東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.48, no.1, pp.74-95, 2010-06-30

This paper traces the historical development of elephant conservation in Thailand through the exploration of two interrelated state organizations: the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) and the National Elephant Institute (NEI). By examining their ideological construction, policies and interactions with society, as well as their conflicts with other elephant-related communities, this paper argues that despite all the state’s attempts to take the lead in tackling elephantine problems, these organizations continuously faced the dilemma of elephant conservation during their development. Firstly, TECC struggled to sustain organizational survival while simultaneously concretizing their activities for internationally acclaimed elephant conservation in the 1990s. Secondly, NEI experienced difficulty in balancing its expected roles after 2002 in protecting elephants in collaboration with local communities, as well as functioning internationally as a lynchpin of the nation for elephant conservation.
加瀬澤 雅人
Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies: G-COE Series
vol.16, 2009-02

Ayurveda, which was originally confined to Indian subcontinent and its vicinity, is now becoming a global medical practice, spreading to different areas of the world and acquiring new meanings in theory and practice. The globalization of Ayuveda has also had a great impact on India. Many patients go there from abroad to receive treatment. In the state of Kerala, many residential institutions have sprung up for such patients, and Ayurveda is rapidly growing into a huge industry. It seems that the practice of Ayurveda in India is undergoing reconstruction through contact with the outside world. I argue how we can utilize this Indian medical knowledge to our modernized lifestyle by my research example of India, United States and Japan.
鬼丸 武士
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.43, no.3, pp.303-318, 2005-12-31

笹岡 正俊
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.46, no.3, pp.377-419, 2008

This paper examines the social and cultural meanings of the subsistence consumption of game animals among mountain villagers in Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia. The community under study is highly dependent on <i>sago</i> (starch extracted from sago palm) as staple food. Sago is rich in carbohydrate but contains little protein. Game animals therefore provide an essential protein complement. Field research was carried out in a remote mountain village located in Manusela valley in central Seram where Cuscus (<i>Phalanger orientalis, Spilocuscus maculates</i>), Celebes wild boar (<i>Sus celebensis</i>) and Timor deer (<i>Cervus timorensis</i>) account for almost 90% of the protein resources consumed by villagers.<br>&emsp;The meat of these wild mammals is usually shared by close relatives and adjoining villages. The field data suggests that about 30% of cuscus and 60% of large mammals (Celebes wild boar and Timor deer) are often distributed to others. An "ethics of sharing" encourages villages to distribute wild meat since it enhances the enjoyment of consumption and brings about feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. This sense of contentment over having intimate and good inter-relationships is regarded by villagers as the ideal and desirable way of life. Moreover wild meat sharing also strengthens their collective identity as a mountain people that distinguishes them from those living in coastal areas. Failure to share leads to apprehensions of sorcery arising from jealousy and the fear of <i>malahau</i>, a kind of sanction given by ancestor spirits.
Kassim Azizah
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.47, no.1, pp.52-88, 2009

Over the past four decades Malaysia has seen a rise in the inflow of foreign nationals. Among them are a substantial number of refugees estimated to be between 57,000 and 70,500 in 2008. The refugees, who are largely fromneighbouring countries, are only found in Peninsula Malaysia and the eastern state of Sabah. This paper, which limits itself to Filipino refugees in Sabah examines state administration of the refugees, the various stereotypes accorded to them by the general public and the dilemma of the state over their future. The validity of these stereotypes is tested by looking at their daily lives viz. their family structure and composition, community organisations, economic activities and their interactions with "others" and the state. The negative impact of external constraints on their lives is highlighted, particularly the ambiguous legal status of second and third generation refugees born and bred in Sabah. By presenting the stark realities of their lives, the writer hopes to refute some public misconceptions about them and by doing so help the state overcome its dilemma over the future of the refugees. The paper is based on fieldworks carried out intermittently between 2003 and 2005.
日下 渉
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.46, no.3, pp.420-441, 2008

This paper analyzes moral conflicts between the middle class and the poor in Philippine politics through a discursive construction of the "we/they" consciousness. These moral conflicts have not been explored in earlier studies, which either regard the middle class and civil society as democratic factors or examine class conflicts solely in terms of interest distribution. This paper provides an analytical framework that explains the construction of a "we/they" consciousness in a class-divided "dual public sphere." I analyze these discourses in relation to several political issues and conclude by arguing that the moral conflicts between the collective consciousnesses of "we/they" relations have undermined popular support for democracy. The middle class generally associates "we" with "citizen," and regards itself as a purveyor and defender of democracy. It views the "poor" ("them") as lacking the appropriate morals and education to make similar claims. In fact, for the middle class, the poor are often responsible for undermining democracy. On the other hand, the poor associate "we" with "the masses," who despite their upright morality, have been marginalized, despised or ignored by the selfish and cold-hearted "rich" ("them"). For the poor, the culprits behind democratic deterioration are the rich. This moral conflict denies the legitimacy of others and is undermining popular trust in democracy, which inherently demands the acceptance of "them" as legitimate adversaries.
茅根 由佳
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.51, no.1, pp.139-161, 2013

This paper analyzes the water privatization process in Jakarta, Indonesia, focusing on the changes in policy after the fall of Suharto in 1998, to show the strategic adaptation of domestic business elites to survive after the drastic transition period. During the Suharto era, business elites were able to accumulate capital by drawing patronage from former President Suharto. However, the democratization of the country led to Suharto's ouster and disordered the former interest structure, which was deeply entrenched in the Indonesian political economy. Today concessions in water privatization are no longer sustained by merely relying on the political authority. In Jakarta, the center of Indonesia's politics and economy, agreements with Suharto guaranteed private corporate interests with lucrative business relating to city development. Recently, however, private businesses, especially those managing public infrastructure, have become increasingly vulnerable to aggres sive public backlash and supervision by the regulatory bodies of the provincial government. Despite this increasing vulnerability, domestic business elites have succeeded in regaining their lucrative concessions by seizing opportunities and cooperating with the capitals of foreign countries. These business elites have successfully adapted to the changing democratic nvironment with sophisticated strategies and shrewd risk management.
久保 忠行
Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies: G-COE Series
vol.89, pp.1-20, 2010-05

This paper aims to discuss on a process of achieving camp refugees' "autonomy" by analyzing refugees' self-help activities. Aid agencies such as International NGOs (INGO) provide development-oriented aid to refugees at a stage of protracted refugee condition. This approach aims to reduce the burden of INGOs as well as encourage refugees' self-support. At the Thailand-Burmese border refugee camps, INGO have prompted to set up Community Based Organizations (CBOs) as camp based, refugee-organized aid organizations, backed by financial support from INGOs. INGOs provide CBO staffs to method of management, how to organize groups. This development-oriented framework of aid also enlightens "universal" value such as democracy, freedom and equality to refugees. At a Thailand-Burmese border camp, this "universal" value has reached masses to a degree, now it is understood as "globalized culture". This "globalized culture" has dual meaning among refugees. It is said the core element of causing social problems. On the other hand, it is accepted as "development", which can be the way to solve social problems. A sense not being at home and strangeness living as refugees serve as driving force to set up self-organized CBOs, which are not being supported by INGOs. The social position of the self-organized CBOs shows a possibility of achieving refugees' "autonomy".
原 洋之介
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.54, no.1, pp.93-116, 2016-07-31

Shinichi Ichimura. Japan and Asia: Economic Development and Nation Building. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2015, xxv+438p.
ARAI Kenichiro
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.49, no.2, pp.161-191, 2011-09-30

This paper examines the impact of industrial estates on surrounding villages in Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. A few large industrial estates have been in operation since the latter part of the 1990s, with hundreds of tenants, mainly auto manufacturers and related component suppliers. The rapid inflow of industry and decrease of agriculture-related jobs have prompted villagers to look for jobs in the industrial estates. However, there is a significant mismatch between the average educational and skill levels of the villagers and those required by companies in the estates. Competition with a growing number of immigrants with higher educational or skill levels has made it difficult for local villagers to obtain jobs in industry, while newcomers with a more secure job status are forming a new socioeconomic order outside the existing village settlements. The study also found that recruitment of regular staff had decreased rapidly since the introduction of a new labor law in 2003. Widespread use of fixed-term contracts and temporary agency workers has made jobs in industrial estates fragile and short-term. This gives companies flexibility of employment but at the same time is producing a growing pool of disenchanted and frustrated village youths in the surrounding environment. Further assistance to the villagers is desirable—not only for their sake but also for local government and industry if they hope for a long-term peaceful and conducive business environment.
福田 晋吾
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.50, no.1, pp.72-108, 2012-07-31

This paper analyzes the production strategies of local footwear manufacturers in the Philippines against the inflow of foreign cheap products into the local market since mid-1990s using macro and micro fieldwork data. Most previous research has insisted that the reason why Philippine footwear manufacturing has been declining since the beginning of WTO is mainly due to their low-tech production. This is partly correct when considering the lower class market but incorrect when applying an analysis to the middle class market. At the level of the middle class market, many local manufacturers are still operating in spite of an increase of the inflow of cheap foreign products. Analysis shows that their production strategies are determined by the scale of production. Smaller manufacturers tend to continue with manual production and less investment so that they can maximize their profits. On one hand, they take strategies that minimize their risks in footwear manufacturing but they are also likely to diversify into other businesses. On the other, bigger manufacturers donʼt stop to compete with foreign cheap products, which shows that they are willing to invest in machinery and use outsourcing to strengthen their competitiveness. This paper shows that instead of diversification, they tend to concentrate on footwear manufacturing in order to build good relationships with good buyers and some achieve vertical integration with retail businesses.
Lertlum Surat Shibayama Mamoru
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.46, no.4, pp.547-563, 2009-03-31

Geo-informatics technologies are utilized in the conservation and management of cultural heritage and in related studies. For example, remote sensing(RS) and Geographical Information System(GIS) technologies are utilized as tools for archaeological analysis together with conventional methods. Around the world, RS and GIS technologies have been used to assist archaeologists to pinpoint and identify archaeological sites. With reference to these applications of geoinformatics, the Living Angkor Road Project came up in 2005 with the concept of integrated studies based on interdisciplinary collaboration in an archaeological study in Thailand and Cambodia [Lertlum et al. 2007]. In this project, archaeological and anthropological knowledge was used together with geo-informatics, information and geo-physics technologies to identify,pinpoint and study the ancient road from Angkor in Cambodia to Phimai in Thailand that is described in the inscription of the Pra Khan temple in Angkor, Cambodia.Application of geo-informatics to this project revealed the following results: (1) Application of GIS/RS confirmed the hypothesis proposed by archaeologists based on the Pra Khan inscription that an ancient road once ran from Angkor in Siem Reap area of Cambodia to Phimai in Nakorn Ratchasima, Thailand. In particular, parts of the ancient road were clearly recognized by analyzingthe archaeological sites found standing along a line on satellite images and aerial photographs. (2) Buildings and facilities related with the ancient road, such as ancient bridges,ancient industry sites, and dharmshalas (rest-house chapels), were newly discovered through the same analysis. (3) Predictions and assumptions derived from RS/GIS methodologies were verified by field surveys conducted by specialists in archaeology, anthropology, and informatics.In other words, RS/GIS methodologies also could be used to decide an area of field survey in advance. This approach in area studies exactly corresponds to one of the proposed methodologies of Area Informatics [Shibayama 2005].This paper describes the role and significance of geo-informatics in the study of the royal road from Angkor to Phimai, presents new findings obtained from application of geo-informatics in archaeological studies, describes how GIS/RS technologies were applied, and discusses effectiveness of applying the satellite image ASTER1) and SRTM2) elevation data in the project.
園部 太郎 佐藤 孝宏 奥村 与志弘 広田 勲 津田 冴子 小石 和成 大村 善治
Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies: G-COE Series
vol.36, pp.1-15, 2009-03

A possibility of sustainable biomass power generation from rice fields in Thailand has been investigated from view points of potential power generation, their chemical properties, current status of power generation using rice production residue and the field survey at the rice husk power plant and rice mill of Chainat in Thailand. It is found that rice husk has been mostly used in this region for power generation mostly because of its easiness of collection and transportation as compared with rice straw. With comparison of chemical properties of rice husk and rice straw, it is also suggested that rice husk can be converted to heat relatively easier compared with rice straw. In order to supply the electricity from biomass power plant steadily in Thailand, it can be suggested to increase the fuel variation by utilization of other biomass resources such as rice straw.
伊藤 正子
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.48, no.3, pp.294-313, 2010-12-30

Korean’s memories as heroic stories have been confused since Han-kyoreh magazine reported that Korean troops conducted mass killings. After 30 years, an ex-service Korean’s group visited the Ha My hamlet, Quang Nam Province, where slaughters occurred in 1968. They built a monument for the victims. But when it was completed, the group felt shocked about a poem on the massacre on the monument. After going back to Korea, they demanded revisions. The Vietnamese government, which was asked for revisions by the Korean Embassy, put pressure on the villagers, who finally covered the inscription. Vietnamese policy is to seal the past and look to the future as at present, the most important issue for the government is to procure development funds from other countries, and to maintain the legitimacy of the Communist Party through economic development. Therefore, the memories of the Ha My, whose villagers did not necessarily contribute to the Revolution, could not become an official memory. Further, those memories are not connected with nationalism. This point is the most different when comparing with the case between Korea or China and Japan. After the report by the Han-kyoreh, one Korean NGO started volunteer activities for Vietnamese survivors. Through those activities, some survivors have been healed, and for the sake of the Korean NGO, the memory of Ha My, which can never become official memory, is preserved in Vietnam.
外山 文子
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.51, no.1, pp.109-138, 2013-07-31

Thailand made great progress toward institutional democratization through the amendment of the 1991 Constitution, which stipulated that only elected MPs were eligible for the position of prime minister in 1992. This amendment was followed by the 1997 Constitution. However, Thailand experienced a coup in 2006, and the coup group drafted the 2007 Constitution. Since the coup, the judiciary has been pivotal in changing governments. Democratically elected governments have been toppled by the judiciary. Furthermore, people in large cities such as Bangkok, who protested against the military's extended rule in 1992, approved of the 2006 coup and the unusual methods employed in changing governments, an abnormal phenomenon in a parliamentary democracy. The common objective that links the coup, the two constitutional amendments (1997 and 2007), and the decisions of the judiciary is resolving corruption among the country's politicians. Even though several coups have occurred and constitutional amendments have been made for this purpose, the problem of corruption appears to be continually exacerbating. To understand this issue, it is important to recognize what kinds of behavior in politicians have been codified as corruption. Therefore, this paper examines the legal definitions of corruption. A close scrutiny of Thailand's constitutions and laws reveals that the legal definition of corruption has widened owing to the former's consecutive amendments since the 1990s, from apparent corruption (such as bribes or kickbacks) to vague or gray corruption (such as conflicts of interest and false statements of property and debt). Although in other countries these new legal definitions of corruption are used to control the spread of corruption among politicians by pre-empting potential corruption, in Thailand such forms of corruption are stipulated as grave crimes that could end an individual's political career--and they have broader definitions, including forms of corruption that are not serious. This suggests that constitutional amend- ments have resulted in increased corruption among politicians. This has caused people to distrust politicians and a democratic form of government, leading to the possible destruction of democracy either by coup or by the judiciary. In fact, constitutional amendments may themselves have been excuses for dismantling democracy.
石川 晃士
Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies: G-COE Series
vol.12, pp.1-29, 2008-12

Cambodia is largely an agrarian society; rice crops are the backbone of Cambodian agriculture. For most of these farmers, rice is their major source of income and sustenance and thus rice plays an integral part in the economy of rural Cambodia. However, Cambodia's history and structure of industry has helped define rice-based agricultural sectors in which poor populations have traditionally engaged and earned a livelihood. This is particularly so with the low production of rice and is characterized by low income. Although Cambodia has achieved an overall self-sufficiency since 1995, rice productivity in Cambodia is still the lowest among countries in Asia, which derives from a number of factors such as low input investment in rice production and farmers' limited financial sources. In addition, another problem within the industry is the rice processing and distribution sector faces many related obstacles such as a lack of working capital, low milling technology, a poor infrastructure, and a fragmented distribution system. The agricultural sector is where the poor are employed and earn a living in Cambodia. It would follow that increasing productivity and trade returns on rice produce in this sector will be important for improving the livelihood of the poor. Therefore, the challenge for Cambodian rural development is to grasp the present situation and prioritize the constrains to increase productivity and generate improvements within the rice industry, and develop the strategies to overcome the existing obstacles. This paper describes the linkage between each of the factors along the rice value chain, from input suppliers for rice production, to the final milled products and all the associated by-products and value added from products derived from rice. While providing the characteristics along each level of the chain, the analysis identifies the key constrains and linkage at each level of the chain
Buadaeng Kwanchewan
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.44, no.3, pp.359-384, 2006

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The Tribal Research Center/Institute (TRI) was inaugurated in 1965 and dissolved by theThai government Bureaucratic Reform Act in 2002. This paper discusses the rise and fallof the TRI by showing that the TRI has come from the need of the Thai government, withthe support from foreign agencies, to have an "advisory and training" center to deal with"hill tribe problems," in the context where few ethnic studies institutes and researchersexisted. TRI had actively served its mother organizations by providing them necessaryinformation and recommendation for the monitoring, evaluation and improvement of thegovernment and highland development projects, while its resource center and experts hadserved academic society for many decades. In 2000s, when "hill tribe problems" havediminished: communist operation stopped, opium cultivation reduced and hill tribes wereseemingly well integrated into Thai society, the government no longer needed to maintainits focus on the hill tribes and related organizations. The TRI's role was terminatedwithout any proper handing over of its human and other resources to the right institute.Unlike 40 years ago, however, now ethnic studies institutes and especially ethnic ownorganizations and communities have grown up to take care of their problems, arising fromgovernment policy and modernization, by carrying out ethnic studies and development bytheir own.
藤田 幸一 遠藤 環 岡本 郁子 中西 嘉宏 山田 美和
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.50, no.2, pp.157-210, 2013-01-31

The Thai economy is supported by a large number of unskilled migrant workers from the neighbouringcountries, especially Myanmar, since the late 1980s. However, the Thai government's system of receivingmigrants has been largely defective, due to internal inconsistencies and conflicts among the differentagencies of the government. Based on recent household-level surveys on Myanmar migrants in Ranong,southern Thailand, we delineate their work and living conditions-how they work hard for wages lowerthan the minimum wage that leave them with no surplus for remitting to their home country yet a largeamount of debt, as well as the harassment and abuse they suffer in the hands of Thai government officials,etc. We also show the actual situation of Myanmar sex workers, including the serious problem of humantrafficking they face. By interviewing various government agencies (including the police, labour department,hospitals, etc.), business associations, and NGOs, we show how the "structure" in which the Myanmarmigrants are situated has emerged and is maintained.