池田 緑
社会情報学研究 (ISSN:13417843)
no.15, pp.39-61[含 英語文要旨], 2006

森 義信
社会情報学研究 (ISSN:13417843)
no.15, pp.175-197[含 英語文要旨], 2006

「自由と不自由」という対概念は,古代・中世の西欧社会を理解する上で,極めて重要である。中世の法史料には「自由人」を意味するingenuus, liberあるいはfreier Bauerなどの呼称が見出される。また,11世紀のある叙述史料には,(1)貴族的な古来の自由,(2)国王の守護のもとにある自由,(3)生命とのみ引き替えにするという自由,(4)意志決定の自由が見出される。(1)は社会的な自由,(2)は政治秩序における一定の自由を示していると同時に,(3)と(4)は理念的な自由を示していると解釈される。草創期のフランク王権は,国境域に入植した軍事的植民者に自由を与えた。K.ボーズルは,かれらを「国王自由人」と呼び,かれらの自由を上記の(2)と似たようなものと見なしている。国王自由人は,しかし,国境を防衛しなければならなかったので,自由に移動することは許されなかった。かれらは9,10世紀になると,教会や修道院への自己托身の結果,荘園領民の地位に没落した。他方,中世の史料は不自由な従属民をservus, mancipium, ancila, famulus, collibertus, proprius de corpore, Eigenmann, Knecht, Schalkなどの多様な呼称で呼んでいた。かれらのあいだには,社会的に見て大きな差異があったはずである。土地を持たない不自由民は,主人に対して不定量の奉仕を義務づけられていたが,ボーズルによれば,中世盛期になると,かれらは課された職務,例えば開墾活動や使者役・運搬賦役の遂行の結果,自由をもつことを許されたとされる。さらに荘園領主のもとを離脱して国王都市に逃げ込んだ奴僕も,一年と一日の後,自由市民と認められた。このように,不自由民大衆は総じて社会的に上昇することができたのである。もちろん,その自由は上記(1)のごとき無制約ではなく,「不自由な自由」あるいは「自由な不自由」と形容されるものであった。ボーズルは,また,このダイナミックな変動の緩急・遅速が近世以降のドイツとフランスの発展,命運を規定した,と主張している。
岡部 晋典
社会情報学研究 (ISSN:13429604)
vol.13, no.2, pp.1-12, 2009-07-30

This article discusses an idea of Objective Knowledge thatparticularly caught the attention of a field of Information studiesback to 1980's. Objective Knowledge, proposed by a philosopher ofscience K. R. Popper, shows similar tendency of the theory ofIn-formation Space that does not assume the basis of recognition. Thisarticle does not only bring up the relevance to other theoriespropounded by K. R. Popper such as Falsifia-bility and Open Society,but also discusses the solution which subtends Popper'sFalsi-fiability to skirt the issue of existing view which has beencriticized in the context of Objective Knowledge and Falsifiability.
ルーカス M.
社会情報学研究 (ISSN:13418459)
no.3, pp.175-187, 1997-11

The theme of this paper is the dual nature of the Hindu divinities,as portrayed in the mythology. There are presented as human characters,with human weaknesses,but at the same time reveal divine attributes. These attributes justify the devotion they receive,yet that devotion is perhaps more likely to be inspired by the more comprehensible human aspect of their being. I deal firstly with the fallibility of Brahma,Visnu and Siva,as presented in a story from the Bhavisya Purana. I proceed to an account of the relationship between Siva and Parvati in the Saura and Skanda Puranas,and how the God and Goddess are self-conscious of their unity of human and divine attributes. My next section deals with the figure of Krisna in the Bhagavata Purana: the love and devotion inspired by the child and youth,contrasted with the fear and trembling associated with the occasional theophanic revelation. The supreme example of this contrast occurs in the Bhagavad Gita. Here,the divine form of Krisna is incomprehensible to Arjuna in the text,and unimaginable to readers. For God to be represented at all in a way which we can appreciate we require some form of mythical or literary context,to locate our imaginations. I end with a postscript discussing O'Flaherty's dichotomy of Order and Chaos,and her association of myth with the chaotic realm. This is appropriate,since myth reveals,and uses,the human need for mtable images of the divine.
梅津 顕一郎
社会情報学研究 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.10, pp.1-13, 2004

This article is a meta-theoretical study of the ''public sphere" and ''Publicness" (=?ffentlichkeit) in the information age. Almost all studies of the Publicness (or. public sphere) have modernism or modernity as a context. However I suggest that,in the information age,public sphere studies must stress the context of postmodernity. As is generally known,the agenda of publicness (or public sphere),which is one of the most actual themes of the contemporary Information Society,origimates from critical theorists such as Habermas and Alento. In particular, the impact of Jurgen Habermas (the central figure of the second generation of Frankfort school) is very strong,so,studies of the public sphere are regarded as being one of the modernism theories. Since the Intemet-age has began,Postmodern theory has been important in the ''grown up" Information Society,with many potential applications of Internet-communication being indicated by postmodern theorists. The theorists have also indicated many problems in the information age,but they have not proposed any altematives. On the other hand,public sphere studies have been criticized concerning the reality of their communication theory. Perhaps this criticism of their theoretical strategy is justified. Indeed,their concept of ''communicative action" is too idealistic,so they cannot grasp the reality of media-mediate communication. However,the construction of the public sphere is an actual altemative in the information age. In this article, I try to set up a hypothesis about the relation between post-modernity concerning media-mediate communication and the public sphere, by connecting post-modern communication studies (e.g. analiysis of frendship and relationship s in youth culture studies) and info-public sphere theories.
梅津 顕一郎
社会情報学研究 (ISSN:13418459)
no.2, pp.165-175, 1996-11

This paper is a study on the sports culture within the field of youth culture. The aim of the paper is to form a paradigm of sports culture studies as a critical theory of consumption culture,through summing up the so-called "J League Boom" and showing a hypothesis on its future. Past studies on sports culture from the "communication theory" viewpoint,have covered the process of generation,exchange and reproduction of the meaning through the interaction between players and audience. But in this paper,the paradigm of discussion is further expanded to include social communication,and consumption culture with paticular emphasis on the phenomenon of fashlion. The discussion proceeds as follows : (1) This paper sums up the "J League Boom" and shows its features as consumption culture and youth culture. (2) It explains a hypothesis that the recent cooling down of the "J League Boom" means a detachment phenomenon of the masses frorn a closed soccer maniacs' world. (3) It shows that "otaku-ka"-the sophisticated transformation from fanatics' communication style,has been advanced in the consumption culture of the1980's. (4) It studies cultural and social functions of watching sports (games).