松永 典子 施 光恒
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.20, pp.61-76, 2014

This is a report concerning research on attempts at graduate school to distill the results of Japan Studies to International students' education and Japanese language education. In this report, we have reflected on the practices of the past three years to form a graduate education program to develop human resources for the comprehensive acquisition of both Japanese language and human social science. Based on their reports and interviews, we analyzed what the students have acquired and were dissatisfied with the course of the comprehensive seminar "processing of knowledge". As a result, it is indicated that there is the possibility that the students have broadened their horizons even into other fields besides the field of each teacher in charge of the lecture. However, it should be noted that the international students made a proposal for the improvement of the lecture because it was too difficult for them to understand and they realized that there was much for them to learn. In addition, a noteworthy point is that both International students and Japanese students pointed out the importance of discussion among students majoring in different fields. As suggested above, it is necessary for teachers to share goals and methods of education in order for international students to understand more technical and comprehensive issues. Therefore, the need has been suggested that teachers in each field of study should be involved both in making texts from the editing stage and developing a curriculum which includes the students acting independently during the seminar.
賈 瑞晨 佐藤 廉也 縄田 浩志 松永 光平 劉 国彬 張 文輝 山中 典和
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.17, pp.17-35, 2011

狩野 彰宏 Kano Akihiro
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.19, pp.11-18, 2013

Collaboration between Earth and Historical Sciences is a promising approach to understand climatic influences to human society. High-resolution paleoclimatic records of late Holocene allow correlation with the historical records. A recent study on lacustrine sediments suggested coincidence between cooling events and collapse of the Chinese dynasties, such as Shang, Han, and Tang. However, this suggestion is inconsistent with statistic data examination of historical meteorology. More reliable paleoclimatic researches have focused on a short cold periods of 17th and 18th centuries, so-called Little Ice Age that is closely associated with the weakened solar activity during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715). The frozen Dokai Bay in 1684 is an example of the cooling events, which was described in northern Kyushu.
新島 龍美
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.19, pp.19-37, 2013

本研究は、アリストテレス作と伝えられる『大道徳学』(Magna Moralia)が果たしてアリストテレスの真作か否かを考察するものである。考察方法は、同書の幾つかの箇所を取り上げ、そこに含まれる議論を分析し、明らかになった内容が、アリストテレスに帰属可能なものがどうかを判断するという、ある意味で最も正統的な方法である。結論は、同書はアリストテレスの作品ではない可能性が高いというものである。This study considers whether the supposedly Aristotelian Magna Moralia can be Aristotle's genuine work. Several parts of its texts are analyzed to see if this work can be attributed to Aristotle himself. The result is that it is highly probable that it is not his genuine work.
新島 龍美
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.17, pp.51-75, 2011

本研究は、アリストテレス作と伝えられる『大道徳学』(Magna Moralia)1185 b 15 に見られる'ε~κ τω~ν η~θικω~ν' の三語の理解の詳細な検討である。先ず、A. この三語を写本の読みのまま受け取る選択肢については、1「人柄に関わる事柄から」と特定の領域の現象を指示すると解する解釈、2アリストテレスの倫理学書に言及する書名と解する解釈のいずれも問題を招来することを示し、次に、B. 写本修正の試みの内、3'ε~κ τω~ν αισθη~σεων' 修正する試み、及び、4'ε~κ τω~ν αισθητω~νと修正する試みはいずれも問題に逢着することを示した上で、C. 問題の三語を'εξω τω~ν η~θικω~ν'(「人柄に関わる事柄の外で」)と修正する試みが最も問題が少ないことを示す。This study considers several interpretations on three words 'ε~κ τω~ν η~θικω~ν' in the supposedly Aristotelian work, Magna Moralia 1185 b 15 , to show that the attempt to revise the relevant words into 'εξω τω~ν η~θικω~ν' would be least problematic.