岡出 美則 吉永 武史
筑波大学体育科学系紀要 (ISSN:03867129)
no.23, pp.21-35, 2000-03

2002年に実施に移される小学校新指導要領では、バスケットボール型ゲーム、サッカー型ゲーム、ベースボール型ゲームといった名称が用いられるようになった。それは、あふれる球技種目の選択基準を戦術という視点から ...
岡出 美則

伊藤 雅広 奥村 拓朗 岡出 美則 近藤 智靖
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.42, no.2, pp.53-69, 2022-11-30 (Released:2023-02-28)

The purpose of this study was to conduct a lesson unit for fourth graders focusing on divergent and convergent thinking in flag football strategy planning, and to analyze changes in the students’ strategy planning before and after the lesson unit. The participants were 64 fourth-grade students. We conducted a paper-based strategies planning test before and after a lesson unit consisting of eight flag football physical education (PE) classes. During the first half of the lesson unit, we set goals for students to present their ideas and plan various strategies, and during the second half, we provided specialized instructions in selecting and modifying effective strategies. The strategies planning test was analyzed from the perspectives of divergent thinking i.e., number and concreteness of plans, and convergent thinking i.e., number and appropriateness of plans.The main results following the strategies planning test are below:(1) The number of strategies planned by the students increased.(2) Furthermore, the number of strategies on how to decoy players and the defensive players’ moves led to an increase in the percentage of concrete strategies.(3) The percentage of strategies on attacking places without defensive players increased.These results confirmed that the students were planning more concrete strategies through the lesson unit and thus, their divergent thinking had improved. In addition, the students came together to plan a strategy, assuming they would attack a place without defensive players and thus, their convergent thinking had improved. Therefore, it can be said that the lesson unit was an example of effective methods to promote divergent and convergent thinking of strategy planning by children.
近藤 智靖 高橋 健夫 岡出 美則
Japanese Society of Sport Education
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-26, 2005-07-01 (Released:2010-08-10)

身体経験論は、ドイツのスポーツ教授学分野の中の一つの考え方である。この考え方は、現在のノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州学習指導要領に一定の影響を与えている。本論ではその論に着目し、その概念や実践及びそれを巡る論議についてFunkeとGrupeとの関わりを中心に考察を進めていく。この検討を通じて身体を教科の中で位置づける際に、何が論点になるのかを明らかにする。結果、次の点が明らかになった。1. Funkeが身体概念を検討する際に、常にGrupeの存在を意識していた。Grupeの理論にFunkeは一方で共鳴をしつつ、他方でその在り方に疑問を呈していた。2. 1983年のADL大会でFunkeの考え方はGrupeによって批判された。Grupeは身体経験概念の不明確さと経験の選択基準の曖昧さを批判した。しかし、この批判を契機としてFunkeは理論や実践を再考しはじめた。こうしたドイツの身体経験論の論議と変容過程を踏まえて、我が国の体育科教育学分野で身体の問題が議論されるべき際に論点となることは次の三つである。1. 体育科教育学において身体概念をどのように捉え、どのような論議をしていくのか。2. 学習内容を設定する際に、どのような経験を保証し、その選択基準をどうするのか。3. 学習内容に適した素材をどうするのか。
近藤 智靖 高橋 健夫 岡出 美則
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.50, no.5, pp.533-543, 2005-09-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

Die "Laborschule" als ein Gesamtschulmodell in Bielefeld wurde 1974 gegrundet. Der Reformpadagoge Hartmut von Hentig leitete diese Schule und legte den Schwerpunkt auf eine "Erziehung zur Politik" und eine "Erziehung zur Verantwortung". Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, wurde die Laborschule zu einer "Curriculum-Werkstatt" weiterentwickelt. Weiterhin wurde groβer Wert auf die Idee von "Schule als Erfahrungsraum" und das gemeinsame Lernen von Schulern unterschiedlicher sozialer Herkunft gelegt. Von Hentig kritisierte die uberkommenen Bildungsprivi-legien und forderte eine gemeinsame und allgemeine Bildung fur alle Schuler. Hinter dieser Idee stand die Bildungsreform der 1960er und 70er Jahre in Deutschland. Der ursprungliche, von Reformpadagogen unterstutzte Gedanke dieser Reform war, dass die traditionellen sozialen Schichten sich verandern und alle Burger gleiche Bildungschancen haben sollten. Dieses Konzept hatte auch Einfluss auf den Bereich Sport in der Laborschule. Im Sportunterricht wurde darauf geachtet, dass die Schuler durch korperliche Erfahrung ihren eigenen Korper oder den anderer erfahren und an-nehmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden nicht nur traditionelle Sportarten, sondern auch an-dere korperliche Aktivitaten in den Unterricht aufgenommen. Dadurch entstanden die Orientierung auf nicht-traditionelle Sportarten und die Korperorientierung im Sportunterricht. In dieser Arbeit geht es um das Verhaltnis von Bildungsreform, Laborschule und dem Bereich Sport in der Laborschule. Es wird analysiert, wie die reformorientierte Idee der Laborschule den Bereich Sport beeinflusste.
大西 祐司 栗田 昇平 岡出 美則
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-17, 2020-06-30 (Released:2020-09-30)

The purpose of this study was to identify the learning sequence in the National Standards for Dance Education [NSDE]. To achieve this objective, we set the following three tasks;1) to identify the frameworks of learning sequences in each grade-band,2) to reveal the characteristics of content knowledge organized in Outlines of Sequential Learning,3) to illustrate the rationale behind the learning progression in Outlines of Sequential Learning.The results showed that;1) The learning sequence in dance education in the United States were structured in three grade-band, K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. In all grade-bands, development of not only motor skills, but also cognitive (creating and appreciating dance) and social emotional (establishing relationships with others) domains of learning in dance were expected to be acquired by students. Also, engagement in social activities relative to history and culture of dance were also identified as learning outcomes in the standards.2) In Outlines of Sequential Learning, three indicators provided achievement standards corresponding as to the three developmental stages. In particular, the achievement standards were not set up during content knowledge at that specific stage. The specific higher level standards enhanced the difficulty as integrating the lower level standards. The specific standards enhanced the difficulty not to change content knowledge, but to change the quality of achievement.3) In the process of developing Outlines of Sequential Learning, the developmental stages were set at first and then, in according to those stages, the achievement standards were described. The description on expected outcomes were differenent of each scopes. It means that the same achievement standards in sequential stages were described in some scopes and different others were changed in spite of same scopes. In addition, the amount of time to achieve appropriately was considerate.Overall, the learning sequence in the national standards for dance education in U.S.A. was structured based on the developmental characteristic of students and difficulty of the content. The consideration of content and the amount of time are critical to determine the learning sequences in national standards.
荻原 朋子 岡出 美則 鬼澤 陽子 須甲 理生
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.24, no.2, pp.13-28, 2008-09-25 (Released:2012-09-24)

The purpose of this study was to develop the questionnaire to investigate students' naive concept on overhand pass skill in volley ball and to clarify its characteristics. To investigate it, based on expert discussion and description on overhand pass skill of master students, the questionnaire with two parts was developed. One part is that of estimating degree of importance of movement and another is that of finding problems of skills in still figure.As the subject,166 students in 1st grade junior high school students in the same school were asked to answer it. As the result,140 answers were analyzed. These students were divided into three types.14 were belonging to volley ball club,85 have learned soft volleyball in PE class in elementary schools and 41 have not experienced it. The main findings were summarized as followings:1) Students' naive concepts on overhand pass skill could be extracted through the questionnaire.2) Using the first part of the questionnaire, common knowledge between these three types' students could be extracted. For example, importance of straining fingers and pulling up a ball on the forehead was hard to recognize.3) The form of the hand and the pulling up a ball on the forehead in still figures' questions were too difficult to recognize.In this study, numbers of subject was so limited and also each number of three types of students was different. Therefore, to make it more reliable, numbers of subject should be added.The method of teaching the skill in the class could cause little change in such knowledge. Usually, for transforming children's naive concept to ‘academic content’, some kind of a didactical devise should be necessary. Based on this suggestion, developing instructional strategy and verification of its effectiveness remain as the further thsks.
奥村 拓朗 伊藤 雅広 岡出 美則
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.262_3, 2018

<p> 国立教育政策研究による平成25年度学習指導要領実施状況調査では、小学校高学年の6年生を対象としたボール運動領域ゴール型における、攻撃に関する達成規準を通過した児童の割合はいずれも90%を超えていた。しかし、この調査は中学年段階については検討していない。そこで、本研究では2017年に小学校4年生2学級65名を対象としたフラッグフットボールの授業(8時間単元)のメインゲームにおいて発揮されたゲームパフォーマンスの達成度を学習指導要領に示された指導内容の例示に即して評価することで、学習指導要領に示された指導内容の例示の妥当性について検討した。分析対象は、8時間目のメインゲーム中のゲームパフォーマンスとした。2名の分析者間の分析結果の一致率は93.8%であった。その結果、中学年の内容として例示されている「ボール保持者と自分の間に守備者がいないように移動すること」を通過した児童の割合は84.6%で、学習指導要領実施調査で設定されている評価の基準と対応させると相当数の児童が通過しており、示されている内容が妥当であることが確認できた。</p>
西村 三郎 宮崎 明世 岡出 美則 小林 育斗
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.37, no.2, pp.15-29, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-05-01)

The purpose of this study was to examine whether male high school students can increase their sprinting velocity by improving sprint techniques according to the sprinting abilities in physical education. The participants were grouped according their sprinting velocity by classification criteria (Nishimura et al., 2016) from 139 male students in the 2nd year of high school. The Normal group and the Poor group had 16 and 18 students, respectively. Participants received sprinting instruction over 6 lessons, and 50m sprinting measurements were taken during the 1st and 6th lessons. Their sprinting motions were recorded approximately 35 m from the start line with a high-speed video camera using the side view angle. For evaluating the sprinting motion, joint and segment angles were obtained from the video. The 2 groups were compared using a paired t-test, which revealed significant differences between the pre and post-measurements. Both the Normal group and the Poor group increased their sprinting velocity by improving not so much common sprint technique as specific sprint technique. This result suggested that high school male students could increase their sprinting velocity by improving techniques according to their sprinting abilities.
西村 三郎 宮崎 明世 小林 育斗 岡出 美則
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.36, no.2, pp.1-14, 2016-11-30 (Released:2017-04-03)
2 2

This study aims to reveal necessary sprint techniques based on the abilities observed in male high school students. The participants were 232 boys. The experiment involved the participants performing a 50 m sprint.Their sprinting motions were recorded approximately 35 m from the start line with a high-speed video camera using the side view angle. The participants were extracted according to their sprinting velocity by following criteria: the Excellent group (35 students, M + 1SD), Normal group (27 students, M ± 0.25SD), and Poor group (27 students, M−1SD). For evaluating the sprinting motion, joint and segment angles were obtained from the video. These were ankle joint angle, knee joint angle, shank segment angle, thigh segment angle, and body trunk segment angle. The three groups were compared through an analysis of variance to explain the significant differences between them. We identified the techniques each group needed to learn for good sprint ability based on these differences.The results were as follows:1) The sprint techniques that the Normal and Poor groups both needed to acquire were swinging the free leg forward with a flexed knee just after takeoff and pulling the thigh of the free leg up.2) Specific sprint techniques that the Normal group needed to acquire were keeping the knee of the support leg less flexed during the support phase and not leaning the body trunk forward excessively at prophase in support phase.3) Specific sprint techniques that the Poor group needed to acquire were bringing the shank perpendicular to the ground and landing forefoot.
鬼澤 陽子 小松崎 敏 吉永 武史 岡出 美則 高橋 健夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.439-462, 2008-12-10

The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of modified basketball games based on on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball movement. Two types of numerically modified basketball games, "3 on 2" and "3 on 3", were played by two 6th grade elementary PE classes. Twenty-four students participated in the 3 on 2 games, and 28 students in the 3 on 3 games. All games were videotaped, and the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) was used for data analysis. This instrument allows counting of the frequency of on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support movement, and assists in judging the performance of students in situations such as shooting, passing, ball-keeping, and supporting, as to whether or not these are appropriate. The main findings are summarized as follows: 1. The number of students who experienced on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support situations, and the average frequencies of these experiences, were higher in the 3 on 2 games than in the 3 on 3 games. 2. In the 3 on 2 games, the numbers of students who performed appropriate passing, ball-keeping, and support were significantly higher than in the 3 on 3 games (p<.001). 3. The rates of appropriate shooting, passing, ball-keeping, and support were significantly higher in the 3 on 2 than in the 3 on 3 games (p<.01). The 3 on 2 basketball game was shown to be very effective, allowing upper elementary grade students to learn appropriate on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support movement, in comparison with the 3 on 3 game.
岡出 美則

大友 智 岡出 美則 中井 隆司
