中村 忠博 松永 典子 樋口 則英 北原 隆志 佐々木 均
一般社団法人 日本腎臓病薬物療法学会
日本腎臓病薬物療法学会誌 (ISSN:21870411)
vol.2, no.1, pp.3-9, 2013 (Released:2018-04-02)

慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者の多くは高齢者であり、腸の運動機能低下などにより、便秘を有する患者が多い。わが国では便秘の治療に、習慣性のない緩下剤として酸化マグネシウム(MgO)製剤が広く使用され長期投与されていることも多い。MgO製剤は、わが国だけでなく、欧米においても腎機能低下患者では慎重投与であり、使用する際には高Mg血症への注意が必要である。平成20年11月には医薬品医療機器等安全性情報により、MgO製剤の長期投与における「高マグネシウム(Mg)血症」についての注意喚起が図られている。腎機能低下患者に対するMgO製剤の腎機能とMgO製剤の用量に関するエビデンスはほとんど見当たらない。そこで、腎機能と高Mg血症の発現リスクおよびMgO製剤の用量と血清Mg値への影響を検討した。2010年4月1日〜2012年2月29日の期間にMgO製剤を使用し、血清Mg値および血清クレアチニン(Cr)値の検査を実施した患者を抽出した。その中でCKD診療ガイド2009において、病期ステージ3以上に分類されるeGFR<60 mL/min/1.73m2であり、血清Mg値および血清Cr値の検査時にMgO製剤を服用していた87例を対象とした。その結果、eGFRと血清Mg値に有意な相関関係が得られた。45≦eGFR<60の患者では、投与量と血清Mg値に有意な相関関係は認められなかった。eGFR<45の患者では投与量と血清Mg値に有意な相関が認められ、eGFR<15では、平均血清Mg値が正常範囲外まで上昇した。また、CKD病期ステージ5(eGFR<15)の患者では、血清Mg値が6 mg/dL以上がMgO製剤1000mg/日以上で認められ、eGFR<15の患者では1000mg/日以上の投与量では高Mg血症への厳重な注意が必要と考えられた。今回の研究結果より、eGFR≧45の患者では、eGFR<45の患者よりもMgO製剤は比較的安全に使用できることが示唆された。さらに、eGFR<45の患者も、血清Mg値の測定を行い、腎機能に応じた投与量を設定することで、MgOを安全に使用することが可能であることが示唆された。
松永 典子
Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
東南アジア -歴史と文化- (ISSN:03869040)
vol.1998, no.27, pp.73-96, 1998-06-01 (Released:2010-02-25)

It has been pointed out that there are some crucial differences about the nature of the Japanese language education in the Japanese territories of Southeast Asia. It, however, is difficult for us to recognize the differences because “assimilation policy” and “kominka policy” have been interpreted imprecisely.The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the case in Malaya with that in the other territories of Southeast Asia on the Japanese language education under the Japanese occupation (1941-45) and direct our attention to the case in Malaya within the framework of the history of Japanese language education.In the early period Military Administration of the Japanese occupation, the Gunseikambu (Military Administration) attached a great deal of importanceto primary education as a means of popularizing the Japanese language. In the middle period Military Administration, however, it shifted the emphasis to the Japanese teaching coordinated with the spiritual training of Rensei Kyoiku. In the late period Military Administration, it emphasized more on strengthening Japanese language education and primary education.But at the final stage of the late period, the Gunseikambu shifted to relaxing its language policy, because the policy that instructors employed only Japanese as a teaching language was implemented too soon, so that it failed.For the reasons stated above, the Gunseikambu played a minimal role in the education policy, particularly during the initial and middle periods of the Japanese occupation. We can confirm that the Japanese language education policy in Malaya during the late period was more directly influenced by the Japanese language education policy of the Japanese government than that in the other Japanese territories of Southeast Asia.This policy in Malaya, however, was entirely based on the kokugo (national language) ideology, and the same teaching methodology used to teach in Japan and the Japanese colonies was employed in Malaya. Therefore, we can say that the Japanese language education policy in Malaya was ideologically a copy of the internal Japanese language education policy itself in some school, and it was most influenced by the kokugo ideology in the Japanese territories of Southeast Asia. But it eventually failed in Malaya because Japanese was not a Malayan common language nor the kokugo Malayans. In this sense, the nature of the Japanese language education in Malaya was different from that in the Japanese colonies.
松永 典子 施 光恒
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.20, pp.61-76, 2014

This is a report concerning research on attempts at graduate school to distill the results of Japan Studies to International students' education and Japanese language education. In this report, we have reflected on the practices of the past three years to form a graduate education program to develop human resources for the comprehensive acquisition of both Japanese language and human social science. Based on their reports and interviews, we analyzed what the students have acquired and were dissatisfied with the course of the comprehensive seminar "processing of knowledge". As a result, it is indicated that there is the possibility that the students have broadened their horizons even into other fields besides the field of each teacher in charge of the lecture. However, it should be noted that the international students made a proposal for the improvement of the lecture because it was too difficult for them to understand and they realized that there was much for them to learn. In addition, a noteworthy point is that both International students and Japanese students pointed out the importance of discussion among students majoring in different fields. As suggested above, it is necessary for teachers to share goals and methods of education in order for international students to understand more technical and comprehensive issues. Therefore, the need has been suggested that teachers in each field of study should be involved both in making texts from the editing stage and developing a curriculum which includes the students acting independently during the seminar.
松永 典子
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.8, pp.95-102, 2005

The diplomatic essays of Harold Nicolson (1886-1968) have been considered classics in the field of International Relations, while his biographical essays and fictions have largely been neglected by English literary critics. In a similar vein, poetry and fiction have dominated as subjects for analysis among the critics of modernism while autobiography and biography have been much less studied. Although the present literary studies largely disregard modernist biography and Nicolson, they were widely discussed and read among their contemporary biographers. For instance Virginia Woolf introduced Some People (1927) as a modern biography for the modern world, and appraised the new method that Nicolson created. This article attempts to reexamine modernism in terms of auto/biography, focusing on the new phase of biography Nicolson introduced. His auto/biography, which articulates war experiences as a postwar writing, is here analysed in diplomatic as well as biographical terms. In conclusion, I propose that he reproduce the new imperial citizenship through his new writing. Furthermore this essay also investigates the polit\ical unconscious of this period by the examination of biographical essays of Woolf and Sydney Lee as well as of Nicolson.
松永 典子 徳永 光展 施 光恒 伊藤 泰信 祝 利 緒方 尚美 余 銅基
