Hirofumi Kurokawa Tomoharu Mori Fumio Ohtake
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.13, pp.53-70, 2020-10-06 (Released:2020-10-03)

Income tax is considered equivalent to consumption tax in the public finance literature and there exits tax rates whose effective tax burdens are equivalent; 20% income tax and 25% consumption tax for example. However, it is not obvious whether people think in that way. We use a choice experiment to test the equivalence between income and consumption taxes. Subjects were asked to choose a preferred tax among 20% income tax and 25% consumption tax, 20% income tax and 22% consumption tax, and 20% income tax and 20% consumption tax under a given set of income and consumption parameters. We find that (1) when effective tax burdens are equivalent, subjects prefer income tax to consumption tax, (2) when the nominal consumption tax rate is higher than the nominal income tax rate, they prefer income tax, despite heavier tax burden, and (3) when nominal tax rates are identical, they prefer consumption tax. These findings imply that the subjects do not think theoretically equivalent taxes are equivalent because the subjects miscalculate the consumption tax burden. Moreover, our result shows that only one-third of the subjects appear to choose a tax regime based on accurately calculated tax burdens.
小幡 績 太宰 北斗
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.7, pp.1-18, 2014

競馬の馬券市場においては,「本命–大穴バイアス(favorite–longshot bias)」という良く知られた現象がある.これは当たる確率が極めて低い大穴馬券への過剰な人気を指すものだ.このバイアスは,微小確率の過大評価傾向としてプロスペクト理論から説明できる.本論文では,近年の日本の馬券市場に特徴的な三連単馬券に関して検証を行い,より大穴な馬券ほど過剰に人気が集まる傾向にあるという大穴バイアスの存在が確認された.この結果は従来の研究と異なり,外れ馬券を含めた全ての馬券データを網羅的に分析し,投票行動の推計ではなく実際の得票数を用いた分析である点で,質的に新しい結果といえる.本研究は,微小確率に対する経済主体の実際の行動結果を表すデータを用いた分析であり,行動バイアスの実証分析として大規模なデータを用いた研究となることで,行動経済学の幅広い領域での実証研究の可能性について示唆を与える.
竹中 慎二
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.4, pp.150-154, 2011

Yoshiro Tsutsui Shoko Yamane Fumio Ohtake
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.10, pp.1-6, 2017 (Released:2017-04-21)

Using a monthly survey, this paper finds that supporters of the governing cabinet are significantly happier than non-supporters throughout our sample period. We investigate the reason and examine two hypotheses: 1) happy persons support the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, and 2) supporters of any governing party tend to be happy. Oaxaca decomposition analysis reveals that the difference in happiness is not attributable to the difference of attributes and personalities, rejecting hypothesis 1). On the other hand, the happiness of cabinet and anti-cabinet supporters was not significantly different after an election in which the governing party was replaced, supporting hypothesis 2).
Shinsuke Asakawa
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.14, pp.26-46, 2021 (Released:2022-01-21)

Many studies suggest that the expansion of the child benefit (CB) policy increases child-rearing spending, as it offers mental accounting properties or a labeling effect. However, it remains unclear whether this increase in child-rearing expenditure is simply an income effect related to the CB expansion, or whether the preference for child-rearing expenditure changes relative to other goods at the same time as the income effect; that is, whether the slope of the indifference curve changes. This study examines the effects of Japan’s CB expansion on parental preferences for childcare and children’s education; we find that, on average, CB expansion increased parents’ priorities for childcare. A subsample analysis revealed that low-income households with children younger than 13 years preferred childcare more, while high-income households with children in elementary school (7–12 years old) preferred better child education instead of decreasing their childcare priorities. These results indicate that the impact of unexpected CB expansion on parents’ preferences for childcare and children’s education differs, depending on the child’s age and household income. The most important implication of this study is that, when expanding CB, governments should carefully choose target households in light of policy objectives and avoid widening the opportunity gap among households, considering the heterogeneous impacts of CB expansion on parents’ preferences for childcare and children’s education.
Takuya Ishino Akiko Kamesaka Toshiya Murai Masao Ogaki
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.5, pp.269-272, 2012 (Released:2013-06-12)

Using large panel data which consist of responses from over 4000 households in all over Japan, we analyze changes in people's worldviews and subjective well-being (happiness) before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake. As a result we find that 1) there were more people—more than six times as many—who replied that their happiness improved after the earthquake than those who said it worsened, and also that 2) many more Japanese people have become more altruistic since the earthquake, even in the most affected areas. One possible interpretation of these results is that many Japanese became more altruistic as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake, made donation, and donating improved people's happiness. Our regression analysis that allows for reverse causality yields results that are consistent with this interpretation.
SunYoun Lee Takahiro Ito Kohei Kubota Fumio Ohtake
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.11, no.Special_issue, pp.S22-S26, 2018 (Released:2019-04-10)

This paper estimates the effects of childhood experiences of wearing school uniforms at a public elementary school for 6 years on behavioral traits in adulthood. The school uniform experience can be endogenous if preferences and characteristics of the school and parents are involved in the decision of schools to implement school uniforms. To examine the effect of school uniforms, we exploit the exogenous variation in the expansion of the apparel industry across regions which the Japanese government used as a catalyst in stimulating the economy and the regional variations in prefectural governors’ initiatives for enhancing regional profitability, both of which are found to affect the adoption of school uniform policies. We first find that the childhood experience affects the formulation and development of an individual’s personality traits that are characterized by self-esteem and self-efficacy. Second, it increases reciprocal inclinations, inequity aversion, pro-social tendencies, and preferences for the government’s redistribution policies. We discuss the reasons behind the consequences of school uniforms on noncognitive traits and social preferences, with a focus on an individual’s perception of similarity with others formulated by the childhood experience as an important determinant that affects the behavioral traits.
Nakazono Yoshiyuki
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.5, pp.239-242, 2012

In this paper, we use panel data to test whether Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) board members' forecasts are rational. Rationality is rejected in the sense that forecasts by members are heavily dependent on previous own forecasts and last consensus made in FOMC. Furthermore, we reveal the strategic behavior of FOMC board members. Forecasts by governors, who always have voting rights, agree much with the previous consensus of FOMC members' forecasts. In contrast, non-governors, who rotate voting rights, exaggerate their forecasts: they aggressively deviate their forecasts from previous consensus. The former is <i>herding</i> behavior and the latter is <i>anti-herding</i> behavior. Our results imply that individual members behave strategically; governors want to present policy-consistent forecasts to the Congress and non-governors utilize their forecasts to influence decision making in FOMC.
岩澤 誠一郎 内山 朋規
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.4, pp.75-80, 2011

Hiroko Araki
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.10, pp.7-21, 2017 (Released:2017-09-01)

This research takes the theory of the interaction between altruistic parents and egoistic children in Becker (1974, 1991) as a starting point, and investigates the effect of parents' altruistic monetary transfers to their children enrolled in university, on their total hours of study and the priority they put on studying, by employing micro-data on the characteristics of Japanese university students and their lifestyle. Regarding study hours, a positive significant impact can only be observed for students of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences who live with their parents, while a significant effect could not be observed for students who are living away from home. No evidence of an effect of transfers from parents on the priority that students put on study could be observed on any group. Altogether, these findings show that information asymmetries in parent-child interactions can reduce the effectivity of monetary transfers from parents on their children's study habits.
山口 勝業
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.5, pp.180-184, 2012

滝沢 昌平 嶋崎 善章
Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
行動経済学 (ISSN:21853568)
vol.7, pp.96-99, 2014
