ヴァルター ドレーアー
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1973, no.28, pp.1-13, 1973-11-15 (Released:2009-09-04)

今日、「人間学」という概念は好んで使われる流行概念になっている。さまざまな個別科学がこの概念を使用するのは、この概念によってどのような形で理解された人間学であれ、個別諸科学の経験的な研究成果の人間学的な解釈を求めているのだ、ということを言い現わすためである。こうして、文化人類学 (Kulturanthropologie) と並んで、生物学的=、医学的=、社会学的=、心理学的=、および神学的人間学が確立されてきたのである。教育科学の内部においても同じように、このような『内部的な固有の人間学』 (Binnenanthropologie) が作り出されたのである。つまり教育的人間学である。以下において、教育的人間学が哲学的人間学に対してどのような関係にあるかを概略的に指摘することにしたい。その際に、私たちは多少詳しく哲学的人間学に論及し、そこから教育的人間学のいくつかの問題に対する展望を得ることにしたい。
宮寺 晃夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1973, no.28, pp.14-25, 1973-11-15 (Released:2009-09-04)

The attempt is made in this paper to clarify with reference to various theories of Niemeyer, the concept of didactics in 18th century Germany concentrating on its relation to “education.” During the 18th century didactics as an educational method meant chiefly “transmission of knowledge”; Niemeyer, while folluowig this traditional interpretation, further clarifies the educational meaning of teaching. Teaching is an activity by which the understanding of the child is promoted ; it is an act, furthermore, intended to form thereby moral judgment within the child. In fact, the educational effectiveness of teachings is called into play only and always through the child's power of comprehension, i. e. indirectly. But Niemeyer discovered in this indirect effectiveness the real educational value of teaching.This interpretation of teaching forms one of the premises to Herbart's “pedagogical didactics”.
稲富 栄次郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.26, pp.1-13, 1972 (Released:2009-09-04)

The Idea of the Good is the highest fundamental principle in Plato's Politeia. That is to say the Politeia discusses the ideal of a state governed by the philosopher ; this philosopher is the founder of state on earth which is formed after the Idea of the Good ; he has mastered the Idea of the Good after he has learned all about it. Now what precisely is the Idea of the Good ? Because it is the highest principle of governing the world, it is difficult to grasp its true essence. Just as we cannot look immediately into the sun we cannot grasp directly such a high principle as the Idea of the Good. Therefore we can only understand it indirectly through parables. Thus the parable of the sun, the parable of the line and the parable of the cave are proposed to clarify it : this paper merely discusses these parables from the introduction till the parable of the sun. Because the Idea of the Good is the supreme principle, philosophy and political theory are completely unified under it ; its educational implication is made clear by the parable of the cave and the following elucidations.
高橋 洸治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.26, pp.14-27, 1972 (Released:2009-09-04)

Formation was traditionally conceived under the relation of nature-environment based on a biological approach, in this paper an attempt is made to re-think this relation through an anthropological approach in the setting of a subject-object relation. First of all, the reason why the classic theory of formation is losing its applicability is found in the fact that the subject-object relation from the viewpoint of human nature has become distorted. Next, in order to overcome this subjectivism it is noted that it is necessary to exchange the subject-object relation for an existential relation of being, and to see formation as the result of an answer to the demand which springs from the existential relation. Finally, the schema-structure is discussed as an internal control which makes possible a self-formation within the existential relation, and its origin and function are examined. As a result, the conclusion is reached that the formative meaning of the schema-structure consists in a personal fulfilment reached through a functionalising of the various mental activities, entering thus into an existential relation and reaching thereby a unified content.
春山 浩司
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.26, pp.28-43, 1972 (Released:2010-01-22)

This paper examines the meaning of “nature” in education, taking as a point of departure educational thought centered around Locke and Rousseau. In doing so, we shall draw out the two different forms of thinking concerning the awareness of nature, and then we shall examine both the postive and the negative meaning, as well as the basic characteristics of educational thought conditioned by a nature concept originating from either of these two forms of thinking. That is, the educational thought based on a scientific nature concept which, free from subjective conscience, has contributed to the intellectual liberation of man and the enlargement of self by its fundamental vein of a rational explanation of reality and the utilization of this explanation, but with the closed character of (its) conscience structure in fact, it contains a tendency to intercept the view toward a total liberation of man. On the other hand, the educational thought which draws nature into the subjective conscience and which is based on a value-reflecting normative nature concept, gave to the human being the function of criticizing the social system and has opened up the road toward complete liberation of man. It did this by perfectly subjectivising nature and adding to it a human ethos. These two concepts of nature, form the basis for characterising respecti has as its aim the formation of the “person” as such, is being visualized in contrast to a scientific knowledge (dominating knowledge) related merely to the “things” of the outside world.vely the educational theories. Among the individual theorists attention is necessarily paid to a tension or a harmony between the two. In the future it will be necessary to examine further the structure of the internal relation between these two kinds of “nature” in education.
高橋 勝
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.26, pp.44-59, 1972 (Released:2010-05-07)

The purpose of this paper is to consider, on the basis of several works about Max Scheler's Philosophische Anthropologic and Die Soziologie des Wissens published in 1920, under what characteristics in his theory modern “knowledge” is being analyzed and how this is being interpreted in view of “formation”. In his view modern “knowledge” is characterized by the fact that that the activity of man as homo faber acquiring knowledge is technical. That is, in modern times the subject of knowledge objectivates nature and faces as the content of “knowledge” the thing (Sache) as far as it thus has been limited. This kind of “knowledge” is called scientific “dominating knowledge” (Herrschaftswissen) and has the purpose of technically dominating nature. This, however, was originally only one side of “knowledge”.In Scheler's thought “knowledge” is divided into scientific “dominating knowledge” (Herrschaftswissen), “formative knowledge” (Bildungswissen) for the formation of man and “redemptive knoweldge” (Erlosungswissen) according to whether the knowing subject, by which the process of becoming (werden) is promoted, is a “thing” (Sache), “man” (Mensch) or “the absolute” (Das Absolute), Furthermore, it is understood that neither of these three types of knowledge can be substituted for one anothei.But as long as man continues to exist as a “person” he will be a being open toward an “intentional” (meaningful) “world” (Welt). He can realize himself in this without being bound by an “environmental world” (Umwelt), which appears as a relation of “things”. It is there that a more important meaning of “dominating knowledge” which
境澤 和男
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.25, pp.1-17, 1972-05-20 (Released:2010-01-22)

One of the effects which the existentialist tendency in philosophy and theology had on pedagogy during the 1920s was the doubt cast on “the possibility of education”, its obvious requisite. The only people who at that time understood this problem correctly were Griesbach and the members of the “evangelical pedagogy” school, but they were refuted and ignored by the main-stream faction of contemporary education, which was based on an idealistic foundation. The question was taken up for the first time after World War II as a vital problem concerning the survival of pedagogy as such.This is the meaning of the problem of “the possibility of education”. One aspect of this problem is the possibility of laying a foundation to the educator's right to educate; another is the possibility of being educated. Griesbach examines the problem as regards the former aspect and arrives at a negative conclusion ; Bollnow tackles the problem in its latter aspect and arrivens at a positive concusion. This is due to the contradiction in the basic attitude of thinking, the former being “subjective”, the latter being “objectivating”. If the principle of existence postulates that thinking as sucn be existential (subjective), only in the direction of the former aspect can the problem of Existence in education have a future. Griesbach's so-called “critique” is nothing but a criticism, by means of “subjective” thinking, of the “objectivated” thinking; the problem of “structure” he was facing in his advanced age was how, while maintaining the purity of the criticism, it is possible to lay the foundation of the possibility of education. If the principle of Existence is to have a meaning, modern German pedagogy cannot go on bypassing this problem.
西 勇
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.25, pp.18-34, 1972-05-20 (Released:2010-01-22)

It goes without saying that Litt's perspectivism presents an important problem in regard to the anthropology of human relations. This paper discusses how, through a process of thought formation, Litt's perspectivism as it is found in his book “The Individual and Society” (Individuum und Gemeinscheft ; third edition 1926), was developed into a system. Therefore this consideration has been limited to the area of the evolutionary-historical i-oblems of his perspectivism, and does not go so far as to offer a concrete explanation of his perspectivism.In opposition to Leibnitz's perspectivism Litt touches on two problems which are included in the perspectivism of the monadic solipsism of Leibnitz.Finally it is implied that Litt's perspectivism is not founded on a monadic view of man such as in Leibnitz's monadic theory, but that it is based on a dyadic view of man which seeks the essential determination of self in a mutual relation between I and Thou.
田口 仁久
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1972, no.25, pp.35-49, 1972-05-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

J. S. Mill, one of the representative English thinkers, is at the same time an important figure in the history of education. His ethical philosophy was formulated after a spiritual crisis. The system was based on the idea that theatimate sanction of morality consists in the sentiment of man, especially in his altruistic social sentiments, as a result of this theory and of his understanding of English society, Mill was forced eventually to attach great importance to the cultivation of sentiments.Furthermore, Mill believed that social sentiments pan be nourished through the medium of the imagination. While regarding art education in general and culture of the sentiments as an effective means to that end, he valued poetry as the “better part” or as the “queen”, and thus he regarded poetry education as the most effective means for the cultivation of the sentiments.
山田 三雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1971, no.24, pp.1-13, 1971-12-15 (Released:2009-09-04)

In E. Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (Philosophie der symbolischen Formen) meaning constitutes reality in coexistence with the sensible.The symbolic act possesses three forms, i.e. expression, intuition and concept; the mythical as an act of expression comprehends reality as the world of quality. In contemporary intellectual life, the tendency of giving free rein to the mythical must be deplored However, the mythical as a means of expression for a child in its state of development opens up important research topics.

1 0 0 0 OA 探求と命題

佐々木 俊介
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1971, no.24, pp.14-26, 1971-12-15 (Released:2009-09-04)

In this paper an attempt is made to examine the sequence of various propositions in the pursuit of inquiry and thus to investigate patterns in the theory of inquiry in a more concrete form than was done in Dewey's “five phases”.Various propositions appear at the initial stage of inquiry because the problem can be clarified only by collecting data. In the following stage, the problem is stated in the form of a doubt expressed in a particular proposition, a singular proposition, a generic proposition and a universal proposition, thus determining the course of the subsequent inquiry to its conclusion. Once the problem has been established various tentative ways of solving it will present themselves ; these are sorted out by the disjunctive proposition and then examined one after another. During the process of examination the meaning of the hypothesis is inferred through the universal proposition and expressed in a hypothetical proposition. This is then related to reality to judge whether it is adequate ; if it turns out to be inadequate, it is returned to the point of the disjunctive proposition by means of a negative proposition. The same process is repeated until the answer is fond.
原 聡介
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1971, no.24, pp.27-42, 1971-12-15 (Released:2010-01-22)

ヘルバルトが、特にフィヒテをやり玉にあげながら、そのIdealismusに対するRealismusを自己の理論的立場として明確化しようとしたことは周知のことである。そのことをもっともよく示すのはフィヒテの『ドイツ国民に告ぐ』 (1806-7) の批判としての『教育学とIdealismusとの関係について』 (1831-2) であるが、その他若干の作品を参考にして、ここでは、フィヒテの国民教育論にもひとつの解釈を与えながら、ヘルバルトの教育学のRealismusのありかたに立ち入ってみたい。そして、そのことを通じて、一般に近代教育思想におけるIdealismusとRealismusとの関係づけについて、若干の手がかりを得たいと思う。