浅野 健一 李 其珍 森 類臣 Kenichi Asano Kijin Lee Tomoomi Mori
評論・社会科学 = Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review) (ISSN:02862840)
no.74, pp.1-108, 2004-12-20

"OhmyNews" is an independent Internet newspaper in the Republic of Korea, and as such it wields great influence now. It is reportedly the largest Internet newspaper in the world. Five years ago, OhmyNews was published by four professional reporters and 727 "citizen reporters." The number of OhmyNews citizen reporters has grown to more than 35,000 today. Mr. Oh Yeon-Ho, founder and chief representative of OhmyNews, gave a lecture at Doshisha University on 15 September 2004. We could hold a subject of inquiry on alternative media from Mr. Oh's lecture and could interview him. We found that, in fact, the success of OhmyNews is a remarkable accident in the world of journalism. So much so that many big media outlets in the world, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and BBC have covered Mr. Oh's experimental challenge and his success with OhmyNews. We consider one of the big achievements of OhmyNews to be the abolition of the closed system of press clubs in Korea known (in Japanese) as Kisha Clubs. We thus refer to Internet newspapers in the Republic of Korea (especially OhmyNews) and Kisha Clubs in this article. As to why "OhmyNews" succeeded, we can point to several reasons. The most important reason, however, is the existence of the "prepared citizen" in the Republic of Korea. In the Republic of Korea, through a long fight for democratization, people have come to not believe in the traditional corporate media. The corporate media is identified in the public mind as standing by the "powers that be" and not reporting the truth. Consequently, people in Korea have held high expectations for the appearance of alternative news media. Many people harbor a strong will to change their society, and they can do so by supporting OhmyNews and participating in it as "citizen reporters." OhmyNews operates on the basis of several important concepts, the most important being : "Every citizen is a reporter." Mr. Oh explained that "This concept is the most characteristic" of OhmyNews. The traditional corporate media represents journalism of the 20th century. It is a one-way stream in which professional reporters write articles and the reader only reads it. But OhmyNews is breaking that cycle of 20th century journalism. OhmyNews has made journalism a two-way stream in which the reporter is reader, and the reader is reporter. The system of Kisha Clubs is a unique system in Japan and the Republic of Korea. It is an exclusive and conservative system which excludes non-member reporters. Mr. Oh of OhmyNews had successfully sued for abolition of the Kisha Clubs in Korea, and following that, President Roh Moo-Hyon abolished the Kisha Clubs of the country's central administrative offices. This dismantling of Kisha Clubs is rapidly advancing in the Republic of Korea. Yet in Japan it is not advancing at all, rightly inviting criticism of Japan's press system. But that does not appear to faze Japanese reporters of the corporate media and some Japanese scholars, who insist that Kisha Clubs are the most proper system for Japan. By contrast, abolishing the Kisha Clubs in Korea is the result of strenuous efforts by alternative media such as OhmyNews and a large number of supporters. All of which begs the questions : What benefits do we receive from the Japanese press club system? And what needs to be done to eliminate this outdated, injurious system? We dare to envision the kind of journalism in which people take part -as with OhmyNews- and at the same time, we aim to solve the many problems of journalism in Japan, above all permanently dissolving the Kisha Club system.
浅野 健一
評論・社会科学 (ISSN:02862840)
vol.80, pp.37-146, 2006-08

西川 真那 島田 典明 永山 泉 福島 和彦 天野 圭慧子 川北 智英子 澤田 真理子 木野村 賢 福島 正樹 浅野 健一郎
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.48, no.3, pp.199-205, 2015 (Released:2015-03-27)
1 1

57歳男性, 透析歴35年. C型肝硬変があり週初めの血液透析 (HD) 後にのみ肝性脳症Ⅲ度を繰り返した. 低カリウム血症などの誘因はなく, 分岐鎖アミノ酸製剤とラクツロース, レボカルニチンを追加し透析液の重炭酸濃度を低減した. しかし再び週初めのHD後に肝性脳症Ⅲ度となり血漿アンモニア濃度は219μg/dLであった. CTで太い門脈-大循環シャントを認め, ドップラー超音波で測定した門脈血流はHD後に低下していた. 血液濾過透析 (HDF) への変更で門脈血流の低下を減少でき, カナマイシンも追加し以後の肝性脳症はみられていない. 肝性脳症の原因にはアンモニアなどの代謝異常に加え, 門脈血の大循環への流入がある. HDにより大循環の圧が低下することで, 門脈-大循環シャントを介した門脈血の大循環への流入量が増えHD後の肝性脳症を惹起するとされる. HDFによる門脈血流の保持を含めた集学的治療で肝性脳症の再発を抑制できた.
浅野 健一
vol.26, no.8, pp.132-143, 1996-08
浅野 健一 李 其珍 森 類臣 アサノ ケンイチ Asano Kenichi Lee Kijin Mori Tomoomi
評論・社会科学 (ISSN:02862840)
no.74, pp.1-108, 2004-12

"OhmyNews" is an independent Internet newspaper in the Republic of Korea, and as such it wields great influence now. It is reportedly the largest Internet newspaper in the world. Five years ago, OhmyNews was published by four professional reporters and 727 "citizen reporters. "The number of OhmyNews citizen reporters has grown to more than 35,000 today. Mr. Oh Yeon-Ho, founder and chief representative of OhmyNews, gave a lecture at Doshisha University on 15 September 2004. We could hold a subject of inquiry on alternative media from Mr. Oh's lecture and could interview him. We found that, in fact, the success of OhmyNews is a remarkable accident in the world of journalism. So much so that many big media outlets in the world, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and BBC have covered Mr. Oh's experimental challenge and his success with OhmyNews. We consider one of the big achievements of OhmyNews to be the abolition of the closed system of press clubs in Korea known (in Japanese) as Kisha Clubs. We thus refer to Internet newspapers in the Republic of Korea (especially OhmyNews) and Kisha Clubs in this article. As to why "OhmyNews" succeeded, we can point to several reasons. The most important reason, however, is the existence of the "prepared citizen" in the Republic of Korea. In the Republic of Korea, through a long fight for democratization, people have come to not believe in the traditional corporate media. The corporate media is identified in the public mind as standing by the "powers that be" and not reporting the truth. Consequently, people in Korea have held high expectations for the appearance of alternative news media. Many people harbor a strong will to change their society, and they can do so by supporting OhmyNews and participating in it as "citizen reporters." OhmyNews operates on the basis of several important concepts, the most important being : "Every citizen is a reporter." Mr. Oh explained that "This concept is the most characteristic" of OhmyNews. The traditional corporate media represents journalism of the 20th century. It is a one-way stream in which professional reporters write articles and the reader only reads it. But OhmyNews is breaking that cycle of 20th century journalism. OhmyNews has made journalism a two-way stream in which the reporter is reader, and the reader is reporter. The system of Kisha Clubs is a unique system in Japan and the Republic of Korea. It is an exclusive and conservative system which excludes non-member reporters. Mr. Oh of OhmyNews had successfully sued for abolition of the Kisha Clubs in Korea, and following that, President Roh Moo-Hyon abolished the Kisha Clubs of the country's central administrative offices. This dismantling of Kisha Clubs is rapidly advancing in the Republic of Korea. Yet in Japan it is not advancing at all, rightly inviting criticism of Japan's press system. But that does not appear to faze Japanese reporters of the corporate media and some Japanese scholars, who insist that Kisha Clubs are the most proper system for Japan. By contrast, abolishing the Kisha Clubs in Korea is the result of strenuous efforts by alternative media such as OhmyNews and a large number of supporters. All of which begs the questions : What benefits do we receive from the Japanese press club system? And what needs to be done to eliminate this outdated, injurious system? We dare to envision the kind of journalism in which people take part -as with OhmyNews- and at the same time, we aim to solve the many problems of journalism in Japan, above all permanently dissolving the Kisha Club system.
鈴木 祐介 福谷 直人 田代 雄斗 田坂 精志朗 松原 慶昌 薗田 拓也 中山 恭章 横田 有紀 川越 美嶺 浅野 健一郎 篠原 賢治 坪山 直生 青山 朋樹
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.44 Suppl. No.2 (第52回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.1640, 2017 (Released:2017-04-24)

【はじめに,目的】腰痛は職業性疾病の中で約6割を占める。また,腰痛が慢性化することで従業員の労働生産性が低下するという報告もあり,従業員の慢性腰痛の予防は企業の健康経営における重要課題の一つである。しかし,慢性腰痛の関連因子を調査した多くの研究は,質問紙調査を基にしており,実測による身体機能を調査した研究は少ない。そのため,先行研究で言及されている精神的因子や睡眠障害の因子に加え,実測での身体機能の因子を含めた慢性腰痛の包括的な関連因子の調査は不十分と言える。従って本研究では,オフィスワーカーにおける慢性腰痛に関連する因子を,身体機能面,精神機能面の両者から包括的に検討することを目的とした。【方法】対象は,A企業で実施した腰痛検診に参加したオフィスワーカー601名(平均年齢44.3±10.1歳,男性72%)とした。対象者に自記式質問紙を配布し,基本属性(年齢,性別,勤続年数),腰痛の有無を,精神機能として睡眠時間の満足感,抑うつ傾向を反映するSelf-rating Depression Scale(SDS)を聴取した。腰痛は,現在の腰痛の有無と,現在腰痛がある場合その継続期間を聴取することで,慢性腰痛無し群,慢性腰痛有り群(発症3ヶ月以上)に分類した。さらに身体機能として,握力,30秒立ち上がりテスト,立位体前屈,閉眼片脚立ちを計測し,姿勢評価としてPalpation meter(Performance Attainment Associates社製)を使用し,骨盤の前後傾斜角度を計測した。統計解析は,従属変数に慢性腰痛の有無を,独立変数に身体機能・精神機能に関連した各測定変数を,調整変数に性別・年齢を投入したロジスティック回帰分析を行った。統計学的有意確率は5%未満とした。【結果】回答データに欠損のない487名を解析対象とした。対象者のうち,136名(28%)が慢性腰痛を有していた。ロジスティック回帰分析の結果,立位体前屈値(オッズ比(OR)0.966,P=0.003,95%信頼区間(CI)0.945-0.989),睡眠時間の満足感(時間が足りず不眠に該当:OR2.342,P=0.002,95%CI1.357-4.042,寝つきが悪いに該当:OR2.345,P=0.01,95%CI1.223-4.495)が,慢性腰痛と有意に関連していることが明らかになった。【結論】本研究結果より,オフィスワーカーの慢性腰痛は,身体柔軟性の低下,睡眠時間の満足感の低下と有意に関連することが明らかになった。オフィスワーカーは他の職種と比較して,同一姿勢を取り続ける時間や,VDT(Visual Display Terminals)作業の時間が,相対的に長くなることが関与していると考えられる。今後は縦断的な解析を進め,本研究で得られた因子と慢性腰痛発生との関連を検討していく必要がある。
北浦 圭介 浅野 健一郎
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.47, no.8, pp.887-892, 2005-11-25 (Released:2010-05-18)

抗糸球体基底膜 (GBM) 病は急速進行性糸球体腎炎の経過を辿り, 治療開始時から透析療法を必要とする場合は予後不良とされている.症例は29歳, 男性。 平成15年6月末から38度以上の発熱, 倦怠感を認め近医を受診した。 尿中白血球3+, 尿蛋白2+, 尿潜血3+を示し, 急性腎盂腎炎を疑い当院泌尿器科に紹介入院となった。 入院時CRP 18.9mg/dl, BUN 20mg/dl, Cr 2.9mg/dlを示し抗生剤の投与を行うも, 第11病日にはBUN 78mg/dl, Cr 9.2mg/dlと悪化したため当科転科となった。 細菌培養は陰性であり, 急速進行性糸球体腎炎を疑いソルメドロールパルスを含むステロイド療法, シクロフォスファミドを開始し, 同時に血液透析を行った. 胸部CTでは肺病変は認められず, 腎組織では4個中2個に細胞性半月体を認めた。 MPO-ANCA, PR-3-ANCA陰性, 抗GBM抗体169Uを認め, 抗GBM抗体型糸球体腎炎と診断した。 第30病日からアルブミンを置換液とした血漿交換を6回施行した。 血漿交換後, 抗GBM抗体は28Uまで低下し, それまで乏尿であったが1カ月後には尿量1,000~1,200ml/日を認め, また, 腎機能も徐々に改善し10月末にはBUN40mg/dl, Cr 4.1mg/dlまで低下したため血液透析を離脱した。 その後腎機能障害は悪化せず■に退院した。 後日再度腎生検を施行したが, 20個中18個が糸球体硬化に至っていた。 本例は臨床的に高度腎機能障害を有し, かつ発症から血漿交換開始まで約40日と期間が長かったにも関わらず透析を離脱し得た。 本例では透析を離脱できた原因として血漿交換療法の追加・併用療法が有用であったと考えた。