural health of the main components of wind turbines, about a hundred wind turbines can be prioritized according to the D factor. In this first stage, a surrogate model based on a machine learning was utilized for evaluating the overview of the damage with low computational cost; the approximation error of the D factor was less than 3 % by using the surrogate model. It can be therefore concluded that this practical structural health monitoring is useful for the decision making of fleet health management of mechanical assets.
岡田 昌史 岡本 裕
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.86, no.884, pp.19-00167, 2020 (Released:2020-04-25)
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In general, mechanical systems are stabilized on their equilibrium point. Equilibrium point is often not unique and they are continuously connected, which is an equilibrium manifold. To stabilize the mechanical system on an equilibrium manifold will enable optimal control including the selection of the stabilizing position. In this paper, we propose a controller design method that stabilizes a mechanical system on an equilibrium manifold based on vector field. The equilibrium manifold is derived from dynamic equations, and by setting an appropriate evaluation function, (1) an optimal equilibrium point from arbitrary initial value is calculated, (2) a trajectory, input and vector field are derived based on linear control theory, (3) a controller is designed using functional approximation. Simulations show that different initial values are stabilized to different equilibrium points, and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.