西田 周平
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.11, pp.181-194, 2018-03

At the end of the 16th century, in the Momoyama period (1582~1615), the production of ceramics began in a new place in Japan. Of these, in Minoyō (美濃窯), Kiseto (黄瀬戸), Setoguro (瀬戸黒), Shino (志野), Oribe (織部), for example, new forms of tea bowls and tableware were produced. From Karatsu (唐津) was introduced a climbing kiln (登り窯). Minoyō achieved a stunning development in such ceramics compared with other kiln locates. However, demand decreased because of changes in the style of the tea ceremony. The Shino, Oribe in Minoyō did not last long, and were eventually and forgotten. In the Shōwa period (1926~1989), there were ceramic artists who strove to restore Shinoware. Their names were Arakawa Toyozō (荒川豊蔵) and Katō Tōkurō(加藤唐九郎). Arakawa Toyozō was born in Mino, and after having seen the Tamagawa bowl (玉川) from Shino held by the Sekido clan, discovered a ceramic fragment from Momoyama Shino in the mountains of ōkaya (大萱). After discovery, Arakawa spent the rest of his restoring Momoyama Shino ceramics. Katō Tōkurō was born in Seto (瀬戸). He acquired book of secrets from Katō Shuntai (加藤春岱), who had made Shinoware at the end of the Edo period (1603~1872). Further, Tōkurō learned from Katō Bakutai(加藤麦袋) how to create Shinoware and began making it in earnest. Of the ceramics Tōkurō produced, Shinoware was the only style he continued to make his entire life. This paper examines the process by which Arakawa and Tōkurō restored Momoyama Shinoware, which had been forgotten for a long time, and from their ceramic works, also considers future restoration of Momoyama Shino ceramics.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの言語と表象]
畑野 吉則
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.11, pp.357-375, 2018-03-31

In this article, I gather materials concerning the transfer of documents in the wooden tablets of Liye; being impossible to ask questions from historical records, I investigated the actual reality of the transfer of documents at the prefectural level during the Qin dynasty. According to the analysis, it is possible to confirm the clear division of the fixed format of the records of the forwarding and of the responsible for the transfer. Furthermore, the analysis points out the existence of A sophisticated system for the transfer of documents that was not clearly stated in the legal system of the Qin dynasty, such as the structure consisting of multiple organizations for the management in several departments. On the base of these results, the question of when and how was born the system for the transfer of documents, until now based on studies about the wooden strips of Juyan, should not be dealt with only by comparing the legal system of Qin and Han dynasties; it becomes possible, instead, a research approach that compares different points in different periods and areas, such as with the wooden tablets of Liye, the wooden strips of Xuanquan and those of Juyuan. While reflecting on these themes, we should from now discuss about the system for the transfer of documents in the Qin and Han dynasties.
松浦 章
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.6, pp.429-447, 2013-03-27

Qing China's Guangzhou trade among the British East India Company's trade hadthe overwhelming share for a long time. Trading vessels of other European countries, there have also been a year to send 1-2 only; half of the 18th century from the British independent American trade of China expressed its concern for, till 1784 is severance from New York to the earliest trade ship. Subsequently, the Guangzhou trade gradually developed up to the early nineteenth century, has become a hostile British competitors. 1817-1818 year, there were 45 American ships to Guangzhou trade. Sort the Guangzhou trade on the American ship records information contained seen the British Parliament instruments. This published of this article is the instrument, according to the British Parliament on American ships in the 1818-1819 period in the Guangzhou trade this topic, be expositions.
董 伊莎
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
no.7, pp.167-184, 2017-11-30

This paper discusses the historical development of the Rei ritual by examining the records dealing with rites. Next, utilizing the theories of religious studies and sociology, the existence of Rei, which was not included in the ancestral worship system nor in the traditional Confucian set of values, shall be analyzed structurally. As a result of this analysis it is shown that Rei rituals were regarded as vulgar folk religion. This view may have resulted in the lack of written records in official histories and manuals of rites. This paper also discusses the interaction between the state and the popular level of religious life. It is shown that Rei rituals were very popular among the common people and sometimes acted as models of governance in local societies. Furthermore Rei rituals included ideas about the salvation of the dead that shares commonalities with other organized religious beliefs. Because this it can be seen that both upper and lower levels of society held similar ideas regarding death.
清川 敦子
東アジア文化交渉研究 東アジア文化研究科開設記念号 (ISSN:18827748)
pp.129-142, 2012-03-24

Many art historians stated the influential facts on ukiyo-e from Chinese woodblock prints. During the Edo period the woodcuts of Suzhou (soshu-hanga) were imported into Japan at Nagasaki trade and they played very important role for the development of ukiyo-e. In this paper I look into few important phenomena how Chinese woodblock prints influenced ukiyo-e prints from the views of the pioneer nishiki-e artist, Suzuki Harunobu. He may have had the opportunity to see the woodcuts of Suzhou because he was in the environment which Hiraga Gennai and other professionals had accepted new cultures from abroad. This paper discusses the similarities between Harunobu's works and the woodcuts of Suzhou, and the possibilities which Harunobu had created his works by taking hints from Chinese woodblock prints as he was one of the internationally influenced artists.
李 暁辰
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.2, pp.185-201, 2013-12-01

Keijō Imperial University was Japan’s sixth imperial university and first imperial university to be built outside Japan proper. In 1928 Taipei Imperial University opened with two faculties, the faculty of literature and politics and the faculty of agriculture and science. In this paper I analyze modern Sinology at Keijō Imperial University in Seoul, Korea, and Taihoku Imperial University in Taipei, Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era. First I describe the mission, ideology, and roles of the first presidents of both imperial universities. Next I elucidate the characteristics that distinguish the organization of these imperial universities between 1872 and 1879 from other imperial universities. Finally, I discuss the professors who were in charge of courses on Chinese philosophy at both universities, including the structure of the courses and the human network involved. Using this approach of tracing the flow of modern academic knowledge of Chinese philosophy, I will follow the trends from the imperial universities of Japan to those of Korea and Taiwan.
呉 征涛
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.11, pp.535-556, 2018-03-31

Even with the changes of usage of energy resources in early modern times, such as relatively new fuels like coal, oil and gas, charcoal continued to remain the main fuel used by ordinary people in Japan from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. In Korean Peninsula, which was a colony of Japan from that time, Koreans did not use charcoal as fuel for everyday life much. But as Japanese moved to the Korean Peninsula and the Government-General encouraged the charcoal industry and production, charcoal was produced in large quantities and exported abroad, especially to Japan proper. Korean Peninsula became a production site that provided a large quantity of charcoal to Japan and played an important role in ensuring Japan’s fuel supply until the end of the World War II. This article aims to clarify the history of development and historical significance of the charcoal industry in Korean Peninsula by focusing on the Japanese materials.
畑野 吉則
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.11, pp.357-375, 2018-03

文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの歴史と動態]
榧木 亨
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.7, pp.339-353, 2014-03

Suzuki Ranen's "Ritsuryo Shinsho Benkai (律呂新書辨解)" was a book by focusing on 'ancient style (古義)', and tried to correct problems of "Ritsuryo Shinsho (律呂新書)". The study of "Ritsuryo Shinsho" in Japan was started Nakamura Tekisai, a Neo-Confucianist in early Edo Period. These studies were carried out around Neo-Confucianism,however,Suzuki Ranen was not a Neo-Confucianist,but a Confucian doctor. Thus his study of "Ritsuryo Shinsho" was different from Nakamura Tekisai. This paper focuses on Suzuki Ranen and his disciples, and explain how to form "Ritsuryo Shinsho Benkai". Furthermore, throught he analysis of this book, reveal the difference from Nakamura Tekisai.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点東アジアの思想と構造
孔 穎
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.6, pp.493-504, 2013-03-27

The Chinese term "Wo Nu" (倭奴), literary meaning "Japanese Slaves", was used to refer to the Japanese Nation before Yuan Dynasty, and had grown into an equivalent of "Wo Kou", or "Japanese pirates", by the time of Yuan and Ming Dynasties. However, the term became more complicated in the context of Macao during Ming Dynasty: it included some half-merchant-half-pirate "Wo Kou" and more Japanese Christian exiles fleeing the crackdown of Catholicism back home; in addition, there were large numbers of slaves in the true sense of the word, purchased by the Portuguese from Kyushu, Japan. It is this last group of "Wo Nu" that draws the attention of the present essay, which seeks to clarify the meaning of the term by using Chinese, Japanese and Western materials and to justify the Ming Cantonese Government's judgments of the nature of the Wo Nu in Macao and its policies toward them.
横山 俊一郎
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.6, pp.343-361, 2013-03-27

This paper shows the aspects of human resource development institution of "private academy" in Japan like "Shoin" in China. Therefore we focus on the Kazoku that perform social activities in funding easily. As a concrete example, we take Sakurai (Matsudaira) Tadaoki (the last feudal lord of the Amagasaki clan) and Kuki Takayoshi (that of the Sanda clan) who had ruled the Settsu Province near Osaka. The Kazoku described above are considered to be affected by "private academy" in Osaka (Hakuen Shoin, Kaitokudo, Baikasha etc.). For example, Tadaoki was a member of Hakuen Shoin. Hakuen Shoin was the largest "private academy" in Osaka in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate. We will notice Tadaoki carried out welfare activity by the incomparable idea in the Restoration period.
熊野 弘子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.9, pp.489-502, 2016-03-31

This Paper considers Satsusho Benchi of urological diseases, particularly voiding symptoms, focusing on MANASE Dosan Keitekisyu. He was a doctor in 16th century. Satsusho Benchi is Japanese Bianzheng lunzhi that is diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine. Today, the voiding synptoms are described as Ryuhei and Kankaku in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The former is urinary retention,anuria, oliguria, and so forth. The latter is acute kidney injury (AKI), chronic kidney disease (CKD), and so forth. MANASE Dosan summarized Tankeisinpo, Gyokukibigi, Igakuseiden, and so on. They inherited Zhu Zhenheng's theory. MANASE Dosan's Satsusho Benchi of storage Symptoms such as urinary incontinence, enuresis, over active bladder, and so forth was built on basic Bianzheng lunzhi, for example Bagang bianzheng. Simple descriptions were suggested. Whereas Satsusho Benchi of voiding symptoms was built on detailed Bianzheng lunzhi and included the germ of Wei qi ying xue bianzheng.
朱 紅軍
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.547-563, 2020-03-31

During the Tang dynasty, Shandong was situated in a pivotal geolocation between the region of Korean Peninsula, Balhae and Japan. According to Ennin's The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law, some of religious facility, such as Dragon King's Temple, the Dragon King's palace, MingWang's Temple, etc., were excited around the coast of Shandong. Which meant that, the extension of Dragon King's Faith around the coast of Shandong has been recorded not later than the 9th century. On the other hand, the worship of the gods of heaven and earth, such as Sumiyoshi no Okami, Hachiman, Funadama, Dragon of the Sea, Five Dragon King, god of thunder, god of stone, the gods of the mountains and islands in Dengzhou, etc., by the Japanese missions to Tang China, was also noticed in Ennin's book.
黎 小雨
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.565-581, 2020-03-31

The poet Kan Chazan (1748-1827) was born in the heyday of the Chinese literature in the Edo period. He went to Kyoto for study six times in his youth. During his study tours in Kyoto, he met and interacted with many literati and scholars, and left abundant materials of epistles and poems. His poetic style greatly influenced by his friends. Especially in the last two study tours, Kan Chazan studied Shushigaku under Naba Rodo and gradually changed his poetic style. And the association of Rai Shunsui (1746-1816) and poets of Naniwa Kontonsha brought him more inspiration of Chinese poetry and the integration of Bunjin thoughts. In this paper, through the investigation of the poetry collection of Kan Chazan's Koyosekiyo-sonsha Shi, the letters between him and Rai Sanyo, and the diary of himself Daini hokujo nikki, I will find out that how does his social behavior affect his poetic style during his study tours in Kyoto, and analyze reasons of his poetic style's transformation which from Kobunjigaku to the style of Song poetry.
切 旦
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.753-764, 2020-03-31

Daikokuten is commonly believed as a variation of Mahākāra originated from India. In Japan, it was integrated with Ōkuninushimikoto and became one of the Seven Lucky Gods. Many researches have been conducted regarding such transformation. Among the studies were Daikokuten no kenkyū by Miyazakiseturo and Daikokutenjinkō by Nakagawazenko. Daikokutenshinkō edited by Oozimakenhiko had listed quite sufficient evidences. Among the large volume studies, Iyanaganobumi had traced the details of the transformation of Daikokuten with the sophisticated research process in Daikokuten hen-shō. In China, although Daikokuten is among the protector deities of the Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, however it is quite rare to find the designated space of its rituals of offerings. Moreover, it is not listed among the Twenty Heavens, the common deities of Chinese Buddhist temples. Regarding this observation, we concur the research findings from Daikokuten genryū by Sawadamizuho for further investigation. In this essay, the primary discussion is regarding the transformation of Daikokuten faith in Japan, comparing with its variations and transformations in the regions of China.
何 娟娟
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.781-790, 2020-03-31

After Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, Taiwan was incorporated into Japanese territory. Although Taiwan has a unique geographical location, the island is rich in natural resources, but there are no mature financial institutions in the island, the monetary system is complex, currency chaos is serious. As a result, economic development has stagnated. The Japanese government aims to revitalize Taiwan's economy, reforming Taiwan's monetary system, putting into implementation of gold standard system, decision to establish Bank of Taiwan. Later Bank of Taiwan issues one yuan bond and five yuan bond in Meiji 32, fifty yuan bond in Meiji 33, ten yuan bond in Meiji 34 circulating in the market by extremely popular. People on the island gradually changed from using money to using silver bonds, Finally accepted of voucher. The bank bonds issued by the Bank of Taiwan are printed and introduced in Japan, This paper will clarify the process of the introduction of silver bonds and the current situation after introduction.
李 暁辰
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
no.2, pp.185-201, 2013-12-01

Keijō Imperial University was Japan's sixth imperial university and first imperial university to be built outside Japan proper. In 1928 Taipei Imperial University opened with two faculties, the faculty of literature and politics and the faculty of agriculture and science. In this paper I analyze modern Sinology at Keijō Imperial University in Seoul, Korea, and Taihoku Imperial University in Taipei, Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era. First I describe the mission, ideology, and roles of the first presidents of both imperial universities. Next I elucidate the characteristics that distinguish the organization of these imperial universities between 1872 and 1879 from other imperial universities. Finally, I discuss the professors who were in charge of courses on Chinese philosophy at both universities, including the structure of the courses and the human network involved. Using this approach of tracing the flow of modern academic knowledge of Chinese philosophy, I will follow the trends from the imperial universities of Japan to those of Korea and Taiwan.東アジアの思想と構造
張 万挙
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.12, pp.259-270, 2019-03

文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの思想と構造]