宮野 安治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1976, no.33, pp.65-80, 1976-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Theodor Litt is well known as a cultural philosopher and as a cultural educationist, but if we turn to his works published after World War II, we notice that his interest expanded so as to include not only the human and cultural world, but also the world of nature. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relation between nature and man from the viewpoint of man's “becoming self” (Selbstwerden), and to examine starting on that basis the place of natural science in the so-called formation of man (Menschenbildung).According to Litt, nature confronting man, can be divided into three aspects, “nature as object”, “nature as impression” and “nature as support, ” and correspondingly the relation between nature and man also can take on three different directions. In each we can recognize a certain individualism, hence the meaning of scientific thinking in terms of becoming self is singled out, and as a consequence, it is given a place within the formation of man. Here, Litt's concept of “antinomy” comes forth, replacing his concept of “harmony.”
石井 正司
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1976, no.34, pp.18-31, 1976-10-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the theoretical origins of the intuition didactics of common mass education which are at the center of modern pedagogy and didactics of which Comenius is a typical representative. The view is taken here that the origins are not to be sought in the Renaissance or the Reformation, but rather in the educational thought of the Renaissance utopians ; hence Thomas More, Bacon, Campanella and Andreae have been chosen as four typical representatives whose educational theory will here be examined. There is a great wealth of studies on the educational thought of the Renaissance and the Reformation, but almost nothing has been published so far on the educational thought of the utopians. In fact, their educational theory is not limited to being a source of the intuition didactics of common mass education, but they contain also a wealth of views which are a source of inspiration for solving contemporary problems in education. This paper, therefore, attempts to open up the study of these as yet unexplored educational theories.
長谷川 亀太郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1975, no.31, pp.20-38, 1975-05-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

Ideally speaking, morality and art are very closely related to each other, have many aspects in common and ultimately form a harmonious unity. In reality, however, morality and art frequently face mutual opposition, conflict and clash. This is so because morality and art do not remain faithful to their original nature.The most desirable fundamental relation between morality and art is the standpoint where “art is promoted as far as possible while morality is protected as far as necessary” with the basic understanding of “the priority of morality over art”. To render such a standpoint possible, morality based on religion embraces art and softens it. This constitutes the effort leading toward the ultimate ideal of harmonising morality and art.
三浦 武人
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1975, no.31, pp.39-55, 1975-05-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

Jaspers interprets education in the true sense as a combination of transmission of tradition and the possibility of developing into a self-existence. He finds real substance in the tradition, substance in this context being understood as the nature of the spiritual world producing the spiritual foundations of man, i. e. the thought mode, the faith mode and the life mode. Accordingly, his educational theory can be expressed in other words thus, man is born within a thought mode, a faith mode and a life mode and becomes man by growing within these modes ; furthermore, he not merely assimilates these modes, but becomes a self-existence by examining them critically and by assimilating them in a selective process. Education is the activity of counsciously planning and realising this situation. The modern age is a time when substance desintigrates and when a skeptic eye is turned toward all modes of thought, faith and life. Hence, naturally, education too must fall into a state of confusion. We must search, therefore, after some way in which education in modern times can be restored. Answering this need Jaspers proposes a way of “taking consciously a fresh look at history to re-discover the basis of human existence.” He explores the possibility of restoring true education in the real transmission of the spiritual substance which existed in the past.
田浦 武雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1975, no.31, pp.68-73, 1975-05-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

杵渕 俊夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1975, no.32, pp.19-35, 1975-10-10 (Released:2010-01-22)

The most fundamental characteristic of Dewey's educational theory is that all through it runs the theme of the restauration of the mutual close relationship between formal school education and social life, and that thus it endeavors to turn the school into an efficient organ for the intellectual formation and reconstruction of child experience. The aim of this paper is to examine more closely this problem consciousness in an attempt to arrive at a deeper understanding of the nature of Dewey's fundamental philosophic interest.
新井 保幸
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1974, no.30, pp.30-45, 1974 (Released:2009-09-04)

This paper discusses the fundamental pedagogical theory (i. e. the cultural pedagogical thought) of Spranger in the twenties. The theory of cultural pedagogy combines through its copncet of culture the individual viewpoint with the social viewpoint and while contrasting the peculiar nature of education with cultural creativity, determines education as an act of cultural production, as such distinct from mere cultural transmission. In the central theme of the theory of cultural pedagogy formally fixed as mutual interaction of the subjective spirit and the objective spirit, building on the formation theory of neo-humanism, the theory of cultural pedagogy contains the characteristics of the formation theory. The theory of cultural pedagogy which amounts to a revival of the formation theory of neohumanism, while making much of the classical formation theory, carries, above all, at its centre the theme of the self-formation of modern man staying in close contact to the German classical school of thought. The theory of cultural pedagogy with these characteristic features took a critical stand against the debates concerning school reform which stood out clearly in contemporary Germany at that time, and at the same time it was critical also of the generation gap, yet at the same time this theory was occasioned by an attempt to mediate between these two opposites.