佐藤 洋
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.38, no.2, pp.85-101, 2016 (Released:2017-04-10)

It has been noted that in the course of athletic pursuits, an athlete encounters not only glory, but hardship as well. This is especially apparent in the realm of competitive sports. How might we interpret those athletes we see who are nevertheless passionately engaged in sports? The purpose of this inquiry is to demonstrate the interpretability of athletes in terms of excellence and virtue, as well as serve as an introduction to a theory of athletes. The inquiry begins with an overview of the athlete theory. This is followed by a consideration of concepts of excellence in terms of their theoretical application to athletes. The inquiry then proceeds into an investigation aimed at revealing and theoretically constructing an effective analytical method for utilizing concepts of virtue and excellence based on arete (ἀρετή) in service to a theory of athletes. In summary, it was revealed that teleology based on the inherent nature of athletes could be a useful tool to interpret the essential being of athletes. An athlete’s being can be interpreted by considering arete, with the discussion functionally based on both excellence and virtue. In conclusion, the theory of athlete in this study has revealed that excellence of an athlete cannot be an examination of only the “athlete’s arete”, but it has to consider arete, the standpoint of virtue as well. And a concept of the “good” is related. By examining an “athlete’s arete” in this study, it have introduced the evolving potential of the athlete theory.
野上 玲子
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.38, no.2, pp.133-145, 2016 (Released:2017-04-10)

Working in accordance with Pierre de Coubertin’s peace thoughts, the Olympic movement considers the promotion of world peace its mission. This thought has been passed down the generations as ‘Fundamental Principle of Olympism’. However, achieving world peace by staging the Olympic Games is impossible, and terrorist attacks and boycotts have served as critical elements undermining Olympism.As this thought of establishing a peaceful society was the cause of de Coubertin’s desire to revive the Olympics, previous research has focused on examining statements regarding peace in the Olympic movement-related literature. However, it is as yet unclear how the peace proposed by Olympism is to be achieved in practice, and this constitutes an ongoing issue in the current field of research.First, this paper surveys the body of previous research on Olympism and de Coubertin’s thinking. Then, citing the peace thought of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, it attempts to examine what contribution to world peace of Olympism is meant to signify in concrete terms.According to Kant, ‘nature’ is the guarantor of perpetual peace. Human conduct, guided by nature, evolves through ‘competition’ and progresses through the mutual understanding that resolution of conflict leads to a state of peace. Furthermore, Kant believed that our world, guided by nature’s designs, was consistently historical; thus, ‘historical investigations’ may enable us to believe in the future.Therefore, the manner in which Olympism is supposed to contribute to world peace is founded on ‘competition’ and ‘historical investigations’ and the practice of both leads to positive progress towards peace.
近藤 良享
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.20, no.1, pp.15-30, 1998

The purpose of this study is to clarify the issue of an individual's sovereignty over his own body and person in the field of professional boxing.<br>This study is based on the debate between the well-known principles of individual sovereignty as presented by John Stuart Mill and the paternalistic regulations issued by the Japanese Boxing Commission (JBC).<br>The results here are as follows:<br>1. In a free society which emphasizes individual autonomy, a professional boxer such as J. Tatsuyoshi has sovereignty over his own body, the reason being that strong paternalism cannot be justified in the case of adult athletes.<br>2. In order to promote sound professional boxing, JBC should provide safe athletic settings and examine the medical condition of all boxers by means of medical examinations and empirical studies.<br>3. A balance of sovereignty and paternalism in sports should be achieved in an open system for all athletes. Moreover, unfair regulations should be replaced with fair ones.
畑 孝幸
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-12, 2018 (Released:2018-10-01)

Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education (JSPSPE) celebrates its fortieth anniversary of foundation in February 2018. Since its inception, supported by the active members, JSPSPE has been serving not only the scholars but the school teachers who are interested in the philosophic study of sport and physical education too. It has contributed much to the philosophical profession as well. Maekawa (1979) wrote at the dawn of the philosophic study of physical education. “I was given a kind advice to change the major name of the department to the ‘philosophy of physical education’ when I was in Tokyo University of Education…I remember having said ‘I did not have any confidence to give a lecture on philosophy of physical education’ and refused the advice.” He also said that he often visited the department after retiring on a pension. “I was once heard from Professor Asada that he had great interest in the philosophical method for studying physical education. I felt at that time that a heated discussion on the philosophy of physical education was finally about to start.” While referring to the prospects for a new doctoral program on philosophy of physical education in Tsukuba, where Tokyo University of Education moved in 1974, Asada (1983) mentioned that the traditional educational system was not enough for the philosophy of physical education to supersede the principal of physical education. He guided the graduate students to take the problems about the various ideas of important figures in physical education as their subjects. He planned to have meetings in order to have students discuss various ideas which were useful for the philosophy of physical education. These activities were determined the direction of subsequent researches, which explore what phenomenology is and try to figure out the phenomena concerning body, movement and culture from the philosophical viewpoint. JSPSPE was organized in February 1987 and its first annual meeting was held in August the same year. The first volume of Journal of the philosophy of Sport and physical Education was published next year. This volume was a maiden work that young scholars tried to challenge the philosophical issues as their own problem in order to aim the development for the philosophy of sport and physical education. According to Kataoka (1979), the journal title implies that we not only inquire about the problem of sport and physical education but also search for truth on sport and physical education by discussing the problem over again and seeking after truth. JSPSPE started on a small scale at the beginning. It has become the international academic society with a membership of over two hundred. In this paper, looking back upon the history of its last forty years, the future prospects in the philosophic study of sport and physical education as well as the recent trend in this profession are mentioned.
木庭 康樹 上田 丈晴 沖原 謙 田井 健太郎 高根 信吾
vol.35, no.2, pp.101-120, 2013

This study aims to identify the structure of sports games in order to analyze soccer games. In the paper before last, we focused on the structure of "competition" as "play" to clarify the concept of "competition" which is the basis for the meaning of "bodily movement competitions (sports)". In doing this, we were able to formulate the function for this structure through the following comparative function.<br>On a condition of r, A = cf (a, b) = a > b, a = b, a < b<br>(where, r : rule, A : agōn, cf : comparative function, <br>a : contestant, b : opponent, > : win, = : draw, < : loss)<br>In the last paper, we clarified that "bodily movement related to competition" is provided for by four characteristics: usability, expression, acquisition, and reciprocity.<br>Our next topic is to consider the development and the optimization of human movement in sport. The human movement in sport has a certain relation with other elements such as rule, tactics, sense of values and others, while keeping the independence as the movement form. It has an original role and function under the relationship with other elements. When an element in the structure of sports builds the new relations with other elements, the sports accomplish a change and development in a true meaning. The creation of a new movement form to enable such the translation of the structure of sports is the development of human movement in sport.<br>In the using process and the learning process of the movement form, sports players come to cannot but acquire and use the form of the technique developed and made an object by an individual. However, they are promoted development of a new form of the technique by the decline of the value of the form of the technique occurring as a result of competition in the game and the decline of the value of players using it. But a form of the technique developed newly also cannot avoid the "alienation" in the using process and the learning process of such the movement form.<br>The concept of "Pareto optimum" clarifies that any movement form has the limit of the geometrical ambiguity (relation between both merits and demerits), as long as they have a definite form, a certain decided figure. However, this means a new movement form and other movement forms connect a new relation between both merits and demerits, and they have the possibility of further optimizing for more purposes.<br>Our future topic is the last aim of this study, to clarify the entirety of "bodily movement competitions (sports)" based on the results considered in our earlier papers.
相原 朋枝 酒向 治子
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.38, no.2, pp.103-116, 2016 (Released:2017-04-10)

A dance unit called “Eiko&Koma” by Eiko Otake and Takashi Otake has been an extremely highly-admired artist in American dance community for more than 40 years. Eiko&Koma has been creating their own workshop style called “Delicious Movement Workshop” (DMW). By using the qualitative research approach (GTA), this paper aims to grasp the basic characteristics of Eiko’s instructional words toward the students in the two basic programs (called “scores”) of DMW, “Sleeping” and “Sleeping Together”, which will intensify and deepen the understanding of DMW structures, and also provides the knowledge related to the instructional words which the physical expression educators can refer to. In the result, through the case studies, we extracted 4 core categories such as [Time(successive)], [Relationship between Oneself and Others], [Image of Nature ], [Consciousness toward Body] and 8 concepts and we linked them into a theoretical mode (Eiko’s words’structure model). From these results, it became apparent that Eiko’s “instructional words” functions as an important tool to induce the creative and expressive movements from the students. The words dissolves the students’ daily senses toward the body and lead them to the unusual, non-daily life world.
坂本 拓弥
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.33, no.2, pp.63-73, 2011 (Released:2012-12-17)
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of body in school athletic club by focusing on handing down of corporal punishment. For this purpose, the relationship of body to “imitation” and “habitus” is to be considered. The previous studies reveal that those who experienced corporal punishment regard it positively, although they recognise that it is unjust act. This contradiction shows the difference between understanding in verbal level and in body level. However, the latter has been missed so far. This is why this paper focuses on the viewpoint of body.To conclude, as we learn unconsciously tradition and custom in body level (“habitus”) and body itself has no relation to moral judgement, corporal punishment is also handed down from teacher to student with unconscious learning (“imitation”). It suggests the importance of effect of teacher's body on student's sensitivity, i.e. their way of thought and behaviour. Therefore, teacher's body is to be the next subject matter.
滝沢 文雄
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.24, no.2, pp.17-25, 2002 (Released:2010-04-30)
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The purpose of this study is to show the new domain of a human body culture which physical education should take on. The culture has seldom or never been conscious in physical education up to the present. This study focuses on everyday behavior. Though the research method taken in the study is based upon the related texts, this paper employs a phenomenological consideration focusing on practice.The author, first of all, examines how the body is thought today, which leads to the consideration about the body that makes the body culture as well as re-examination of the views on the body. And then behavioral action is examined. The difference of behavioral action from such as upbringing and military training is touched on during the process. The refined behavioral action is discussed in relation to the body that makes communication possible. Finally it is concluded that physical education should take on the new domain of the human body culture besides what it covers now.Physical education has hardly ever been conscious about the domain of the body culture called behavioral action up until now. The domain contains the field of habitus and these behaviors have been mastered in day-to-day life. This includes a phase of discipline on behavior in society. The way of action required in society is collapsing rapidly in today's life, and behavior of children has been falling into disorder. The teachers therefore have to educate them behavior that is required in the present society while re-asking the old culture of upbringing and training. It implies the changes of the objectives and correcting the contents of the subject. This also implies the education of communication capability for living in society. A form of behavior consists of accumulation of the promising thing to exchange with others in each situation, and it is not the skill completed individually but the skill of cooperation with others; then it can be called a body capacity which deals with relationship to others.It is therefore necessary that physical educators are aware of a domain of the body culture, being aware of selecting the contents carefully, and have to educate them intentionally. The time allocation has to be provided in a lesson in order for children to master the culture, and it must be guaranteed that they can acquire it steadily.