菅原 慎悦 稲村 智昌 木村 浩 班目 春樹
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.8, no.2, pp.154-164, 2009 (Released:2012-02-22)
6 8

In Japan, safety of nuclear facilities is regulated by the central government and local governments are responsible for protecting the local public. To operate nuclear facilities in local communities, local governments would conclude safety agreements with power companies. In recent years, local governments have used the safety agreements as excuse for delaying the operations of nuclear facilities. The legal basis of the safety agreements was questioned by some who considered that this was the cause of the stranded relationship between local governments and power companies, and in some cases, the interrupted nature of electricity supply. To understand the sources of this difficult relationship, safety agreements must be analyzed, although these documents may have undergone revisions, and various regulations may have changed. By analyzing the safety agreements and revisions, we found that the relationship between local governments and power companies gradually changed over time, which can be divided into the following 3 stages: (1) in the early 70s, the dawn stage when local governments groped with the situation of nuclear facilities built in their communities; (2) from late 70s to 90s, the stage when local governments demanded information, and (3) from late 90s to present, the stage when local governments demand information and trustworthiness. This paper shows the results of analyzing the relationship changes between local governments and power companies. We conclude that viewpoints of local governments on nuclear power evolve, as social responsibilities of power companies stipulated in safety agreements also evolve over time.
大橋 弘史 Steven R. SHERMAN
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.7, no.4, pp.439-451, 2008 (Released:2012-03-02)

Tritium migration behavior in the next-generation nuclear plant (NGNP) employing a high-temperature electrolysis (HTE) process to produce hydrogen is estimated by numerical analysis. Estimated tritium concentrations in the hydrogen product and tertiary heat transport fluid in heat exchangers in the HTE process are higher than the limit in drinking water defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and in the effluent at the boundary of an unrestricted area defined by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), respectively. The effects of some countermeasures (i.e., reducing tritium release rate, increasing purification system capacity, removing tritium at high-temperature positions in the heat transport fluids, reducing the permeability of heat exchangers, and hydrogen or water injection in the heat transport fluids) to reduce tritium concentrations in the hydrogen product and tertiary heat transport fluid are proposed and evaluated. The alternative countermeasure proposed in this study to decrease the tritium permeation rate by water injection, which produces HTO from HT according to an isotope exchange reaction (HT+H2O=H2+HTO) in the heat transport fluids, is effective for decreasing the tritium concentrations.
綿引 政俊 赤井 昌紀 中井 宏二 家村 圭輔 吉野 正則 平野 宏志 北村 哲浩 鈴木 一敬
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
pp.1111290028, (Released:2011-11-30)

Gloveboxes used for plutonium fuel development and fabrication are eventually dismantled for replacement. Since equipment interior and the inner surface of gloveboxes are contaminated with radioactive materials, glovebox dismantling is performed by workers wearing an air fed suit with mechanical tools in a plastic enclosure system to control the spread of contamination. Various improvements of the enclosure system are implemented including the modification of the rooms to decontaminate and undress the air fed suit and the introduction of an inflammable filter and a safety film near the size reduction workspace against fire. We describe the countermeasures deployed in the enclosure system against potential hazards and how these devices work in the real dismantling activities.
佃 由晃 林 洋 上村 勝一郎 服部 年逸 金子 浩久 師岡 慎一 光武 徹 秋葉 美幸 安部 信明 藁科 正彦 増原 康博 木村 次郎 田辺 朗 西野 祐治 井坂 浩順 鈴木 理一郎
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.1, no.4, pp.384-403, 2002

Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC) has conducted a proving test for thermal-hydraulic performance of BWR fuel (high-burnup 8×8, 9×9) assemblies entrusted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (NUPECTH-B Project). The high-burnup 8×8 fuel (average fuel assembly discharge burnup: about 39.5GWd/t), has been utilized from 1991. And the 9×9 fuel (average fuel assembly discharge burnup: about 45GWd/t), has started to be used since 1999. There are two types (A-type and B-type) of fuel design in 9×9 fuel assembly.<BR>Using an electrically heated test assembly which simulated a BWR fuel bundle on full scale, flow induced vibration, pressure drop, critical power under steady state condition and post-boiling transition (post-BT) tests were carried out in an out-of pile test facility that can simulate the high pressure and high temperature conditions of BWRs. This paper completed the results of 9×9 fuel combined with the previously reported results of high-burnup 8×8 fuel.<BR>As a result of NUPEC-TH-B Project, the validity of the current BWR thermal-hydraulic design method was confirmed and the reliability of BWR thermo-hydraulic fuel performance was demonstrated. Based on the test data, a new correlation of the estimation of fuel rod vibration amplitude, new post-BT heat transfer and rewet correlations for the estimation of fuel rod surface temperature were developed.
西原 健司 山岸 功 安田 健一郎 石森 健一郎 田中 究 久野 剛彦 稲田 聡 後藤 雄一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.11, no.3, pp.247, 2012 (Released:2012-08-15)

日本原子力学会和文論文誌 Vol. 11, No. 1 (2012), pp.13-19   著者の申し出により,14–16頁の Table 4, 7(1/2), 7(2/2)に誤りがありましたので,PDFの通り訂正いたします。
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (ISSN:00223131)
vol.13, no.7, pp.372-381, 1976

For analyzing the mixing of particles in a spouted bed, a model is proposed, which assumes that : (a) the spouted bed consists of a spout part characterized by perfect mixing and an annulus part occupied by piston flow, (b) the ingress of particles from annulus into spout takes place within a zone below a depth h below the top of the annulus, and (c) the rate of ingress of particles into the spout is constant throughout the bed. <BR>The time-dependence of the concentration <I>C</I>*(<I>t</I>) of marked particles within the spout can be calculated with this model assuming suitable values for unmeasurable parameters. <BR>The value of <I>C</I>*(<I>t</I>) was measured from mixing experiments undertaken using alumina particles, to which a small batch of marked alumina particles was dropped transiently onto the bed in stable operation. <BR>Comparing the experimental data with the calculated results, it was found that : (a) the mixing of particles in the bed can be satisfactorily described with this model, pro-vided that a suitable correction is added to the quantity of particles present in the spout to account for the existence of mixing in the annulus, whereas the model assumed piston flow ; (b) the upper edge of the ingress zone of particles from the spout into the annulus is located in the conical part of the bed. Increasing the flow rate of spouting air short-ened the cycle time of particles, while the mixing rate within one cycle was not affected to any significant extent by changes in flow rate.
田中 伸和
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.28, no.1, pp.54-57, 1986

This paper reviews vibration phenomena of reactor internal structures in French prototype LMFBR "Super Phénix-1", being observed during its pre-service operation. French efforts to solve the phenomena are outlined, including countermeasures applied to the plant. Also, CRIEPI's study on this issue is briefly explained.
浜口 博 黒田 六郎 清水 恒雄 杉下 竜一郎 束原 巌 山本 隆一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.3, no.10, pp.800-805, 1961

The simultaneous determination of microgram to submicrogram amounts of molybdenum, tin, tantalum and tungsten in silicate rocks was arrived at using the Japanese neutron reactor JRR-1. A sample and comparative standard were irradiated simultaneously with a neutron flux of about 3·10<sup>11</sup>n·cm<sup>-2</sup>·sec<sup>-1</sup> for 3 days (intermittently, 5 hr each day).<br>After cooling for a day, the sample was decomposed with sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids in the presence of carriers and lanthanum hold-back carrier. Following the removal of lanthanide activities as fluorides, the fluoride complex of tantalum was extracted by isopropylacetone. Tin and molybdenum was precipitated with hydrogen sulfide from the remaining activities in the aqueous phase, to which boric and tartaric acids were added to mask hydrofluoric acid and tungstate ions, respectively. The α-benzoinoxime precipitation method was then applied for the recovery of bulk of tungsten in the filtrate from the sulfides. Further decontamination chemistry was carried out for each element.<br>The amount of the elements was estimated by comparing <sup>99</sup>Mo(67 hr), <sup>121</sup>Sn(27.5 hr), <sup>182</sup>Ta(111d) and <sup>187</sup>W(23.9 hr) β-activities isolated from the sample with those from the comparative standard. Sensitivities of the method were 1 ppm for Mo and Sn, 0.1 ppm for Ta and 0.01 ppm for W.
金子 熊夫
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.36, no.9, pp.829-836, 1994

Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (ISSN:00223131)
vol.15, no.12, pp.919-925, 1978

Corrosion of Type 304 stainless steel by molten Cs<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-CsO<SUB>2</SUB> has been investigated at 690 and 800°C. The Cs<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-CsO<SUB>2</SUB> mixture was selected as corroding agent in order to clarify the corrosion behavior of stainless steel at a considerably high oxygen potential. At the initial stage a uniform Fe<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> layer is formed and is then removed. After the removal of the oxide film intergranular penetration proceeds into the alloy substrate. Chromium-containing oxides are formed as corrosion products at the grain boundaries. After the grain boundary penetration has continued for a while, a Cr-depleted surface alloy layer is formed, which blocks further progressing of the intergranular penetration. Then, this Cr-depleted layer is detached, inducing the restart of the intergranular pene-tration. Compared to the reported intergranular penetration rates of stainless steel due to Cs<SUB>2</SUB>O-Cs<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>, those due to Cs<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-CsO<SUB>2</SUB> obtained in this study were generally lower, and changed in a more complicated fashion with time.
土田 辰郎 木村 浩
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 = Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (ISSN:13472879)
vol.10, no.4, pp.332-346, 2011-12-01

Taking into consideration the influence of the media coverage, this research aims to analyze the characteristics of the local newspapers that cover diverse events relevant to nuclear energy in regional areas where nuclear facilities are located (hereinafter called the "region"). According to the previous surveys, local residents in the region are more interested in the nuclear energy matters than those who live in urban areas. Plus, the local newspapers turn out to report more events of nuclear energy from a variety of angles. Through interviews with executives and journalists of the local newspaper companies in the regions, it is revealed that the local newspapers tend not to report news sensationally, but they would rather take a supportive stance toward the development in their regions. The interviewees hope that various activities of the nuclear industry will promote education, employment and cooperation among government, industry and academia. They also desire that the industry's activities will help to increase benefits in their regions. It appears that the interviewees' awareness reflects articles of the local newspapers. As a result of the surveys conducted for this research, it is considered that the journalists expect that their region will make particularly qualitative progress in the future.<br>
島津 洋一郎 板原 国幸 西村 健
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.19, no.1, pp.39-42, 1977

Recently, constant axial offset control method for power distribution control is applied to PWRs (of Westinghouse type). In this mode of operation, Xe induced spatial oscillations which could cause the problem from the power distribution point of view hardly break out. Under special conditions such as tests, however, Xe oscillations can break out. It is required that power distribution can be controlled without any special operational actions.<br>Several control methods for Xe oscillations have been reported through many theoretical studies and operational experiences. Among them is First Overtone Control Method. This requires quite a simple control action but can effectively control Xe oscillations.<br>The authors have shown the effectiveness of First Overtone Control Method in Mihama Unit No.3 Reactor. In this report the detailed procedures are described. The outline of Constant Axial Offset Control Method is described in Appendix.
重本 俊明
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.20, no.10, pp.707-709, 1978

Ikata Nuclear Power Station Unit-1 was built at the first nuclear power plant of Shikoku Electric Power Co. at Ikata-cho, Ehime Prefecture. Commercial operation at full power continued since Sep. 30, 1977, and the plant was shut down on Mar. 28, 1978 for the first annual inspection.<BR>Here is the profile of the plant and its operating experience.
濱本 真平 坂場 成昭 竹田 陽一
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 = Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (ISSN:13472879)
vol.9, no.2, pp.174-182, 2010-06-01

It is important to control the chemistry of the helium coolant used in high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs). The effect of a decarburizing environment on the creep rupture properties tends to decrease the creep rupture life of the heat-resistant alloy used in heat exchangers. In this paper, we describe an active control method for the concentration of impurities using the existing helium purification system, which consists of a helium heater, a copper oxide trap (CuOT), a molecular sieve trap, a cold charcoal trap, and a bypass line. Analysis showed that the efficiency control of CuOT is effective in improving the decarburizing atmosphere. The efficiency control of CuOT increases the concentrations of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. It was found that both the enrichment of carbon monoxide suggested in previous studies and the enrichment of hydrogen are also effective in forming the carburizing atmosphere.<br>
真室 哲雄 藤田 晃 松並 忠男 吉川 和子 東 俊雄
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.4, no.5, pp.299-307, 1962

It has been generally considered that the radioactive air-borne dusts, which are produced by a nuclear explosion and reach an area far distant from the test ground, are very fine and that their radioactivities are distributed in the atmosphere comparatively uniformly. But, after the reopening of the nuclear test explosions by U.S.S.R. on September of 1961, the measured values of radioactivity in rain water differed much from each other, even though they were obtained at nearby laboratories at the same time. Moreover, it was reported that strongly radioactive particles, the counting. rates of which exceeded 10, 000 cpm, were found on the roof after rain fall by a GM counter at Niigata University. In order to reveal this question, we took the autoradiographs of the air-borne dusts collected on filter papers. It was concluded that the radioactive air-borne dusts produced by a nuclear explosion were composed of many particles having radioactivities quite various in magnitude and that strongly radioactive particles were present even in long-range fallout especially just after a nuclear explosion. This situation is in marked contrast to that observed in the natural radioactivities which are distributed in the atmosphere quite uniformly. Under these circumstances, following problems are proposed.<br>(1) Is it unnecessary to establish the standard method for the accurate measurement of fallout especially just after a large scale nuclear explosion?<br>(2) Does'nt it make mistake from the view point of the radiological protection to base on the today's M.P.C., even when the radioactive fallout visits in the manner stated above?
NAKAGAWA Tsuneo SHIBATA Keiichi CHIBA Satoshi FUKAHORI Tokio NAKAJIMA Yutaka KIKUCHI Yasuyuki KAWANO Toshihiko KANDA Yukinori OHSAWA Takaaki MATSUNOBU Hiroyuki KAWAI Masayoshi ZUKERAN Atsushi WATANABE Takashi IGARASI Sin-iti KOSAKO Kazuaki ASAMI Tetsuo
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Journal of nuclear science and technology (ISSN:00223131)
vol.32, no.12, pp.1259-1271, 1995-12-25
98 173

The revision work of JENDL-3 has been made by considering feedback information of various benchmark tests. The main revised quantities are the resonance parameters, capture and inelastic scattering cross sections, and fission spectra of main actinide nuclides, the total and inelastic scattering cross sections of structural materials, the resonance parameters the capture and inelastic scattering cross sections of fission products, and the γ-ray production data. The revised data were released as JENDL-3.2 in June 1994. The preliminary benchmark tests indicate that JENDL-3.2 predicts various reactor characteristics more successfully than the previous version of JENDL-3.1.