日比野 幹生 舟橋 弘晃 青柳 健隆 間野 義之
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1_13-1_28, 2016 (Released:2016-04-26)

Although studies conducted to understand why athletes do not use Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are becoming more common, little is known about the problem from the “elite” athlete’s perspective. This study qualitatively identified the factors that had influenced the decisions not to dope of twelve retired Japanese elite athletes (six males and six females) who won Olympic medals after the Athens Games in 2004. Thematic analysis was used to extract meaning from the semi-structured interview data using MAXQDA11. Personal and socio-environmental factors underpinning their decisions not to dope were identified in the accounts. Personal factors included: (1) personal moral stance; (2) judgment from a wide perspective; (3) intrinsic motivation; (4) task orientation; and (5) resilience. Socio-environmental factors were: (1) education from parents; (2) education from coaches; (3) social pressure; (4) fair play culture in Japan; (5) secure elite sport climate; (6) monetary benefit from winning a medal; (7) access to and knowledge of PEDs. The above-mentioned factors might be useful for developing future anti-doping strategies under a situation where there is a growing social need for actively engaging in promoting elite sports as a national strategy in order to generate success in the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, and in view of the fact that the pressure for athletes to engage in doping may be increased.
日比野 幹生
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.193_2, 2019

<p> 近年、オリンピックをはじめとする国際競技大会においては、多くの参加国・地域がメダル獲得のために争奪戦を繰りひろげている。このような中にあって、デンマークは小国であるにも関わらず、リオデジャネイロオリンピックでは金メダル2個、銀メダル6個、銅メダル7個、合計15個のメダルを獲得している。なぜ、デンマークはこのような成功を収めることができたのか。我が国では少子化と言った人口構造の変化からアスリートとなり得る年代の人口減少は間違いなく起こることとなる。昨今、教員の負担軽減などから運動部活動の規模縮小の方向性が打ち出された。2020年東京オリンピックに向けた競技者の育成強化では従来にはない巨額の強化費が投入されているが、大会終了後に同様の強化費が確保できるとは考えにくい。そこで、本研究では、デンマークのエリートスポーツ政策に焦点をあて、その特性を明らかにすることで、我が国の今後のエリートスポーツ政策の推進に資することを目的とした。本研究の結果、デンマークのエリートスポーツ政策の特性から、効率的・効果的な施策・事業の展開やそのための諸アクター間の連携・協働などが明らかになった。</p>
日比野 幹生
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.46, no.2, pp.173-183, 2017-03-31

The 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Japan. Japan has been required by the Inter-national Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency to build an anti-doping intelligence gathering and investigation system for the Games. However, Japan does not yet have such a system. This study made an in-ternational comparison of Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany regarding the process of building the anti-doping system in each country, domestic laws and regulations and policies related to anti-doping, and methods of intelligence gathering and doping investigation, in order for Japan to build an optimal system for intelligence gathering and doping investigation. It is clear from the study that Japan expects an outstanding sys-tem for intelligence gathering and doping investigation. Furthermore, the study suggests that neutrality of Japan Sport Council, collaboration of between the Japan Sport Council and Japan Anti-Doping Agency, comprehen-sive legislative support for anti-doping system, and doping investigation and the introduction of criminal pen-alties for doping will be issues for the future. I believe that these efforts will contribute to the success of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games and the promotion of anti-doping in Japan.