高橋 ひとみ
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.12, pp.67-81, 1997-03-15

For nearly 110 years, we have been implementing only Far-Vision Tests in Vision Tests at elementary schools. For this paper, I investigated the kinds of Vision Test that meet the needs of the times. I implemented Near-Vision Tests five times at K Elementary School and N Elementary School between 1992 and 1994. Each time I discovered some Near-Vision children, but they had been given no help because, being Near-Vision children, they had not been identified by the Vision Test. However, using a Non-Space Low Vision Tester, I have verified that accurate tests can be carried out on both Far-Vision children and Near-Vision children at the same time. The paper closes with an appeal for Near-Vision as well as Far-Vision Tests to be implemented in elementary school's in the future.
高橋 ひとみ 川端 秀仁 衞藤 隆
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.41, pp.57-97, 2011-10-25

Children are given visual acuity tests at school. The purpose of the tests is to facilitate school education. There are two types of visual acuity: far-vision and near-vision visual acuity. Far-vision visual acuity is required, for example, when reading something written on a white board in a classroom. On the other hand, near-vision visual acuity is needed when reading textbooks, notebooks, or when looking at computer screens. However, only far-vision visual acuity tests are stipulated in the "School Health Law". As a result, a near-vision visual acuity test is not typically included in medical examinations at public schools. However, we believe that a near-vision visual acuity test is necessary, and so in this paper we analyze some basic data about the relationship between children's near-vision visual acuity and their vision-related behavior. For the purposes of the paper, we examined both far-vision and near-vision visual acuity tests of elementary school children. We found that children whose far-vision visual acuity was under 1.0 had 4 vision-related behavioral problems, and that children whose near-vision visual acuity was under 0.8 had six such problems. Children whose far-vision visual acuity is found to be lacking are given remedial treatment to improve their eyesight. We therefore strongly recommend the addition of near-vision visual acuity tests in public schools so that children found to have near-vision acuity problems can be given treatment too.
本間 栄男
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.39, pp.1-27, 2010-12-15

In this paper, I aim at describing the passion for bibliography-making in the history of science in Japan and U.S.A. and suggesting a modest contribution of the bibliographies of the history of science to classifying library books. In Isis, the journal of the history of science in U.S.A. launched by George Alfred Leon Sarton (1884-1956), the bibliographies were main contents. Sarton's passion for bibliography-making is still inherited as the Current Bibliography, supported by the organized backup. In Japan, Kagakushi Kenkyu (Journal of History of Science, Japan) has had bibliographies in some periods before and after the WWII, owing to some personal efforts, but lost them since 1995. From the viewpoint of history of science, it is undesirable that the books of science are classified into too subdivided disciplines in the library, because the disciplines of science have been reorganized to synthesize or split.
有川 康二
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.33, pp.83-118, 2007-06-08

This paper argues for Kayne's (1984) Connectedness Condition which is aimed at accounting for the island effect first discovered by Ross (1967). An island is a structure out of which an element cannot escape. A variable which is confined in an island is not related to the operator outside the island. The study of islands, or the boundary condition for structures that allow operator-variable relations, is important, because the displacement builds operator-variable relations and because displacement is a characteristic of human natural language. Displacement is a phenomenon in which the actual position of an element in a sentence is distinct from the position where it is interpreted.The island effect is a long-standing formidable problem that resists a simple and elegant explanation. Linguists have tried hard and proposed various conditions and principles to explain the island effect, such as the Subjacency Condition, the ECP (Empty Category Principle), the CED (Condition on Extraction Domain), barriers, Relativized Minimality, the MLC (Minimal Link Condition), the PIC (Phase Impenetrability Condition), etc. Various factors have been considered;(a) the nature of empty category e (trace t or original) that has been left by movement (of the copy),e. g. , whether e is a sister of a lexical category L, or whether e is properly governed , (b) the structure of islands, e. g. , whether islands contain adjunction structure, or whether the specifier position is occupied, (c) the position of islands, e. g. , whether the island is a sister of L, (d) the manner of movement, e. g. , whether the movement crosses more than two bounding nodes (barriers) at a time, whether each step in a movement is the shortest possible, whether the movement is internal Merge, whether the movement takes place cyclically, whether the movement takes place within the same structure-building space, or takes place between distinct spaces (sideward movement), (e) the timing of movement, e. g. , whether the movement takes place before Spell-Out, etc.Kayne's (1984) take on islands is new and insightful: the language system in the human brain is solving a legibility problem of classic topology, i. e. , is it possible from e to reach the antecedent by drawing with one stroke of the brush? A legibility problem is posed by external systems (the thought system and the perception-motor system) which are connected to the language system, which the language system must solve in order for it to be identified by external systems. An example of classic topological problems is Euler's path : is it possible to cross seven bridges by passing each bridge once?, a hard problem posed by a citizen of the then Konigsberg in1736 (now Kaliningrad in Russia), which is the origin of graph theory in mathematics.Euler's Path (Can one draw this with one stroke of the brush? If not, prove it. )Euler proved that it is not possible to draw it with one stroke, providing necessary and sufficient (iff) conditions for the path solution.Kayne's (1984) Connectedness Condition is a legibility problem that the language system solves in the optimal way. An acceptable sentence is the optimal solution to the Connectedness Condition, topological in nature.
井本 英一
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.13, pp.1-43, 1997-09-30

A man who has had a near-death experience tells us; he passed through a dark, long tunnel at the end of which a dim light was seen; before entering or leaving the tunnel he saw a river or Styx, a flower garden or a vast field, an old man standing there, and a young girl leading him (the man of near-death experience); he saw a sacred prostitute at the entrance of the tunnel; the old man gave him instruction to go back home or someone from behind called him to go home and get his work done. King Gilgamesh of the Sumero-Akkadian Epos passed through a pitch-dark, long tunnel to see Utnapishtim in order to get an eternal life; Utnapishtim persuaded him to go home though giving him a present of herbs; on his way home from Utnapistim's land a snake stole his herb and got an eternal life for itself. Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden after eating fruit given by the snake: from Eden a river streamed out from something like the grotto of Pan forking into four rivers; in the times of paganism Adam was Gilgamesh and Eve was a sacred prostitute and the god was Utnapishtim. A Chinese fisherman after sailing upstream found a tunnel at the source of the river in the forest of peach trees in full blossom; he walked into the tunnel and got out of it to find a utopia; an old man told him of the history of the utopia; the fishrman returned home never to come again and find it. Koga Saburo of Japan went through 73 subterranean tunnels and 72 countries; he saw many rivers, gardens, old men (a Buddhist statue), young girls and ancesters; eventually he appeared on the ground transformed into a snake.
後藤 邦夫
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.10, pp.77-118, 1996-01-30

"Science and Technology." We are accustomed to accept this phrase as a single integrated concept, though the words "science" and "technology" have rather independent meanings in history. This is one of the remarkable characteristics of our time, now in a big transition. Since the 1970s, a newly emerging research area, science and technology studies, or science, technology and society, say "STS", has become evident. Scholarly activity in this area is increasing, but it is not yet as clearly defined as many established disciplines. Some of this research is likely an expression of critical concerns about contemporary science and technology and its social consequences, while others are often policy studies linked with government administrations. But, in any case, the important and actual concern of studies concentrates on the study of science and technology in a social context, or in social relations. As early as the 1930s, some important works had appeared to study the politics of science and technology. During World War II, wartime mobilization of scientists and engineers gave a new social character to science and technology. As a result, the social relations of science became an important issue among many scientists. Nevertheless, the recent increase of interest in STS has some special meanings. The situation is much different from the past, when the corresponding research was supported by a few scientists with their personal endeavors. On the other hand, while STS studies came to be accepted by the scientific community as a newly established discipline, the conception of science and technology has changed from those views prevalent in the 1930s and 1940s to the current conceptions; i. e. from an enlightened view to a relativist view. Thus, there are very diverse views on the nature of the progress of science and technology, in contrast to older views, in which progress was automatically accepted as good. This very diversification is bringing a kind of fancy goods store, or an intellectual climate of "anything goes", into the research. While this situation is an expression of activity in the emerging state of learning, some improvement will be necessary in the further development of these new studies. Once, this writer has published a monograph, "Science, Technology, and Society: a Japanese Perspective, 1993, IC2 Institute University of Texas at Austin", to express his opinion on these problems. He also proposed a framework to promote research activity in this important area. This series of articles composes an improved Japanese version of the monograph. This writer would select two parts from the four in original English version, and would complement them with some expla-nations for readers who are not always belonging to any science and technology community. Part one of this series offers a general outlook for STS and a proposal for a framework for the integration of existing ideas and methods to give a fundamental methodology of STS. Part two is to comprehend twentieth century science and technology as an application of that methodology. This is not a description of twentieth century science and technology itself, but a research program for further investigation. This article has first two chapters of the series: Chapter one addresses the need for STS and the key question of the integration of science and technology. Characteristics of modern science are transferred into the modern technology, and with thus acquired features of science and technology the modern society has been largely influenced. This is a particular condition of contemporary STS research. Chapter two summarizes the results of STS research including some historical description. History, philosophy, and sociology provide core methods in most STS studies in programs of universities in the United States and Europe. But these disciplines are widely diversified. The problem is in deciding what parts of these vast areas of knowledge are essential. Efforts to integrate multidisciplinary achievements are also discussed.
小田 亮
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.3, pp.143-157, 1992-03-31
赤瀬 雅子
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.8, pp.35-67, 1995-01-30

L'epoque Taisho, ca ne dura que 14 ans, de 1912 a 1926. Mais malgre cette courte periode, sa production litteraire fut extremement riche. Il ne faut pas y voir toutefois un phenomene du au hasard. En effet, depuis 1868, c' est a dire depuis la premiere annee de la revolution de Meiji, la classe intellectuelle recevait et s' interessait avec enthousiasme aux litteratures europeennes. Apres une quarantaine d' annees, en matiere de litterature japonaise, on pouvait parler des memes problemes que ceux de la litterature occidentale, et ce temps heureux dura a peu pres 15 ans. Quelques critiques parlent du romantisme, les autres discutent du naturalisme. Un ecrivain qui se dit lui-meme libre penseur, parlait de Baudelaire, Huysmans, Maeterlinck et Rossetti. Un autre evoquait Nietzsche et le style gongoriste. Un amateur se rappelait la tradition litteraire, quelques dramaturges de Kabuki sont ensembles. A l'epoque Taisho, la vie japonaise changea fondamentalement. Surtout dans les grandes villes, les gens allaient souvent au theatre, et aimait parler des pieces, qu' elles soient traditionelles ou modernes. D' ailleurs, beaucoup d' artistes europeens visiterent ces lieux ou se produisaient les ballets russes et les operas. Les gens aimaient egalement visiter les musees ou ils admiraient les tableaux occdentaux quelqu'en soit l' ecole ou l' epoque. C' etait une periode soit disant de chaos, mais les gens n' oublierent jamais la tradition et ils savaient tres bien au fond d' eux-memes, que la vie traditionnel etait mieux adaptee au quotidien que la vie europeanisee. Ainsi les jeunes filles des classes aisees apprenaient obligatoirement les arts traditionnelles tels la danse, la ceremonie du the, le koto, etc. Autant d' expressions raffines. Ces moeurs, cette atmosphere sociale se refleterent sur les art et surtout sur la litterature, laquelle fleurit tout d' un coup mais ne dura point longtemps. AKUTAGAWA Ryunosuke est un ecrivain typique de cette ere Taisho; on dit meme de lui qu'il connaissait la vie seulement par les livres. Ses 〓uvres naquirent dans les 〓uvres des autres. En 1927, il se suicida, envahi par un sentiment d' inquietude et cette evenement, symbolise bien la fin de cette epoque splendide.