梅本 洋
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1981, no.44, pp.1-17, 1981-11-15 (Released:2010-01-22)

教育論は、往々にして、あるきわめて特徴的な状況設定を行なう。本論は、具体例として主にルソーの『エミール』を分析することによって、教育論的状況設定の特質、意義ならびに目的の検討を意図するものである。 (『エミール』を主要な具体例として選んだ理由については後述する。なお、以下本論では、教育についての意見、見解ないしは思想を主題的に述べたものを包括的に教育論と呼ぶ。したがって、以下にいう教育論は、純然たる論考形式によるもののみならず、小説形式による著作などをも当然含むものである。)
越後 哲治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1981, no.43, pp.31-46, 1981-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The author tries to clarify W. Dilthey's concept of 'self-reflection' (Selbstbesinnung) which based on a practical task from the outset runs through Dilthey's entire work, by analyzing his writings and his interpretation of the relation between theory and practice.While doing so, it was noticed that human self-reflection as the acting subject carries on a process of 'reciprocal action' involving nature, society and history. In consequence, this paper clarifies by explaining the meaning of 'reciprocal action', the principle of self-reflection which consist of a unification of the perceiving of reality and of the attributing of value.In fact, Dilthey, conscious of the crisis caused by rapid changes taking place in society, formulated the problem of how to lay the foundations of the human sciences (Geisteswissenschaften) and stressed the need for human self-reflection within the frame of reality perceived as a variety of reciprocal actions. This self-reflection is not merely a matter of concern for the individual, but it also issues in social reform. In that sense, self-reflection constitutes a very practical problem even as of today.
池野 正晴
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1981, no.43, pp.47-62, 1981-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The process of human growth is understood to be a process of self-realization and understanding the world. O. Fr. Bollnow refers to language, more specifically to 'dialogue' (das Gespräch) in its concrete setting, as serving that purpose.Based on this theory of Bollnow, the author interprets school education in its polarity structure of 'dialogue' and 'instruction', adding some considerations on the task of the teacher resulting from these premises.In dialogue, man for the first time becomes his own self. By the activity of talking personal interior potentialities are being digged up, the self finds personal fulfilment. But because true dialogue matures suddenly transcending the limits of the original plan, and because it is not something which can be accomplished in a leisurely fashion, applied to instruction, its potentialities are all too uncertain. Therefore, what school education as intentional education can accomplish, is 'education toward dialogue', i. e. educating with the aim of paving the way for the capability of conducting true dialogue.But dialogue as a means and as a goal of education is intimately connected with the school function of 'instruction'. Here lies the rationale why school education as a whole can be conceived as a polarity structure of dialogue and instruction.
小林 恭
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1981, no.43, pp.63-80, 1981-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

It is felt that something is lacking in the traditional approach toward the problem of 'dialogue'. The reason is that a difference between 'parole' and 'écriture' is being tacitly presupposed. Alain, in his educational theory, has re-emphasized education through 'lecture' (reading) and is critical concerning instruction by means of dialogue. It would, however, be a mistake to interpret this as simply ascribing value to 'écriture'. To the contrary, his ideas are very illuminating in view of building up the power of true dialogue. His educational theory rests on the foundation of a creative and well thought-out philosophy of 'signe'. He thinks that all 'signes' consist of 'langage absolu' and 'langage relatif'. Whenever relative language is dominant, and the absolute language which lies at its basis to support human thinking, is forgotten, thinking turns out to be mechanical and man is alienated from his true self. Alain thinks that the goal of education is that everybody recovers his own true self and realizes his spiritual freedom, but he maintains that in order to accomplish this, it is necessary that the absolute language be restored and the exercise of 'lecture' is necessary. The attempt is here made to clarify the reasons for this by referring to his philosophy which elucidated the hermeneutic structure of thought.