日並 彩乃
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.2, pp.81-105, 2013-12-01

This work sets out Yamato-e of Kyo Kano. Fukko yamato-e did not appear suddenly at an end of Edo era. They built this movement upon Yamato-e in early modern period. Fukko yamato-e is the restoration Yamato-e painting. Late Edo era, they learned the Yamato-e masterpieces of the Heian and Kamakura era in order to revive the past Yamato-e. This movement was begun by TANAKA Totsugen, was succeeded by his pupil UKITA Ikkei or REIZEI Tamechika. Totsugen and Ikkei learned Yamato-e in Tosa school. And Tamechika learned Yamato-e of Kyo Kano. Edo Kano did work about the Tokugawa Shogunate. On the other hand, Kyo Kano worked about the Toyotomi administration in Kyoto. Kyo Kano was began with Sanraku, was continued by Sansetsu, Einou, Eikei, Eihaku, Eijo, Eiryo, Eishun, Eigaku, Eisho, Eijo, Eisho. In this paper, I reveal the tradition of Yamato-e of Kyo Kano from Sanraku to Eigaku and Eisho, also Tamechika in an end of Edo era.
馬 成芬
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.10, pp.573-592, 2017-03-31

There were 151 kinds of Chinese calligraphy rubbings, totally 3797 volumes, being imported to Japan in Edo period. But all these rubbings could not be considered to be authentic works, and some of them couldn't be distinguished if they were authentic works or not. In that case, how about the condition of those counterfeited rubbings which were imported to Japan? In this paper, I will focus on these counterfeited rubbings of being imported to Japan, then explored the condition of it and the influence to the area of calligraphy of Japan.
馮 軍南
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.12, pp.331-344, 2019-03-31

In the Meiji era, the Japanese rushed into the Pacific Ocean islands for the sake of economic resources. The initiative has expanded to South China Sea in the end of Taisho period. The Rasa Island Phosphate a limited Partnership was founded by agriculture Dr. Noritaka Tsunetō. The Rasa Island Phosphate Ore, Ltd advanced to the Nansha Islands to mine mineral phosphate. The economic activities of the Rasa Island Phosphate Ore, Ltd lasted for eight years. Because of the economic downturn, they withdrew from the islands. The economic activities of the Rasa Island Phosphate Ore, Ltd was an example of the Japanese development in South China Sea, which unlike the national policy companies of the 1930s. It presents a side of Japan's economic southward development.
董 伊莎
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
vol.6, pp.67-84, 2016-11-30

The first Goryō-e ceremony (a ceremony held to appease evil gods and the spirits of the dead) was held during the Heian period in 863. Subsequent Goryō-e ceremonies underwent significant changes, eventually resulting in the spirit that was the focus of ritual appeasement in the original Goryō-e being replaced by a new spirit known as Ekijin. There has been much previous research looking at the origins of this change. This work looks at a possible link between the Chinese deity known as Karakami, mentioned in the Shunki, and the Japanese deity Ekijin. From this link it can be seen that Ekijin was originally a foreign deity. Also, after an examination of records from the Nara to Heian periods, it can be seen that the concept of plagues introduced during the Tenpyō period from foreign sources deeply influenced Japanese beliefs surrounding plague and the Goryō-e ceremony. The new beliefs imported from China share a common concept with that of the original Goryō-e ceremony, namely the idea of rei. This provided a basis for the acceptance of the new foreign beliefs, which eventually resulted in Ekijin becoming the main subject of appeasement. In conclusion, foreign ideas about plague influenced not only ideas about Ekijin, but were also assimilated into the Goryō-e belief system.
張 麗山
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.6, pp.287-306, 2013-03-27

The present paper mainly examines the reception of belief in Doku in ancient Japan. Doku is a deity of earth taboo, which first appeared at The East Han Dynasty. First it introduces the shared religious phonemes of belief in Doku in east asia. Then it examines the process how belief in Doku recepted in Japan from the following three sections: antakushinjyukyō, which was read early in koutoku reign, has a close relation with Doku; investigating the Chinese books which recorded Doku; discussing who imported the belief in Doku. We can found the reception of belief in Doku closely influenced by the Japanese historic movement, and it was mainly recepted as a deity of magic religion.
王 娟 李 無未
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.14, pp.329-340, 2021-03-31

Matsushita Daizaburo (1878-1935) was a famous grammarian from the late Meiji period to the early Showa period in Japan. In 1927 he published the Standard Chinese Grammar, which is unique for its Conjunction Theory. Instead of focusing on words, it features distinctive "Phrase based grammar". Theoretical ideas and research methods with Mr Zhu Dexi's viewpoint have similarities, but there is a gap. The theory applies an analytical approach of American Structuralist Linguistics to illustrate Chinese grammar. He is the first scholar in the East to construct a framework of Chinese grammar theory by using Structural Linguistics. This paper examines Matsushita's "conjunctions" theory from the theoretical connotation and the significance in the history of grammar.
横山 俊一郎
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.3, pp.125-139, 2014-09-30

Yamada Kodo was a graduate of Kaitokudo, a private educational academy in Osaka, Japan. As a politician he became involved in the educational administration of Shikama prefecture during the Meiji Restoration, and as a manager, he made eff orts to promote the local sericulture industry. This paper will focus on the relationship between Kodo and Hakuen-juku, another private educational institution based in Osaka.
当 智
文化交渉 : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 : journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures (ISSN:21874395)
vol.9, pp.65-82, 2019-11-30

The first pagodas were erected in India. In Tibet even before the introduction of Buddhism, stone and clay pagodas were evident. Once Buddhism has spread to Tibet two prime religions have united. These were Indian Buddhism and Tibetan Bonnism. Bonnism is one of the primitive religions in Tibet. As a result of this merger Tibetan style pagoda (chorten) has been erected. It can be inferred that Tibetan pagoda is the combination of elements from both Buddhism and Bonnism. It is highly symbolic of Tibetan culture, and is characterized by the unique architectural form of Tibetan Buddhism features. In my opinion the religion and the architecture have a mysterious bearing on research. In other words we need to consider the Tibetan Pagoda together with each element and symbol of its structure. The cultural impact of Tibetan Pagoda will be presented in the final conclusion of this essay.
王 暁雨
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.10, pp.771-782, 2017-03-31

While revising the process of making the modern Japan, it's hard to not noticing the important role of translation works in this era. As one of the most important translators in Bakumatsu-Meiji period, Fukuzawa Yukichi's translation greatly helped the understanding of Japanese toward the Western world. Especially the easy-reading feature helped to make his works famous and influential at the time. In this article, we will discuss why, what and how Fukuzawa derived his idea and translating style through historical analyzation, which could also help revealing his inner understandings of Western culture and vision of modern Japan.
清水 太郎
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.7, pp.477-490, 2014-03

In the 15th century, the Vietnames and Korean tribute missions began exchanges in Beijing (北京), Tongzhou (通州), and other places in China, peaking in the 18th century, in which (probably) fictitious exchanges were created as the author have previously discussed. Vietnamese and Korean scholars also studied those missions; however, they have often overlooked some exchange activities and incorrectly introduced basic facts, such as period of contact, composition of missions. The author has reexamined materials from the 15th century through 18th century and the 19th century in both countries. In 2013, the Center for Korean Studies at lnha University published "한국과베트남사신、북경에서만니디-창화시연구" ("Korean and Vietnamese Envoys who Met Each Other in Peking:Reseach on Chorus Poems") which completed primary researches on the subject.Nevertheless, other aspects of the exchanges have become known by the recently published work,"연행녹속집"("燕行録続集") which are diaries of Korean Envoys from 한성(漢城)where was capital of Joseon dynasty to Beijing where was Qing dynasty. Furthermore, progress has been made in researches in Korea and Vietnam, providing new knowledge. The main purpose of this paper is to reveal new reality of the exchanges hitherto unknown. The paper consists of two parts, intending to present broader image of the exchanges; First, it is to provide additional inforrmation through the recent studies on the exchanges of the two missions, which is not fully clear yet. Second, it is to discuss on indirect impact in a longer time span.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点東アジアの歴史と動態
索南 卓瑪
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.10, pp.455-473, 2017-03-31

There are many Goddesses consecrate in the pantheon of East Asia Buddhist, and the Goddess Tārā is one of them who originated in India. But after the worship of her spread into East Asia, the ways of the worship have differences because of the cultural differences and the vicissitude of period. In this thesis, I probed into the popularization of worship of Goddess Tārā in the culture of Buddhist of East Asia areas.
索南 卓瑪
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.10, pp.455-473, 2017-03

There are many Goddesses consecrate in the pantheon of East Asia Buddhist, and the Goddess Tārā is one of them who originated in India. But after the worship of her spread into East Asia, the ways of the worship have differences because of the cultural differences and the vicissitude of period. In this thesis, I probed into the popularization of worship of Goddess Tārā in the culture of Buddhist of East Asia areas.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点松浦章教授古稀記念号[東アジアの思想と構造]
石 永峰
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.381-398, 2020-03-31

In October 1908 (Meiji 41st) , Nakamura Fusetsu published Ryuminjyo (『龍眠帖』) with his own style, "the Calligraphy of Six Dynasties" (Rikuchō Shofu, 六朝書風) . After two months, Ryuminjyo was criticized by some traditional scholars, such as Inukai Bokudo. The criticism became a special topic in the modern calligraphy theory, which referred to the contradictions between new stele study (碑学) and old rubbing study (帖学) . Some scholars and calligraphers, such as Inukai Bokudo, Naitō Konan and Kawai Senro, discussed the pros and cons with Nakamura's unconventional calligraphy and his calligraphy theory consequently. In particular, Naitō Konan discussed with Nakamura Fusetsu through the art magazines and newspapers, which continued for several years and influenced the calligraphic societies thereafter. In terms of Naitō Konan and the controversies over the stele study and rubbing study, this report goes through the perspective of cultural interaction, which based on the previous researches, focuses the disputation between Naitō Konan and Nakamura Fusetsu, by which using the new materials, and elucidates the standpoint of Naitō Konan and Nakamura Fusetsu. In addition, this report illuminates the difference of the Calligraphy of Six Dynasties between Nakamura Fusetsu and Naitō Konan, and how Naitō Konan judged Kusakabe Meikaku's theory on the Calligraphy of Six Dynasties.
笹川 慶子
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.11, pp.195-210, 2018-03

The purpose of this paper is to relate Taiwan to other Asian film markets, which were going through dynamic changes in the beginning of the 20th century. The characteristics of the Taiwan film market will be clarified in relation to other Asian markets (Singapore, Shanghai, Manila, and Japan) just connected to the U.K.-centric global film distribution network of Pathé Frères in 1907. To achieve this aim, the paper specifically focuses on the interaction between Taiwan and Japan through the circulation of films, as well as on the historical research on movie theaters after the Sino-Japan War (1894-1985). This study is mainly based on the research and analysis of Taiwan Nichinichi Shimpou (Taiwan Daily News) and other daily papers issued in the places under review.文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点[東アジアの言語と表象]
中谷 伸生
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.12, pp.3-21, 2019-03-31

Looking at paintings by Nagasawa Rosetsu, the so-called eccentric painter, one finds characteristics that seem to resemble those of Osaka painters centered around Kimura Kenkadō. As for relationships to Osaka, one could mention Rosetsu's profound connections to the Yodo Domain, which was well known for fostering cultural connections between Kyoto and Osaka. In other words, the creation of deep connections between Kyoto and Osaka artists was a characteristic of the Yodo Domain: all the way from Ike Taiga (1723-76) and Baisa'ō (1675-1763) to Shinozaki Shō chiku (1781-1851) and Hirose Kyokusō (1807-63). In addition, as for Resetsu's reception among Osaka painters, one might mention Nishiyama Hōen (1804-67), who learned from Rosetsu and came to represent the shasei school in Osaka. All in all, it becomes clear that the Osaka painting world had deep connections to Rosetsu and his works. Conversely, we cannot reject the possibility that Rosetsu was influenced by Osaka painters. If we look at the Mori School, including the Osaka painter Mori Sosen (1747-1821) known for painting monkeys, and Okada Beisanjin (1744-1820) whose humorous painting style bear similarities to that of Rosetsu, as well as the freakish paintings of Rin Ryōen (1740s-1780s), we can easily imagine contemporary connections to Rosetsu. In this paper, I would like to discuss Rosetsu, who both worked and died in Osaka, and try to come to a deeper understanding of the painter through a comparison between the so-called eccentric painting style of Rosetsu and those of the Osaka painting world.
田野村 忠温
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.13, pp.61-79, 2020-03-31

The country name '独逸', which reads 'doitsu' and denotes Germany, is an exceptional instance among the large inventory of Kanji transliterated foreign names and terms in Japanese. It is partly because '独逸', unlike many of the other Kanji transliterated place names, was not borrowed from China, but created in Japan, and partly because dozens of different Kanji transliterations were attempted before '独逸' was finally selected as the standard. This article will analyze and clarify the background and process of the establishment of '独逸'. The exceptional nature of '独逸' will be argued to result from the historical social condition of Japan, which was under self-imposed national isolation since the seventeenth century, as well as from the peculiarity of Kanji transliterations in Japanese in general as compared with those in Chinese.中谷伸生教授古稀記念号
劉 陽
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.14, pp.191-203, 2021-03

Tanaka was a great admirer of Chinese literature, especially Chinese ghost stories such as Liaozhai Zhiyi (聊斎志異), and he was to translate 35 of them, published as "The 12th Volume of Chinese Literature" . This paper analyzes the characteristics of 10 stories from that, comparing the original work with Koda Rentaro's annotation and the translation by Shibata Temma. Tanaka referred to Koda's annotation when translating the unique words and sources in Chinese. He generally adds interpretation instead of annotation. And Tanaka used lots of onomatopoeia to make the description more vivid. There are lots of temporal adverb with similar meaning in Liaozhai Zhiyi, Tanaka basically translated them into one word.内田慶市教授古稀記念号
曹 悦
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.195-211, 2020-03-31

Qing Dynasty was a very important period in the history of Chinese calligraphy. In this period, the system of calligraphy was completely, and the development of each script calligraphy became much more mature. Chinese calligraphy was not only influenced the Edo Japan, but also influenced Korea in Joseon dynasty. At that time, the Sino-Korean relationship during Ming-Qing period has been regraded as tributary relation, and the both side dispatched the diplomatic envoy to communicate. The Joseon dynasty of Korea was deeply influenced by the Ming-Qing period of China. The Seungjeongwon Ilgi is the most important official record of Korea, and there are many materials of seal script calligraphy. This paper will focus on the Seungjeongwon Ilgi, and then analyzing the materials of seal script calligraphy. Consequently, we can see the status of seal script calligraphy of China in the official Korea in Joseon dynasty.
鄭 芝媁
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.13, pp.537-546, 2020-03-31

This essay focuses on the studies about Chinese music of Lafcadio Hearn and his friend, H. E. Krehbiel, who was an American music critic and musicologist. Hearn and Krehbiel were colleagues in Cincinnati, reporter of the local newspaper. In the fall of 1877 they have met a Chinese musician Char-lee, and had a wonderful music experience in music club. Hearn wrote an article entitled "Romantic Episode at the Music Club" as souvenirs. Since then, for about 10 years, Hearn and Krehbiel kept discussing about Chinese music through letters. In this essay, I outlined the contribution of Krehbiel in music, especially in Chinese music, that rarely mentioned in the previous research. Then, reviews Hearn's articles and letters about Chinese music by time order, so the interaction with Krehbiel could be explored. Also, solve some unsolved mysteries in the articles and letters, like what the "O-ME-TAW-BOODH" means. In the course of my argument, it should have become clear that it's Krehbiel whom lead Hearn to concern about Chinese music, thus began a series of studies about myths and worship of China.