A review (in Japanese) on soil heterogeneity as microbial habitats. I'm interested in microenvironment heterogeneity at the cell & cell community scale, now also a bigger (?) scale, & developing microfluidic devices to study geo-physiological microbiology.
I agree w/ many things in this article (in Japanese), emphasizing the importance of international communication in English at a conference & a party for Japanese. Communication ability is just a skill. We can improve it through practice, by my experience.
I contributed a column to the journal of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (in JPN), briefly introducing how bacterial populations are studied in active matter physics. I'll keep doing my best to understand bacterial individuality and collectivity.
Our paper is out! This improved ver of a curvature-sensing peptide detects extracellular vesicles (EVs) even in the presence of bacterial cells w/ higher sensitivity, which means don't need to separate EVs from the culture supernatant for quantification.
Phenotypic systems biology for organisms: Concepts, methods and case studies
遺伝子中心のシステム生物学を、表現型(形態、行動、生活史など)に拡張する野心的な試みです。新分野の創出を目論みます https://t.co/JC8nJpfuQr