西川 一男 古川 浩二 河手 功 農沢 隆秀 辻 敏夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.80, no.816, pp.BMS0247, 2014 (Released:2014-08-25)

In the study reported here, the operational characteristics of a human-gearshift lever system were experimentally analyzed in consideration of the mechanical properties of the human arm and related effects on muscle activity. The results highlighted three points in particular: (1) It is possible to determine positioning that facilitates operation as well as the operational direction of the gearshift lever based on force manipulability in consideration of human joint-torque characteristics; (2) subjects feel that handling is easier when arm muscle activities in push and pull operations are almost equal during translational lever movement; and (3) the gearshift lever operation speed and the force-stroke characteristics have a very significant effect on whether operation is favorable or poor. Comprehensive consideration of these results is expected to be useful in the design of a human-vehicle gearshift lever system.
酒井 英樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.82, no.843, pp.16-00314, 2016 (Released:2016-11-25)

The roll motion of the vehicle has an effect on the yaw natural frequency. Because the yaw natural frequency formula considering this effect is the solution to a quartic equation, the expression of the formula is thought to be complex and incomprehensible. Accordingly, a seemingly comprehensible approximate formula was suggested in the former paper. In this approximation process, it was assumed that the cornering forces of the front and rear wheels are generated simultaneously. On the other hand, a later report have indicated that the yaw resonance when the vehicle drives at a certain speed has a cornering forces phase difference of 90 degrees between the front and rear wheels. Therefore this paper formulates the yaw natural frequency and yaw damping ratio assuming the phase difference to be 90 degrees. As results of that, qualitatively, the design variables that dominate the characteristic equation are appropriately included in the yaw natural frequency and yaw damping ratio formulas, and quantitatively, the approximation error is reduced. Consequently, these formulas are believed to be more appropriate than the previously proposed formulas. These formulas indicate that, when the load distribution ratio of the front wheels becomes larger, the yaw natural frequency decreases and the yaw damping ratio increases. In addition, this paper also indicates the scope of these approximate formulas quantitatively.
河原 遼太 小河原 加久治 新銀 秀徳
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.86, no.887, pp.19-00429, 2020 (Released:2020-07-25)

This paper proposes a method of airspeed measurement using ultrasonic waves for control of micro UAVs. Measurement by pitot tube sensor generally used for aircraft control does not show high resolution and responsiveness in low speed flight. The proposed method employs the phase difference method to overcome the drawback of low resolution in the measurement. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated through flight experiments to estimate the angle of attack and the angle of side slip of a micro UAV from measured airspeed.
瀧山 武 藤田 純一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.86, no.883, pp.19-00174, 2020 (Released:2020-03-25)

In order to avoid an obstacle automatically for an automated vehicle, this paper investigated a method to generate a target trajectory using a clothoid curve and to control the vehicle. Although a mathematical constraints or a potential methods are often used to generate the target trajectory for an obstacle avoidance, it requires trial and error and experience, and it is also necessary to consider the vehicle’s drivability. The clothoid curve is often used for a road curve design, therefore, the curve is considered to be suitable for the characteristics of a vehicle driving. Although a clothoid curve passing through a target point is necessary for obstacle avoidance, such clothoid curve is often obtained by trial and error. Therefore, the numerical analyses were executed to obtain the characteristics of the clothoid curve, then, the method was investigated to generate the clothoid curve to pass through the target point. Furthermore, a method to generate a target avoidance trajectory was also investigated expanding the generated clothoid curve based on the traveling characteristics of a vehicle. For driving on the target trajectory satisfactory, both the position and turning angle of the vehicle are controlled by means of a steering manuplation. The controller was constructed using a 1-input 2-output system, therefore, it is very difficult to satisfy both value at the same time. Furthermore, it is also necessary to consider a nonholonomic characteristics of the vehicle. From these point, this paper investigated the optimal control using nonlinear least square probrem sequential quadratic programming(NLSSQP) by means of the time behaviour of input and output in the evaluation value. Well expected results are obtained and shown in the simulation and the experiment.
山崎 裕之 石井 裕 渡辺 富夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.22-00046, (Released:2022-09-09)

For the elderly, the act of “speaking” is important to maintain their physical function. It is known that the listening with nods and giving responses are important to encourage utterances. Also, in elderly nursing homes, conversations are often started when they look at images. We have developed a speech-driven embodied entrainment character called “InterActor” which automatically performs communicative motions such as nodding based on voice input, and have demonstrated the effectiveness of nodding reaction. In this study, we propose a listening system that promotes utterances by recognizing the user’s speech contents by voice input, and presenting images related to the words in speech on the display, and giving nodding reaction from the listener’s InterActor and images. This system has a function to support the intention to listen by having the listener’s InterActor to turn around to the image at the time of display and to gaze it jointly. To verify the effectiveness of this system, a comparative experiment and a sensory evaluation experiment were conducted on care workers at an elderly nursing home under the two conditions, one with or without of nodding image, and another with or without of the word image from the utterance. As a result, it was confirmed that the listening effect by image presentation and nodding motion has an utterance promoting effect that makes it easier for the user to speak.
兒玉 学 戸瀬 義久 奥村 一彦 平井 秀一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.86, no.892, pp.20-00183, 2020 (Released:2020-12-25)

Electrolyzed water generator can produce acidic and alkaline water from tap water and electric power, and is expected to have applications in the food and medical fields for sterilization, cleaning and disinfection. However, there are still many unknowns about the internal phenomena of the electrolytic water production system, especially the two-dimensional phenomena that have a strong influence on the miniaturization, power saving, and longevity of the electrolyzed water generator. In this study, multi physics modeling of electrolyzed water generator and two-dimensional numerical simulations are conducted to elucidate the fluid, electrochemical, and electrical phenomena in an electrolyzed water generator. The numerical model is built with governing equations from fluid dynamics, electrochemistry, and electrodynamics. The results show that the neutralization reaction with hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) is an important reaction in electrolyzed water generator, and this reaction divides the anode cell into two regions (low pH region and high pH region), and the electrical conductivity is low in the low pH region. This region with low pH and electrical conductivity extends to the mainstream direction. The current density on the upstream of anode is higher than that of the downstream of anode. This occurs since the region with low electrical conductivity becomes increasingly thicker moving downstream.
兒玉 学 鳥居 健次郎 平井 秀一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.86, no.883, pp.19-00354, 2020 (Released:2020-03-25)
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In this paper, two-phase flow and ion transportation in an alkaline water electrolysis are discussed with three-dimensional coupling numerical simulation to reveal the influence of a bubble in the alkaline water electrolysis on the cell efficiency to achieve high-efficiency energy conversion of electrical energy to hydrogen energy. Two-phase flow numerical simulation model is not a void ratio model that is mainly used in previous studies, but is a direct simulation model with Lattices Kinetic Scheme that enables microscale flow simulation. Moreover, the concentration distribution is calculated with Maxwell equation and Nernst-Planks equation, and is fully coupled to the three-dimensional two-phase flow. The numerical simulations are conducted for w/o bubble condition and w/ bubble condition with varying applied current density to evaluate the influence of a bubble at various operating conditions. The results show that the bubble in the electrolyte induces mixing flow between a bubble and an electrode, and the concentration of potassium hydroxide (KOH) around the anode is increased. This increase of concentration increases the conductivity of the electrolyte and suppresses the overpotential in the electrolyte. Moreover, the anodic activation overpotential is also suppressed by the increased concentration on the anode. These overvoltage suppressions become much more prominent at high current density operating condition of the cell. The mixing with the bubble changes the concentration around the bubble. However, concentration distant from the bubble also changes and suppresses the overpotential with the change in electrical field.
大友 康平 渡邉 鉄也 鞆田 顕章
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.14-00623, (Released:2015-06-12)
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Lure fishing and fly-fishing have been positioned as sports deliberately different from the traditional Japanese fishing-style. In the case of fly-fishing, casting is the element which anglers must master in order to cast a fly, done so by using the weight of a line. This study uses experimental and computational analysis to investigate the dynamic behavior of a fly line. Fly-fishing is constituted by various elements, but the importance that casting holds is extremely large. Fling speed, the casting process and the loop shape of the line while in flight are important that casting holds is extremely large. Fling speed, the casting process and the loop shape of the line while in flight are important for the proper presentation of flies. Moreover, the shape of a fly line is also important for a long cast or controlled cast. Fly is a lure that imitates an aquatic insect or a small fish, and becomes the prey of the target fish. And, there are countless of fly patterns. Therefore, anglers necessary to select an appropriate rod or line according to the size of the fly. In this paper, a rod, a line and arms are modeled by using rigid bodies and links. The time history behavior of the model is calculated by pseudo angler velocity of the arms. The validity of the model in detail is investigated. And, proper rod and line in accordance with the fly of the size is verified.
中野 幸人 富田 直 瀬木 真琴 西村 拓也
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.88, no.911, pp.21-00395, 2022 (Released:2022-07-25)

Electric vehicles (EVs) generate different cabin noise from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICE) during low-speed driving. In order to identify the cause of the interior noise of EVs at low-speed (30km/h) and to reduce the noise, a Helmholtz resonator made of pulp molds was fabricated and its noise reduction effect was evaluated. First, a Helmholtz resonator to reduce the cavity resonance of the tire is investigated by numerical calculation. Through numerical calculations, it was demonstrated that a stable noise reduction effect could be achieved by installing multiple Helmholtz resonators. Next, we fabricated a Helmholtz resonator using pulp molds as the material and installed multiple resonators in the tire. In the experiment, the resonators were able to reduce the tire cavity resonance by 13.8 dB to 9.7 dB. When driving tests were conducted with these tires installed, the noise at the ear position of the front seats in the cabin was reduced by 11.3 dB. From these results, we were able to identify that tire cavity resonance is the cause of the cabin noise when the EV is running at low-speeds. In addition, a driving test in which the same number of Helmholtz resonators as installed in the tires were installed on the cabin ceiling resulted in an 8.1 dB reduction in cabin noise. This demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the noise caused by tire cavity resonance even with parts inside the vehicle.
小川 良磨 秋田 新介 武居 昌宏
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.22-00090, (Released:2022-05-25)

Spatiotemporal local changes have been extracted for evaluating physiological phenomena by an image reconstruction algorithm of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) using sparse Bayesian learning (SBL). The proposed method identifies a region of interest (ROI) by a priori information on conductivity distribution σ of each biological tissue and automatically learns block-sparsity and temporal-correlation in the identified ROI in the form of blocked column vector (BCV). Two types of numerical simulations are conducted to model lymphedema (LE) and venous edema (VE) that cause spatiotemporal local changes in σ of subcutaneous tissue fluids in human calf phantom which consists of three parts: great saphenous vein (GSV) as ROI and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and muscle as background. From the results, spatiotemporal local changes in σ are clearly extracted only near GSV by the proposed method even in a field where the time-varying σ in the background is large. Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated under the variant conditions of conductivity ratios of SAT and muscle relative to GSV, i.e., ρGSV/SAT and ρGSV/muscle, respectively, and area ratio accuracy ARAGSV is the highest in the case where ρGSV/SAT = ρGSV/muscle, which achieves ARAGSV = 2.241 regardless of the values of ρGSV/SAT and ρGSV/muscle.
遠藤 修司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.82, no.837, pp.16-00026, 2016 (Released:2016-05-25)
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This paper proposes a design method that uses electric power steering (EPS) to reduce the effort required for handling in a vehicle. To accomplish this, the design must reduce the physical effort required of the driver, improve the controllability of vehicle dynamics, and adjust steering feedback to adopt the driver's characteristics. The influence of the stability factor and rear cornering compliance on handling and the effects of modifying these conditions were investigated. In addition, in order to compensate for the influence of these factors, EPS compensation features are addressed. Thus, desired steering characteristics are discussed as a function of steering frequency and yaw rate magnitude based on yaw rate and a Lissajous figure of steering torque. The influence of the stability factor and rear cornering compliance on a stable handling feeling are proven by simulation and linear analysis, and the conditions that cause a loss of this feeling of stability, even when vehicle dynamics are stable, are explored. EPS compensation functions are proposed against the influence of the stability factor and rear cornering compliance on the sense of handling. Furthermore, other EPS functions are proposed to compensate for the response from yaw rate to steering torque and to help the driver better understand the vehicle's behavior. Finally, the effects of EPS compensation functions on reducing the effort required for handling are demonstrated by a test where a single lane change was performed.
趙 巍 中野 公彦 鄭 仁成 趙 希禄
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.88, no.908, pp.21-00319, 2022 (Released:2022-04-25)

In this study, we proposed a new rotational multi-stable vibration energy harvesting system to harvest vibration energy using elastic spring and piezoelectric element. Theoretical studies such as the equation of dynamic motion of the proposed rotational multi-stable vibration model, the distribution characteristics of elastic potential energy, and the prediction of the periodic excitation frequency by the natural vibration mode measurement experiment will be conducted. Using the developed rotational multi-stable vibration energy harvesting experimental device, we investigated the amplitude increase effect due to the new stochastic resonance phenomenon that occurs in the proposed rotary multi-stable vibration system, and evaluated the performance of the multi-stable vibration energy harvesting.
柄澤 秀親 篠山 英恵 石橋 之宏 酒井 哲也 新井 和吉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.87, no.902, pp.21-00145, 2021 (Released:2021-10-25)

The performance of a table tennis racket is often stipulated using an unique standard for the manufacturer. However, the performance criteria for restitution characteristics still have been unclear due to lack of qualitative evaluation by each manufacturer. For metal baseball bats, a formula that can easily estimate the coefficient of restitution (COR) for the bat has been proposed. Similarly, it is important to establish a method that can control the COR at the design stage for table tennis rackets. In this study, first, to understand the restitution characteristics of the table tennis ball used in the official game, an impact test was conducted on a pseudo-rigid wall at low to high velocity. Then, for 15 types of rackets, the COR of the racket body (with and without rubber) was measured. Additionally, the natural frequency and flexural rigidity of the racket body without rubber were measured. Furthermore, these experimental data revealed relationships between the COR and both of the impact velocity and natural frequency of the racket. A formula for the COR was derived similar to that for a baseball bat, and developed by considering the flexural rigidity. The effect of rubber on the COR was also investigated. Consequently, the effects of ball’s impact velocity, racket’s natural frequency and racket’s flexural rigidity on the COR of the racket were clarified. From these results, an equation that can estimate and control the COR of the racket at the design stage was developed.
北村 孝寛 中島 康貴 生野 岳志 山本 元司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.87, no.898, pp.20-00295, 2021 (Released:2021-06-25)

In order to find effective movements on an office chair for preventing back pain, the paper measures EMG (electromyogram) signal and evaluates cognitive test. Core muscles of subjects on a balance ball are measured when there are forced movement and voluntary movement of the ball. The measurements show the forced movement and discontinuity movement on the ball is more effective in the meaning of muscle activity. The paper also studies the effect of movement with the balance ball on the efficiency of office workers. This is because, even if the movement is good for preventing back pain, it is not desirable to reduce work efficiency. Two cognitive tests, addition test and flanker test, are used to investigate the efficiency of office workers when the movements with the balance ball and no movements with normal chair in the view points of work reduction rate and correct answer rate. The results show the efficiency of office workers is almost the same as the case of movements with the balance ball and no movements with normal chair. Totally the study shows effective movements on the balance ball which activate the core muscle activity efficiently. It also shows the movement does not reduce the office work efficiency.
亀谷 均 堀江 克明 幸田 憲明 久間 英樹 松本 浩介 内村 和弘 小森 健一 増木 新呉 東 裕人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00147-17-00147, 2017

<p>Lower to middle tier regions of dam reservoirs often fall into the anoxic states in summer. When the anoxic state is reached, living things die, heavy metals such as manganese and iron, hydrogen sulfide and methane are eluted from mud deposited on the lakebed. Since it is not possible to release heavy metals exceeding environmental standards, an improvement of dissolved oxygen concentration in dam lakebed is required. So far, there is no system that can automatically improve the dissolved oxygen, in the lower to middle tier regions of dam lakebed. This study was carried out for developing an automatic system to improve the lakebed dissolved oxygen concentration to 6mg/L or more. The developed oxygen dissolution apparatus can diffuse a high concentration oxygen water horizontally at a rate of 1km per day. Thus, by raising and lowering this oxygen dissolution apparatus in water, a system that creates 3 - dimensional spreading of the dissolved oxygen not only to the lower tier but also to the middle tier regions was developed. The demonstration experiments, reported of the effectiveness of the system that can raise the dissolved oxygen concentration from the low oxygen-free state to the target of 10 mg / L in 5 days. Moreover, the system demonstrated its ability to automatically raise the dissolved oxygen concentration to 10mg/L in the 10m region from the bottom of lakebed.</p>
芦田 俊樹 村井 祐一 パク ヒョンジン 田坂 裕司 永井 繁行
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.86, no.888, pp.20-00184-20-00184, 2020

<p>Aerodynamic drag on several types of road cones was measured by wind tunnel experiments purposing improvement of anti-fall-down functions against lateral wind blowing. By opening holes on the side surface of cones, drag coefficient decreased so that maximum endurable wind speed increased over 30 m/s in the best case. This finding contributes to three benefits in road safety; reducing the weight of the cone for workers at roads, cost cutting by manufacturers for the synthetic resin material, and also for security aspects by internal visibility preventing from hidden matters. We also found different aerodynamic characteristics due to bottom plate condition of the cones. That is, when the bottom plate opened to the inner space of the cone, small angle of inclination intensified a recovery moment that pulls back the cone to the standing attitude. This effect significantly improved the maximum endurable wind speed and was explained by the flow allowed inside the cone when the side holes were provided. Such a fluid-structure interaction was analyzed theoretically to clarify the endurance mechanism.</p>
山口 泰平 道辻 洋平 牧島 信吾 髙橋 諭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.88, no.905, pp.21-00277, 2022 (Released:2022-01-25)

Wheel slips in railway vehicles cause poor acceleration and damage to wheels and rails. Re-adhesion control is widely used to resolve wheel slips in electric motor cars. In re-adhesion control, it has been an important problem to consider appropriately the vehicle dynamic motion, which affects the control performance greatly. In this study, we investigate the mechanism and characteristics of slip misdetection phenomena which occur due to bogie vibration excited during re-adhesion control. We construct a three-dimensional vehicle model including roll motion with parallel Cardan drives. The tangential force coefficient model between wheels and rails includes the influence of translational velocity, slip velocity and wheel loads. The simulation model is validated by comparison with measurements in a test run of a real vehicle conducted in previous research. Simulation results illustrate the behavior of the bogie under traction such as the difference of wheel loads of four wheels and the attitude of the bogie frame. It is shown that continual slip misdetection can occur because of pitch and roll vibration of the bogie frame which is excited during re-adhesion control when the primary vertical damping coefficient is small. The misdetection is prevented by changing the amount of motor torque reduction in re-adhesion control. The appropriate range of the amount of reduction to avoid the misdetection gets narrower as the primary vertical damping coefficient decreases. The primary vertical suspension stiffness and characteristic of tangential force coefficient also affect the occurrence of the misdetection.
関根 康史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.83, no.845, pp.16-00250-16-00250, 2017

<p>Recently, AACN (Advanced Automatic Collision Notification) that presupposed cooperation with emergency life-saving organizations is expected. Therefore, emergency life-saving organizations must recognize injury speciation of patients, as quickly as possible. So, the author tried the traffic accident analyzing method by statistical data analysis from combing analysis items analysis items for main site of injury and analysis items for injury contents (indicated in the traffic accident statistics vote by Japanese National Police Agency). And furthermore it is necessary to improve the safety of vehicles not only for same class collisions but also for collisions between vehicles of different types (e.g., between SUVs and sedans). In this study, the author applied the method of analysis as described above for frontal collision between SUVs and middle sedans, and analyzed using statistical data stored in ITARDA (Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis). In the case of fatal or severe injuries, it is shown that the component rate of chest fracture of middle sedan drivers is higher than that of SUVs. It is supposed that the difference in these rates is caused by the vertical offset configuration between the frames of the two different types of vehicles when they crash into each other.</p>
岡田 義浩 農沢 隆秀 坪倉 誠 中島 卓司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.80, no.809, pp.FE0009, 2014 (Released:2014-01-25)
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In order to clarify unsteady flow structure’s behavior that improves vehicle’s high-speed stability during steering input, on-road analysis was conducted. The analysis was conducted on two vehicles’ aerodynamic specifications which were produced by configuring two different shapes from a single vehicle. During high speed driving while steering input in sinusoidal waveform was being applied, these two vehicles were analyzed focusing on the relationships between dynamic movements, unsteady forces affecting on vehicle’s body surface and unsteady behavior of flow structure. As a result, it was clarified that there existed a unsteady behavior of flow structure that aerodynamically control to stabilize vehicle’s steering response motion in vertical and yawing direction. It was also clarified that this aerodynamic force that control to stabilize vehicle’s steering response motion was caused by behaviors of flow structure beside body just behind front tire which reduced and expand its vertical scale during high-speed driving with steering input. Furthermore, it was shown that this behavior of flow structure was caused by weakening vortex structure which came out and separated from the gap between the upper rear side of the front wheel and the front wheel arch.
小川 竣 山田 崇恭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.87, no.893, pp.20-00382, 2021 (Released:2021-01-25)

In this study, we propose a topology optimization method for dynamic problems to control the deformation of the structure. To derive a structure that minimizes the deformation due to transient loads for an isotropic linear elastic model, the strain energy and the squared norm of dynamic compliance are set as objective functions. The topology optimization method applies a density method based on the RAMP method. In the case of the density method, since a optimal structure is obtained by an optimization algorithm based on the gradient method, it is necessary to formulate design sensitivity equations that can appropriately take into account the target optimization problem. A generalized sensitivity analysis method is proposed by introducing the adjoint method and applying Newmark’s β method, which considers the displacement as an unknown quantity , and considering the equations of motion. Furthermore, the accuracy of the sensitivity is verified by using the finite difference method as a benchmark, and it is shown that the proposed design sensitivity has high accuracy. Finally, as a numerical example, we derive optimal structures for several optimization problems and discuss the optimization problem settings to obtain a structure that can control vibrations. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated by deriving the optimal structure to control the vibration.