高橋 ひとみ/衞藤 隆 衞藤 隆
人間文化研究 (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.193-210, 2015-03-23

It is proposed that near-vision acuity tests be conducted in kindergartens and nurseries throughout the country and that infant medical checkups should also be carried out. This will allow early detection of and timely treatment for children with amblyopia. The younger the age at which these tests are carried out, the more effective they will be. If amblyopia is detected and treated by the age of 3, most children will be able to complete their treatment before reaching school age. This will enable them to begin their school life without being burdened by poor eyesight, and contribute to a society in which all children have equal access to compulsory education. To bring about that end, the introduction of "reliable" visual acuity tests over a short time is necessary. I considered the best form of visual acuity test from the standpoint of both the infant to be tested and that of the teacher carrying out the test. In order to ensure "reliability", it is necessary to use the Landolt Ring eye-mark, which meets definitions of eyesight. In addition, a picture-based eye-mark is recommended, as it is more likely to gain the understanding of the infant being tested. Avisual acuity test will be more effective if infants have already grown accustomed to the Landolt Ring during play. This picture book was devised with that aim in mind.
高橋 ひとみ/衞藤 隆 衞藤 隆
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-18, 2015-07-27

The visual acuity test in a kindergarten and the nursery school is neglected. We can relieve a child becoming amblyopia by early detection, early treatment if we carry out the near visual acuity test in kindergartens, nursery schools of the whole country and an infant medical checkup. The curative effect is big approximately low age. We think that children can finish the amblyopia training if we can detect amblyopia at 3 years old before compulsory education begins. And we think that children can start school life without a burden by the poor eyesight. We hope at the society where all children can enjoy compulsory education fairly. We must perform the visual acuity test of the infant. To that end, the enforcement of the visual acuity test that "is reliable" for "a short time" is necessary. We devised a picture book and the visual acuity test kit. An infant can easily answer it that he is usually used to Landolt ring in a picture book. We do not perform it as an exercise of the visual acuity tests and hope Landolt ring to fit it while being fun, and playing.
高橋 ひとみ Hitomi Takahashi 桃山学院大学法学部
vol.30, no.2, pp.1-11, 2004-12-20

Many children in Japan today do not know how to grasp a pencil or use chopsticks properly. Improper pencil grasp and chopstick usage may have a negative impact on one's studying and eating posture. In addition, improper posture potentially leads to poor eyesight. This survey was conducted to examine how pencil grasp and chopstick usage may affect the seated posture among children with the aim of putting a stop to the increasing number of children with poor eyesight. Of all the children surveyed, approximately 30% improperly grasped pencils while approximately 25% improperly used chopsticks. The survey result shows that pencil grasp and chopstick usage are associated with studying (seated) posture. By means of proper pencil grasp and chopstick usage, children were more likely to maintain a distance of 30 cm or more between the eyes and the notebook surface. This is known to impose minimal strain to the eyes. In fact, those children who maintained this optimal posture were less likely to have poor eyesight compared to those who did not. In view of these facts, encouraging efficient pencil grasp and proper chopstick usage among children will contribute to promoting the optimal studying posture that imposes minimal strain on the eyes. Until children are old enough to understand what needs to be done to maintain good eyesight, parents and adults should provide necessary care and support in this respect.
高橋 ひとみ 佐治 伸郎 柳沢 幸江
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.51, no.6, pp.315-325, 2018 (Released:2018-12-17)

本研究は,調理の初心者と熟練者の調理行動を分析し,調理操作,調理の段取りの特性を明らかにすることを目的にした。豚肉のしょうが焼き,ほうれん草のお浸しの2品の組み合わせを2回連続して調理させ,1回目調理と2回目調理の差を検討した。 調理操作で初心者と熟練者で有意差がみられた項目は,全調理時間,レシピを見た時間,レシピを見た回数,総移動距離,キャベツせん切り時間とせん切り太さ,ほうれん草の加熱時間,及び仕上がりの硬さであった。 調理の段取りでは,初心者の1回目調理は,レシピの提示順に則った段取りであった。一方,熟練者は時間のかかる操作を先にした効率のよい段取りを導きだすことができた。初心者も2回目調理では,熟練者の段取りに近づいた。 すなわち,段取りの策定に関しては,自ら調理することは,1回の経験でも学習効果が得られることが示された。
高橋 ひとみ/川端 秀仁/衞藤 隆
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.45, pp.89-110, 2014-03-28

Children are given visual acuity tests at school. The purpose of the tests is to facilitate school education. There are two types of visual acuity: far- and near-vision visual acuity. Far-vision visual acuity is required, for example, when reading something written on a whiteboard in a classroom. On the other hand, near-vision visual acuity is needed when reading textbooks, notebooks, or when looking at computer screens. However, only far-vision visual acuity tests are typically included in medical examinations at public schools. We believe that a near-vision visual acuity test is necessary, and so in this paper we analyze some basic data about the relationship between children's near-vision visual acuity and their learning efficiency. For the purposes of the paper, we examined both far-vision and near-vision visual acuity, refraction test, questionnaire survey of children at an elementary school. We found that approximately20% of the children had poor, near-vision visual acuity. In addition,8% of the children had only poor near-vision visual acuity. We further found that children with poor far- and near-vision acuity had more learning difficulties compared with children of normal visual acuity. Among children with learning difficulties, the percentage of children with poor far-vision acuity was the same as that of children with poor near-vision acuity. Children whose far-vision visual acuity is found to be lacking are given remedial treatment. We therefore strongly recommend the addition of near-vision visual acuity tests in public schools so that children found to have near-vision acuity problems can be given treatment too. We have to carry out near-vision visual acuity tests and guarantee all children an opportunity to learn.
高橋 ひとみ 柳沢 幸江
日本調理科学会大会研究発表要旨集 平成29年度大会(一社)日本調理科学会
pp.194, 2017 (Released:2017-08-31)

【目的】調理技能レベルの異なる熟達者と初心者の調理行動を分析し、技能、調理操作、調理の段取りの相違点を明らかにすること、また同じ料理を繰り返し作ることによって起こる調理行動の変化をとらえることを目的とした。さらに、熟達者と初心者の知識獲得の違いから考察を行った。【目的】対象者は、熟練者として栄養士免許等を持つ女性8名と初心者として調理経験が少ない女子大学生8名とし、豚肉のしょうが焼き(つけあわせ・せん切りキャベツ)、ほうれん草のお浸しの2品を2回調理した。調理行動は総移動距離、ゆで時間等の調理操作の時間を求め、できあがった料理の肉、ほうれん草の硬さやキャベツなどの形状を測定した。さらに、対象者に半構造的インタビューを行い、知識・意識の分析を行った。【結果】熟達者と初心者で有意差がみられた項目は、調理時間、レシピを見た時間、総移動距離、キャベツのせん切り時間、キャベツのせん切り太さ、ほうれん草のゆで時間、ほうれん草の硬さの項目であった。キャベツの太さは、熟達者では1回目、2回目調理でほとんど変化がないが、初心者は1回目4.67mm、2回目調理3.96 mmと有意に細くなった。初心者は「気づき」(メタ認知)が起こり、太さに変化が起きたが、せん切りの時間が長くなった者が多く、技能が身についたとは考え難い。お浸しのほうれん草も初心者は、軟らかいという「気づき」はあったものの、ゆで時間など調理操作の変更し、硬さを変えることはなかった。また、調理操作を12ブロックの段取りにまとめ分析した。熟達者は1回目、2回目調理でほとんど変化がなかった。初心者は1回目調理の段取りはレシピに記載の順で行った者が多かったが、2回目調理では、より効率的で、料理がおいしく仕上がる熟達者の段取りに近づいていった。
高橋 ひとみ 衞藤 隆 Hitomi Takahashi Takashi Eto 桃山学院大学法学部 東京大学教育学研究科
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.37, pp.35-61, 2009-10-20

In February 2009, we tested the far-vision visual acuity and near-vision visual acuity of school children at "A" elementary school, a municipal school. The purpose of the test was to examine whether the present far visual acuity test could also identify the children whose near visual acuity is bad. Based on the past study, we set the standard of near visual acuity at 0.8. We recommended that children whose near visual acuity was under0.8 see an ophthalmologist. There were many children whose far visual acuity was under 1.0, more than half of all children, especially in the upper grades. This result shows that there is concern with the control of children's eyesight after the test.On the other hand, more than ten percent of the children of each grade scored less than 0.8 in uncorrected vision. We found children who have trouble seeing near objects who are overlooked in the present far visual acuity test. We have to check children's near visual acuity in order to find children who have trouble with near visual acuity.
高橋 ひとみ
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
vol.12, pp.67-81, 1997-03-15

For nearly 110 years, we have been implementing only Far-Vision Tests in Vision Tests at elementary schools. For this paper, I investigated the kinds of Vision Test that meet the needs of the times. I implemented Near-Vision Tests five times at K Elementary School and N Elementary School between 1992 and 1994. Each time I discovered some Near-Vision children, but they had been given no help because, being Near-Vision children, they had not been identified by the Vision Test. However, using a Non-Space Low Vision Tester, I have verified that accurate tests can be carried out on both Far-Vision children and Near-Vision children at the same time. The paper closes with an appeal for Near-Vision as well as Far-Vision Tests to be implemented in elementary school's in the future.
高橋 ひとみ 川端 秀仁 衞藤 隆
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.41, pp.57-97, 2011-10-25

Children are given visual acuity tests at school. The purpose of the tests is to facilitate school education. There are two types of visual acuity: far-vision and near-vision visual acuity. Far-vision visual acuity is required, for example, when reading something written on a white board in a classroom. On the other hand, near-vision visual acuity is needed when reading textbooks, notebooks, or when looking at computer screens. However, only far-vision visual acuity tests are stipulated in the "School Health Law". As a result, a near-vision visual acuity test is not typically included in medical examinations at public schools. However, we believe that a near-vision visual acuity test is necessary, and so in this paper we analyze some basic data about the relationship between children's near-vision visual acuity and their vision-related behavior. For the purposes of the paper, we examined both far-vision and near-vision visual acuity tests of elementary school children. We found that children whose far-vision visual acuity was under 1.0 had 4 vision-related behavioral problems, and that children whose near-vision visual acuity was under 0.8 had six such problems. Children whose far-vision visual acuity is found to be lacking are given remedial treatment to improve their eyesight. We therefore strongly recommend the addition of near-vision visual acuity tests in public schools so that children found to have near-vision acuity problems can be given treatment too.
高橋 ひとみ 衞藤 隆 川端 秀仁
