佐藤 元

Kitajima Keiko
保健医療科学 (ISSN:13476459)
vol.60, pp.451-452, 2011-10

Objectives: This study aims to make clear the notion of community resilience in disaster management, in order to provide appropriate support systems throughout the disaster management cycle. In order to comprehend community resilience, three main specific objectives were set out: first, to figure out the general understanding on community resilience from the collection of community actions in literature; second, to understand how to measure the level of community resilience; and finally, to understand how the vulnerable groups are in an emergency, in terms of community resilience. 1) To identify the characteristics of community resilience in each phase of the disaster management cycle. 2) To summarize the current measurements of the community resilience in a disaster. 3) To summarize the special consideration given to vulnerable people.Study Design and Methods: A review of literature was conducted using a few databases with the keywords, "disaster," "flood," "water hazard," "community resilience," and "community mobilization." References cited in the literature were also reviewed. After the selection of articles, the concept of community resilience by Norris et al. (social capital, community competence, and information and communication) was adapted to analyze the characteristics of community resilience when faced with floods through a disaster management cycle. Next, measurements of the level of community resilience were also investigated, in terms of its development by indicators and analysis. In addition, considerations found in literature were summarized in terms of the protection of vulnerable populations: chronic disease patients, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and women and children.Results: 1) The characteristics in each phase of the disaster management cycle: According to each phase, the characteristics of collective actions were observed. In terms of "social capital" and "community competence," rescue operations, collective efficacy, and restoring contact between separated families, as well as the development of crisis committees were reported (relief phase). In addition, mutual cooperation in communities, nationwide ethnic community support, community mental support, etc., were found (recovery and rehabilitation phase). Moreover, actions for preparing and mitigating the next disaster, such as gaining a sense of community, enhancing collective efficacy and empowerment, and networking and building political partnerships by learning and practicing the process, were also observed (preparedness, early warning, and mitigation phase). In terms of "information and communication," emergency information delivery among community members and local knowledge of crises based on experience were reported (relief phase). Oral histories were being utilized in all phases of the disaster management cycle to raise awareness of citizen preparedness. Furthermore, community participatory preparedness actions, such as developing a hazard map and an early warning system, were also important (in preparedness, early warning, and mitigation phase). 2) Measurements of the level of community resilience were developed and found valid by tests, however when implementing these measurements in other cases, the development of another set of indicators according to the socio- and culturaleconomic context is still needed. 3) Meanwhile, for vulnerable people, the socioeconomic factors in the disaster management context have a greater impact on them, and there is still not enough evidence of support mechanisms for community resilience on this matter.Conclusion: 1) All the factors from the characteristics of community resilience are important, and they are strongly connected and interact with each other. Among all the factors, organizing collective efforts becomes the core of the community resilience to water hazards. Additionally, it demonstrates the characteristic of forming community cohesion at the first stage and then expanding to the outside community to cooperate together. However it is believed that social capital, which is based on a network and relationship of mutual trust, has become the core of community resilience. Additionally, each factor is strongly connected to the others. 2) Measurements of community resilience are developed to some extent (economic development, social capital, and collective efficacy). However they still need to be adjusted to the study area by developing indicators and analyzing the social and cultural context. More accurate measurement requires future research and development. 3) Support mechanisms for the vulnerable population are not sufficient at present, thus community-based support mechanisms should be introduced and improved in order not to leave these populations marginalized in a crisis and to involve them in the community-based disaster management cycle.
中島 孝
保健医療科学 (ISSN:13476459)
vol.60, pp.130-137, 2011-04
4 2

HAL(Hybrid assistive limb)は四肢に装着する装着型ロボットであり,人とのハブリッド技術の一つである.HALは装着者の運動意図を基にしてリアルタイムに四肢の運動機能を増強する機能を持つ知的なロボットである.HALの医学応用にむけて,社会心理的および倫理的問題を考察するために,人-機械によるハイブリッド技術について,歴史的な検討を行った.HALの医学応用の一つとして,脊髄性筋萎縮症,球脊髄性筋萎縮症,筋萎縮性側索硬化症,シャルコー・マリー・トゥース病などの神経・筋難病患者への治療への応用を検討した.HALの臨床効果の評価法として,QOLとPROの重要性について論じた.「神経・筋疾患により障害された四肢を適切にアシストすることで,罹患筋の機能は長持ちし,より健常な筋の廃用症候群は予防できる」という仮説を最終的に証明するための治験実施を本研究は目指している.患者がHAL-神経筋難病モデルを間欠的に使用することにより,QOLが改善するだけでなく,疾患の進行スピードも減弱する可能性が期待できる.
丹後 俊郎 山岡 和枝 緒方 裕光 池口 孝

「ごみ焼却施設からの距離」をダイオキシン類への曝露の主要な代替変数としたごみ焼却施設周辺の疾病の超過リスクの検出に関して、本研究では、(1)焼却施設の位置を既知としてその周辺の超過リスクを検出する方法(Focused test)と、(2)焼却施設の位置を未知として、超過リスクが生じている「場所とその周辺」を特定する方法(Global test)を検討してきた。前者については、すでにStatistics in Medicine(2002)に報告し、かつ、周辺地域のがん死亡率の経年的変化に基づく新しい健康影響評価のための方法を、施設からの方角など距離以外の要因も考慮に入れた柔軟な統計モデルを英国王立統計学会主催の国際統計学会(2002)で発表(招待講演)した。後者の方法については、Connecticut大学の生物統計学科Kulldorff助教授との共同研究により,昨年度までに提案した方法と他の方法,Kulldorffのspatial scan statisticとBonetti-Pagano's M statisticsとの検出力の総合的な比較を行い、その結果はComputational Statistics and Data Analysis(2003)に掲載された。本研究で検討した統計モデルの応用として,ごみ焼却施設周辺の乳児死亡への影響の解析に適用するとともに、ごみ焼却施設とは異なるものの単一汚染源への応用例として、原子力発電所周辺の周産期死亡データの解析例を示し、その応用可能性を検討した。