是常 正美
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1975, no.31, pp.8-13, 1975-05-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

岩間 浩
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1974, no.29, pp.20-38, 1974-05-15 (Released:2010-01-22)

In this paper the principle of the awakening in education is examined which Spranger discussed when he was advanced in age. First, the problem is taken up what precisely has to be awakened in the educand and there as the locus of the personality were identified what has been called the conscience (das Gewissen), the soul (die Seele) and the organ of interior coordination (der innere Regulator). Secondly, the question is asked what characteristics these posess and these characteristics are treated under the following headings : a) the conscience as the ethical layer of the personality ;b) the conscience as the religious and the metaphcial layer of the personality ;c) the pedagogical eros and the conscience.In connection with the latter, the pedagogical eros, the problem of the relation between the pedagogical eros and the theory of awakening is taken up. By comparing Scheler and Bollnow who have some doubts about the existence of such a pedagogical eros, with the theories of Kerschensteiner, Spranger, Flitner and others who pursue some peculiar pedagogical eros, it is made clear that as far as Spranger is concerned, the pedagogical eros forms the central element of his theory of the awakening. Finally, by referring to the fact that in his advanced age he came to believe that the pedagogical eros originates from a metaphysical source, we show that there is a deep connection between this and the origin of his theory of the awakening.
吉村 文男
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1974, no.29, pp.39-53, 1974-05-15 (Released:2010-01-22)

石堂 常代
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1974, no.29, pp.54-60, 1974-05-15 (Released:2010-01-22)

「諸科学の教育科学への寄与」という多面的かつ総合的なテーマを掲げて開催された国際教育研究推進協会International association for the advancement of educational researchパリ会議 (一九七三・九・三~七) は、大半の参加者が仏語圏研究者であった理由から、現代フランス教育学研究の動向を知るにも好個の機会であった。フランスの教育学研究については以前よりその傾向の益々科学的なることに注目していたが、ここでその判断を再確認すると共に、其の後の見聞を通して一つの概観を得たように思われるので、教育哲学研究の今後のあり方を考えるという意味を含めて、ここに総括してみたい。
山口 恒夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1974, no.30, pp.1-15, 1974 (Released:2009-09-04)

The concept of “democracy” which was inherent in the republicanism of Thonas Jefferson (1743-1826) at the time of independence and most of all in his educational thought, had at its basis a strong belief in “reason” and “morality” of man who possesses the right of “self-government” as a natural right, and it included originally some kind of moral meaning.According to Jefferson the function of public education was to cultivate “reason” and “moral sense”, universal faculties and endowments peculiar to man, and thus to improve the capability of man for self-government. It consisted on the one hand of elementary ebucation with the purpose of making autonomous personalities out of the people by fostering their autonomous judgment through spreading widely knowledge and the art of reading and writing ; on the other hand it consisted of secondary and higher education with the purpose of training trustworthy leaders ; students with a high degree of morality and intellectual capacity were to be chosen for this level and educated at public expense. The creative element in this educational theory of Jefferson consists in the fact that that he visualized education in connection with political and social problems, developing the human right of self-government and laying the foundations for it by creating the corresponding capacity.
俵木 浩太郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1974, no.30, pp.16-29, 1974 (Released:2009-09-04)

There are theories attempting to interpret Kant's “Pedagogy” as a product of his enlightenment philosophy trying to separate it from his critical philosophy (e. g. Sukeichi Shinohara, “Oshu Kyoiku Tetsugakushi” (History of Western Educational Thought)). The contention of this paper sustained by an examination of the principle of the twofold division which Kant adopted in his “Pedagogy” is that this is not different from the 'critical' method. In this process of examination the author considers as the methodological principles of 'criticism' the following three points : 1. The articulation structure of the dialectic pure reason- “Pure Reason” 2. The analysis and synthesis in the judgment- “Pure Reason” 3. The method of an analytical twofold division and the method of a threefold synthetic division- “Critique of Judgment” In addition, as a prerequistite condition for the possibility of such an examination, we shall refer to the maxims of Kant's use of words and to his circumspection in the application of educational terminology.The method of a twofold partition of the positive and the negative, the condition of a twofold analytical division into the natural and the practical and the method of the threefold division in moral education are discussed and we finally arrive at what may be called a fourfold division. When it comes to this point, no formal possibility can brought out, no matter how well Kant's morality is explained and an educational principle in the world of experience cannot be deduced thence, rather the foundation must be sought in common sense, -that is what we maintain. The main theme of this paper is an attempt to discover a 'critical' aspect in “Pedagogy” through a negative approach to this morality.
鈴木 志乃恵
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1973, no.28, pp.26-42, 1973-11-15 (Released:2010-01-22)

What is man - this question of anthropology is by no means an arbitrary or aimless one directed toward man, but since it is the fundamental and primary question, the author pursuing this problem by relying on Kant's philosophy intends to clarify somewhat further which problem lies at the basis of this question or must be studied necessarily in connection with it. If Kant's entire philosophy istaken for anthropology, two different kinds of anthropology can be distinguished, one belonging to the field of experience and the other one to the transcendental realm. By studying the structure of Kant's anthropology, the author intended to clarify the foundations of the origin of both types of anthropology and their mutual relationship. It is intended furthermore, to clarify the meaning of Kant's work Anthropology under a Practical Viewpoint, and the basis of Kant's view on education. Kant does not discuss anthropology as a mere instrument of pedagogy, but in his philosophy the possibility of education originates only at the moment when the foundation of a possibility of anthropology emerges. Hence, the study of anthropology was considered necessary to understand Kant's pedagogy.
広瀬 俊雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1973, no.27, pp.29-48, 1973-04-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

Though problems of Pestalozzi's language theory and his language education theory were partially touched upon in the past, they were rarely ever examined in an encompassing and systematic fashion. The purpose of this paper is to examine as one approach for analyzing Pestalozzi's language education theory as a whole this idea and in particular the meaning of the idea of education toward “expressing” and “speaking” within the context of the language criticism which he ordinarily used. The paper is arranged according to the following plan.IntroductionI. The language criticism of Pestalozzi(1) Pestalozzi's criticism of the printing press culture (2) Pestalozzi's criticism of the common schoolII. The meaning of Pestalozzi's “expression” (1) The experience of expression(2) Arriving at clear (logical, conceptual knowledge) ideas(3) Expression of thoughtThe following works were mainly used in this paper : “Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt” (1802) and “Uber den Sinn des Gehors in Hinsicht auf Menschenbildung durch Ton und Sprache” (1803-1804).