南部 さおり
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.48, no.2, pp.113-121, 2019-03-30

This incident is the case that a male junior high school student was choked (a judo technique called “shime-waza”) and lost consciousness (a state called “ochi”) by a coach in a private judo school. But then he was inflicted corporal punishment using the technique by the coach on the grounds that he was supposed to have broken the rule that chokehold against under age was prohibited in the school. He lost unconscious twice by the chokeholds. He and his parents took the coach to the Fukuoka District Court and claimed for damage by the illegal act. The Court judged that the way of instruction using chokehold was inappropriate and declared the act of the defendant illegal. And the Fukuoka High Court supported this judgment. After that, All-Japan Judo Federation notified officially that choking was regarded as an act of violence. It is now essential for all judo concerned to understand the risk of losing consciousness by chokehold.
若尾 良徳
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.47, no.1, pp.35-44, 2017-09-30

This study investigated age norm about romantic love behaviors, which is the awareness of timing of the first experience of romantic love behaviors. The age norm was divided into lower limit and upper limit: the lower limit means the acceptable age to initiate romantic love behaviors, and the upper limit means up to what age person is expected to experience romantic love behaviors. 349 university students replied to the questionnaire about approval and recognition of age norm, and the expected age. In result, many of them did not approve the age norm, but they recognized the existence of age norm about romantic love behaviors. The order of expected age was similar to that of “developmental stages in romantic love” (Matsui, 1990, 2000). In lower limit of age norm, there are more male than female who approved the lower limit of age norm, while in the upper limit, it was a reverse result. I discussed the influences of age norm toward the people who have no experiences of romantic love behaviors.
日比野 幹生
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.46, no.2, pp.173-183, 2017-03-31

The 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Japan. Japan has been required by the Inter-national Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency to build an anti-doping intelligence gathering and investigation system for the Games. However, Japan does not yet have such a system. This study made an in-ternational comparison of Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany regarding the process of building the anti-doping system in each country, domestic laws and regulations and policies related to anti-doping, and methods of intelligence gathering and doping investigation, in order for Japan to build an optimal system for intelligence gathering and doping investigation. It is clear from the study that Japan expects an outstanding sys-tem for intelligence gathering and doping investigation. Furthermore, the study suggests that neutrality of Japan Sport Council, collaboration of between the Japan Sport Council and Japan Anti-Doping Agency, comprehen-sive legislative support for anti-doping system, and doping investigation and the introduction of criminal pen-alties for doping will be issues for the future. I believe that these efforts will contribute to the success of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games and the promotion of anti-doping in Japan.
伊藤 譲 櫻井 唯太 若松 純哉 服部 辰広 平沼 憲治
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.49, pp.2001-2013, 2020

The purpose of this study was to describe the role of judo-therapist’s office, named Sport Cure Center (SCC), based on the medical records. In general, many judo-therapist’s office visitors are elderly. Most of the SCC patients are athletes of the Nippon Sports Science University. There have been few reports on sports in-juries based on the medical records of judo-therapist’s office. Therefore, we analyzed the medical records of SCC and examined the role of SCC. In 2.5-years of study period, we identified 4,903 injuries in approximately 44,000 athletes. Bruise and muscle sprains were the most common type of injuries (42.8%), and lower extremity was the most frequent site of injury (55.9%). Most of the patients of SCC belonged to the track, soccer, and rugby clubs that are active on the same campus as SCC. The type and site of sports injuries were characterized by the type of sports. Our study on sports injuries can help coaches and trainers take appropriate strategies for the prevention of injuries. These results suggest that the role of SCC is not limited to providing first aid and rehabilitation to the injured university athletes; SCC has the provision to provide information on injury prevention according to the sports categories.
相川 聖 高井 秀明 大久保 瞳 山崎 博和
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.49, pp.3041-3048, 2020

Self-regulation of learning theory is a theory related to high-quality practice for athletes. Self-regulation of learning theory is a process in which the forethought phase, the performance phase, and the self-reflection phase circulate (Zimmerman, 2014). In addition, since athletes with a high level of performance accomplish self-regulation (eg Anshel & Poter, 1996; Toering et al., 2009; Ikudome et al., 2016), self-regulation of learning is considered to contribute to the improvement of athlete performance and the quality of practice. The purpose of this study was to conduct a psychological seminar to promote self-regulation of learning for university student athletes. The subjects were 14 members belonging to the University A trampoline club. In this study, we conducted five psychological seminars based on the self-regulation of learning theory, and asked for answers to the self-regulation of learning in sports scale before and after intervention. As a result, “evaluation and reflection” improved before and after the intervention. In addition, we examined the contents entered by the subjects at each seminar, and obtained suggestions for future support. The support provided in this study increased the opportunities to reflect on the practice, indicating that the athlete was able to learn to reflect and evaluate they practice appropriately. Even in the case of seminar-type support, it is consider that support can be provided according to the athlete by grasping the individual characteristics of the athlete and the progress of the work.
浦 佑大 高井 秀明 平山 浩輔 髙橋 流星
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.49, pp.3013-3020, 2020

Among the goal setting techniques in mental training, the mandala chart is often used as a tool to “visualize” the elements necessary to achieve the goal. However, there are not many studies on the analysis method and utilization method of mandala chart. The purpose of this study was to examine the analysis method and utilization method of the mandala chart. The subjects were female softball players at University A (N=47) and one coach belonging to that team. We conducted quantitative text analysis using KH Coder on the responses obtained from the players and managers. As a result, we were able to confirm the points that the current team places importance to achieve the goal. In addition, it was possible to confirm the degree of sharing of thinking between players and players and between players and coaches.
南部 さおり
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1-11, 2017-09-30

On August 22, 2009, during the kendo club activity in school, a 17-year-old male high school student suffered heat stroke. He was taken to the hospital, but died. His heat stroke was caused by an abusive instruction and negligence of a kendo coach and an assistant coach who were school teachers and local government employees. The parents of the student pursued their legal responsibility using various legal means such as a civil action, criminal complaint and appeal for review a procecutor's decision of non-prosecution to Committee for Inquest of Prosecution for more than seven years. The Act concerning State Liability for Compensation provides that state or local government is liable for a compensation for damage due to wrongful conduct by public officials. When there was intent or gross negligence on the part of the public officer, however, the State or public entity shall have the right to obtain reimbursement from that public officer. Therefore, the student's parents take a legal action of resident's audit re-quest (confirmation of the illegality that the local government has been defaulting on exercise of right of reimbursement for a long time) against Oita prefecture use as a last resort in pursuit of the personal responsibility of them. December 2016, the parents were able to get the court admit that the coach should take responsibility personally at last (but an assistant coach's responsibility was not accepted). This was the extremely epoch-making judgment that authorized the responsibility of the public employee individual. It can be hope that this judgment will put a brake on the coach's abuseful/inappropriate conduct in public school club activities. Oita prefecture, however, appealed against the decision on January 2016.正誤表あり
田中 和幸 遠藤 麻美 長舩 哲齊 八木沢 誠 袴田 大蔵 志沢 邦夫
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.29, no.1, pp.87-96, 1999-09-30
