長野 真紀
生活学論叢 (ISSN:24332933)
vol.27, pp.41-55, 2015-09-30 (Released:2021-03-29)

This paper clarifies the location of the settlement, residential environment, local culture, and way of living of Taiwan people residing in the Nagura and Takeda settlements in Ishigaki Island of the Yaeyama Islands, from the perspectives of settlement, way of life, and community. Due to various historical factors, Ishigaki Island has witnessed the phenomena of village building, deserted villages, and village transferring. Further, depending on the generation, the location, size of the settlement and the number of settlements has changed drastically. How have the people of Taiwan who had migrated and come from outside the island in the early Showa period built their residential environments and thus inherited their ethnic identity in the environment described above? Through field surveys and using historical documents and materials, this paper explores the historical transitions and way of life in Ishigaki Island.
松田 俊介 酒井 貴広
生活学論叢 (ISSN:24332933)
vol.30, pp.1-14, 2016 (Released:2021-05-14)

Since 2001, a characteristic ritual called Goran-shiki has been conducted at Tsuga-cho Ienaka, Tochigi City. Hard drinking and the food taboo on eggs are features of this ritual. Although Goran-shiki is relatively new, both the citizens of Ienaka city and visitors to it are accepting it as a tradition. We think that Goran-shiki acts as an identity symbol for people in Ienaka city. We analyzed the acceptance process and identified three points regarding this ritual.(1) Various people are involved in the management of Goran-shiki, for example, the chief priest of a Shinto shrine, event consultants, and the kagura preservation meeting. Moreover, Goran-shiki is conducted only after considering various expectations.(2) In spite of the various expectations from it, Goran-shiki has been strongly appealing for a food taboo on eggs. This phenomenon is the paradoxical effect of a ritual that strongly appeals to people’s traditional consciousness.(3) Goran-shiki is based on the Nikko-zeme constitution at the Rinno-ji temple. The management introduced the unique feature of forbidding the eating of eggs in this ritual. This characteristic has made Goran-shiki an accepted ritual.
黒田 英一
生活学論叢 (ISSN:24332933)
vol.10, pp.37-46, 2005-09-30 (Released:2021-03-29)

The object of this paper is to describe the life-history of the Syudan-syusyoku generation who lived and worked in Tokyo. In order to accomplish this purpose, we had the intensive interviews with them. Subsequently we discovered the following. In nineteen fifties or sixties, the many adolescent have been to the big cities after graduated at the junior high school. They have formed the group and rode in the job train for Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya (Syudan-syusyoku). They were apprenticed to the shops and factories. They have lived in the dormitories and have been working hard all day within the apprenticeship period. Because of a poor wage and few vacations, many workers quitted immediately. After acquired skills a few own shops and run factories now. Because of serving strict masters and taking good fortunes they are working as the top management of shops and factories. In nowadays they are the winners of the Syudan-syusyoku generation. Therefore we could trace the success story of the Syudan-syusyoku generation.
有本 尚央
生活学論叢 (ISSN:24332933)
vol.31, pp.15-25, 2017 (Released:2021-05-14)

This paper aims to consider the tradition of festival music, focusing on its inheritance. The festival music at the Kishiwada Danjiri Festival held in Osaka was noted to be deteriorated, which has been an issue. A Japanese shinobue flutist, the person who raised this issue, has been working on “improvement activities” that comprise 1) identification of the music, 2) transcription of the music, 3) revival of old sound sources, and 4) enlightenment of children about the music. By analyzing these activities, this paper clarifies how the tradition of festival music became separated from the local apprentice system as it transformed from “Orality” to “Literacy.” This paper analyzes how “literacy” enables access to festival music of the early days and generates conflicts.
中野 紀和
生活学論叢 (ISSN:24332933)
vol.1, pp.15-27, 1996-09-30 (Released:2021-03-29)

In this paper I will focus on the urban festival, Kokura Gion Daiko, in the kokurakita-ku Kitakuysyu-city Fukuoka-prefecture and consider the transient fashions or Fuzoku created by young people and their awareness on the festival. This festival is organized by Yasaka shrine, Chonai, Hozonshinkokai (the society for the preservation and promotion of Kokura Gion Daiko), enterprises and volunteer groups. Volunteer groups in particular have had an increasing role and responsibility in this festival. Members of volunteer groups from connections beyond those based on territory, kinship or a combination of territory and kinship. Why are volunteer groups accepted by the community as a whole, despite their recent appearance? Those groups welcome those young people who, out of their self consciousness and/or defiance toward adults, may have once left their neighborhood Chonai groups, but who later return to take part in the festival. Volunteer groups make it possible for diverse groups of people including residents of other areas to partipate in the festival.
谷部 真吾
生活学論叢 (ISSN:24332933)
vol.7, pp.17-29, 2002-09-30 (Released:2021-03-29)

In recent years, many performances at various festivals can be seen in local events or exhibitions in Japan which deviate from the original context. This phenomenon is considered as one kind of "folklorism" in which a "staging" can be recognized: original performances are arranged or choreographed specifically for exhibitions. While the research on "staging" has focused on folkloric performing arts (dances and music like Kagura, Ta-asobi, Ennen, etc.), there are very few studies about the other types of festival performances. These, however, have been actually represented in exhibitions. This article, based on my fieldwork, will examine the process of the "staging" of the float (Yatai) procession of Mori no Matsuri (Mori Festival) which participated in Sunpujo Natsu matsuri-Festa Shizuoka in 1999, and its subsequent influence on the original performance. I will propose an alternative perspective in the study of "staging" as a result of my examination.
山越 英嗣
vol.18, pp.33-42, 2010

Graffiti as a youth subculture was born in 1970s in New York. Then it spread out all over the world in the 1980-1990s. These days, we can see graffiti all over the place. However, the purpose of graffiti is not well known. It's not because graffiti writers did not have the chance to talk about themselves, but because they had a hard time explaining what they were doing. In some recent studies, it is theorized that graffiti is a resistance to the society and a kind of 'vandalism'. This article examines previous studies in two ways. One is field work in Shimokitazawa. I walked around the town and recorded the places where graffiti were written. The other is investigation of a social networking site. There are a lot of descriptions related to graffiti on the web. By mixing these two ways of investigation, I could find a new side to the phenomenon. Finally, I conclude that the difficulties in describing 'graffiti' are caused by the structure of the values surrounding graffiti culture.
近藤 智子
no.13, pp.73-83, 2008-09-30

The suburbs of Tokyo had expanded especially after the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. Accordingly, the shops had been developed with increasing population of the area, where consisted with shopping arcades. The householders of suburban families were generally salaried workers, and families were so-called "new middle-class" families. Suburban families often went to terminal cities at the center of city for job, shopping, and amusements in those days. But they bought daily foods or daily goods at shops in their living neighborhood as usual. So, the shopping arcades in the suburbs developed their scale bigger and bigger. Therefore, major capitals competed in the shopping arcades in the suburbs. In addition to that, distributor of the major companies, such as Shiseido, Morinaga, etc. opened their voluntary chain stores. Those shops were not chamber of makers, but managed by local merchants. In 1932, Takashimaya department store had started management of flat price shops. Everything in the shop were flatly priced lOsen or 20sen. The shops named "Takashimaya 10sen20sen stores" were well accepted by housewives of suburbia. They had created their life as clever consumers by choosing their possibility among many stores. So the development of suburbs was related to consumption in shopping arcades of suburbs.
瀬戸 邦弘 林 勝龍 松田 俊介
vol.19, pp.3-12, 2011

There are three theme parks presenting the indigenous culture in Taiwan. Among them is Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Culture Park, which was established in 1976 and has been administrated by the Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan since 2002. Analyzing the case of this park, this paper examines the functions of public theme parks and the represented ethnic groups in conservation of the indigenous culture and the development of tourism. The main findings from the analysis are: 1) intangible culture such as the lifestyle, custom, and art, as well as tangible culture, is represented in archives through symbolization, electronization and embedding staffs body, 2) the staff are required to be fully equipped with knowledge on the culture of the 14 tribes through training, 3) presenting the physical aspects of the indigenous culture through the 'participative attractions' such as 'ball spiking' and 'shooting', this park adapts the display method employed in 'ethnological exhibit' functions. These observations imply the role of public theme parks as a significant form of ethnic tourism in generating a new public image on 'unity' among indigenous ethnic groups and their 'integration' into the country.

1 0 0 0 生活学会報

日本生活学会 [編集]
黒田 英一
no.10, pp.37-46, 2005-09-30

The object of this paper is to describe the life-history of the Syudan-syusyoku generation who lived and worked in Tokyo. In order to accomplish this purpose, we had the intensive interviews with them. Subsequently we discovered the following. In nineteen fifties or sixties, the many adolescent have been to the big cities after graduated at the junior high school. They have formed the group and rode in the job train for Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya (Syudan-syusyoku). They were apprenticed to the shops and factories. They have lived in the dormitories and have been working hard all day within the apprenticeship period. Because of a poor wage and few vacations, many workers quitted immediately. After acquired skills a few own shops and run factories now. Because of serving strict masters and taking good fortunes they are working as the top management of shops and factories. In nowadays they are the winners of the Syudan-syusyoku generation. Therefore we could trace the success story of the Syudan-syusyoku generation.
沼田 真一
no.27, pp.29-39, 2015-09-30

This study employs a narrative approach to describe the perspective of Tanohata-mura. I change the approach from the "dominant story" to the "alternative story." Specifically, I employ quantitative text analysis to demonstrate the hypothesis. 1. I consider the perspective of Tanohata-mura as the hypothesis. 2. I set 29 cords to analyze interview contents. 3. I analyze 10305 sentences of the interview. 4. I consider the aforementioned 1-3 approaches as well as my experience and conclude that the hypothesis is partially modified. I indicate two values and four viewpoints as an overall perspective of Tanohata-mura. Furthermore, besides the change in approach from the "dominant story" to the "alternative story," it was observed that the approach has changed from the "nature of the severity" to the "nature of richness" and from the "poverty of the people" to the "kindness of the people."
山崎 真之
no.22, pp.3-16, 2013-03-31

This paper mainly handles the cases of traditional alcoholic beverage making in villages at east side of Bali. Making, circulation and drinking of these drinks are changing with the peoples living style. This research mainly aims to capture these changes with the social problems of today's Bali. Making of traditional drinking are now illegal. But this subsistence is important to the makers because, there is no other opportunity that they can take. Illegal drinks that are distilled in the villages at east side of Bali circulate to other places in the island, by using relative and local networks. Now this subsistence changed from what it used to be, and now it is able to get enough incomes from the increase of demands. A maker who uses modern style of machines to distill spirit and earn much income as they can under the strategy is less. Most makers distill spirit by cheep traditional equipment under the tactics that has limited incomes. In Bali Social changes are rapidly, so many makers take the tactics that are able to adopt changes quickly. This style of makers shows the flexibility of subsistence in the villages, and this also means the problems of tourism development, agriculture and also education.