黒田 舞子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.10, pp.783-802, 2017-03

文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点松浦章教授古稀記念号[研究ノート]In the relationship between Tang and Tibet, you can see that the principal offender was the basis of important diplomatic relations. About the Tang and Tibet in the 7th century - the first half of the 8th century, the whole history of Tibet has been revealed by many previous studies. Therefore, in this paper, in the history of Tibet, which mainly includes Chinese historical documents such as "Old Tang Book" and "New Tang Book", the relationship between Tang and Tibet in the history of Tibet, ~ The relationship between Tang and Tibet in the first half of the 8th century, the historical background of the lord's principal, will clarify the meaning that the principal owner of bride's wife married to Tibet and the impact on current.
曹 悦
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.12, pp.81-101, 2019-03-31

文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの言語と表象]
黄 逸
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.7, pp.319-336, 2017-11-30

Japanese research on the Iwakura Mission can be divided into two stages, namely that of pre and post Second World War. The work of the pre-war period focused on the two fields of diplomatic and economic history. The post-war period has shown much more diversification and internationalization, especially in the field of comparative history of thought and cultures. Research into the Burlingame Mission to the late Qing China began in the United States, and also included the results of Japanese scholars. Research into the history of China-US relations undertaken in the People's Republic of China have also born fruit. Chinese scholars have made achievements building upon the work of their American counterparts. Recently a new "shared history" approach, aimed at reinterpreting the history of China-US relations has attempted to provide a completely new and transnational historical approach to the study of the Burlingame Mission. This paper will investigate the various secondary literature on both the Iwakura and Burlingame Missions in order to understand the historical development of research in this area.
黄 逸
文化交渉 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.6, pp.85-98, 2016-11-30

東アジアの思想と構造It is generally considered that the eastward expansion of German influence in Japan began in the Edo period. The Japanese first became aware of Germany through the introduction of Rangaku studies ("Dutch Learning"). At that time, German doctors, through their exchange with their Japanese counterparts,popularized the accomplishments of western medicine that had been developing since the European Renaissance. The Japanese who studied Dutch learning in order to learn western medicine, may have also been exposed to the German language through Dutch language texts. Dutch Learning in the Edo Period notonly promoted the development of modern western medicine in Japan at the time, but also laid the foundations for the introduction of German science during the Bakumatsu and early Meiji periods. This paper discusses the early process of cultural interaction between Japan and Germany in the Edo Period based on Dutch Learning, in order to demonstrate the influence of German scholarship on the modernization of Japan.
村上 敬
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.5, pp.65-82, 2015-11-01

Research about Japanese paintings from after the mid-Edo period has recently been criticized as valuing Western culture over and above Chinese culture. At the root of the problem lies a dichotomy between Japan as being leader of Asia and the West in the two-dimensional world view of early modern Japan. Such criticism can be aimed at research about Maruyama Ōkyo, who was one of the most representative painters of Edo period Japan. In this paper I discuss Konoe Iehiro, who was a court noble with indirect ties to Ōkyo and who was also fond of the latest Chinese imports at that time. He imported the latest Chinese paintings from the Ryukyu islands, predating the arrival in Japan of Shen Quran. I elucidate the fact that Ōkyo was supported by Iehiro’s salons that recognized the importance of replications of paintings by Sun Yi and others. Just prior to Ōkyo’s birth, there was a revival of the Song and Yuan periods’ painting style. As a result, Shen Quan came to Japan, creating the foundation upon which the shasei-ga of Ōkyo could be accepted by the art world of that time. In other words, an interest in and understanding of paintings from a variety of regions already existing in Kyoto in the middle of the Edo period does not readily fit within today’s accepted framework of Japanese art history.
末吉 佐久子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.119-136, 2020-03-31

During the history of ceramics in Japan, the group of tea potteries that developed from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period was called Momoyama tea potteries. These primarily consisted of Shino ware, Seto ware, Oribe ware, Bizen ware, Iga ware, Shigaraki ware, Karatsu ware, and Raku ware. One of the characteristics of the Momoyama tea potteries was "imperfection." Momoyama tea potteries have been studied in various ways, including from the perspectives of the history of ceramics and the history of the tea ceremony. However, there have not been many studies that have focused on the form of imperfection to consider its aesthetic elements. This paper will examine why imperfection, which is considered a negative element in design terms, can be an aesthetic. In particular, this paper will focus on two Momoyama tea potteries characterized by imperfection that have been handed down through generations : the Gray Shino Tea Bowl called "Mine no Momiji" (or "Maple on the Peak"), Mino ware (16th–17th c.), the Gotoh Museum; and the Freshwater Jar called "Yaburebukuro" ("Torn pouch"), Iga ware, natural ash-glazed stoneware (17th c.), the Gotoh Museum. The design elements of line, surface, volume, texture, dynamics, and balance will be analyzed to highlight the aesthetic character of imperfection.
趙 思倩
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.5, pp.147-173, 2015-11-01

Before Japanese green tea gained access to the American market, Chinese green tea essentially held a monopoly over the entire U.S market. Without any doubt China at that time was the major exporter of green tea to the U.S., with a market share of more than 90%. However, since the introduction of Japanese green tea into America in 1868, the predominant position of Chinese green tea became weakened. As Japanese tea began to share the market with Chinese tea, the competition between these two countries became more and more fierce, reaching its peak in the 1880s. New York and San Francisco were the largest trading ports in the U. S. and a large amount of imported tea was traded and transferred there. This paper, through examining a report of the Japanese Consul to the U.S., will examine the competition between Chinese green tea and Japanese green tea at these two ports
孫 東芳
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
vol.7, pp.217-232, 2017-11-30

Shimoda Utako (1852-1936) and Tsuda Umeko (1864-1929) were pioneers and important representatives of Japanese women's education in the Meiji and Taisho eras. Both women were engaged in numerous educational activities, including writing and teaching. However both differed greatly in their styles. Shimoda Utako and Tsuda Umeko established 'Jissen Girls' School' (now Jissen Women's University) and 'Joshi Eigaku Juku' (now Tsuda University) respectively. Based on these two schools' educational principles and their process of establishment, this dissertation will compare the educational policies put forth by the Meiji government with the changes of thinking relating to social education, in order to investigate the relationship between women's education and the Meiji government. Namely, it will assess the degree of participation and the impact of the Meiji government on these two female educators' development and their educational causes. The relationship between these two female educators and the Meiji state shall also be analyzed. This dissertation will focus on the early period of the establishment of schools (the late 19th century), when female educators generally complied with the needs of the Meiji state.
陳 莉莉
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
vol.10, pp.209-225, 2020-11-30

In the early Edo period, with the Shogunate's increasingly harsh isolation policy. Chinese people resident in Japan were gathered in Nagasaki, bringing with them Chinese cultural traditions and beliefs. In order to survive the strict Christian prohibition and isolation order, these Nagasaki-based Chinese built their own temple, the Tang Temple as a place to pray for the safety of those at sea, to prove that they were non-Christian. The temple also became a place of spiritual sustenance for communication between fellow villagers in various places. With the arrival of the Chinese in Japan, the belief in the Kantei entered the Japanese Tang Temple as an object of worship. However, in the three of Tang Temple which was built in the early Edo period, the Kantei statue was enshrined not as the main god but as a side deity. His function as god was limited to blessing the safety of navigators and seafarers and the prosperity of commerce. However, the deity of the Statue of Kantei as a warrior god, a professional god, and a universal god was not reflected. The scope of an influence of this deity is limited to the Chinese in Nagasaki, and there is no record of it spreading to the local Japanese businesspeople and citizenry. However, it laid the foundation for the spread of Kantei belief in the middle and late Edo period, and also prepared for the prosperity of the Meiji period.
日並 彩乃
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.3, pp.21-40, 2014-09-30

The study of Reizei Tamechika’s Buddhist paintings is just as important as the study of his Fukko Yamato-e(restoration of Japanese painting). Fukko Yamato-e was a movement at the end of the Edo period, focused on the restoration of a traditional style of Japanese painting based on the masterpieces of the Heian and Kamakura eras. While Tamechika’s work is associated with the Kyokano area, he also produced many Buddhist paintings through his personal connection with Gankai. Tamechika also learned the archaic style of Buddhist painting of the Heian and Kamakura periods. However, seeing as Tamechika was born in Kyokano, it is possible that his Buddhist paintings were also influenced by his hometown. In this paper I will discuss the tradition of Yamato-e of the Kano school, from Sanraku to Eigaku and Eisho, and then Tamechika at the end of the Edo period. I wil also look at the changes that can be seen in Tamechika’s Buddhist painting.
周 正律
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.8, pp.451-475, 2015-03

This paper discusses a tendency to diversify of abstractions of Long(龍)in the Han dynasty(漢代). Before that time, Long was considered to be a symbol of one village like a totem. By the unification of ancient China in Qin(秦)and Han dynasty, Long was elevated to be a god with sacred power and started to be diversified in its attributes according to the books of that time. It was believe to have a ability of making rain or control water, and because of that power, a soil image of Long(土龍)was used as a sacrifice to pray for rain when it was in a drought. And Long was also believed to have a function as to be a transportation between the human world and the immortal world. And it turned out that, in Han dynasty, all those abstractions of Long could once be seen in a representative sample called Qing Long(青龍), which is a constellation in ancientastronomy of China. Almost all of the attributes of Long have been passed to until now, but some of them also had been changed their appearances when new trends of thoughts such as buddy coming to be known in the land of ancient China.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点研究ノート
修 斌 劉 嘯虎
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.8, pp.359-373, 2015-03-31

Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the Cina seas and Japan is an official report being submitted after the USS East lndia squadron (Perry,s squadron) returned back to America, which is a precious record in research Ryukyu Kingdom of the second half of the nineteenth Centuly. In Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan records, Ryukyu Kingdom tried to keeping the identity of a vassal state of East Asian tributary system,keeping in touchwith China in terms of tribute trade and accepting canonization,and maintained the identity with the inheritance of Chinese culture. At the same time, Ryukyu Kingdom had to endure the press and control from Satsuma domain of Japan,while Ryukyu must maintain its image of "independent country" to foreign countries. Visibly, the Ryukyu was in an embarrassing state of foreign relations. The "sovereignty" of Ryukyu kingdom belongs to China, the "governance" of which belongs to Japan. However, this "sovereignty" of China is a unique right which is a symbol of a vassal state and suzerain in the East Asian tributary system. The "governance" of Japan was enfborced in Ryukyu through "consul" and "garrison" of direct controlled by Satsuma domain in Bakuhan Taisei. The national consciousness and the self localization of Ryukyu is that Ryukyu is a vassal state of China and Japan is a neighbor of Ryukyu. However,the former is a conscious identity to culture and value, and the latter is a helpless and false cognation. So, the embarrassing relationships between Ryukyu and China, Ryukyu and Japan were the legal position of Ryukyu, but the two relationships are widely different. Theconfusion and puzzle that Perry and his staff showed about the position of Ryukyu comes not only from the policy of control which had been subtle by Satsuma domain, but also from the lack of awareness of Westerners to the special tribute system of East Asia World.
中谷 伸生
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.6, pp.27-41, 2013-03-27

This paper discusses artistic modification and the cultural relationship of the traditional Japanese style of paintings compared with those of the East Asian world including China by presenting, as an example, some humorous pictures (called "Giga" in Japanese) drawn by Nicyosai, who was known as one of the leading caricature artists during the Edo period. China, however, has hardly any humorous paintings such as caricatures, and no comparison of Giga with Chinese paintings can be given here. In other words, this study sheds light on a new aspect of arts reflecting the characteristics of Japanese paintings within the framework of East Asian arts, and the author discusses some specific problems of art history entailing a two-way approach of works-oriented and method-oriented approaches. The author also reviews works by Nicyosai and evaluates such works to examine if the caricatures drawn by Nicyosai are truly the traditional Japanese style of paintings.
二階堂 善弘
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.14, pp.535-541, 2021-03-31

There are many types of Myoken statue in Japan. Including Boy type, Sonjouou type, Nose type, Zhenwu type and so on. Among them, the Zhenwu type was influenced by the god Xuantian Shangdi. The God Myoken was influenced by the God Xuantian Shangdi, probably during the Kamakura period. I investigated the Myoken statues in a place and found that Yasushiro, Hoshida, Souma, Chichibu, Chiba and other Myoken belong to Zhenwu type Myoken.
切 旦
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
vol.8, pp.193-214, 2018-11-30

Mahakala called Gongboo and one of the main Tibetan Buddhism Guardian Deity. Cause of doctrine, was been divided Sajarl Gongboo, wisdom Gongboo and protector Gongboo gel. In the aspect main analysis from 12 to17 century doctrine of many wooden prints and here the author uses Tibetan Buddhism virtuous order protector whom created Black Mahakala six arms and White Mahakala six arms of religious successive history God features will be released.
袁 帥
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
no.10, pp.3-27, 2020-11-30

The "linguistic landscape" is a term that refers to words made visible in public spaces. Examples include store signs, advertisements, posters, warning signs, and traffic signs. In recent years, research on linguistic landscapes has increased in various fields; particularly in academic disciplines such as sociology, sociolinguistics, linguistics, anthropology and language policy. In addition, language education has also been in the spotlight. In this study, I will suggest proposals for Japanese education, taking the domestic Japanese linguistic landscapes as examples, targeting both international students who are learning Japanese as well as Japanese students. A questionnaire survey and an interview survey will be conducted from the perspective of learners, considering their suggestions for Japanese education to foster language learners who are capable of autonomous learning. The collected data will be analyzed by KH Coder.
田邉 咲智
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
vol.8, pp.51-71, 2018-11-30

This research is a consideration of the early works of the modern Japanesestyle painter, Hishida Shunsō (1874-1911), who played an active part in the Meiji era art scene. Particular emphasis will be placed on the works of Shunsō, who was enrolled in Tokyo Bijutsu Gakko (Tokyo School of Fine Arts). Previous research on Shunsō has mainly focused on two areas: on moro-tai painting techniques and the study of the artist's later works. In particular, a focus on moro-tai painting techniques forms the basis of most of the research conducted on Shunsō. Because of this, Shunsō's early works have been largely ignored. In this paper, the education that Shunsō received at Tokyo Bijutsu Gakko, and an analysis of his early works, are therefore afforded much consideration in this paper. For instance, the ideals of Okakura Tenshin (kakuzō) (1863-1913), who served as the principal of Tokyo Bijutsu Gakko at that time, are analyzed. From these considerations, the intention of Shunso's early works becomes clear.
黄 心宜
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
vol.9, pp.203-224, 2019-11-30

Apparently at the same time as Japan ruled Taiwan, Shinto was simultaneously being introduced. Taiwanese however did not follow Shintoism. To them a shrine had a political reason rather than a religious one. Due to that fact the concept of a shrine being a locum for the Gods was not progressing well. The concept lacked strength anyway, because Taiwanese followed their own traditional religion anyway. The historical experience is different and there are also considerable differences as to the opinion of the architectural style during the Japanese regime. The perspective of the controversy of Tsutomu Shrine as presented in this essay suggests that colonial cultural assets are still under the development. The promotion of a cultural property protection only suggested from the legal aspect isn't sufficient. In the future a new approach incorporating the education and research is likely to be necessary.

2 0 0 0 OA 二眼の二郎神

二階堂 善弘
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
vol.7, pp.217-228, 2014-03-31

文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点
横山 俊一郎
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.9, pp.305-317, 2016-03-31

In this paper, I consider about the thought and business of Honda Masazane who founded the silk industry in Kanazawa, in order to understand the personality of businessmen from Hakuen-Shoin. I take up his biography named "Danshaku-Honda-Masazane-Den". As a result of this study, I found that he was inclined toward Buddhism after he graduated from Hakuen-Shoin. But, I think that he upheld the practical aspects of Confucianism. Also, I noticed that Sumitomo's managers participated in the Zen group to which he belonged at that time.