田中 和幸
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.23, no.53, pp.297-302, 2017 (Released:2017-02-20)

The Makabe higher elementary school building was completed in 1900 in Ibaraki prefecture. The building’s form has been unknown, however, this paper will introduce the building’s form, cost and construction period by means of the specification in 2014 obtained by research. The building was U-shaped and flat. The corridor was a balcony type arranged in a north and west configuration. There were eight classrooms and one music room of 6.3m×8.1m size, one sewing room of 8.1m square size for total floor area of approximately 1010 m2. The construction cost was approximately ¥5445, construction period was 14 months. The author drew the reconstruction of section by plan and material lists. As a result, the building is well-ventilated with a seismic design.
田中 和幸 羽生 修二
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.640, pp.1481-1490, 2009

Before World War II, finish materials used on exterior walls in Japan included tile, terracotta, mortar, steel and paint. Though many of these buildings have been designated as cultural properties, approximately 60% of these original finish materials have been remained. The author notes that there are four types of procedures which are followed: repair, restoration, resemblance and alteration. Although many buildings retain original materials in their exterior walls, resemblance and alteration in replacement materials, such as paints, are being used which were unavailable when they were first built. This presents two conservation-restoration dilemmas. First, the original exterior wall materials are being lost, and second, the overall value of the buildings decreases.<br> This paper, drawing on conservation - restoration research, will make recommendations for the replacement of finishing materials on the exterior walls of pre-war reinforced concrete - construction buildings. The paper concludes that care should be taken when retain original materials whenever possible, and / or when choosing replacement materials.
田中 和幸
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.22, no.50, pp.345-350, 2016-02-20 (Released:2016-02-20)

This paper introduces the Aratama-suido-zu (“zu” meaning original blueprints) proposal for the Aratama-suido project to supply water in Tokyo’s Aratama District. Construction began in 1926, but in 1927, Japan’s government called for the project to be scaled back. The revised Aratama-suido was presented in the 1931 Aratama-suido-shi (“shi” meaning official document). The Aratama-suido-shi noted the number and locations of the project’s buildings in both the original and revised plans, but not the original designs for the buildings. This has made it difficult to compare them with the final designs, though attempts have been made (Masuda, 2006). The author clarifies the original designs, revealing how the engineers’ thought processes evolved.
田中 和幸 南出 博豊
近畿大学工業高等専門学校研究紀要 = Research reports Kindai University Technical College (ISSN:18824374)
no.14, pp.89-93, 2021-03-15

“Yanase Suiro” waterway runs through the old town in Nabari City, Mie Prefecture. The total length of it was 15 km in the old cadastral map in 1889. We conducted a field survey and confirmed that “Yanase Suiro” was left 9 km. The 2 km waterway is an underdrain, but the 7 km waterway could be divided into patterns along the road, in the fields, between houses, on the courtyards, and inside the house. We believe that the variety of waterways in the old town of Nabari city can be useful for future town development.
田中和幸 河原好孝 古市昌一
vol.2014, no.1, pp.555-556, 2014-03-11

2011年に発生した東日本大震災では,津波による被害者の数が膨大であった.災害時,多くの避難民はどこに避難すれば良いのか判断することが困難である.そこで,本研究では地震や災害発生時に避難民が効率良く逃げることのできるような方法を,地方自治体等の担当者が検討するために用いるツールとして,災害シミュレーションシステム(Agent for Disaster Simulation System,以下ADSSと称す)の構築を提案する.ADSSでは避難民をエージェントとして再現し,国土地理院の数値地図25000を用いるとともに,既存のハザードマップを入力として用い,各条件の違いによる避難民の被害度の違いを結果として得ることができる.
田中 和幸 羽生 修二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.660, pp.495-502, 2011-02-28 (Released:2011-03-31)

Reinforced concrete buildings lacking seismic isolation need reinforcement in earthquake-prone Japan. Guidelines for reinforcing them, and thereby conserving their historical value, have been set. This paper evaluates reinforcement efforts, focusing on reversibility and original structures, distinctions between the structures and their reinforcements. 76 modern reinforced concrete buildings are considered. Reinforcements must be distinct from original structures; otherwise the line between original structures and their reinforcements can become blurred. Article 12 of the Venice Charter addresses this concern. Additionally, historical monuments reflect cultural diversity. Reinforcements applied to concrete buildings likewise require originality of design, a fact also recognized in restoration guidelines. A third aspect of these structures is the features requiring reinforcement. Weakened points and other problems of a building must be truly reinforced, not simply disguised. Keeping the above aspects in mind, this paper offers advice on how to best reinforce historical reinforced concrete buildings so that people will enjoy them well into the future.
安野 彰 大井 隆弘 須崎 文代 田中 和幸 水野 僚子
一般財団法人 住総研
住総研研究論文集 (ISSN:21878188)
vol.43, pp.137-148, 2017

本研究は,近代住宅における水まわり空間の変容過程を明らかにするため,住宅改良が活発に展開された大正から昭和期にかけて活躍し,平面形式等に都市住宅の典型的傾向を示す建築家・吉田五十八の住宅作品を分析した。具体的には,水まわりの設備が描かれた平面図,展開図,詳細図等を用いて,台所・浴室・便所・女中室について,住宅全体の動線計画における位置づけや室内空間の変遷を検討した。その結果,1940 年頃と1950 年から55 年頃に変化が集中していることが確認された。そこでは,住宅における表と裏の性格と水まわり空間の関係性が段階的に変化していく様子や,新しい材料や技術の導入がそうした変化に与えた影響が捉えられた。
田中 和幸 羽生 修二
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.640, pp.1481-1490, 2009-06-30 (Released:2010-01-18)

Before World War II, finish materials used on exterior walls in Japan included tile, terracotta, mortar, steel and paint. Though many of these buildings have been designated as cultural properties, approximately 60% of these original finish materials have been remained. The author notes that there are four types of procedures which are followed: repair, restoration, resemblance and alteration. Although many buildings retain original materials in their exterior walls, resemblance and alteration in replacement materials, such as paints, are being used which were unavailable when they were first built. This presents two conservation-restoration dilemmas. First, the original exterior wall materials are being lost, and second, the overall value of the buildings decreases. This paper, drawing on conservation - restoration research, will make recommendations for the replacement of finishing materials on the exterior walls of pre-war reinforced concrete - construction buildings. The paper concludes that care should be taken when retain original materials whenever possible, and / or when choosing replacement materials.
田中 和幸 遠藤 麻美 長舩 哲齊 八木沢 誠 袴田 大蔵 志沢 邦夫
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.29, no.1, pp.87-96, 1999-09-30

田中 和幸 寺島 茂 岩本 洋 黒石 正子 山内 格
一般社団法人 日本超音波検査学会
超音波検査技術 (ISSN:18814506)
vol.40, no.1, pp.52-59, 2015

今回我々は,妊娠中期での胎児超音波スクリーニング検査にてまれな先天性奇形の一つとされる単眼症を強く疑う1例を経験したので報告する.症例は22歳女性(妊娠17週5日),妊娠歴は1経妊1経産.超音波検査で体幹は週数相応で異常を認めないが,頭部は小さく,大脳の位置する前頭部頭蓋内部構造は非対称性でやや偏位しmid line echoおよび透明中隔の描出は困難であった.また顔面には二つの眼球が接して存在し,前額部に長鼻構造を認め単眼症が強く疑われた.流産児は,顔面中央一眼裂内に二つの眼球が接した接眼と前額部に長鼻構造を認め,耳介は両側頭部下部に認めた.胎児染色体検査では異常は認められなかった.<br>本症例は顔面所見より単眼症が強く疑われ,小頭症,頭蓋内構造異常も認められた.単眼症の多くは自然流産すると考えられ出生はまれとされる.また出生できても予後は非常に不良とされる.成因については染色体異常も報告されているが詳細は不明とされる.本症例でも明らかな成因はなく,偶発的に発生したものと思われる.<br>生存の可能性がない単眼症を妊娠早期に診断できれば,早期に母体の負担を軽減することも可能となることから,これを十分に考慮した胎児超音波スクリーニング検査が重要と考える.
田中 和幸 長舩 哲齊 袴田 大蔵 志沢 邦夫 伊藤 孝
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.34, no.1, pp.23-33, 2001-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The bacterial flora of the Men of Kendo (the fencer wears a helmet and mask in the Japanese fencing)has received little attention. Bacteriological examinations were carried out to get information about bacteria on the Men of Kendo in the Nippon Sport Science University during the four seasons. Forty five strains of typical bacteria istlated from the Men of Kendo were rapidly identified with a Gram-Positive and Negative Identification card used in conjunction with the Auto Microbic system. The isolates were distributed in the 17 genera, Bacillus, Flavimonas, Chryseomonas, Actinobacillus, Stenotrophomonas, Corynebacterium, Comamonas, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus, Pasteurella, Pantoea, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Eikenella, Sphingobacterium, Staphylococcus and Acinetobactor. We found that these bacteria were non-pathogenic bacteria which are often found on the Men of Kendo. Its main constituent were Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Micrococcus luteus, which were followed by Bacillus sphaericus. Results obtained in the successive isolation trials showed that Micrococcus luteus as in figure 1 is typical bacteria of the Men during the four seasons. However, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus capitis, Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Pseudomonas stutzri, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus strains have recently been noticed as the bacteria of opportunistic infections in the clinical medicine.