西澤 晃彦
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2012, no.30, pp.5-14, 2013-09-01 (Released:2014-03-07)

In the recent study of poverty, it is pointed out that the present poor have been individualized and shows weak inclination for solidarity. In addition, they have been excluded from local community and their geographic mobility is high. The urban sociology is good at treating the social world and permanent community of the city, but the present poor is likely to be spilled out from the social net of local community. This paper offers some suggestions, which enables the urban sociology to contribute to the study of poverty.
中筋 直哉
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.1998, no.16, pp.29-47, 1998-07-25 (Released:2011-02-07)
武岡 暢
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2011, no.29, pp.59-75, 2011-09-07 (Released:2012-12-19)

The aim of this paper is to approach “the problem of order of subcultural groups", derived from Claude S. Fischer's “Subcultural Theory of Urbanism", by analyzing a shopping center organization in Mid-Tokyo's amusement district, Kabukichô. “The problem of order of subcultural groups" can be summarized as the problem of how urban society, consisting of various subcultural groups, can avoid collapsing despite its presence within a highly unstable situation. For this purpose of this study, the following methods were adopted: (1) interviewing members of the shopping center organization, shop-owners, officers of the local government and the police, (2) participant observation in various activities such as meetings and patrol activities of the shopping center organizations and (3) surveying official/unofficial documents and statistics. It was found that the shopping center organization in Kabukichô has dualistic organization, consisting of both “The Shopping Center Promotion Union" and “Chô-kai-s (communities of shoppers)". Under dualistic organization, the shopping center organization has dual membership criteria and activity zoning. It has a Janus-like nature to it, which is to say, a nature that mediates between the sex industries and the local government that tries to avoid them at any cost. Because of its dualistic organization, the shopping center organization can achieve a very delicate balance between various actors under the situation that Kabukichô accommodates many sex industries.
金 善美
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2012, no.30, pp.43-58, 2013

This paper aims to examine the role of Art in revitalizing city's run-down area. For this purpose, this paper draws upon empirical work in Mukoujima, known as former industrial zone and typical 'Shitamachi' area of east Tokyo.<br> Art movement in Mukoujima started at late 1990s. At the first time, it was experimental solution for abandoned houses and shops, mainly to reduce the risk of arson. However, the movement has continued for 10 years, bringing more and more young artists and trendy places for them. Up to now, Mukoujima gradually came to be known as "Hidden Art town in Tokyo's traditional area".<br> By analyzing the interaction of various actors, this paper reveals two points.<br> Firstly, Experiencing decline and redevelopment at the same time, 'revitalization of local' means vary from each actor. Therefore, art movement as revitalization strategy has always been placed in tension and conflict between actors. Secondly, positioning art movement within the context of urban change, you can see an opposite role of art in present stage: Consumption of space which reminiscent of gentrification, on the other hand, one form of diversifying local culture due to local change.
田中 研之輔
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2004, no.22, pp.155-171, 2004-09-04 (Released:2011-02-07)

2 0 0 0 OA 郊外論の地平

若林 幹夫
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2001, no.19, pp.39-54, 2001-07-07 (Released:2011-02-07)
浦野 正樹
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2017, no.35, pp.45-63, 2017

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This paper focuses on the local people's reaction and community movement against the agents' assault of buying up small plots of land around Tokyo downtown areas for consolidation and resale during the period of 1980s bubble economy in Japan. At first I describe the research method and fact-findings of our field survey we did at that time around Tokyo downtown areas. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Landscape and social change of those neighborhoods was so drastic and so huge that the transformation of those neighborhoods was thought to be directly related to the fundamental industrial and cultural change toward so to speak an international and information-oriented society. In some areas local people couldn't do anything against those agents' working scheme, but in some other areas community people's effort to continue living seemed to be partly successful regardless of the landscape change. So we could categorize those neighborhoods into several groups based on the location of the neighborhood in the city and community's cooperative effort, and social effects of the urban renewal process were different from group to group. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The population of those neighborhoods had continued to decrease for more than thirty years due to the so-called donut phenomenon, but since 1995 (i.e. several years after the babble economy), the population has increased there because, corresponding to people's tendency for living in city centers, conditions of the residential area have been improved and an increasing number of condominiums have been constructed. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;After describing the mechanism of those changes, I discuss what social meanings those changes of social atmosphere had in the long run.</p>
植田 剛史
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2008, no.26, pp.153-168, 2008-09-12 (Released:2011-02-07)

The aim of this article is to clarify the institutional factors that have made city planning consultants dependent upon the public administration, by analysing the formative process of the use of private-sectr planning consultants by the public sector during the rapid economic growth era in Japan.The result of this analysis can be summarized as follows:Firstly, faced with increasing production of urban spaces during the rapid economic growth period and increasingly complicated procedures for urban space control, it became impossible for public administrative officials to oversee everything as they used to. For this reason, private-sector planning consultants became able to take part in urban space control which had once been exclusively under the purview of public administrative officials. Secondly, these “City Planning Consultants” had no choice but to take any such contract work in order to survive the severe competition among other private-sector professionals in the industry, because of the lack of an institution or industry board that could define or protect a clear role for city planning consultants. Lastly, the wage scale for the “City Planning Consultants” reproduced their functions as subcontractors that undertake affairs delegated by the public administrative officials.Consequently, planning consultants have been channeled into the current structure where they are completely dependent upon on the public administration system.
新田目 夏実
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2010, no.28, pp.53-63, 2010 (Released:2011-12-20)

The favorite topics of past research on Asian city often involved “over-urbanization” and poverty in the city. While these topics are still important, the economic development in the past decades substantially changed the urban scene. Urban economic activities are thriving, and urban ways of life have become westernized to a great deal. Suburban development is currently underway, resulting in the development of megalopolis. A recent increase of the immigrant population in Asian cities is diversifying the ethnic portfolio of the city. Interests in the development of new urban cultural identity are growing in the hope of achieving the competitiveness in the globalizing world.
小山 弘美
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2011, no.29, pp.127-142, 2011-09-07 (Released:2012-12-19)
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A great amount of work now has been done upon neighborhood association studies.Characteristics and functions were evaluated empirically, and the need of regional-type sorting based on the differences identified has been heard. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear why neighborhood associations of the same area can have different characteristics, neither has it been fully explained why both developing and declining neighborhood associations occur simultaneously within one neighborhood. This paper applies social capital theory described by James S. Coleman to neighborhood associations. It also describes neighborhood associations as social capital, accumulated collective interactions of the individuals involved. That is to see that sustained viability of neighborhood associations has been much due to rational choices of proactive actors. Further in this thesis, In order to see how individuals make decisions upon their participation, social assets and liabilities constructing social capital, and both expected benefits and costs are also described. Thus two positions of rational choice making are clearly sorted. Conclusively reaching two findings, that characteristic differences of neighborhood associations are due to accumulational level of social capital, and having two positions for initial choice making has a great impact upon bearing simultaneous growing/fading dynamics within one area.
前島 訓子
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2010, no.28, pp.167-181, 2010 (Released:2011-12-20)

What is the sacred place? What constitutes the sacred place as a place or space? This essay aims to approach these questions by examining the nature of sacred place as a place focusing on its placeness.    Contemporary literature on sacred place tends to deal with sacred places, as if they have no connectivity to everyday life surrounding it, paying attention to its religious aspect. With all due respect for the theoretical value of this approach, however, isn't it rather the case that sacred place is something that is constructed through and by the relationship between agents who have a variety of interests including religious one in the sacred place? Isn't it legitimate to ask whether the very fact that a given place remains to be sacred place needs some social conditions that are not necessarily religious in nature?    Based on the field study at BodhaGaya India, I would argue that the construction of sacred place as a place cannot be explained away just by its religious element and a sociologically rich and comprehensive understanding of a given sacred place requires an inquiry into its past record----especially the record that is reserved as memories and narratives of the people that have historical relationship with the sacred place----which tend to be ignored when too much stress is given to generally accepted self evident official narrative on the sacred place.
松宮 朝
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2012, no.30, pp.15-28, 2013-09-01 (Released:2014-03-07)
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In these days, the number of the elderly who live alone is rising (“The Poverty of Social Networks”on the elderly) and the risk of the “Dying Alone” has been increasing. “Dying Alone” means the phenomenon that elderly die alone without anyone noticing. In this paper, we examine the concept of “Dying Alone”and how this phenomenon has been constructed as a social problem. Though data and researches of “Dying Alone” are not enough, we try to search the cases of “Dying Alone” in Aisai City, to find out the process how elderly have come to be isolated and the causes why “Dying Alone” happened. Adding a survey of social networks of elderly residents in Aisai City, two findings are conducted. ① Community-based care for “Dying Alone” does not play a large part in preventing the isolated elderly residents from dying alone. ② There are a lot of resources for “Dying Alone” that can be selected by the elderlyand this process can be facilitated by networking them. Through this analysis, we suggest the alternative model for “Dying Alone”, by using some theoretical approaches of urban sociology.
町村 敬志
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2013, no.31, pp.5-20, 2013 (Released:2015-01-25)

Thirty years have passed since the establishment of Japan Association for Urban Sociology in 1982. Until that time, Japan had experienced huge migration from rural area to metropolitan region, as well as rapid economic growth. Urbanization and its impacts on social, economic, and political life caused many tensions and problems in expanding urban areas, which certainly required a new type of knowledge for understanding and solution from a structural point of view. Urban sociology as a way of thinking was one of such attempts to answer these questions. From its beginning, a variety of thoughts, such as Chicago School. Marxian tradition, and New Urban Sociology, went into this emerging discipline in Japan. As its result, urban sociology, as an intellectual arena, was always filled with controversies and tensions among different schools and scholars. In addition, since its institutional establishment, urban sociology has faced with a kind of “identity crisis,” due to coming of post-urbanization situation. What is a research question specific for “urban” sociology in this highly-urbanized country? For instance, globalization was one of major factors which brought distinctive features to Japanese cities, but its impacts were actually mediated and transformed by more complex sets of global, national, regional, and local factors. This article tries to describe and evaluate historical development of this discipline in Japan since 1960s, which has always sought for key questions under ongoing changes in cities.
木田 勇輔
日本都市社会学会年報 (ISSN:13414585)
vol.2012, no.30, pp.59-75, 2013

In recent years, modern radical leaders have been elected in some representative metropolitan municipalities in Japan, such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, and Nagoya. This article studies a case of Nagoya city, and analyses radical reformist mayor's electoral base.<br> As a result of analysis of survey data, we obtain some empirical findings. (1) The effect of basic social categories is not so strong, but young voters tend to approve Kawamura's job. (2) Not only supporters of Democratic Party, but also active non-partisans approve Kawamura's job, and voters' reformist identity is also significant for job approval. (3) Political organization members and government sector workers don't approve Kawamura's job.<br> In modern Japanese cities, the system has weakened which enables parties to get voters' support through various groups and organizations. A large number of urban voters often demand political reform. This article shows the social base of today's urban political antagonism.