石崎 啓太 中野 冠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.866, pp.18-00050, 2018 (Released:2018-10-25)
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This study systematically analyzed life cycle CO2 (LCCO2) emissions of a comprehensive set of mass-produced 2,000 cc class sedan-type vehicles, using a hybrid life cycle inventory approach. Gasoline and diesel internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) as well as battery electric vehicle (BEV) and fuel cell vehicle (FCV) were investigated, considering (i) the current BEV market trends, (ii) Japan's energy mix (the average for 2012–2014), and (iii) the use of the HVAC system. The results show that the annual average increment of CO2 emissions in use phase by HVAC system in Japan (assumed annual mean temperature of 15°C) was presumed to be evenly 9% regardless of vehicle types, although further detail analysis is required. The CO2 emissions in use phase of BEV were higher than those of HEV and FCV (applied hydrogen produced by steam reforming of LPG (on-site)) due to thermal power dominant electricity generation mix in Japan in recent years. As a consequence of high CO2 emissions from power supply and battery production, the LCCO2 emissions of BEV equipped with 75 kWh battery were higher than those of HEV, FCV (on-site), and conventional ICEV (diesel). By reducing the battery capacity to 40 kWh or less, the LCCO2 emissions of BEV become lower than those of ICEVs and FCV (on-site), making BEV a competitive alternative. However, it is difficult that BEV mitigates both LCCO2 emissions and driver's range anxiety. In conclusion, HEV shows the competitive performance in terms of LCCO2 emissions with long driving range in Japan.
野中 朋美 中野 冠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.77, no.783, pp.4024-4033, 2011 (Released:2011-11-25)
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The paper proposes a carbon taxation scheme using life cycle assessment (LCA) for clean energy vehicles (CEVs). This taxation scheme can enable to be discussed tax amount, tax revenue and total CO2 emissions by changing the scenarios and parameters, such as: technology development, energy price and total driving distance. The authors figure out the tax rate 28.05[JPY/kg-CO2], which makes the hybrid electric vehicle's life cycle cost (LCC) less than that of conventional gasoline vehicles. The simulation results show that LCC after taxation of electric vehicles (EVs) have lowest total cost when battery cost is 0.14 times the 2007 cost and have lower total cost than that of GVs when driven more than 221,600 km. In addition, EVs have lowest emissions when driven more than 63,000 km considered CO2 emissions in the manufacturing phase, and it is expected that elders who drive shorter distances are best suited for hybrid electric vehicles and gasoline vehicles not electric vehicles considering LCCO2. The proposed tax system can provide consumers with an incentive to choose vehicles with lower CO2 emissions.
佐藤 みずほ 水山 元 中島 円 中野 冠
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.18, no.5, pp.397-405, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

It is difficult to find out what consumers actually demand, in a society with various information and products. Under such circumstances, the importance of finding consumer insight is increasing. However, it is difficult to find out consumer insight. In this paper, the effect of using visuals for the discovery of consumer insight was verified compared with using text. The experiment was conducted with two groups. Each group came up with ideas on two themes. At that time, the following conditions were set: one is to use visuals and the other is to use text. Then, the contents were analyzed using Finke’s Geneplopre model. The result showed that, the number of ideas with visuals were fewer than the number of ideas with text. However, it was implied that using visuals allows for deeper and wider interpretation of ideas, which could lead us closer to true consumer insight.
石崎 啓太 中野 冠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.18-00050, (Released:2018-10-02)

This study systematically analyzed life cycle CO2 (LCCO2) emissions of a comprehensive set of mass-produced 2,000 cc class sedan-type vehicles, using a hybrid life cycle inventory approach. Gasoline and diesel internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) as well as battery electric vehicle (BEV) and fuel cell vehicle (FCV) were investigated, considering (i) the current BEV market trends, (ii) Japan's energy mix (the average for 2012–2014), and (iii) the use of the HVAC system. The results show that the annual average increment of CO2 emissions in use phase by HVAC system in Japan (assumed annual mean temperature of 15°C) was presumed to be evenly 9% regardless of vehicle types, although further detail analysis is required. The CO2 emissions in use phase of BEV were higher than those of HEV and FCV (applied hydrogen produced by steam reforming of LPG (on-site)) due to thermal power dominant electricity generation mix in Japan in recent years. As a consequence of high CO2 emissions from power supply and battery production, the LCCO2 emissions of BEV equipped with 75 kWh battery were higher than those of HEV, FCV (on-site), and conventional ICEV (diesel). By reducing the battery capacity to 40 kWh or less, the LCCO2 emissions of BEV become lower than those of ICEVs and FCV (on-site), making BEV a competitive alternative. However, it is difficult that BEV mitigates both LCCO2 emissions and driver's range anxiety. In conclusion, HEV shows the competitive performance in terms of LCCO2 emissions with long driving range in Japan.
清水 裕 中野 冠
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.57, no.3, pp.237-245, 2018-06-15 (Released:2018-06-15)

国産のエネルギー資源に乏しい日本は,海外の資源に頼らざるをえない.エネルギー・セキュリティの面で,産油国から原油や天然ガスを輸入する際のシーレーン上のチョークポイントリスクは,欧米各国に比べて大きくて重要であるが,これまで十分な考慮がされていない.本稿では,エネルギー多様性指標を使用した資源集中リスク,およびカントリーリスクに加えて,チョークポイントリスクを加味したリスク指標を提案する.従来,エネルギーセキュリティを国別に比較をする際には,それぞれ異なった単位の指標を統合化する必要があるが,この提案する指標は,各国が抱える上記の3 つのリスクを,直接的に比較することができる.また応用例として,資源輸入相手国をリスクの少ない国にシフトした場合のエネルギーセキュリティ度の変化を,簡便に定量評価することが可能である.
都丸 孝之 中野 冠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp.127-128, 2015

カーナビゲーション、ゲーム機、複写機などさまざまな民生機器においてハードディスクドライブ(HDD)が搭載されている。HDDの故障率は他の電子デバイスに比べ高く、民生機器メーカーにとってHDDの故障率を如何にして低減させるかが大きな課題である。特に民生機器メーカーや一般顧客で発生したHDDの不具合の半数近くがNot problem found(NPF)、すなわちハードウェア上の故障ではないことから、ソフトウェア上の故障を見極めることが重要である。本論文では、HDDのハードウェアだけでなくソフトウェア上の不具合を検知し、自動修復できるようなHDD故障診断機能を提案する。本診断機能を、複写機やプリンタに導入し、HDDの故障率の効果について検証を行う。
大澤 潤 中野 冠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.14-00071, (Released:2015-01-28)

Popularity of clean energy vehicles (CEVs) are expected in order to reduce CO2 emissions to mitigate the global warming. However, the popularity provides not only environmental but also economic impacts. An EV requires a battery, but does not require the engine parts any more, which will bring a structural change of the auto parts industry. It is necessary to understand the characteristics of parts used in each CEV type and analyze the economic effects before considering the portfolio for introducing CEVs. In this study, CEV types which have a battery or a fuel cell based powertrain system are considered as well as gasoline, diesel or natural gas engines. This paper proposes an economic ripple effect model using the Input-Output Table. Simulation results show economic impacts in Japan in 2020 and 2030 for the target sales of CEVs assumed by the Ministry of the Environment in 2010. For example, simulation results indicates that production amount in Japan in 2030 is expected to decrease about 1.5 trillion yen compared to 2010.
野中 朋美 中野 冠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:18848354)
vol.79, no.798, pp.408-417, 2013 (Released:2013-02-25)

This paper evaluates CO2 emissions generated during the manufacturing phase of global production network and discusses requirements analysis of green sustainable policies of global production network to prevent carbon leakage arising from transnational production. It calculates CO2 emissions from electricity used in manufacturing, emissions during transport from mining to manufacturing countries and emissions during transport from manufacturing countries to market. A case study of electric vehicle (EV) production includes outcomes calculated CO2 emissions in the manufacturing phase and transportation phase: for production in China, India, Thailand, Germany, Japan and Mexico to market in Japan, German and Singapore. It is illustrated that CO2 emissions during manufacture of EVs vary significantly, depending on the carbon intensity from electricity generation and each country's technical efficiency, and transport has a minor influence on emissions.
石崎 啓太 中野 冠
一般社団法人 日本トライボロジー学会
トライボロジスト (ISSN:09151168)
pp.18-00002, (Released:2018-06-21)

This paper presents a study of the environmental performance impact of a comprehensive set of conventional viscosity lubricants and latest low viscosity lubricants, considering the use for average fuel economy passenger vehicle (118.1 g-CO2/km in 2016). The vehicle is assumed to be equipped with either automatic transmission (AT) or contentiously variable transmission (CVT) with a lifetime mileage of 150 000 km. Engine oil, transmission fluid as well as oil filter were identified as requiring servicing (replacement) in use phase. It was found that the analyzed engine oil, AT fluid and CVT fluid with different formulations show almost identical CO2 emissions per weight from the lubricants production, and the contribution of the oil filters and the transmission fluids to CO2 emissions in maintenance phase accounts for over 20%. The latest low viscosity lubricants improve vehicle fuel economy by up to 4.0% compared to conventional viscosity lubricants. As a consequence, latest lubricants have the potential to save the vehicle life cycle CO2 emissions by up to 630 kg-CO2 even when subtracting the produced CO2 emissions in maintenance phase, with comparison of conventional viscosity lubricants.
中野 冠
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.54, no.3, pp.186-192, 2015-06-15 (Released:2016-07-30)

持続可能なサプライチェーンマネジメントとは,サプライチェーンが持続可能であるようにマネジメントすることと,持続可能な社会のためにサプライチェーンをマネジメントすることの2 つの意味を有する.サプライチェーンの持続的な競争優位と震災対応などリスクマネジメントは前者に,環境に配慮したサプライチェーンは後者に含まれる. 本稿では,安全工学会に関係があると思われるリスクマネジメント特に突発的に起こる破壊的事象に対する課題を中心に解説する.突発的事象には金融恐慌のような需要急変と自然災害などによる生産途絶があり,課題や対策も異なる.自然災害による生産途絶では,人道的見地が経済的側面とともに考慮される必要がある.自動車業界などの事例を用いながら,解説を行う.
則竹 茂年 中野 冠 木村 文彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.72, no.724, pp.3955-3961, 2006-12-25 (Released:2011-03-04)

As manufacturing activities have been widely globalized, it is becoming more and more difficult to respond to changes quickly. It is also important to take a positive stand against environmental issues to pursue the sustainability of the global environment without wasting resources related to production activities. The purpose of this paper is to establish a lifecycle-oriented design method of production systems. For this end, we have developed prototype system for life-cycle simulator, which is constructed by a demand scenario generation module and a simulation assessment module. We also conducted a simple comparative experiment taking two configuration plans for a transfer line and a cell line as examples in order to verify the effectiveness of this proposed technology.