木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 中村 友浩 浦井 良太郎
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-9, 2005

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical education [PE] homework on the amount of daily physical activity and the health-related fitness of university freshmen. Two hundred and eighty four Japanese university freshmen were allocated to either homework group (<i>N</i>=133) or control group (<i>N</i>=151). The tasks for homework group were daily life (out of class) self-monitoring of physical activity to promote daily physical activity, as well as fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The tasks for control group were health-related fitness tests and sports activity during the class. The Physical Activity Assessment Scale (PAAS; Wakui & Suzuki, 1997), which consists of three subscales, was used to evaluate physical activity patterns of the participants. The three subscales were 1) Exercise/Sports: measures exercise/sports-related physical activities with more than moderate intensity, 2) Time Management: measures the ability of time management in being occupied and having little time for exercise/sports participation, and 3) Daily Activity: measures relatively light physical activities in daily life. Health-related fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength/endurance, flexibility, and body fat) was also measured. As the result of ANOVA, PE homework in daily life was found to increase; 1) the amount of physical activity widely with light to moderate intensity, 2) some healthrelated fitness related to practical homework. These results suggest that PE homework can contribute to promoting daily physical activity required for fitness program emphasized today.
中井 隆司 高橋 健夫 岡沢 祥訓
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.16, no.2, pp.125-135, 1996

本研究では, 学習者の側から体育教師のイメージを教授学的に明らかにするとともに, 学習者の個人的特性がどのように関係するのかを明らかにしようとした。調査票は, 教授学的視点にたった体育教師像を探求する観点から65項目 (内3項目は学習者の個人的特性に関する項目) で作成し, 11大学の学生1058名を対象に回顧形式で中学・高校時代の体育教師について回答させた。<br>そこで得られた結果は次のようである。<br>(1) 62項目の調査項目に因子分析を施したところ, 学習者の側からみた体育教師のイメージとして, 「慕われる人」「専門的な能力」「熱心な指導」「無計画な授業」「恐い存在」「精神力の強さ」「社会的教養の欠如」「健康な人」「情意的な授業」「科学的な授業」「狭い専門性」の11因子が抽出された。これらは, 本研究が意図した教授学的視点が顕著に反映され, 従来の研究とは異なった教師像を示している。<br>(2) これら11因子の因子別項目平均得点から, 学生が体育教師に対して抱くイメージは「丈夫で, 精神力があり, スポーツに関わった能力のみならず, 幅広い教養を持ったすぐれたスペシャリストで, 授業では運動の楽しさなどの情意面に焦点をおいて計画的かつ熱心に指導する人であるが, 信頼感や思いやりに欠け, 生活指導面での厳しい恐い存在である」ということである。<br>(3) 学習者の個人的特性と各因子の関係を分析した結果, 男子学生や体育学部に進学した学生は, 体育教師に対して人間的なイメージを持っている一方, 教育学部に進学した学生は, より教師的なものになっており, 女子学生やその他の学部に進学した学生は, スポーツマン的にみていることが明らかになった。また, 「体育教師への好意度」, 「体育授業への好意度」, 「運動の得意度」と各因子の関係を分析した結果, 「慕われる人」因子が体育教師への愛好的態度育成に最も強い規定力をもっていることが認められた。このことは, 体育教師としての専門的な力量とともに, 教師としての資質や人間性, 特に生徒に対して信頼感や思いやりをもつことの重要性を示唆していると考えられる。<br>最後に, 本研究では, 中学・高校時代の記憶が比較的鮮明に残っている大学生を対象に回顧形式で調査を行ったため, その結果は, 直接授業で教わっている生徒のイメージを反映したものではない。しかし, その研究意図や導き出された結果から, 今後の教師教育にとって非常に有益な示唆が得られたと考える。今後は, この示唆を教師教育に具体的にどのように役立てていくのかについて研究を深めたい。
西村 三郎 宮崎 明世 岡出 美則 小林 育斗
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.37, no.2, pp.15-29, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-05-01)

The purpose of this study was to examine whether male high school students can increase their sprinting velocity by improving sprint techniques according to the sprinting abilities in physical education. The participants were grouped according their sprinting velocity by classification criteria (Nishimura et al., 2016) from 139 male students in the 2nd year of high school. The Normal group and the Poor group had 16 and 18 students, respectively. Participants received sprinting instruction over 6 lessons, and 50m sprinting measurements were taken during the 1st and 6th lessons. Their sprinting motions were recorded approximately 35 m from the start line with a high-speed video camera using the side view angle. For evaluating the sprinting motion, joint and segment angles were obtained from the video. The 2 groups were compared using a paired t-test, which revealed significant differences between the pre and post-measurements. Both the Normal group and the Poor group increased their sprinting velocity by improving not so much common sprint technique as specific sprint technique. This result suggested that high school male students could increase their sprinting velocity by improving techniques according to their sprinting abilities.
西村 三郎 宮崎 明世 小林 育斗 岡出 美則
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.36, no.2, pp.1-14, 2016-11-30 (Released:2017-04-03)
2 2

This study aims to reveal necessary sprint techniques based on the abilities observed in male high school students. The participants were 232 boys. The experiment involved the participants performing a 50 m sprint.Their sprinting motions were recorded approximately 35 m from the start line with a high-speed video camera using the side view angle. The participants were extracted according to their sprinting velocity by following criteria: the Excellent group (35 students, M + 1SD), Normal group (27 students, M ± 0.25SD), and Poor group (27 students, M−1SD). For evaluating the sprinting motion, joint and segment angles were obtained from the video. These were ankle joint angle, knee joint angle, shank segment angle, thigh segment angle, and body trunk segment angle. The three groups were compared through an analysis of variance to explain the significant differences between them. We identified the techniques each group needed to learn for good sprint ability based on these differences.The results were as follows:1) The sprint techniques that the Normal and Poor groups both needed to acquire were swinging the free leg forward with a flexed knee just after takeoff and pulling the thigh of the free leg up.2) Specific sprint techniques that the Normal group needed to acquire were keeping the knee of the support leg less flexed during the support phase and not leaning the body trunk forward excessively at prophase in support phase.3) Specific sprint techniques that the Poor group needed to acquire were bringing the shank perpendicular to the ground and landing forefoot.
吉田 和人 山田 耕司 玉城 将 池袋 晴彦 加賀 勝
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.34, no.1, pp.33-44, 2014-05-31 (Released:2014-09-29)
1 1

The purpose of this study was to clarify practical knowledge of improving service skills to increase competitiveness level of table tennis players using sport sciences. The practice of sport science support has been ongoing for three years, focusing on players from 13 years to 18 years who belonged to the Japanese Olympic Committee elite academy team. Two experiments per year were conducted. A high-speed camera (1000Hz) was used to measure the rotation speed of the service ball and two normal speed cameras (30Hz) were used to measure players’ movements. A meeting was held on the day after each experiment to discuss the results, during which each player, his/her coach, and staff who analyzed the experimental data clarified the technical challenges for the player. 9 male players and 7 female players participated at least once in both the experiments and the meetings during the 3-year period. The main results were as follows. 1) Range of rotation speed for the male players’ services was from 35.7rps to 83.3rps, and that of the female players’ services was from 16.4rps to 66.7rps. No-spin services were not included in these
渡部 昌史 加賀 勝 鈴木 久雄 高橋 香代
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.23, no.2, pp.113-122, 2003-12-31 (Released:2010-08-10)

The objective of this study was to clarify the influences of sports activity in junior high-school athletes on bone strength and fractures. The subjects were 57 male junior high-school athletes aged from 13 to 15 years. They trained 120min, 6 times /wk. As an index of the bone strength, we measured the speed of sound of tibia (t-SOS) using Sound Scan 2000 Compact (Myriad Ultrasound System Ltd., Israel). The fracture rate was compared between the junior high-school athlete and control groups. The following results were obtained.(1) In the junior high-school athlete group, their t-SOS was significantly lower than control group.(2) The value of t-SOS demonstrated a negative correlation with the length of tibia/height ratio in the junior high-school athlete and control groups.(3) The value of t-SOS demonstrated a positive correlation with calcium intake from dairy products in the junior high-school athletes.(4) The junior high-school athletes showed a very high fracture rate. Particularly, the highest fracture rate (26.7%) was seen in the 13-year-old in the junior high-school athletes.These data will be useful for designing appropriate exercise programs to support the growth and bone mineral acquisition in the junior high-school athletes.
大後戸 一樹 久保 研二 木原 成一郎
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.33, no.2, pp.23-33, 2013-10-31 (Released:2014-06-11)

This research aims to examine the motion information described by elementary school pupils after watching videos. Second graders and sixth graders of an elementary school were asked to describe in writing the techniques they observed in videos. We then compared the contents of the written observations of the two groups of graders. Subsequently, we discussed the written observations by classifying them into cases; case analysis revealed the following three points. (1) While e second graders tended to focus on the preparation for a technique, the sixth graders used many nouns signifying parts of the body, such as leg, hand, back, and head, in their written observations. (2) The sixth graders described the trunk of the body and legs and major phases of a technique. This indicates that the six graders tended to observe the moves essential for a technique. (3) Some sixth graders described leg movements using a spatial image and timing and time lag between movements. Although some second graders also produced similar descriptions, their descriptions were exceptions. Analysis of the description contents of the second graders revealed that they were not adequately competent to explain the movements of the trunk of the body and legs.